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Theory Application Paper: Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing

NUR 306 – Theory Foundation for Professional Nursing Practice

Purpose of Assignment
Purpose: This assignment is designed to allow the student an opportunity to complete an in-depth
analysis of a nursing theory/model. Analysis of the theory coupled with application to a clinical
scenario is intended to demonstrate the relevance of nursing theories to professional practice.
Student Approach to Assignment
I approached this assignment recognizing the large variety of diverse cultures nurses encounter
day by day through their patients. Having a foundation of cultural knowledge is essential to
provide competent care to all patients, so I decided to further my knowledge and research in this
area. I identified and explored Madeleine Leininger’s Cultural Care, Diversity, and Universality
Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio
I am including this assignment in my portfolio to exemplify my eagerness to care for all patients
with culturally congruent care. This assignment shows that I am intrigued in and willing to learn
about different cultures and try my best to provide competent care to patients of all cultures.

Critical Thinking
• Using nursing and other appropriate theories and models to guide professional practice.
In this paper, I used Madeleine Leininger’s Cultural Care, Diversity, and Universality
Theory to help guide my professional practice and understanding.
• Adapts communication methods to patients with special needs. In this paper, I identified
communication as a barrier for different cultures to receive competent care. Although I
did not physically do this, in the paper I mentioned using a “Blue Phone” or a translator
when providing care to patients who do not speak or understand English.
• Applies research-based knowledge from nursing as the basis for culturally sensitive
practice. In this paper, I researched Leininger’s Cultural Care Theory to be able practice
with cultural sensitivity. I stressed the importance of providing the patient holistic care
that is tailored to their cultural physical, psychological, spiritual, and social normal.
• Demonstrates accountability for one’s own professional practice as well as limits to
one’s own scope of practice. By conducting research on this Leininger’s Cultural Theory,
I demonstrated accountability for being culturally aware that will in turn improve my
professional practice as I will provide culturally congruent and competent care.
• Articulates an understanding of how human behavior is affected by culture, race,
religion, lifestyle, and age. In this paper, I expressed the importance of researching your
patient’s culture as certain behaviors such as hand movements and facial expressions may
exemplify a different meaning than they do to our culture. Gaining knowledge on
different cultures will aid in your ability to provide respectful and comfortable care
according to the patient’s culture.
• Demonstrates sensitivity to personal and cultural definitions of health, and how these
beliefs influence an individual’s reactions to the illness experience and end of life.
Integrates knowledge of cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions. In this
paper, I identified how culture gives people a sense of self, familiarity, and a connection
to a certain community. When patients of a different culture are in the hospital, they may
often feel scared and misunderstood. is important for the nurse to include pieces of their
cultural practices and traditions into their care plan to make them feel more respected and
safe. An example I pointed out was the fact that Jehovah’s Witness do not wish to
receive blood transfusions, even if that means they their illness will worsen or they may
possible reach the end of life. It is important to remain culturally congruent and provide
patients with competent and educated care.

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