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Canadians launch petition to ban

Srebrenica genocide denial
Denial of the 1995 genocide in Bosnia has become mainstream among Serbian political and
academic circles, analysts say.

by Mersiha Gadzo
28 Dec 2018

A Bosniak woman searches for the coffin of a family member ahead of the mass burial held
every July 11 on the anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide [Dado Ruvic/Reuters]
more on Srebrenica

 What are the 10 stages of genocide?today

 Bosnian commander acquitted of war crimes in Srebrenica7 months ago
 Hatidza Mehmedovic, head of Mothers of Srebrenica, dies at 65last year
 11 Lessons about Srebrenica genocide 'unwelcome' in Brusselslast year

When Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated in an interview with broadcaster Deutsche
Welle in November that the massacre in Srebrenica was not a genocide, Bosnians weren't

The denial of the genocide began as soon as it occurred in Bosnia's UN-protected enclave in
1995, but many have remarked that it has become increasingly mainstream in Serbian
political and academic circles.

That explains why an online petition has been launched in Canada by the Institute for
Research of Genocide (IRGC), requesting the Canadian government to enact a law making
Srebrenica genocide denial a punishable offence.

If the petition is adopted, Canada would join nine other countries in Europe including
Switzerland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and Macedonia in prohibiting genocide denial.

The systematic murder of over 8,000 Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) in Srebrenica by Serb
forces in July 1995 was ruled as an act of genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for
former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Court of Justice.

Theodor Meron, the presiding judge at the ICTY, stated in 2004 that "by seeking to eliminate
a part of the Bosnian Muslims, the Bosnian Serb forces committed a genocide."

"They targeted for extinction of the 40,000 Bosnian Muslims living in Srebrenica, a group
which was emblematic of Bosnian Muslims in general," he said.
Even after 23 years of the genocide in Srebrenica, remains of victims are still being
discovered [Samir Yordamovic/Anadolu Agency]

Fourteen Serb war criminals were convicted of genocide and other crimes at the ICTY
including former Military Commander Radislav Krstic, former President of Republika Srpska
Radovan Karadzic, and Bosnian Serb Military Leader Ratko Mladic.


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IRGC says Canada as well as 30 other countries have adopted legally binding resolutions.
Yet, genocide denial remains widespread among the Serb population.

"I do not think that the terrible crime, the massacre in Srebrenica, was a genocide," Brnabic
said in her interview with Deutsche Welle in response to comments that Serbia's chances of
joining the European Union are slim if the country refuses to recognise the genocide.
"It wasn't done in the name of Serbian people. Serbs cannot be collectively blamed for what
happened there," Brnabic said.

Convicted war criminals glorified as heroes

According to a poll this year, 66 percent of Serbs in Republika Srpska, Bosnia's Serb-run
entity, deny the genocide, while 74 percent of Serbs consider convicted war criminal Radovan
Karadzic to be a hero.


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Earlier in December, the chief prosecutor at the Mechanism for International Criminal
Tribunals (MICT) Serge Brammertz told the UN Security Council that glorification of war
criminals and denial of war crimes in former Yugoslavia continues.

He added that judicial cooperation in war crimes cases between the countries in the region is
at its lowest level in years.

"Positive steps are undermined by irresponsible comments from other officials denying what
has been established beyond reasonable doubt by the international courts, and portraying as
heroes men who committed the most serious violations of international law," Brammertz said.
A Bosnian Serb vendor selling a T-shirt depicting convicted Serb war criminals Radovan
Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. It reads 'Serb Heroes: Is It a Crime To Defend Serb People'
[Milan Radulovic/AFP]

Not only are convicted war criminals and war crime suspects glorified, but they continue to
hold public offices in Bosnia and Serbia.

Earlier this month, a veterans' association of the Republika Srpska army sent a request to
Milorad Dodik, the newly-elected Serb member of Bosnia's presidency, to appoint Milan
Jolovic as Bosnia's minister of defence.

Jolovic was the commander of the notorious "Drina Wolves" paramilitary unit that
participated in the mass killing of Bosniaks in Srebrenica.

WATCH: Serbian 'radical' Vojislav Seselj convicted of war crimes (1:49)

"We believe that Jolovic is a true patriot. He proved during the war that he will represent the
interests of Republika Srpska in the best possible way," the letter by the veterans read.
Meron, president of MICT, has expressed "deep concern" that convicted war criminals are
glorified as heroes.

