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Workshop past simple and past of Be
Instructions: Work in small groups to solve these exercises.
A: What did you do yesterday? Write the verbs in simple past.

Yesterday, I (1) …………………up early, (2)……………………….a coffee, and

(3)……………….to the gym. After the gym, I (4)……………………..breakfast and
(5)………………to work by bus. For lunch, (6)I……………………. a sandwich with a friend.
After work, I (7)………………… shopping at the supermarket, then I (8)…………….. Home. I
9)……………dinner with my family, then my wife and I (10)…………………….. Housework.
After that, I (11)………………… bed early. I was tired.

B: Complete the safety report with the past form of the verbs in brackets.

On 24th August last year, I inspected the Nautilus shipyard. I (1)…………………………(find)

many safety hazards. Here are the main points of my safety report.

The emergency exit (2)……………… (be) locked. There (3)……………(be) some ropes on the
ground, between two boats. Two fire extinguishers (4) …………………(be) damaged. Five
workers (5) ………………..(have) no hard hats or safety gloves. One elder (6) ………………….
(not wear) his safety boots. A high-voltage cable (7)………………….(be) coiled. There
(8)……………….(be) many tools on the ground.

A supervisor (9)…………. (tell) me about a near miss. The incident (10)……..…………….(take

place) in July last year. A repair man (11)………………… (put on) his hard hat and safety
boots. He then (12)…………………..(climb) a ladder 8 metres up to an electrical cable. The
cable (13)………. (be) damaged. It (14)……………………(have) some bare wires.

The repair man (15) ………….. ….(shout) to a worker: “switch off the power”!. The worker
(16)………………. (Switch off) the main electricity supply and shouted: “OK, I`ve
(17)………………..(switch) it off”. Then the repair man (18)………… (touch) the cable. But the
cable (19)…………………………(not be) connected to main supply. It (20)……………(be)
connected to a generator. There (21)……………(be) a spark. The repair man was very lucky. He
(22)……………….. (not receive) a shock. But this was a very serious incident.
II. READING AND TRANSLATING. Read the text and Answer this question;.

RP6( Remote Presence)

It`s the UK's first robot doctor. lt allows doctors anywhere in the world to communicate directly
with patients in their hospital beds. The robot is controlled by the doctor using a joystick. lt is fitted
with a camera so that t he doctor can examine the patient.

Answer this question; What are the advantages and disadvantages of the robot doctor?


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