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Received: 13 December 2016 | Revised: 27 September 2017 | Accepted: 1 October 2017

DOI: 10.1111/ter.12311


Exhumation history and timing of supergene copper

mineralisation in an arid climate: New thermochronological
data from the Centinela District, Atacama, Chile

Caroline Sanchez1,2 phanie Brichau2 | Rodrigo Riquelme1 | Se

| Ste bastien Carretier2 |
Thomas Bissig3 | Cristopher Lopez1 | Constantino Mpodozis4 | Eduardo Campos1 |
rard He
Vincent Regard2 | Ge rail2 | Carlos Marquardt5

Depto. Ciencias Geologicas, Universidad
lica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile
Cato Abstract
osciences Environnement Toulouse
Ge Supergene copper mineralisation (SCM) processes occur during the unroofing of
 de Toulouse, UPS, CNRS,
(GET), Universite
porphyry copper deposits. However, the geomorphological stage during which the
IRD, CNES, Toulouse, France
Mineral Deposit Research Unit, main mineralisation occurs is still under debate. Here, we present 24 new ther-
Department of Earth, Ocean and mochronological data from Cenozoic intrusives and compare them with the evolu-
Atmospheric Sciences, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada tion of supergene mineralisation from the Centinela Mining District in the Atacama
Antofagasta Minerals S.A., Las Condes, Desert. Our results indicate a two-step cooling path: a rapid Late Eocene exhuma-
Santiago, Chile
tion followed by a slow denudation. Previously published supergene mineralisation
Departamento de Ingenierıa en Minerıa,
lica de Chile,
Pontificia Universidad Cato
ages cluster after the main Upper Oligocene exhumation period. Ours is the first
Santiago, Chile study that establishes the relationship between exhumation and supergene pro-

cesses on the scale of a single mining district. It confirms that SCM took place dur-
Miss Caroline Sanchez, Depto. Ciencias ing pediplanation, likely a required condition for efficient SCM under arid climatic
Geolo gicas, Universidad Catolica del Norte,
Antofagasta, Chile. Geosciences
conditions, in contrast to wet tropical environments where SCM occurs during rapid
Environnement Toulouse (GET), Universite relief growth but has limited preservation potential.
de Toulouse, UPS, CNRS, IRD, CNES,
Toulouse, France

Funding information
Comisio n Nacional de Investigacio
gica; Fondecyt, Grant/
Cientıfica y Tecnolo
Award Number: 1121049; REDES, Grant/
Award Number: 140153; IRD

1 | INTRODUCTION Climatic and geomorphologic conditions favouring supergene

copper mineralisation (SCM) are still a matter of debate (Reich &
Porphyry copper deposits are genetically linked to the emplacement Vasconcelos, 2015). SCM is thought to be particularly efficient under
of shallow intrusions (<5 km deep: Richards, 2011; Wilkinson, 2013), semi-arid climates, where moderate precipitation provides high
on which hypogene sulphide mineralisation precipitates from mag- water-to-rock ratios and denudation is limited, preserving the weath-
matic–hydrothermal fluids (Seedorff et al., 2005), but copper grades ering profile (e.g. Clark, Tosdal, Farrar, & Plazolles, 1990; Hartley &
may increase substantially after exhumation when sulphides are Rice, 2005; Vasconcelos, 1999). However, rare SCM examples have
exposed to oxidation and leaching. Leached copper may precipitate been documented in tropical rapidly uplifted environments (Bamford,
as either copper oxides or secondary enriched sulphides depending 1972; Braxton & Mathur, 2011).
on whether precipitation occurs above or below the water table SCM requires an equilibrium between denudation and water-
avez, 2000; Sillitoe, 2005). table descent rates, which can be encountered at different stages of

78 | © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Terra Nova. 2018;30:78–85.

