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Find Out Why The Crow Is An

Important Symbol To All White


Learn all about this important animal with white witch Patricia Weston
As a witch, I see crows all the time – they follow me on my path. Oddly enough, I feel safe when I
hear them outside my window and I feel protected and watched over. I lived across the road from
a graveyard as a child, and I loved to spend hours sitting silently among the gravestones listening
to the soothing cawing of the many crows that nested and flew about in the trees above the

It’s no coincidence that crows like to inhabit graveyards. For me, their message is to connect with
the spiritual world more through meditation and to learn to balance and fly between worlds.

Crows can cross between the spiritual and material world. They carry souls over to the other side
after death. I had a client once relay a beautiful message to me one day of a crow doing just that.
After her father’s funeral, she was sitting in his former home sorting his belongings, when
she heard commotion in the utility room. The door and window to the utility room were closed,
so she was very surprised when she opened the door to see a crow perched before her! She
promptly opened the window and let the bird fly out, and as she did, a beautiful feeling of
freedom and release came over her as she felt her father’s soul fly. She knew then that the crow
had come as a spirit messenger to show her that her father was released into heaven after his

Mythology is filled with stories of the crow and raven. Both differ in that the raven is bigger and
shaggier in appearance. Both are associated with the visible and invisible, and because of their
intelligence, were sometimes regarded as tricksters.

In ancient Greece, the crow was a symbol of Apollo and was considered prophetic, depending on
the direction of their flight. If the crow flew in from the east or south, this was considered a good
omen. Native Americans regard the raven as a symbol of change or transformation. In Celtic
mythology, the magical Goddess, the Morrighan, appears in the form of a raven or crow. She is
associated with war and sovereignty. Whatever way you interpret it, crows and ravens are
symbols of power, mystery and magic. To have a crow as a power animal, familiar or spirit
messenger is very powerful indeed.

Crows can teach us that there is more to the world than what we see with our physical eyes. The
crow is also a harbinger of change and transformation, and will help you navigate change,
especially for your spiritual growth. The crow can show us both the light and the dark and bring
us into balance and harmony with ourselves. They can help us release the past, let go, heal and
fly. If you would like to connect and work with the crow on your spiritual path, below is a magical
spell to connect to its sacred power.
Crow spell for guidance
• Go on a walk in nature and silently ask the universe to send you a crow feather (this may take
some time).
• You will also need a red candle, a black candle and rosemary or mugwort herb. Set up your altar
or sacred area where you will cast your spell in the east, connected to the element of air
(representative of the crow in flight).
• Place the two candles, the feather and herb sprinkled clockwise around the base of the candles.
Take some time to meditate, then chant as you light the red candle first and then the black
candle: “Crow of change come to me, connect with me through your mystery. I call upon you to
show me the way on my spiritual path, that I may know myself and walk in peace, harmony and
light for the highest good of all. Blessed be.”
• Sprinkle the remaining herb and feather on the earth as an offering to the crow. You may even
wish to leave some nuts or food out for your new corvid friend as a thank you and be on the
lookout for crows appearing in your dreams or outside thereafter!

Meet Patricia

Patricia Weston is a witch based in Dublin, Ireland and calls herself a White Witch because she
works in the light. Patricia gives mediumship readings, psychic readings, healings and
hypnotherapy. For more info, visit

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