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TPACK Template

Subject Science

Grade 5th

Learning Living Systems

. 5.5 The student will investigate and understand that organisms are made
of one or more cells and have distinguishing characteristics that play
a vital role in the organism’s ability to survive and thrive in its
environment. Key concepts include
a) basic cell structures and functions;
b) classification of organisms using physical characteristics, body
structures, and behavior of the organism; and
c) traits of organisms that allow them to survive in their



For this activity, students will construct a mind map of the classification of life

and examples of the different classes. This will allow the students to research

any form of life they want and find different information on the subject since

all the students will find different pieces of the same information. They will

also use the mind map to break down the life from largest to smallest forms

of life with examples. With this mind map students have much more freedom

of research as opposed to being held to one specific idea and it lets them be

creative with how the set up the mind map and what images they use. As the

teacher I would be going around the classroom and helping the students

answer any questions they had about the assignment and I would make
suggestions to them on how to improve their projects and how to shrink the

information down to the most pertinent information.

Technology I used the software from MINDOMO.COM to create a mind map of largest to

smallest classifications of life. This allows the students to decide what

information they want to research and not limit them to just one animal or

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