Journal 2

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DATE: 04/06/17

NAME: Seleena Boodoo

CLASS: 4:5 A

SUBJECT: English A

INSTRUCTIONS: In the second journal entry you are to discuss the use f the language in the
material selected.

This is my second journal entry for the English A SBA which specifically deals with the use
of language in the materials selected. My group’s topic is entitled, “Health and Fitness”,
however my individual topic is, “Ways to Keep Fit.” Based on my topic, I chose three
newspaper articles entitled, “Hiking: Nature’s gym”, “Hop, skip, JUMP into fitness” and
“Swimming to keep fit.”

The language used in the three articles consists of Standard English, proper use of
punctuation is evident and new vocabulary was learnt such as words like reflexology and
cardiovascular. Rhetorical questions were also used in one of the articles to interest the reader
and for emphasis; direct and indirect speech was also used along with proper sentence structure.
Spelling was quite accurate, there was evidence of factual information, context clues were
clearly understood, and some articles were written in continuous prose.

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