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Extra Practice – Phrasal Verbs

1) Look at the sentences below. Six of them contain a mistake. Find and correct the mistakes.

1) Mark and Steve get on them well together. They are great friends.

2) I was so poor that I lived rice off. It was all I ate.

3) Some journalists have revealed that big business is destroying wild animal habitats in Africa. I wonder how they
found out it.

4) It is an absolute tragedy that so many wonderful species are just dying out.

5) I have some complicated instructions that I want you to carry them out.

6) You shouldn’t look down to environmental activists. They are trying to help all of us.

7) I didn’t know they were criminals and they stole a lot of money from me. I was completely taken in.

8) One of the most exciting things about Indonesia is that explorers are coming new species across all the time.

2) Match the two halves of the sentences.

1) The world’s oldest man passed

2) The neighbours look down

3) We couldn’t find any ginger kittens, so we ended

4) My grandmother was in hospital for weeks with pneumonia. I don’t know how she got

5) The kids are looking forward

6) We didn’t know what to do tomorrow until my cousin came

a) through it.

b) on us because we aren’t interested in opera and art and things like that.

c) to doing a camel ride on holiday.

d) away yesterday at the age of 116.

e) up with a great idea.

f) up getting a black one.

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