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Your summaries are choppy, and you should find a way to merge some sentences together that

are closely similar in intent, it will make it flow better and reach the readers easier. From what I
see you have multiple different forms of material which helps see a wider spectrum of
intelligence on the subject bringing more depth to the purpose. The USDA is a big subject
making it easy to collect information so I would take advantage of that to research more into the
subject to see what else you can find. I think adding another annotation on the usda would be a
great add on to your paper because the usda controls what quality is qualified as. You do have
some grammatical errors but nothing Grammarly can’t fix. I would focus most of your final
process trying to tell the summary more so than write it. It seems like each sentence carries only
a small amount of information and reads fast. I do like the direction of the paper including the
subject. Also, possible find an article about when the usda shut down a popular food chain or
something along the lines.

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