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Dulce Bashford

HLTH 1020

$10 Challenge

Name Amount Weight

Apple Honey Crisp 2 0.76 lbs

Banana 2 0.88 lbs

Carrot Baby Cut 1/bag 1 lbs

Cucumber 1 0.60 lbs

Orange 2 1.09 lbs

Peach 2 0.92 lbs

Russel Potato 2 1.38 lbs

Radish 1/bunch 0.37 lbs

Total: 7 lbs

I think five ways to maximize my food dollars is one get less for the reason that I
don’t need a lot I’m a small person and don’t have to eat a lot if I do get a lot most of it
will go to waste. Two would be looking at nutrient dense foods that are on sale, I think
that would help a lot and even get more food for a lesser price. Three is making a
shopping list and stick to it that way I don’t go wondering around think what do I want
to eat because then I end up getting calorie dense foods and get more stuff and pay
more that I should have. Four is get the value foods because its the most popular
foods and would be more for less. Finally, another way to maximize my food dollars is
buying it in bulk like meat, grain, and nuts.

Fruits and vegetables spoil more quickly and one way to combat this is to put
them in the refrigerator to slow down the process. Another way is to have even more
longer put in the freezer, than with fruits you can make smoothies and vegetables you
want to cook them first and then put it in the freezer. A third way is putting all the fruits
and vegetables separated and in bags that way the gasses they release not spoil the
rest of the foods. A fourth way is not washing them right away because the moister will
increase the spoilage. And finally if you see mold in fruits and vegetables remove the
container and everything inside it so it doesn’t spread to the rest of it and keep them
where you can see which ones will spoil faster in sight.

The $10 Challenge video was very insightful because at first I thought the same
thing, I thought the healthiest food was expensive but when saw that he got double of
the amount of fruits and vegetables than his other fried who got junk food it made me
think that I was wrong. However, I wished I saw their receipts just to see how much it
was in total, if I didn’t have to do the challenge I would have thought it wasn’t true but
now that I did I was amazed how much I was able to get for such the amount I paid. I
got an amount that can last me two days keep me full than just one meal from a fast
food place.

2 other ways you could compare food choices besides using the weight of the
items is comparing them in volume and quantity. As well as compering them by
servings and serving size.

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