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A LEVEL Biology

4. Cell Membrane & Transport

Classified by Adeel Ahmad

4. Cell Membrane & Transport For

1 One role of the cell surface membrane is to control the entry and exit of substances.

(a) Complete Table 1.1 to show the transport mechanisms across cell surface membranes
and examples of materials transported.

Table 1.1

transport mechanism across cell example of material transported across

surface membrane membrane

active transport sodium ions

oxygen molecules


exocytosis mucin (for mucus)

facilitated diffusion



Classified by Adeel Ahmad Cell Membrane & Transport

© UCLES 2012 9700/22/M/J/12 Paper 2 - 1

(b) Each transport mechanism across cell surface membranes has a characteristic set of For
features. Examiner’s

In each of the boxes below, state one example of a transport mechanism that matches
the pathway shown.




specific transport
protein involved





[Total: 6]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad Cell Membrane & Transport

© UCLES 2012 9700/22/M/J/12 Paper 2 - 2

3 The cholera toxin interacts with ion channels in the epithelial membranes, resulting in For
watery diarrhoea. Examiner’s

These channels open, allowing ions to move from the epithelial cells into the lumen of
the intestine.

(b) (i) Name the process by which the ions move in this case.

.............................................................................................................................. [1]

(ii) Due to the movement of ions into the lumen, water moves from the epithelial cells
into the lumen.

Name the process by which water moves and explain why it moves into the lumen.

name ........................................................................................................................

explanation ...............................................................................................................



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Classified by Adeel Ahmad Cell Membrane & Transport

© UCLES 2012 9700/23/M/J/12 Paper 2 - 3

2 The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure was first proposed in 1972 by Singer and For
Nicolson. The model describes in detail how the components of a membrane are organised. Examiner’s

(a) Some of the components of the cell surface membrane are:

• phospholipid molecules

• protein molecules

• cholesterol molecules.

(i) In the box below, draw a labelled diagram of a section through a cell surface
membrane to show how the above components are organised within the membrane.

The diagram should include other named components of the membrane.

Label the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane.


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© UCLES 2012 9700/22/O/N/12 Paper 2 - 4

(ii) Suggest why ‘fluid mosaic’ is an appropriate term to use to describe membrane For
structure. Examiner’s






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[Total: 8]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad Cell Membrane & Transport

© UCLES 2012 9700/22/O/N/12 Paper 2 - 5

5 Fig. 5.1 shows a section of a cell surface membrane. For



Fig. 5.1

(a) State the functions of structures P, Q and R.

P ......................................................................................................................................


Q ......................................................................................................................................


R ......................................................................................................................................

..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(b) Circle the width of the membrane shown as W in Fig. 5.1.

17.0 μm 1.7 μm 0.7 μm 70.0 nm 17.0 nm 7.0 nm 0.7 nm [1]

(c) Membranes, such as the cell surface membrane, are described as having a fluid mosaic

Explain what is meant by the term fluid mosaic.





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© UCLES 2013 9700/21/M/J/13 Paper 2 - 6

(d) Aquaporins are membrane channel proteins in plant and animal cells. They permit the
movement of water across membranes. Explain why they are necessary.








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[Total: 9]

Classified by Adeel Ahmad Cell Membrane & Transport

© UCLES 2013 9700/21/M/J/13 Paper 2 - 7

In some organisms, trehalose is used as an energy store and gives protection against For
the harmful effects of very low temperatures. Trehalose is sometimes referred to as a Examiner’s
cryoprotectant, allowing organisms to survive in freezing conditions. Use

Freezing temperatures can damage the cell surface membrane and membranes within the

(c) Explain the importance of the cell surface membrane to cells.







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© UCLES 2013 9700/22/M/J/13 Paper 2 - 8

1 (c) The membrane surrounding the vacuole, called the tonoplast, has a fluid mosaic For
structure. Examiner’s

Describe the structure of this membrane.









..................................................................................................................................... [4]

(d) Palisade mesophyll cells have very large vacuoles.

Explain how water moves from the xylem in the leaf into these vacuoles.







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© UCLES 2013 9700/23/M/J/13 Paper 2 - 9

(b) Bacterial cells behave in a similar way to plant cells when immersed in solutions of
different water potential.

Suggest and explain what would happen to bacteria placed in a solution with a water
potential more negative than their cell contents.






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© UCLES 2013 9700/22/O/N/13 Paper 2 - 10

5 (c) Digested material in animals is absorbed using both facilitated diffusion and active

State two similarities and two differences between facilitated diffusion and active


1. ......................................................................................................................................

