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International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013 116

ISSN 2278-7763

Use of Multimedia Technology in Teaching and Learning communication

skill”: An Analysis.
Mr. Chirag Patel, Asst.Professor - SIT & Research
Scholar. ___________________________________________________________________

Abstract. In Teaching and learning as a second language in a country like

communication skills, we have a lot to India and for some people the 1st
choose from the world of technology: TV, language. It enjoys a high prestige in the
CD Rom, Computers, C.A.L.L., the country. At present the role and status of
Internet, Electronic Dictionary, Email, English in India is higher than ever as
Blogs and Audio Cassettes, Power Point, evidenced by its position as a key subject
Videos, DVD’s or VCD’s. The last two of medium of instruction, curriculum. As
decades have witnessed a revolution due to the number of English learners is
onset of technology, and has changed the increasing different teaching methods have
dynamics of educational institutes, and has been implemented to test the effectiveness
also influenced the educational system and of the teaching process. Use of authentic
the way people interact and work in the materials in the form of films, radio, TV

society. This rapid rising and development has been there for a long time. It is true
of information technology has offered a that these technologies have proved
better pattern to explore the new teaching successful in replacing the traditional
model. Using multimedia to create a teaching. The new era assigns new
context to teach communication skill has challenges and duties on the modern
its unique advantages. As a result teacher. The tradition of English teaching
technology plays a very important role in has been drastically changed with the
teaching communication skill. remarkable entry of technology.
Technology provides so many options as
This paper tries to analyze the necessity of making teaching interesting and also
multimedia technology to communication
making teaching more productive in terms
skill teaching and also brings out the
of improvements. At present the role and
problems faced by using these status of English is that it is the language
technologies. It also aims to make English of social context, political, socio cultural,
teachers aware of the strategies to use it in business, education, industries, media,
an effective manner. library, communication across borders,
Key Words: communication skill and key subject in curriculum and
teaching, Multimedia Technology, language of imparting education. It is also
Advantages, Disadvantages, Optimization, a crucial determinant for university
Strategies. entrance and processing well paid jobs in
the commercial sector. Since there are
1. Introduction: more and more English learners in India,
different teaching methods have been
With the spread and development of
implemented to test the effectiveness of
English around the world, English is used
the teaching process. One method involves

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International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013 117
ISSN 2278-7763

multimedia in ELT in order to create has become a defining characteristic of

English contexts. This helps students to get ELT today. With the rapid development of
involved and learn according to their science and technology, the emerging and
interests, It has been tested effectively and developing of multimedia technology and
is widely accepted for teaching English in its application to teaching, featuring audio,
modern world. Technology is utilized for visual, animation effects comes into full
the upliftment of modern styles; it satisfies play in English class teaching and sets a
both visual and auditory senses of the favorable platform for reform and
students. With the spread and development exploration on English teaching model in
of English around the world, English has the new era. It’s proved that multimedia
been learned and used by more and more technology plays a positive role in
speakers. promoting activities and initiatives of
student and teaching effect in English
2. Use of Technology in teaching communication class. Technological
communication skill: innovations have gone hand -in hand with
As the use of English has increased in the growth of English and are changing the
popularity so has the need for qualified way in which we communicate. It is fair to
teachers to instruct students in the assert that the growth of the internet has
language. It is true that there are teachers facilitated the growth of the English

who use ‘cutting edge’ technology, but the communication and that this has occurred
majority of teachers still teach in the at a time when computers are no longer the
traditional manner. None of these exclusive domains of the dedicated few,
traditional manners are bad or damaging but rather available to many. And as a
the students. In fact, till date they are result if we neglect or ignore technological
proving to be useful also. However, there developments they will continue and
are many more opportunities for students perhaps we will never be able to catch up,
to gain confidence practice and extend irrespective of our discipline or branch.
themselves, especially for ESL students Teachers can use Multimedia Technology
who learn the language for more than just to give more colorful, stimulating lectures
fun. For them to keep pace with ELT and (new Horizons).
gain more confidence they have to stride 4. Analysis on Necessity of Application
into the world of multimedia technology.
of Multimedia Technology in English
3. The Growth of ELT Through communication Teaching:
Technology: 4.1. To Cultivate Students’ Interest in
English communication skill Teaching has Study:
been with us for many years and its Nowadays, the stereotyped traditional
significance continues to grow, fuel teaching methods and environment are
led,partially by the Internet. For the first unpopular while multimedia technology
time there are more Non-Native than featuring audio, visual animation effects
Native users of the language and diversity naturally and humanely makes us more
of context in terms of learners, age, access to information besides, with such
nationality, learning background etcetera characteristics as abundant-information

