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Web Application Development

 JavaScript
 BootStrap
 Angular JS
 Core PHP
 Codeigniter
HTML-Hypertext Markup Language
 Introduction of different Web Technology
 Introduction
 HTML Elements
 HTML Attributes
 HTML Headings
 HTML Paragraphs
 HTML Formatting
 HTML Fonts
 HTML Styles
 HTML Links
 HTML Images
 HTML Tables
 HTML Lists
 HTML Forms
 HTML Frames
 HTML Iframes
 HTML Colors
 HTML Colornames
 HTML Colorvalues
 HTML Quick List
 HTML Layout
 HTML Doctypes
 HTML Head
 HTML Meta
 HTML Scripts
 HTML Entities
 HTML URL Encode
 HTML Media
 HTML Audio
 HTML Object
 HTML Video
 HTML YouTube
 HTML Media Tags
 HTML5 Introduction
 HTML5 New Elements
 HTML5 Video
 HTML5 Video/DOM
 HTML5 Audio
 HTML5 Drag and Drop
 HTML5 Canvas
 HTML5 Canvas vs. SVG
 HTML5 Geolocation
 HTML5 Web Storage
 HTML5 App Cache
 HTML5 Web Workers
 HTML5 Tags
CSS- Cascaded Style Sheet
 CSS Introduction
 CSS Syntax
 CSS Id & Class
 CSS Styling
 Styling Backgrounds
 Styling Text
 Styling Fonts
 Styling Links
 Styling Lists
 Styling Tables
 CSS Box Model
 CSS Box Model
 CSS Border
 CSS Outline
 CSS Margin
 CSS Padding
 CSS Advanced
 CSS Grouping/Nesting
 CSS Dimension
 CSS Display
 CSS Positioning
 CSS Floating
 CSS Align
 CSS Navigation Bar
 CSS Image Gallery
 CSS Image Opacity
 CSS Image Sprites
 CSS Media Types
 CSS hacking
 CSS Summary
 Overview
 JavaScript Objects
 JS Array
 JS Boolean
 JS Date
 JS Math
 JS Number
 JS String
 JS RegExp
 JS Global
 Browser Objects
 Window
 Navigator
 Screen
 History
 Core DOM Objects
 DOM Node
 DOM NodeList
 DOM NamedNodeMap
 DOM Document
 DOM Element
 DOM Attr
 HTML DOM Objects
 DOM Document
 DOM Events
 DOM Elements
 DOM Anchor
 DOM Area
 DOM Base
 DOM Body
 DOM Button
 DOM Form
 DOM Frame/IFrame
 DOM Frameset
 DOM Image
 DOM Input Button
 DOM Input Checkbox
 DOM Input File
 DOM Input Hidden
 DOM Input Password
 DOM Input Radio
 DOM Input Reset
 DOM Input Submit
 DOM Input Text
 DOM Link
 DOM Meta
 DOM Object
 DOM Option
 DOM Select
 DOM Style
 DOM Table
 DOM td / th
 DOM tr
 DOM Textarea
Bootstrap Scaffolding
 Mobile first design
 Why Bootstrap?
 Including Bootstrap
 Customizing install
 Responsive Design
 The "container" class
 How Grids work in Bootstrap
 Navigation components
 Jumbotron component
Page Components
 Headers
 Panels
 ListGroup
 Breadcrumbs
 Labels
 Buttons
 Glyphicons (with buttons, toolbars and form inputs)
 Wells
Page Components: Forms
 Creating forms
 Inline and horizontal forms
 Form validation
Bootstrap Plugins
 Alert Messages
 Buttons and button groups
 ScrollSpy
 Tabs
 Collapse
 Carousel
 Modal
Introduction to Angular JS
 Importance Of AngularJS
 Key Features Of AngularJS
 Advantages Of AngularJS
 Disadvantages Of AngularJS
 AngularJS Components
MVC Architecture / MVVM
 Model
 View
 Controller
SPA (Single Page Application)
 Architecture Of SPA
First Application
 Load framework
 Define AngularJS Application using ng-app directive
 Define a model name using ng-model directive
 Bind the value of above model defined using ng-bind directive.
 Run AngularJS Application
 ng-app
 ng-bind
 ngBindHTML
 ngBindTemplate
 ngBlur
 ngChange
 ngChecked
 ngClass
 ngClassOdd, ngClassEven
 ngClick
 ngCloak
 ngController
 ngCopy, ngCut
 ngDblClick
 ngDisabled
 ngHide
 ngIf
 ngRepeat
 ngShow
 ngStyle
Custom Directives
 Restrict
 Scope
 Template
 templateUrl
 controller
 controllerAs
 priority
 link
 compile
 transclude
 Using Numbers
 Using Strings
 Using Object
 Using Array
 Controllers Overview
 Uppercase filter
 Lowercase filter
 Currency
 Filter
 Orderby
Angular JS – HTML DOM
 View in Angular JS
 Scope Inheritance
 Creating the Services By:
 Factory
 Service
Design patterns
 Dependency Injection
 Supreme Dependency Injection Mechanism by Angular JS
Introduction to PHP
 Evaluation of Php
 Basic Syntax
 Defining variable and constant
 Php Data type
 Operator and Expression
Handling Html Form With Php
 Capturing Form Data
 Dealing with Multi-value filed
 Generating File uploaded form
 Redirecting a form after submission
Decisions and loop
 Making Decisions
 Doing Repetitive task with looping
 Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
 What is a function
 Define a function
 Call by value and Call by reference
 Recursive function
 Creating and accessing String
 Searching & Replacing String
 Formatting String
 String Related Library function
 Anatomy of an Array
 Creating index based and Associative array
 Accessing array Element
 Looping with Index based array
 Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
 Some useful Library function
Working with file and Directories
 Understanding file& directory
 Opening and closing a file
 Coping ,renaming and deleting a file
 Working with directories
 Building a text editor
 File Uploading & Downloading
State management
 Using query string(URL rewriting)
 Using Hidden field
 Using cookies
 Using session
String matching with regular expression
 What is regular expression
 Pattern matching in Php
 Replacing text
 Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
Exception Handling
 Understanding Exception and error
 Try, catch, throw
Database Connectivity with MySql
 Introduction to RDBMS
 Connection with MySql Database
 Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
 Setting query parameter
 Executing query
 Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)
Codeigniter Setup and Configuration
 Config Class
 Database Config
 Explanation of MVC Architecture
First CI Application
 Loader Class
 Libraries
 Creating Static Pages
 Creating First Controller
 Model & View
CodeIgniter URLs, URI Routing
 Passing Parameters in URLs
 URI Class
Form Handling
 Input Class
 Form Validation Class
 File Uploading Class
 Security Class
 Page Redirection
Helper Functions
 Cookie Helper
 Date Helper
 Download Helper
 URL Helper
 Database Configuration
 Connecting to a Database
 Running Queries
 Generating Query Results
 Query Helper Functions
 Field Data
Active Record Class
 Selecting Data
 Inserting Data
 Updating Data
 Deleting Data
 Method Chaining
Session handling
 Session Class
Email Class
 Sending Emails using C
 Google
Image Manipulation Class
 Resize Image
 Aspect Ratio
Pagination Class
 Pagination of large data

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