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JULY 29 2019

an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength in the range 0.001–0.3 m, shorter than that of a normal radio wave
but longer than those of infrared radiation. Microwaves are used in radar, in communications, and for heating in
microwave ovens and in various industrial processes.
"microwave radiation"


Microwave ovens work Microwaves are a form of an electromagnetic

quickly and save energy "electromagnetic" radiation; wave with a
when compared to other that is, they are waves of wavelength in the
conventional cooking electrical and magnetic range 0.001–0.3 m,
methods. Using a energy moving together shorter than that of a
microwave oven requires through space. normal radio wave but
less supervision than other Electromagnetic radiation longer than those of
conventional cooking spans a broad spectrum infrared radiation.
methods. You can set the from very long radio waves Microwaves are used
timer and walk away while to very short gamma rays. in radar, in
your food is being prepared. The human eye can only
communications, and
Cooking in a microwave detect a small portion of
for heating in
oven results in heating your this spectrum called visible
microwave ovens and
food without heating up light. A radio detects a
in various industrial
your kitchen or your oven. different portion of the
spectrum, and an X-ray
"microwave radiation"
machine uses yet another .

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