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SGX-XX: Project Name



Please find attached a copy of the Post Launch Review deliverables for SGX-XX: Project Name.

These Deliverables summarize the Project Team findings twelve months after the launch of the project. The
objective of this was to evaluate whether KPIs and project objectives were met, and capture the findings that
played a role in the success/failure of the product. Doing do allows the team to learn from findings, acknowledge
what made a product successful, and discover tips and strategies for the improvement of future projects.

Should you have any questions, or require further detail, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

[insert signature]
[insert name, title, contact info]

Team Members and Roles:

Xxxx Xxxx Project Leader

Xxxx Xxxx Finance
Xxxx Xxxx Supply Chain
Xxxx Xxxx Sales (Region??)
Xxxx Xxxx ???
Xxxx Xxxx ???
Xxxx Xxxx ???
Others ??? ???
Post Launch Review

Table of Contents

A. POST LAUNCH REVIEW ..........................................................................................................................................3

A1. Project Details................................................................................................................................................3
A2. KPIs ................................................................................................................................................................3
B. DEPARTMENT FINDINGS, NOTABLE ACTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................4
B1. Innovation......................................................................................................................................................4
B2. Finance...........................................................................................................................................................4
B3. Product Management ....................................................................................................................................4
B4. Sales ...............................................................................................................................................................5
B5. Customer Service ...........................................................................................................................................5
B6. Supply Chain ..................................................................................................................................................5
B7. Operations .....................................................................................................................................................5
B8. Tech Services .................................................................................................................................................5
B9. Marketing ......................................................................................................................................................6
B10. General ..........................................................................................................................................................6

Post Launch Review


 The purpose of a post launch review is to evaluate whether KPIs and project objectives were met,
capture findings that played a role in the success/failure of the product. Post launch review meetings are
conducted 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after launch.

A1. Project Details

 Provide the launch date and a brief project overview

Launch Date:

Project Overview:

A2. KPIs

 Fill in the table below stating the project KPIs, current results and action plans (if any).
 Did the KPIs capture the project success effectively?

KPI Results 12 months Action Items

post launch

Post Launch Review


 For each department, answer the questions below:

 What? - Summarize the findings from each department below using the PLR checklist filled with 3, 6, 9
and 12 month results.
 So what? – What propelled/hindered the success of this product? Document any notable actions that
were outside of standard processes that can be repeated and any recommendations for future projects.
 Now what? – What are the corrective actions to ensure the success of this project?
 Note: For the innovation section, there are additional process improvement and VoC questions.

B1. Innovation

 If any, discuss any process changes that can improve the AIM process.
 Do you think that the amount of VoC that was done for this project was appropriate? If not, how much
more or less would have been ideal?
 Is there anything that you wish VoC could have uncovered or provided data on? How would having that
information have impacted the project?
 If you did VoC, what were the most important ways that it impacted the project?

B2. Finance

 Include an updated financials spreadsheet.

B3. Product Management

Post Launch Review

B4. Sales

B5. Customer Service

B6. Supply Chain

B7. Operations

B8. Tech Services

Post Launch Review

B9. Marketing

B10. General

 Complete this section if any findings do not belong in the department sections above.

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