Rapid unroofing Slow unroofing

Denudation rates

Initial river incision Pediplanation



a Juvenile b Mature c Old

F I G U R E 1 Schematic evolution of the denudation rate through time in response to a period of surface uplift. WT, water table (dashed line);
SCM, supergene copper mineralisation (blue layer) [Colour figure can be viewed at]

the landscape evolution in response to surface uplift (Alpers & Brim- We performed a thermochronological study to identify when in
hall, 1988; Bouzari & Clark, 2002; Mortimer, 1973). During this the geomorphological cycle SCM took place. Four zircon U–Pb, six
cycle, illustrated in three stages, the erosion rate follows a “humped” apatite fission-track (AFT) and 10 apatite helium (AHe) ages were
curve (e.g. Kooi & Beaumont, 1996; Figure 1). obtained and compared with published supergene minerals’
Previous studies have proposed that SCM may occur: (1) during Ar/39Ar and K–Ar ages (see supporting information; Sillitoe &
the increasing relief, denudation and river incision phase (Figure 1a)  et al., 2010; Riquelme et al., 2017). In north-
McKee, 1996; Perello
 , 2005); (2) during
(Bissig & Riquelme, 2009, 2010; Sillitoe & Perello ern Chile, low-temperature thermochronological studies have been
the maximum hillslope angle and denudation rate period (Figure 1b; conducted on specific porphyries (Campos, Wijbrans, & Andriessen,
Braxton, Cooke, Ignacio, Rye, & Waters, 2009) or (3) during land- 2009; Maksaev et al., 2010; McInnes, Farley, Sillitoe, & Kohn, 1999)
scape pediplanation (Figure 1c) when denudation and slopes to constrain their cooling/exhumation history, yet none has been
decrease (Bouzari & Clark, 2002; Clark et al., 1990; Mortimer, 1973; performed at a mining-district scale. The CD is a key area including
Quang, Clark, Lee, & Hawkes, 2005). both exhumed porphyries and SCMs. Our samples were taken from
In the Atacama Desert, the SCM development in numerous Ceno- both mineralised and non-Cu-mineralised intrusions. Their denuda-
zoic porphyry copper deposits has been placed within the physio- tion is recorded in the mid-Eocene to Upper Miocene gravel depos-
graphic context of Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene erosional its that constitute the CD sedimentary cover (Mora, Artal, Brockway,
pediments (e.g. Alpers & Brimhall, 1988; Mortimer, 1973). The role of Martinez, & Muhr, 2004; Riquelme et al., accepted).
pediment formation in SCM remains unclear. Distinct supergene epi-
sodes have been correlated with brief intervals of uplift and pediment
incision (e.g. Bissig & Riquelme, 2010; Bouzari & Clark, 2002; Quang 2 | GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND
et al., 2005), whereas Sillitoe (2005) argued that thick SCM develop
during major surface uplift events, implying that pediplanation is not The CD is located 60 km south of Calama (Figure 2b) on the west-
required for efficient supergene formation. Conversely, Hartley and ern limb of the Precordillera. The district includes outcrops of
Rice (2005) proposed that the influence of regional pediplain forma- Palaeozoic basement, Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks, and
tion on SCM is not well established, mainly due to the lack of landform Palaeocene volcanic rocks (Mpodozis & Cornejo, 2012; Figure 2c).
ages. To tackle this issue, we focused on the Centinela District (CD) in These rocks are intruded by Lower Cretaceous–Upper Eocene dior-
northern Chile (Figure 2a,b), where most of the world-class SCMs are ites and rhyolitic and dacitic porphyry intrusions (Marinovic & Garcıa,
hosted beneath pediplains (Mortimer, 1973; Segerstrom, 1963). 1999; Mpodozis & Cornejo, 2012).

(a) (c) 69.2° 69.1° 69.0° 68.9°

21.9 ± 1.2 Ma DC12-03
N DC12-08 2
31.2 ± 7.5 Ma
40.0 ± 2.7 Ma
DC12-09 40.5 ± 1.1 Ma
22.4 ± 3.8 Ma
# 52.4 ± 3.7 Ma 1 3
46.1 ± 4.8 Ma
41.4 ± 3.1 Ma
64.9 ± 1.2 Ma

(b) 70°W 68°W

N DC12-10 23.0°
45.0 ± 3.1 Ma 5 DC12-06
64.4 ± 1.4 Ma 25.2 ± 0.8 Ma 29.1 ± 3.4 Ma
DC12-15 22.9 ± 0.4 Ma 37.1 ± 5.2 Ma
36.9 ± 2.6 Ma 14.8 ± 0.5 Ma 40.3 ± 1.3 Ma
20° 42.5 ± 3.4 Ma 12.6 ± 2.0 Ma
43.1 ± 7.0 Ma