2. ......................................................................................................................................


1. ......................................................................................................................................

2. ......................................................................................................................................

[Total: 13]

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© UCLES 2013 9700/23/O/N/13 Paper 2 - 11

(b) The bacteria take in glutamic acid by active transport.

Describe the process of active transport.








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© UCLES 2014 9700/23/M/J/14 Paper 2 - 12

Glucose can enter cells by active transport or facilitated diffusion.

Glucose-6-phosphate is a charged, polar molecule and cannot move out of cells.

(d) (i) State two differences between active transport and facilitated diffusion.

1. .......................................................................................................................................


2. .......................................................................................................................................

(ii) Suggest why glucose-6-phosphate cannot move out of cells.






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© UCLES 2014 9700/23/O/N/14 Paper 2 - 13

(b) Cells in the pancreas secrete enzymes, such as amylase and trypsin, into a duct.
The enzymes are packaged in vesicles so that they can be exported from these cells as
shown in Fig. 5.2.

enzymes plasma membrane


Fig. 5.2
With reference to Fig. 5.2, explain how enzymes that are secreted by cells in the pancreas
are packaged into vesicles and exported.









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© UCLES 2015 9700/21/M/J/15 Paper 2 - 14

3 Outside the body, red blood cells can be maintained in an intact state by keeping the cells in a
0.9% solution of sodium chloride. This is known as a normal saline solution.

Fig. 3.1 shows intact red blood cells.

Fig. 3.1

(a) Explain why red blood cells can be maintained in an intact state by keeping them in a normal
saline solution.






(b) In the blood, red blood cells are suspended in plasma. The main component of blood plasma
is water.

Suggest one other component of blood plasma that could enter red blood cells and describe
how it would cross the cell surface membrane.

component ................................................................................................................................

description ................................................................................................................................






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© UCLES 2015 9700/22/M/J/15 Paper 2 - 15

Answer all the questions.

1 The cell surface membrane has a fluid mosaic structure.

(a) Describe what is meant by the term fluid mosaic.





(b) In 1934, the biologists Davson and Danielli published their suggestion for the structure of the
cell surface membrane, as shown in Fig. 1.1.

They suggested that the membrane was a phospholipid bilayer with a layer of hydrophilic
protein on both surfaces.


phospholipid bilayer


Fig 1.1

State one way in which the Davson-Danielli structure is similar to the fluid mosaic structure
and one way in which it differs from the fluid mosaic model.







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(c) One way in which substances can cross cell membranes is by active transport.

Describe the mechanism of active transport.








(d) High temperature can damage cell membranes. One factor contributing to this damage is the
denaturation of membrane proteins.

Describe how proteins become denatured at high temperature and explain how this could
lead to damaging cell membranes.








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© UCLES 2015 9700/23/M/J/15 Paper 2 - 17

2 Fig. 2.1 is a diagram of the structure of a protein channel for ions in a cell surface membrane.

Fig. 2.1a shows the channel when open and Fig. 2.1b shows the same channel when closed.

channel channel
open closed

Fig. 2.1a Fig. 2.1 b

(a) (i) Name the process by which ions pass across the membrane using channel proteins.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Explain why a channel protein is needed for ions to pass across a cell membrane.





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© UCLES 2015 9700/21/O/N/15 Paper 2 - 18

(b) The channel protein in Fig. 2.1 is made from five identical polypeptide chains.

(i) Name the level of protein structure which is present when five polypeptide chains form
the protein.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) The part labelled C in Fig. 2.1 is another level of protein structure.

Name this level.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Channel proteins are examples of transmembrane proteins. The polypeptides are held
together and also interact with phospholipids in the membrane.

Suggest how the polypeptides are held together and suggest how they interact with









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© UCLES 2015 9700/21/O/N/15 Paper 2 - 19

4 (a) Table 4.1 describes three examples of substances moving into or out of cells.

Complete Table 4.1 by identifying the transport mechanism involved for each example.

Table 4.1

example transport mechanism involved

uptake of magnesium ions from a lower
concentration in the soil solution to a higher
concentration in the cytoplasm of a root hair
release of antibodies from an active
B-lymphocyte (plasma cell)

movement of sucrose from a companion

cell into a phloem sieve tube element via

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© UCLES 2015 9700/22/O/N/15 Paper 2 - 20

(e) Enzyme inhibitors can also inhibit carrier proteins in cell surface membranes.

Explain why carrier proteins are required in cell surface membranes.





.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(f) Describe three roles of cell surface membranes, other than the transport of substances into
and out of cells.

1. ..............................................................................................................................................


2. ..............................................................................................................................................


