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Name: _____________________________ NO.

Evaluation Test - B
Class: ______ Date: ___________________________ 6th grade

Teacher: _______________ Tutor: __________________

Part I - Listening

1 – Listen to the text and write the letters according to where the public places are.


9 10

Park A School F
Garage B Pet shop G
Hotel C Police station H
Church D Clothes shop I
Supermarket E Newsagent J

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 1 from 5

Part II – Reading Comprehension

This is our town. It is a little town, but a nice town. We have a super market where
you can buy food and utilities. Near the school there is a pet shop to buy dog and cat
food and where you can also buy a pet. We have a Club where we can have fun on our
free time. We also have a bank where you can keep your money. It is in front of the
church. You can buy fruits and vegetables at the green grocer’s shop, opposite to the
supermarket and next to the railway station. On the left of the museum, you can see the
post office. We can send letters and postcards from the post office. We have a bus
station behind the cinema and the library. On the left of the church you can see the
hospital. It is big! We also have a zoo on the right of the library. It is great to visit the
animals! Right behind the school is our small town square where you can see the Town
Hall. The Town Hall is where the mayor of the city works. We have a very beautiful park in
front of the museum, at the opposite side of the street. Near the supermarket there is a TV
station. Its name is Channel 2. On the right of the park there is a fast food restaurant.
We like our town very much. It is a good place to live.

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 2 from 5

1 – Write True (T) or False (F) according to the text and the picture.
a) There is a clothes shop in town.e) The green grocer’s shop is next to the police station.b) Near
the school there is a pet shop.f) The town Hall is right between the school.c) The post office is
between the museum and the TV station.g) There is a park in town. d) There is a big hotel in town.h)
The fast food restaurant is opposite to the museum.

1.1- Correct the false sentences.

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 3 from 5

2 – Match the questions with the answers.

a) Where is the bank?

1) I see six trees near the school.

b) Where is the pet shop? 2) The bank is in front of the


c) How many trees do you see

3) The pet shop is near the school.
near the school?
4) The green grocer’s shop is,
d) What can you buy at the
opposite to the supermarket and
next to the railway station.

e) Where is the green grocer’s 5) The park is in front of the

shop? museum, at the opposite side of
the street
6) At the supermarket I can buy
f) Is there a newsagent in town?
food and utilities.

g) Where is the park? 7) Yes, there is a newsagent in

Part III - Grammar

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 4 from 5

1 – Complete with the appropriate question words.
1) .........................are you doing? 7) .................. is playing on the computer?
2) ........................does he have for breakfast? 8)................... is she like?
3) .........................colour is his shirt? 9)..................... do you get up?
4)..........................old is he? 10).................... do you feel today?
5) ........................ is he talking with? 11)....................question is right, mine or his?
6) ......................... are you reading? 12).................... pen is that? Sally’s or Mark’s?
Which / What / How / Who / Whose

3 – Put possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns in the blank spaces as in the

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 5 from 5

1. This car belongs to me.
It is my car. It’s mine 5. These suitcases belong to us.
They are …………. suitcases. They
are ………….
2. This handbag belongs to you.
6. That ring belongs to my mother.
It is …………. handbag. It’s ………….
It is …………………… ring. It is
3. These books belong to him.
They are …………. books. They are
7. Those toys belong Peter and his sister.
They are ……………………….. toys.
4. This vase belongs to her.
They are …………………
It is …………. vase. It is ………….

My / mine – your / yours – his / his – her / hers – our / ours – their / theirs

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 6 from 5

Part IV - Vocabulary

1 – Write the names of these public places .

Bus stop – Church – Hospital – Bank – Library – School

Part V - Writing

Imagine you are visiting a town. Write a letter to your parents describing the town.
Talk about (at least) 6 different public places.

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