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Answer Keys for Quiz 1

RDI QUIZ-1 1/8/18 Weightage: 5% Time: 15 Minutes

Name: Roll No.:

1. Identify any one unique feature of rural areas having a bearing on development? (1)

- Villages being small with low density poses challenges for adequate provision of civic
services; Or
- The endemic caste structure comes in the way of attaining cohesion or inclusion in RDIs; or
- Prominence of agri poses difficulty for sustainable employment /livelihood.

2. Why RD is important as a strategy? (1)

- The ‘agrarian question’ or rural transformation cannot get resolved easily in LDCs like in
west. There is huge population with poverty and deprivation which needs a more proactive
strategy to address development goals.


- More deliberate policies and interventions needed to bring about desirable changes and
transformation in rural areas given their peculiar and unique challenges


- The growing rural–urban imbalance cannot be left to be addressed by trickle down alone.

3. Define a Rural Development Intervention (RDI)? (1)

- RDIs in a broader sense include both self-initiated actions of the community and a variety of
external interventions (of state or market or civil society)in various forms and strategies
aimed at influencing or transforming developmental conditions and outcomes in rural
areas. There could both be positive and negative impact of a RDI

4. Identify any two forms of RDIs with example (1)

- RDI as Law = Land Ceilings Act, ; Untouchability Abolition Act; or

- RDI as Programme = NRLM , NREGS, SBA or
- RDI as Technology : HYV package; electricity; Tubewells.
- RDI as Organsation: NABARD, SHGs
- RDI as policy: National policy on farmers
5. Why the need for Integrated Rural Development (IRD) approach in RD? (1mark)

- Development problems and their solutions are not to be seen in an isolated manner ;
as the problems have historicity and are multi-dimensional and interrelated in nature. Hence


- IRD will help address or solve RD problems in a sustainable way because of its holistic
approach of taking multidimensional approach

6. Give any two ways in which IRD is operationalised in RDIs?

- Functional linkage is established in a livelihood RDI between production and marketing

activities Or
- Convergence between sanitation and health scheme RDIs so that there is complementarity
or synergy in solution

- Social integration is attained by including relevant communities like farmers or women in

the RDI for ensuring inclusion and participation

7. What is the target-group based strategy of a RDI? (1)

This strategy focuses on or targets specific groups like poor, destitute, nomads, sc/st, PwD etc
having socio-economic disadvantages and hence unable to benefit from the trickle-down
development process. It helps them overcome their constraints or gaps. They will be identified and
given relevant support directly under a RDI to overcome their poverty or deprivation.

8. Mention any one difference between conventional and mission-mode approach to RD?(1)

- The goals may not have deadlines v/s deadlines and monitorable goals for RDI; or

- Normal bureaucracy for implementation v/s dedicated professional structure ; or

- Incremental results v/s more faster or dramatic results on goals


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