"The challenges are severe," Meron wrote in a 2017 pogress report to the UN Security

Serbian General Vladimir Lazarevic, Bosnian Croat Dario Kordic and Bosnian Serb Momcilo
Krajisnik were convicted for "horrific crimes against humanity", yet they were given a hero's
welcome upon release from prison with government officials in attendance, the report noted.

"All three, as senior officials and commanders, participated in ethnic cleansing and campaigns
harming millions and devastating communities. The mentality that can regard those men as
heroes is difficult to understand," Meron wrote.

A mural of Mladic is seen on a building in Gacko, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and

Herzegovina [Dado Ruvic/Reuters]

Denial of facts established in the Tribunal's judgments are widespread in the education system
throughout former Yugoslavia, the report noted, where students are taught "widely different
and irreconcilable versions of the recent past".

In June 2017, Dodik, then president of Republika Srpska and a vocal genocide denier, banned
any teaching about the Srebrenica genocide as well as the siege of Sarajevo, denying for the
first time that Bosnian Serb forces besieged and targeted civilians in the capital for years.

"It's impossible to use here the textbooks … which say the Serbs have committed genocide
and kept Sarajevo under siege," Dodik was quoted as saying in local media.


11 Lessons about Srebrenica genocide 'unwelcome' in Brussels

"This is not correct and this will not be taught here."

Author and genocide researcher Hikmet Karcic told Al Jazeera that genocide denial was
limited to specific Serbian academic circles and lesser-known political parties. Now, it's more
mainstream, he said.

"[It has also become mainstream] among certain leftist circles in the West which is consistent
with their support for [ex-Serbian president Slobodan] Milosevic in the nineties," Karcic said.

"Islamophobia today is growing and is increasingly connected with genocide denial,

relativisation and in some cases even justification."

No Serbian president has yet recognised the massacre in Srebrenica as a genocide. Even the
Serb-elected mayor of Srebrenica, Mladen Grujicic, denies it.
Serb member of Bosnia's tripartite state presidency, Milorad Dodik, is a vocal Srebrenica
genocide denier [Talha Ozturk/Anadolu Agency]

Death threats
Canada has already adopted two resolutions recognising the Srebrenica genocide, launched by
the IRGC.

However, its Director Emir Ramic noted that the process of adopting the first resolution took
five years as the Conservative Party - under the influence of the Serbian and Russian lobby -
had rejected the resolution.

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Ramic's work with the institute has made him a target of death threats and verbal abuse for
years by genocide deniers.
He told Al Jazeera that the threats intensified as discourse changed from denial and
relativisation to glorification and triumphalism.

However, he says it has made him all the more determined to make sure a law is enacted
banning the denial of Srebrenica genocide. If adopted, Canada would make a major
contribution in the fight against genocide denial worldwide, Ramic told Al Jazeera.

"Denying the genocide in Srebrenica is very dangerous. We need to learn from history,
recognise [what happened in Srebrenica] and call it by its real name," he said.

Pro-Mladic supporters in Belgrade wave flags reading 'Serbian hero'. The rally was
organised by the ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party in May 2011 [File: Srdjan
Stevanovic/Getty Images]

"Human rights are under attack worldwide," Ramic added. "Bosniaks, as the only people in
Europe who survived aggression and genocide [since the Holocaust], are exposed to
unacceptable discrimination not just in the motherland, but in the diaspora as well."
"The aggression and genocide in Bosnia have shown that … there aren't adequate mechanisms
in place to protect freedom and human rights."


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The IRGC's petition will be collecting signatures until January 10. Parliamentarian Brian
Masse, who sponsored the drive, will then petition the government to reply within 45 days.

"We've seen this with Holocaust denial, we've seen this with denial for Rwanda and of course
with Srebrenica," said Masse on the necessity of a law.

"It's very hurtful for the victims and families of the survivors to continue to wrestle with
something based on facts, so the initiative will help inpreventing denial and create awareness
that we will never forget."

SOURCE: Al Jazeera News


Mersiha Gadzo

Mersiha Gadzo is a journalist and online producer for Al Jazeera English.

@ MersihaGadzo

 Srebrenica
 Bosnia
 Canada
 Serbia
 Europe

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