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Rubric for Storytelling and Anecdotes

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Text Structure

Orientation No clear orientation. Attempted to introduce a story setting. Described the setting well but failed to Orientation clearly described the situation,
introduce other elements. characters and timeframe for the story.

Series of events No clear series of events. Some attempt to sequence events of the Events were presented but needed to be Events were well outlined with a clear and
story. more logically sequenced. consistent sequence.

Complication No complication included. Some attempt made to include a A complication was included but was not An interesting complication was included at
complication. appropriate to the story. a suitable point which added to the quality
of the storytelling.

Conclusion No conclusion to the story. Some attempt made to conclude the The story had a satisfying conclusion. The conclusion tied the story up
storytelling. appropriately and left the audience satisfied.


Descriptive vocabulary Very limited use of descriptors. Limited use of descriptors when describing Some good descriptors used throughout A varied and rich use of descriptive language
both characters and setting. the story. to describe characters, setting and events
throughout the story.

Time connectives No use of time connectives. Repetition of time connectives throughout Some attempt made to use a small A varied and rich use of time connectives
the storytelling. variety of time connectives. and consistent use of tense throughout the

Speaking and Listening Skills

Broad rules that govern Poor eye contact with audience. Stiff Eye contact made with some of the Good eye contact with audience. Holds attention of the audience with direct
social interaction presentation and posture. Quits if audience. Nerves evident but can correct Comfortable in speaking and recovers eye contact. Relaxed and self-confident,
makes a mistake. self. easily from mistakes. covering mistakes so unknown to audience.

Use of voice Poor projection. Mumbled speech Some projection with most words Good projection and pronunciation. Smooth, effective delivery with clear
with monotone voice. Audience pronounced accurately. Pace of storytelling Some use of expression. Story moved at pronunciation and projection throughout.
disengaged. needs attention. a suitable pace. Appropriate volume, pace and expressions.

Non-verbal behaviours Very little facial expression. Showed Shows some facial expression. Some Uses facial expression to express some Uses facial expression to show emotions and
nerves and rarely uses body attempts to use movement and gesture. words. Often used appropriate mood. Appeared relaxed, using comfortable
movement or gestures. movement and gesture to enhance the movement and gesture to enhance action
storytelling. without detracting.

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