3. ..............................................................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 16]

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© UCLES 2015 9700/23/O/N/15 Paper 2 - 21

4 Phosphate ions have a number of uses in organisms. These include:

• involvement in cell signalling responses
• involvement in energy transfer processes
• component of phospholipids
• component of nucleotides.

Phosphatase enzymes remove phosphate groups from organic compounds, while kinase enzymes
add phosphate groups.

(a) Read the following passage:

Some hormones circulating in the blood are able to trigger transcription within a cell, even
though they are unable to enter the cell. Phosphatases and kinases then take part in cell
activities that eventually result in genes switching on and transcription beginning.

(i) Suggest why the hormones, referred to in the passage, are unable to enter the cell.





...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Use the information in the passage to outline the process of cell signalling.










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Classified by Adeel Ahmad Cell Membrane & Transport

© UCLES 2014 9700/02/SP/16 Paper 2 - 22

3 Erythropoietin, also known as EPO, is a large glycoprotein synthesised by specialised cells in the
kidney. These cells are very sensitive to changes in oxygen concentration in the blood passing
through the kidney and respond to a low oxygen concentration by increasing the synthesis of EPO.

EPO acts at the surface of particular target cells, such as cells in the bone marrow. These bone
marrow cells are stimulated to produce red blood cells.

(a) (i) A low oxygen concentration also leads to an increase in the quantity of mRNA in the
specialised cells in the kidney.

Suggest and explain why there is this increase in the quantity of mRNA.







(ii) EPO is stored in secretory vesicles before being released from the specialised kidney

Outline how EPO is released from the cells.








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© UCLES 2016 9700/22/F/M/16 Paper 2 - 23

(b) All cells of the body are exposed to circulating blood plasma containing EPO, but only
particular target cells respond.

(i) Suggest and explain how EPO acts on target cells and why other cells are not affected.











(ii) EPO cannot pass through the cell surface membrane to enter the bone marrow cells.

Suggest one reason why this is so.




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© UCLES 2016 9700/22/F/M/16 Paper 2 - 24

4 Morbillivirus, which causes measles, and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) share these
common features:
• outer envelope surrounding the protein coat
• RNA as the genetic material
• infect cells of the immune system.

(c) The structure of Morbillivirus is shown in Fig. 4.1.

Haemagglutinin (H) and fusion protein (F) are glycoproteins embedded in the viral envelope.

haemagglutinin (H)

fusion protein (F) viral polymerase

(protein coat and
nucleic acid)

viral envelope

Fig. 4.1
Morbillivirus only infects cells that have a membrane glycoprotein known as signalling
lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM).
When Morbillivirus infects a cell, H acts before F. After the virus binds to the host cell, only the
nucleoprotein with the viral polymerase enters the host cell and the virus is replicated.
New viral particles leave the host cell by budding from the cell surface membrane of the cell.
This forms the main part of their envelope.
(ii) suggest how Morbillivirus infects a cell with SLAM glycoproteins so that only nucleoprotein
and viral polymerase enter





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© UCLES 2016 9700/22/F/M/16 Paper 2 - 25

6 Fig. 6.1 shows an incomplete diagram of the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure. The
diagram shows the cell surface membrane of a eukaryotic cell.

Fig. 6.1

(a) State what is meant by the term fluid mosaic.





(b) State the thickness of a cell surface membrane.


(c) List four features of cell surface membranes of eukaryotic cells that are not visible in Fig. 6.1.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................


3 ................................................................................................................................................


4 ................................................................................................................................................


[Total: 7]

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© UCLES 2016 9700/21/M/J/16 Paper 2 - 26

(e) As blood passes through the small intestine, small soluble products of digestion such as
glucose are absorbed into the capillaries to be transported to the liver.

Fig. 4.2 is a transmission electron micrograph of intestinal epithelial cells.


Fig 4.2

(ii) At the surface labelled S, movement of glucose molecules out of the intestinal epithelial
cell occurs by facilitated diffusion.

Outline the features of facilitated diffusion of glucose molecules.










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5 (c) One of the functions of a plant hormone known as cytokinin is to act as a cell signalling
molecule and promote cytokinesis.

Suggest how cytokinin acts as a cell signalling molecule.









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(d) Organisms can be modelled as simple shapes for the calculation of surface area to volume

(i) Calculate the surface area to volume ratio of an animal modelled as a cube of side
length 0.1 m.

Show your working.

surface area ......................................................... m2

volume ......................................................... m3

surface area to volume ratio ...............................................................


(ii) The surface area to volume ratio decreases as animals increase in size.