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International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013 118
ISSN 2278-7763

and crossing time and space, rich content and true-to-life language
materials, which are much natural and
multimedia technology offers a sense of closer to life. Not only could learners
reality and functions very well, which improve their listening ability, but also
greatly cultivates students’ interest and learn the western culture. Grasping
motivation in study and their involvement
information through various channels can
in class activities.
equip; the students with knowledge and
4.2. To Promote Students bring about information-sharing among
Communication Capacity: students and make them actively
participate in class discussion and
Traditional teaching has hampered communication.
students’ capacity to comprehend certain
language and also understanding to 4.4. To Improve Teaching Effect:
structure, meaning and function of the
Multimedia teachings enrich teaching
language, and makes the students passive content and make the best of class time
recipients of knowledge, So it is hard to and break the “teacher centered” teaching
achieve the target of communication. With pattern and fundamentally improve class
teachers’ instructions leading students’ efficiency. Due to large classes it is
thought patterns and motivating students’ difficult for the students to have speaking

emotions, the multimedia technology seeks communication. The utilization of
integration of teaching and learning and
multimedia sound lab materializes the
provides the students greater incentives,
individualized and co-operative teaching.
The PPT courseware activate students’
The traditional teaching model mainly
thinking; the visual and vivid courseware emphasized on teachers’ instruction, and
rand help them to transforms English the information provided is limited due to
communication into capacity cultivation. traditional classes. On the contrary,
And such in-class activities as group multimedia technology goes beyond time
discussion, subject discussion, and debates and space, creates more vivid, visual,
can also offer more opportunities for
authentic environment for English
communication among students and
learning, stimulates students’ initiatives
between teachers and students. So and economizes class time meanwhile
multimedia technology teaching has increases class information.
uniquely inspired students’ positive
thinking and communication skills in 4.5. To Improve Interaction Between
social practice. Teacher and Student:

4.3. To Widen Students’ Knowledge to Multimedia teaching stresses the role of

Gain an Insightful Understanding to students, and enhances the importance of
Western Culture: “interaction” between teachers and
students. A major feature of multimedia
The multimedia courseware can offer the teaching is to train and improve students’
students abundant information; more ability to listen and speak, and to develop
plentiful than textbooks and help them to their communicative competence, During
get of displays vivid cultural background, this process, the teacher’s role as a

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International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013 119
ISSN 2278-7763

facilitator is particularly prominent. Using environment and arouses students’ interest

multimedia in context creation creates a in learning English communication skill.
good platform for the exchange between
teachers and students, while at the same 4.7. To Provide Flexibility to Course
time providing a language environment Content:
that improves on the traditional classroom In addition, multimedia teaching is also
teaching model. In this way, teachers in flexible. It is obvious that the context can
the classroom no longer blindly input be created not only in the classroom, but
information and force students to receive it also after class. Multimedia language
in a passive way. teaching can also create a multimedia
language environment for the purpose of
4.6. Creates a Context for Language
teaching: conducting English communication
teaching. Students are bound to have some
Multimedia teaching creates a context for problems in classroom teaching, which can
language teaching. This method makes the be addressed under the guidance of
class lively and interesting, as well as teachers. In such circumstances, students
optimizing the organization of the class. can use the new technology to their
Multimedia has its own features such a s advantage, such as manipulating the
visibility and liveliness. During the network to contact teachers, and receiving

process of multimedia English answers by email.
communication skill teaching, sounds and
pictures can be set together, which 5. Analysis on Problems Arising from
enhances the initiative of both teachers and Application for Multimedia Technology
students, When using multimedia software to English communication Teaching:
teachers can use pictures and images to In spite of advantages of application of
enrich the content of classes, and also multimedia technology to English
imagine different contexts in the process ccommunication teaching has to improve
of producing teaching courseware, teaching effect and university students’
Students in the class can use multimedia to overall capacities, there are many
understand the class in a clear way. problems existing in practical teaching,
Through the whole interactive process, it is such as:
apparent that using multimedia in ELT is
effective in nurturing students’ interest in 5.1. Major Means Replaced by the
learning English communication , as well Assisting One:
as enhancing teachers’’ interest in English
Application of multimedia technology is
communication teaching. As Zhang
and assisting instrument to achieve the
(2006:11.1)points out through Multimedia
projected teaching effect While if totally
and network technology we can offer
dependent on, multimedia devices during
students not only rich, sources of authentic
teaching, the teachers may be turned into
learning materials, but also an attractive
slaves to the multimedia and cannot play
and a friendly interface vivid pictures and
the leading role in teaching, It is observed
pleasant sounds, which to a large extent
in practice that a lot of teachers are active
overcomes the lack of authentic language
in multimedia technology application but