CV WC 23.1°

Las Lomas





el B

24° DC12-12
ra d

DC12-01 35.8 ± 2.7 Ma Las Lomas fault

29.9 ± 2.1 Ma

40.6 ± 3.3 Ma 23.2°

42.7 ± 0.7*Ma
la fault

7 22.0 ± 0.6 Ma DC12-14

26° Copiapo 14.1 ± 0.2 Ma 16.2 ± 3.3 Ma
12.8 ± 0.1 Ma 49.3 ± 1.3* Ma

ARGENTINA 0 5 10 km

Sample locations Geological map legend
Undifferentiated Cretaceous granitoids Upper Eocene syntectonic,
Our samples sedimentary and volcanic rocks
Upper Jurassic sedimentary and volcanic Eocene mineralized granodioritic and
From publications sequences dacitic porphyry intrusions
Dating Lower Cretaceous volcanic rocks Paleocene monzodiorite and rhyolitic
Lower Cretaceous gabbros to diorites porphyry intrusions
Apatite He and granodioritic porphyries intrusions Paleocene to Lower Eocene volcanic
Apatite FT Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous back-arc rocks
sedimento-volcanic rocks Lower Paleocene diorites and dacitic
Zircon U-Pb Upper Triassic volcanic and sedimentary porphyry intrusions
rocks Upper Cretaceous diorites and
Ar/Ar-K/Ar Upper Paleozoic basement. rhyolitic porphyry intrusions

F I G U R E 2 (a) Location of the studied area in the South American continent. (b) Morpho-structural map of northern Chile (CC, Coastal
Cordillera; CV, Central Valley; PC, Precordillera; AS, Atacama Salar; AP, Altiplano after Jordan, Isacks, Ramos, & Allmendinger, 1983). Red
square marks the location of the Centinela District. (c) Detailed Centinela District map after Mpodozis and Cornejo (2012), showing sample
locations and ages (40Ar/39Ar – K/Ar are from Sillitoe & McKee, 1996; Perello  et al., 2010; and Riquelme et al., accepted). *Zircon U–Pb ages
from Antofagasta Mineral SA, personal communication [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Two regional-scale tectonic phases affected the CD during the  et al.,

orogenic phase (Mpodozis, Cembrano, & Mora, 2009; Perello
Cenozoic. The first phase, characterised by crustal shortening and 2004). The Incaic phase activated the 800 km long N-trending trans-
labelled K–T, occurred at ~60 Ma and was accompanied by Palaeo- pressive Domeyko Fault System in the Precordillera, upthrowing por-
rez de Arce, 2003; Mpodo-
cene intrusions (Cornejo, Matthews, & Pe phyry-Cu intrusions to the west and allowing the formation of
zis & Cornejo, 2012), whereas porphyry-Cu mineralisation is related structurally controlled basins (Figure 2c) to the east (Amilibia et al.,
to intrusions emplaced between 45 and 41 Ma, during the Incaic 2008; Mpodozis & Cornejo, 2012; Mpodozis, Marinovic, & Smoje,

T A B L E 1 Global dataset. Altitude, sample location, rock type and zircon U–Pb, AFT and AHe age results; track measurement details (number
measured, Dpar = etch pit width). Asterisks indicate unpublished ages from Antofagasta Minerals
Altitude Age Age FT Track lengths Dpar Age He
Name (m) Latitude Longitude Rock type U–Pb (Ma) (Ma) N tracks (StD) (Ma)
DC12-01 2323 23°140 23″ 69°110 52″ Dacitic 42.7*  0.7 40.6  3.3 14.00  0.11100 2.7  0.37 29.9  2.1
DC12-03 2226 22°56 44″ 69°010 32″ Dacitic, 40.5  1.1 40.0  2.7 14.99  0.1562 2.9  1.30 31.2  7.5
DC12-06 2955 23°020 34″ 68°570 41″ Dacitic 40.3  1.3 37.1  5.2 14.84  0.1559 2.6  1.56 29.1  3.4
0 0
DC12-08 2149 23°01 22″ 69°09 40″ Granodiorite 64.9  1.2 41.4  3.1 13.98  0.3099 1.8  0.86 52.4  3.7
DC12-09 2012 23°010 56″ 69°110 26″ Granodiorite – 46.1  4.8 13.96  0.3041 3.9  0.90 22.4  3.8
0 0
DC12-10 2082 23°07 31″ 69°10 37″ Granodiorite 64.4  1.4 – – – 45.0  3.1
DC12-12 2611 23°040 23″ 69°100 26″ Granodiorite – – – – 35.8  2.7
0 0
DC12-13 2847 23°08 60″ 69°06 03″ Granodiorite – – – – 43.1  7.0
DC12-14 2375 23°070 22″ 69°060 26″ Dacitic 49.3*  1.3 – – – 16.2  3.3
DC12-15 2183 23°090 50″ 69°080 27″ Dacitic – 42.5  3.4 13.96  0.3058 2.3  0.26 36.9  2.6