Use this fact to suggest why multicellular animals require transport systems.





[Total: 11]

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© UCLES 2016 9700/23/M/J/16 Paper 2 - 29

2 Phloem sap containing sucrose is transported in phloem sieve tubes from the source to the sink.

(a) A student carried out an experiment using Visking tubing to investigate osmosis. The student
prepared a sucrose solution to represent phloem sap at the source. This was put into Visking
tubing that was tied at one end, so that the tubing was approximately 75% full.

The rest of the procedure is summarised in Fig. 2.1. The tubing was removed after 20 minutes,
dried and re-weighed.

outside of tubing washed with distilled

water, dried and weighed


tubing tied at
both ends distilled water

20 minutes

appearance of Visking tubing

inside the test-tube after 20 minutes

Fig. 2.1

(i) Complete Fig. 2.1 to show the appearance of the Visking tubing inside the test-tube after
20 minutes. [1]

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(ii) State, with reasons, whether there would be a change in the mass of the Visking tubing
containing the sucrose solution after 20 minutes.











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(c) State two components of a cell surface membrane other than phospholipid molecules and
describe their function.

component 1 .............................................................................................................................

function .....................................................................................................................................



component 2 .............................................................................................................................

function .....................................................................................................................................



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2 The symptoms of cholera are caused by choleragen, a toxin released by the bacterium.

Choleragen is a protein made up of six polypeptides:

• a single copy of a polypeptide known as the A subunit that includes an extended alpha
• five polypeptides that together make the B subunit.

The B subunit of choleragen binds to a cell surface membrane component, known as GM1, of an
intestinal epithelial cell. The complete choleragen protein then enters the cell by endocytosis. Once
inside the cell, the A subunit of the protein acts as an enzyme, disrupting the normal functioning of
the cell.

(d) Outline the mechanism by which choleragen enters the cell.

You may use the space for annotated diagrams.






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6 (a) A student investigated the effect of changing the surface area to volume ratio on diffusion.

• Two different-sized blocks of agar, X and Y, were made.

• The agar contained Universal Indicator solution.
• Universal Indicator solution changes colour when acid is added.
• The blocks were placed in dilute hydrochloric acid at the same temperature.
• The student timed how long it took for each block to change colour completely.

Blocks X and Y are shown in Fig. 6.1. All dimensions are in cm.


1 3

Fig. 6.1

(i) The surface area to volume ratio of block X is 5:1.

Calculate the surface area to volume ratio of block Y.

Show your working.


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(ii) The student observed that block X changed colour completely in a much shorter time
than block Y.

Explain why.





...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iii) Suggest how the results of this investigation help to explain why plants need a transport






...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) An experiment was carried out by the student to investigate the ability of reducing sugars to
diffuse through Visking tubing. Fig. 6.2 shows the apparatus used.

solution containing
Visking tubing
reducing sugars

external solution

Fig. 6.2
At the start of the experiment, the external solution did not contain any reducing sugars.

At intervals, the student tested for the presence of reducing sugars, both within the Visking
tubing and in the external solution.

Name the reagent that is used to test for the presence of reducing sugars.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 7]

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5 Sugar molecules enter cells through transport proteins.

(a) Explain why transport proteins are required for the movement of sugar molecules, such as
glucose and fructose, into cells.





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5 (d) Some alveolar cells produce a surfactant that helps to prevent the collapse of alveoli on
exhalation. Too much surfactant decreases the efficiency of gas exchange in the alveoli.

A glycoprotein known as GM-CSF is released by some cells of the immune system when
there is too much surfactant in the alveoli. Excess surfactant is then broken down by alveolar

Receptors for GM-CSF are on the cell surface membranes of alveolar macrophages.

Explain how maintaining the correct quantity of surfactant in the alveoli is the result of a cell
signalling mechanism.












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4 (c) Some glycoproteins in cell surface membranes function as transport proteins.

State two other functions of glycoproteins in cell surface membranes.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................



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5 (d) (i) The structure of the cell surface membrane is described as a fluid mosaic.

Explain what is meant by the term fluid mosaic.








(ii) Outline the roles of the cell surface membrane.










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© UCLES 2017 9700/21/O/N/17 Paper 2 - 39

3 (d) The cell has internal chemical messengers that signal when an old or damaged mitochondrion
should be broken down.

Suggest one feature involving mitochondrial structure or function that could lead to the
release of these internal signals.



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4 Fig. 4.1 is a transmission electron micrograph of the bacterium that causes cholera, Vibrio cholerae.