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International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013 120
ISSN 2278-7763

not proficient enough to handle it Thinking Potential:

confidently. In class, they are standing by
the computer and students are fixing their Teachers raise impromptu and real-time
attention only on the screen, and therefore, questions and guide the students to think,
there is no eye contact between teachers cultivate their capacity to discover and
and students.. The trend of modern solve problems; however, due to over
information and technology teaching demonstration and pre-arranged order, the
appears to the extremity regardless of the courseware lacks real-time effect and
essence of the traditional teaching. And cannot give feedback. It ignores emphasis
hence, the notion of Creative Education is and importance in teaching; it also
to be fully comprehended that modern neglects instruction in students ‘ thinking ,
educational techniques serves an assisting inspiring their paths of thinking,
instrument rather than a target: and that strengthening their capacity contemplating
should not dominate class. They are and solving problems. In this way, it
substitutes to effective teaching and should be noted that cultivation of
learning. students’ thinking capacity should be the
major objective in teaching and of using
5.2. Loss of Speaking Communication: multimedia technology and it should not
take up the students’ time for thinking,
English communication analysis by the

analyzing and exploring questions.
teachers are effective in conveying
knowledge to the students from English 5.4. Abstract Thinking Replaced by
pronunciation to comprehension, Imaginable Thinking:
improving students’ English thought
patterns and oral expression, Whereas, the The Process of cognition goes through
introduction of multimedia technology perceptual stage and rational stage. It also
featuring audio, visual, textual effect fully applies to studying process. It is our hope
meets audio and visual requirements of the that teaching makes students adopt the
students and enhance their interest, but it outlook cognition from perceptual
also results in lack of communication recognition to rational apprehension, and
between teachers and students, greatly leap from perceptual thinking to
replacement of teachers’ voice by rational thinking; therefore it is the major
computer sound, and teachers’ analysis by objective in teaching. To enhance the
visual image and students have’ few students’ abstract thinking, the multimedia
chances for speaking communication . technology makes content easier, and with
With the favorable atmosphere by the its unique advantages, it can clarify the
mutual communication between teachers emphasis in teaching. While if the image
and imagination in students’ mind were
and students fading away, and sound and
image of multimedia affecting students’ merely showed on the screen, their abstract
initiative to think and speak, English class thinking would be restricted and logical
turns to course ware show and students are thinking would waste away, at present the
made viewers rather than the participants decreased students’ reading competence
of class activities. has become a major concern for reason
that, textual words are replaced by sound
5.3. The restriction of Students’ and image, handwriting by keyboard input.

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International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013 121
ISSN 2278-7763

All in all, the multimedia as an assisting the blackboard, They have input exercises,
instrument, cannot replace the dominant questions, answers and teaching plans into
role of teachers and it is part of a complete the computer and display them piece by
teaching process. piece, without taking down anything on
the blackboard or even the title of a lesson.
6. Suggestions and Strategies to the It is known that teachers are supposed to
Existing Problems:
simulate situations based on teaching and
In Practical teaching. It is improper to guide the students to communicate in
duplicate the textual material simply to the English. Beside traditional writing on
screen so that the teacher’s position is blackboard is concise and teachers can
ignored In order to ensure the function of, make adjustment and amendment to it if
multimedia in teaching. It should be noted necessary. Furthermore, experienced
that: teachers know well that a perfect
courseware is an ideal project in mind, and
6.1. The Beauty of Courseware is not the that in practice, they need to enrich the
Sole Pursuit: content on the blackboard with emerging
of new question raised by the students.
It is proved through practice that adequate
application of multimedia technology to 6.3. Power Point cannot Take the Place

teaching can make breakthroughs in class of Student’s Thinking and Practices:
teaching. That is to say, during multimedia
assisting teaching, teachers still play the At present, most multimedia courseware
leading role that their position could never mainly feature on image and animation of
be replaced by the computer. For instance, teaching materials in order to cause audio
the introduction to each lesson and and visual effect, which lively displays the
speaking communication are good way to content of textual materials and helps the
improve students’ listening and speaking student deeply understand the texts. A
which the computer cannot fulfill, problem remains that displaying of the
Therefore, teachers’ interpretation shall content of texts in the PPT courseware
not be overlooked. Meanwhile, as a cannot take the place of students’ thinking
practical English communication should or English communication in simulated
be used very often in class to cultivate the circumstance, When working on and
students’ communicative competence, utilizing the courseware, we need to
Multimedia, as an instrument for assisting encourage the students to use their own
teaching, serves the teachers despite its mind and speak more, actively join in class
extraordinary effect, So teaching practice,.
determines whether to adopt multimedia
6.4. Multimedia Technology should not
technology. Otherwise, the teachers were be Over used:
acting as the projectionist, clicking the
screen. Some teachers may possess the improper
concept that they would totally apply
6.2. The Computer Screen can’t multimedia technology in their teaching. It
Substitute the Blackboard: is also believed that the more utilization of
Some teachers take the computer screen as multimedia technology, the better class

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International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 7, July-2013 122
ISSN 2278-7763

atmosphere may grow, the more actively part of teachers, overcoming the finance
the students get involved in class problems in setting up the infrastructure
participation, the more easily the material and not allowing the teachers to become
access to the students. Apparently, the technophobes.
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ISSN 2278-7763



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