1993). In the CD, Precordilleran erosion and denudation in response sample from Lower Palaeogene granodiorite and Middle Eocene
to the Incaic phase resulted in the deposition of up to ~800 m of dacitic intrusions (Figure 3; see details in supporting information sec-
mid-late Eocene to Late Miocene gravel and sand deposits with tion 2).
scarce interbedded volcanic and evaporitic layers (Mora et al., 2004;
Riquelme et al., accepted).
In the Atacama Desert, most supergene mineralisation ages range 4 | RESULTS
rez de Arce, 2006; Bis-
from ~25 to 13 Ma (Arancibia, Matthews, & Pe
 et al., 2010; Reich et al., 2009;
sig & Riquelme, 2010; Perello Our new AFT and AHe ages provide evidence of two intrusive cooling
Riquelme et al., accepted; Sillitoe & McKee, 1996). In northern Chile, histories. Lower Palaeocene granodiorites display zircon U–Pb ages of
supergene mineralisation ages are generally younger than exhumation 64.4  1.4 Ma and 64.9  1.2 Ma, AFT ages from 46.1  4.8 Ma to
ages (Arancibia et al., 2006; Maksaev & Zentilli, 1999) but precise 41.1  3.1 Ma, and AHe ages ranging from 45.0  2.3 Ma to
SCM onset remains difficult to date. In the CD, supergene alunite and 22.4  1.1 Ma (Figure 3). Mid-Eocene dacitic samples yielded zircon
jarosite 40
Ar–39Ar and K–Ar ages range from 25 to 13 Ma, matching U–Pb ages from 42.7  1.1 Ma to 39.7  1.1 Ma, AFT ages of
previously obtained SCM ages and the age of hyperaridity onset in the 46.1  4.8 Ma to 41.1  3.1 Ma, and AHe ages between
 pez, & Juez-Larre
area (Alpers & Brimhall, 1988; Dunai, Lo , 2005). 40.6  3.3 Ma and 37.9  5.2 Ma. Modelling of these data suggest
rapid cooling between ~60 and 35 Ma for the granodiorites and even
faster cooling between ~40 and 30 Ma for the dacitic samples, fol-
3 | METHODS lowed, in both cases, by minor cooling (Figure 3).

Ten Palaeogene–Upper Eocene equigranular granodioritic and sub-

volcanic dacitic porphyry intrusives were sampled in the CD
(Table 1). Apatite and zircon were extracted from the samples using
5.1 | New constraints on emplacement depth
conventional mineral separation techniques at the Geosciences Envi-
ronnement Toulouse (GET) laboratory (France). To estimate Lower Palaeocene and middle Eocene porphyry copper
AFT analyses were jointly carried out at GET and Universidad de emplacement depths, we divided the AFT (110°C, Gunnell, 2000)
Chile, while irradiations were performed in the Chilean CCHEN and AHe (75°C, Farley, 2002) closure temperatures by a geothermal
nuclear reactor; AHe analyses were performed at the Geosciences gradient estimated for the area at ~30–25°C/km (Morgan, 1984).
Montpellier laboratory, France, and zircon U–Pb dating was per- This suggests closure-temperature depths of 4.5–3.7 km for the AFT
formed at Birbeck College, London, UK. Detailed laboratory proce- chronometer and 2.5–3 km for the AHe system. Lower Palaeocene
dures are described in Witt, Rangin, Andreani, Olaez, and Martinez granodiorite displays zircon U–Pb emplacement ages ~20 Ma older
(2012), Eude et al. (2015) and Wu et al. (2016). Results are sum- than the AFT ages, suggesting a minimum emplacement depth of
marised in Table 1. 4.5–3.7 km. Eocene dacitic samples have emplacement ages that are
To extract thermal histories from the six samples providing both similar to AFT ages but ~10 Ma older than the AHe ages, suggesting
AFT and AHe ages, we used Ketcham’s HeFTy modelling package an emplacement depth between 4.5–3.7 km and 2.5–3 km. This dif-
(Ketcham, 2005). For visual representation, we extracted two cooling ference is consistent with sample petrographic characteristics
histories representing good paths and the average best fit for each 
(Perello et al., 2004). This suggests that Lower Palaeocene