The flagellum shown in Fig. 4.1 allows movement of the bacterium within the gut and may also
function to help it to bind to an intestinal epithelial cell. The organism does not enter the cell but
the toxin it releases can enter and cause damage. Large quantities of water, chloride ions and
sodium ions are lost from the cell.


magnification ×6000

Fig. 4.1

People with symptoms of cholera have severe watery diarrhoea and as a result can become very

(a) Explain how a loss of chloride ions and sodium ions from the intestinal epithelial cell will
cause a loss of water from the cell.






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(b) The main treatment for cholera is oral rehydration therapy (ORT) using oral rehydration salts
(ORS). This involves drinking a solution of electrolytes (mineral ions) and glucose.

Fig. 4.2 summarises the movement of glucose and sodium ions across an intestinal epithelial

Fig. 4.2 includes three different types of cell surface membrane proteins:

• SGLT1 is a cotransporter protein

• GLUT2 and Na+/K+ pump are two types of carrier protein.

ORS lumen of intestine

water glucose Na+ water


glucose Na+



Na+ / K+
GLUT2 3Na+ pump

to capillary

Fig. 4.2

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The first rehydrating solution developed for the treatment of cholera did not contain glucose. Using
ORS, patients absorb a higher concentration of sodium ions and there is an increase in water

With reference to Fig. 4.2:

• outline the transport mechanisms that result in the movement of glucose and sodium
ions across the intestinal epithelial cell
• suggest how the movement of glucose and sodium ions increases water uptake by
the cell.












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(d) The inner and outer membranes of the mitochondrion have a fluid mosaic structure similar to
other cell membranes. They are both approximately 6 to 7 nanometres (nm) thick.

(i) Outline the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure.

There is space below for a diagram.







...................................................................................................................................... [3]

(ii) The inner and outer membranes of the mitochondrion differ in the detail of their
membrane components. The inner membrane is also much less permeable than the
outer membrane.

Suggest one way in which the structure of the inner membrane may differ from that of
the outer membrane to produce a less permeable inner membrane.



...................................................................................................................................... [1]

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© UCLES 2018 9700/22/F/M/18 Paper 2 - 44

6 (d) Ions are taken up by root hair cells using active transport and facilitated diffusion.

Describe two ways in which facilitated diffusion differs from active transport.

1 ................................................................................................................................................



2 ................................................................................................................................................



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3 Bacteria may be classified according to differences in cell wall structure. The differences are
shown by using the Gram stain.

• A Gram-positive bacterium has a cell wall mainly composed of a thick layer of peptidoglycan
• A Gram-negative bacterium has a more complex cell wall. This wall is composed of a much
thinner layer of peptidoglycan and an outer layer known as the outer membrane.

Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative bacterium.

Fig. 3.1 is a diagram through the cell surface membrane and the cell wall of E. coli.

external environment

O antigen
(O polysaccharide)

core polysaccharide
cell wall

lipid A

peptidoglycan periplasm
(watery fluid
containing proteins)

cell surface


Fig. 3.1

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(b) The outer membrane contains transport proteins called OmpF porins. These porins allow the
passive movement of water, ions and small, polar molecules across the outer membrane.
Each OmpF porin is formed from three identical polypeptides.

(i) Explain what is meant by the term passive.


(ii) Suggest and explain the features of an OmpF porin as a membrane transport protein.











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2 (c) Adipocytes synthesise triglyceride lipase (ATGL), an enzyme that catalyses the formation or
breakdown of triglycerides, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

triglyceride fatty acids + glycerol

Fig. 2.1

The balance between triglyceride formation and breakdown is controlled by hormones.

Fig. 2.2 is a summary of events occurring in an adipocyte when glycogen energy stores have
been used up.

tissue hormone

cell surface

ATP second messenger


inactive enzyme active enzyme

inactive ATGL active ATGL

triglyceride fatty acids + glycerol

Fig. 2.2

(ii) Name and outline the process by which the fatty acids shown in Fig. 2.2 exit the cell.







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(iii) Fig. 2.2 is an example of cell signalling within the body.

With reference to Fig. 2.2, outline the process of cell signalling.













(d) The fatty acids released from adipocytes are transported in blood plasma and are taken up
by cells.

Although most cell types can metabolise fatty acids to synthesise ATP in the presence of
oxygen, red blood cells cannot do this.

Suggest why red blood cells cannot metabolise fatty acids to synthesise ATP.



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3 (e) (ii) Anti-cyFBPase monoclonal antibody is added to extracts taken from the leaves of the
plants with the cyFBP mutation.
State the expected results following addition of the monoclonal antibody that would
confirm the absence of cyFBPase in the leaf extracts.



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