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Answers for Section A (20%):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Section B
[ 20 marks]
Answer all the equations.

1. a) Determine whether each of the following statements is ‘True’ or ‘False’

i) 5 is a prime factor of 20
ii) 3 is a prime factor of 29
iii) 4 is a prime factor of 16
[ 3 marks]

b) The number sequence in the answer space is Fibonacci Numbers. Complete the number

[ 2 marks]

2. a) Complete the table in the answers space.

Single number Standard form


3.6 × 105

[3 marks]

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b) Diagram 10 shows an irregular polygon

Diagram 10
Determine the sum of exterior angles and the sum of interior angles of the polygon.

Sum of exterior angles

Sum of interior angles

[2 marks]

3. a) Diagram 11 shows a trapezium PQRS.

Diagram 11

Given PT = 2TS. Find the length, in cm, of QR.

[3 marks]

b) Given ξ = {letter in the word ‘ B A D M I N T O N’} and P = { vowels}. Complete the

table in the answer space.
Number of elements in ξ

Complement of set P

[2 marks]

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4. a) Match the equations with the correct gradient.

𝑦= 𝑥−5 -9

1 1
2𝑦 = −𝑥 − −2

3𝑥 𝑦 1
+ =1
2 6 4

[3 marks]

b) In Diagram 12 , MNP is a tangent to the circle with centre O at point N. Find the value of

Diagram 12

[2 marks]

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Section C
[ 60 marks]
Answers all the equations

1. a) Find the value of each of the following.

i) 27 − √−8

3 27
ii) (−3)3 + √ − √0.0081
[4 marks]

i) ii)

b) Find the value

1 1 1
152 × 5−2 × (32 )³
[4 marks]

c) Diagram 13 shows two cylinders P and Q

Diagram 13

Calculate the total mass of the 3 cylinder P and 5 cylinder Q, in g.

[2 marks]

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2. a) The diagram 14 show a combined solid consisting of a trapezium PQRS as the uniform
cross section and a right prism which are joined at the vertical plane PHTS. The surface
ABCDE is the uniform cross section of the prism. EA and CB are vertical edges.
Rectangle EDKF and rectangle DCJK are inclined planes. The height of D from AB is 5
cm and ED = DC. The base ABPQVHG is on a horizontal plane and rectangle SRUT is
an inclined plane.

Diagram 14
[6 marks]

Draw to full scale, the elevation of the combined solid as viewed from X

Draw to full scale, the elevation of the combined solid as viewed from Y

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b) In Diagram 15, shows two parallel lines, OP and QR. Straight line PR is parallel to the y-axis and O
is the origin

Diagram 15
i) The equation of the straight line, PR
ii) The equation of the straight line QR
[4 marks]


i) ii)

3. a) The diagram 16 below show the cross-sectional view of the roller consists of two
different sizes wheels with the centres O and P respectively. The bigger wheel has a radius
of 60 cm while the smaller wheel has radius of 30 cm. LOP is the handle that connects the
two wheels. Point A and B are the points of tangency of the wheels to the horizontal ground.
The distance between point A and point B is 1 m.

Diagram 16
Find the length, in m, of the handle.
[4 marks]

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b) Diagram 17 shows a square ABCD with three similar circles. The three similar circles
are cut out from the square ABCD.

Diagram 17
Find the area, in cm², of the remaining region. [Use 𝜋 = ]
Answer : [3 marks]

c) Solve the following simultaneous linear equation.

3𝑔 + ℎ = 1
−2𝑔 + 2ℎ = 10
[3 marks]

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4. a) Diagram 18 shows a scale drawing of recreation area which consists of a square, an
isosceles triangle and a semicircle. The drawing area has the scale drawing of 1:200. The
shaded region developed into a playground for the children. Find the actual area of recreation
area which does not include the playground.
[Use 𝜋 = 7 ]

Diagram 18
[4 marks]

b) Jonathan drives from his office 1540 and reaches Town A at 1600. Then he drives at a
speed of 90 km/h to return home.

i) the time he reaches home
ii) the average speed of the journey.
[3 marks]
i) ii)

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c) Diagram in the answer space shows a regular hexagon ABCDEF. Y and Z are two
moving points in the hexagon.
On the Diagram, draw
i) the locus of Y such that YD = DE
ii) the locus of Z such that it is equidistant from point B and point F
iii) Hence, mark with the symbol ⊗ the intersection of the locus of Y and the locus of
[ 3 marks]

5. a) Alisha facing a credit card problem. She has balance of RM10000 and just lost her job.
The credit card company charges 18% of annual percentage rate (APR), compounded
daily. Assume that the credit card company allows Alisha to suspend the payment until she
get job but the interest still charged. If Alisha needs 1 year to get new job, what is the amount
of her credit card debt when she started her job?
[3 marks]

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b) Mr. Kamal bought 10 boxes of oranges for RM24 per box. There are 56 oranges in each
box. He found out that for every 40 oranges, there is one bad orange.
i) What is probability of getting a bad orange?
ii) How many oranges are expected to be bad?
[3 marks]
i) ii)

c) i) Factorise:
12𝑡 2 + 16𝑡
[1 marks]

ii) Solve the following simultaneous linear inequalities

3𝑥 − 1 > 8 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥 ≥ 2𝑥 − 6
[3 marks]

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6. a) Diagram 19 shows the distribution of student’s quiz marks.

Diagram 19
[ 1 marks]

Find the value of median: ______________

b) Given the function of 𝑦 = 𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 + 6. Complete the table of values below

x −2 −1 0 1 2 3
y 0 6 30

[3 marks]

c) Draw the graph of function 𝑦 = 𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 + 6 for −2 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 3. Use the scale 2 cm to 1

unit on the x-axis and 2 cm to 5 units on the y-axis
[4 marks]
d) From the graph 3(b), determine
i) value of y when x = 0.5
ii) value x when y = 15
[2 marks]

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