Time (Ma)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Supergene mineralization ages
K/Ar 40Ar/39Ar

F I G U R E 3 Temperature vs. time paths,
50 modelled from HeFTy (Ketcham, 2005), U–
Pb dating (from this study and geological
map) and 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar supergene
100 ages (see tables in the supporting
T (°C) information) of six samples. The envelopes
represent the possible “good paths”
150 Cooling path
obtained for 10000 Monte Carlo
Lower-Paleogene granodiorite
simulations for each sample. We
Middle-Eocene dacitic intrusions
200 superimposed the envelopes for the six
Average best fit
samples providing AFT and AHe ages, and
Good-fit cooling path enveloppes added mean best-fit paths for the
Rock ages Palaeocene and Eocene sample groups
800 (three samples in each) [Colour figure can
Zircon U-Pb ages
be viewed at]

granodiorite exhumation started before and from a greater depth of CD (Bissig & Riquelme, 2010; Mote, Becker, Renne, & Brimhall,
than the exhumation of the Eocene dacitic bodies. 2001). There, supergene mineralisation initiated at ~35 Ma, some
6 Ma after hypogene mineralisation, suggesting rapid exhumation.
However, the exhumation history of the porphyries is not con-
5.2 | Tectonic implications
strained by thermochronology, and it is not known whether super-
The low-temperature thermochronology results indicate a protracted gene mineralisation occurred during relief growth or pediplanation.
cooling phase in all samples. Lower Palaeocene intrusions experienced Similarly, at La Escondida mine, 200 km south of CD, Alpers and
a rapid cooling from ~65 Ma to ~30 Ma, which may have been initi- Brimhall (1988) found that hypogene hydrothermal alteration
ated by a rock exhumation episode during the K–T tectonic phase occurred around ~34–31 Ma, while SCM was active at ~18–
(Cornejo et al., 2003; Mpodozis & Cornejo, 2012). On the other hand, 14 Ma. Using mass balance calculations (Brimhall et al., 1985) and
Eocene dacitic intrusions have similar zircon U–Pb and AFT ages, and taking the unmineralised lithocap as a reference surface, Alpers
display a rapid cooling from 40 to ~30 Ma. This fast cooling is consis- and Brimhall (1988) discussed scenarios linking denudation history
tent with emplacement during the Incaic tectonic phase (Charrier, and SCM. However, uncertainties about the timing of the onset
gard, 1979; Steinmann,
Pinto, & Rodrıguez, 2007; Noble, McKee, & Me of SCM combined with a lack of exhumation data prevented them
n, 1929). The duration of this major tec-
Stappenbeck, Sieberg, & Lisso from determining whether supergene mineralisation occurred after
€ bel, and
tonic phase is the subject of debate. Hammerschmidt, Do a rapid denudation period or during a constant, slow denudation
Friedrichsen (1992) and Tomlinson and Blanco (1997) considered it a phase.
short tectonic contractile event at about 42 Ma, whereas Maksaev This study provides new constraints on the relationship between
and Zentilli (1999) and Jaillard et al. (2000) proposed a duration from SCM and pediplanation. Specifically, the difference between the tim-
~55 to ~30 Ma. Our results support the latter scenario. ing of exhumation and the SCM ages (Figure 3) indicates that super-
After the Incaic tectonic phase, Eocene and Palaeocene intrusions gene mineralisation (25–13 Ma data from Sillitoe & McKee, 1996;
exhibit a slow cooling path suggesting only minor exhumation not  et al., 2004 and Riquelme et al., accepted) occurred between
exceeding 2.5 km since the Early Oligocene. This can be related to the 5 and 15 Ma after the end of rapid exhumation of the porphyry cop-
generalised landscape pediplanation reported for the Atacama Desert per mineralisation (~40–30 Ma). The relative tectonic quiescence
during Oligocene–Miocene time (Evenstar et al., 2009; Isacks, 1988; inferred from the low exhumation rates after 30 Ma (Figure 3) sug-
rail, Martinod, Charrier, & Darrozes, 2007).
Mortimer, 1973; Riquelme, He gests that the district landscape was already in the pediplanation
stage when supergene mineralisation occurred (Figure 1c). For other
areas of the Atacama Desert, Arancibia et al. (2006) proposed that
5.3 | Relationship between exhumation and
older SCM may have been eroded away. If so, SCM could have
supergene mineralisation
formed during the main unroofing period associated with the Incaic
The relationship between exhumation and the onset of SCM has deformation and not only during pediplanation. However, for the
previously been studied at the El Salvador deposit, 400 km south CD, we regard this as unlikely since no evidence of SCM detrital

clasts older than ~25 Ma has been found in Centinela Basin sedi- 6 | CONCLUSION
ments (Riquelme et al., accepted). Thus, low erosion rates and low
relief are conducive not only to preservation but also to SCM in arid Our data from the CD intrusions suggest that two important tec-
climates. tonic phases can be identified from the intrusive paths: the K–T tec-
tonic phase (Cretaceous–Palaeogene limits) followed by the Incaic
deformation (mid-Eocene and Early Oligocene). From the Incaic
5.4 | Climatic and tectonic controls on SCM
phase to the present day, slow cooling paths can be related to land-
Wetter periods during the Oligo-Miocene may have controlled SCM scape pediplanation. Our results provide quantitative support to pre-
periods in northern Chile’s planar landscapes (Alpers & Brimhall, vious interpretations suggesting that low denudation rates and low
1988; Reich et al., 2009; Sillitoe & McKee, 1996) as well as in other relief are favourable for SCM in arid environments.
climatic zones (Feng & Vasconcelos, 2007; Vasconcelos, Reich, &
Shuster, 2015).
The apparent difficulty of developing significant SCM during
rapid exhumation may not apply to humid environments where We acknowledge Fondecyt project no. 1121049, REDES funding no.
extensive SCM during rapid exhumation has been documented 140153, Copedim, IRD for funding this research and Conicyt,
(Bamford, 1972; Braxton et al., 2009, 2012). Transport-reactive  lica del Norte and Universite
Universidad Cato  Paul Sabatier for
models may help to clarify the differences between northern Chile granting this PhD work. Thank you to Marcelo Farias for access to
and tropical examples (Mathur & Fantle, 2015). Under arid climates, the fission-track laboratory in the Universidad de Chile. We are also
primary copper dissolution may be limited by slow diffusion of cop- grateful for logistical support from Antofagasta Minerals (AMSA) in
per species into the interstitial fluid (Lebedeva, Fletcher, & Brantley,  and Michael Bonno from
the field. Finally, we thank Patrick Monie
2010). The weathered-layer thickening rate may be too slow to out- the Geoscience Laboratoire in Montpellier and Andrew Carter from
pace the denudation rate during the main exhumation period. Even Birkbeck College for their analytical help.
if there are more humid periods, the runoff excess may foster ero-
sion on steep slopes and prevent the weathered layer from thicken-
ing. Once the slopes are gentle during pediplanation, the weathering
profile can thicken. More humid periods will then favour groundwa- Caroline Sanchez
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well as SCM at depth (Palacios, Rouxel, Reich, Cameron, & Ley-
bourne, 2011). In humid environments, sulphide dissolution may be REFERENCES
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Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the sup-
Riquelme, R., Tapia, M., Campos, E., Mpodozis, C., Carretier, S., Gonzalez,
R., . . . Marquardt, C. (2017). Supergene and exotic Cu mineralization porting information tab for this article.
occur during periods of landscape stability in the Centinela Mining FIGURE S1 U–Pb concordia spots for samples DC12-03, DC12-06,
District, Atacama Desert. Basin Research, DC12-08 and DC12-10.
FIGURE S2 HeFty modelling.
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and origin of hypogene features. In: J. W. Hedenquist, J. F. H. Thomp- Centinela District.
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TABLE S4 Apatite (U–Th)/He data.
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and related deposits. In: J. W. Hedenquist, J. F. H. Thompson, R. J.
Goldfarb & J. P. Richards (Eds.), Economic Geology 100th Anniversary
How to cite this article: Sanchez C, Brichau S, Riquelme R,
Volume. Society of Economic Geologists, Inc., 723–768.
Sillitoe, R. H., & McKee, E. H. (1996). Age of supergene oxidation and et al. Exhumation history and timing of supergene copper
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In: J. W. Hedenquist, J. F. H. Thompson, R. J. Goldfarb & J. P.

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