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Cerebrovascular disease


An MRI review of acquired corpus callosum lesions

Dimitri Renard, Giovanni Castelnovo, Chantal Campello, Stephane Bouly,
Anne Le Floch, Eric Thouvenot, Anne Waconge, Guillaume Taieb

▸ Additional material is ABSTRACT MRI, positron emission tomography and single-

published online only. To view Lesions of the corpus callosum (CC) are seen in a photon emission CT can sometimes be useful in the
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multitude of disorders including vascular diseases, diagnosis of these CC lesions.
jnnp-2013-307072). metabolic disorders, tumours, demyelinating diseases,
trauma and infections. In some diseases, CC involvement VASCULAR LESIONS
Department of Neurology, CHU
Nîmes, Hôpital Caremeau, is typical and sometimes isolated, while in other diseases Infarction
Nîmes, France CC lesions are seen only occasionally in the presence of The large anterior part of the CC is supplied by
other typical extra-callosal abnormalities. In this review, the pericallosal artery, a branch of the anterior cere-
Correspondence to we will mainly discuss the MRI characteristics of acquired
Dr Dimitri Renard, Department bral artery, while the splenium is supplied by the
of Neurology, CHU Nîmes, lesions involving the CC. Identification of the origin of the posterior pericallosal artery, a branch of the poster-
Hôpital Caremeau, Place du CC lesion depends on the exact localisation of the lesion ior cerebral artery. The most common location of
Pr Debré, 30029 Nîmes (s) inside the CC, presence of other lesions seen outside CC infarction is the splenium (see online supple-
Cedex 4, France; the CC, signal changes on different MRI sequences, mentary figure S1). Infarctions are most often
evolution over time of the radiological abnormalities, central (ie, respecting the upper and lower margins)
Received 22 October 2013 history and clinical state of the patient, and other in the CC and accompanied by infarction in other
Revised 30 January 2014 radiological and non-radiological examinations. brain areas supplied by the same artery. Because of
Accepted 30 January 2014 the bilateral arterial supply, most ischaemic CC
Published Online First
21 February 2014 lesions are confined to one side although they may
INTRODUCTION cross the midline. Rare midline CC lesions are seen
The corpus callosum (CC) is a large, densely in case of watershed infarction between both anter-
packed, white matter tract that connects both cere- ior (eg, in case of occlusion of a common anterior
bral hemispheres, explaining the multitude of pos- cerebral artery) or both posterior (eg, in case of
sible clinical signs and symptoms seen in CC top-of-the-basilar infarction) cerebral arteries, or in
involvement. Absence of a clear neurological deficit case of occlusion of a third small artery originating
can be seen when the CC lesion is solitary and from the anterior communicating artery as seen in
small, in contrast to large, diffuse or multifocal CC the majority of postmortem angiograms (see online
lesions often leading to severe neurological deficit. supplementary figure S2). Signal intensities and
Alien limb syndrome is typically seen with anterior radiological evolution are like those seen in classical
CC lesions, left agraphia, right constructional brain infarction. Gadolinium enhancement, often
apraxia and left tactile anomia in case of injury to peripheral, can be seen in the subacute phase of
the body of the CC, and left hemialexia when the ischaemic lesions. Lesions may become necrotic,
splenium is involved.1–5 Briefly, the aetiology of seen as a central FLAIR hypointensity surrounded
CC lesions can be divided into disorders typically by FLAIR hyperintensity.
affecting the CC (often in an isolated manner; eg, Ischaemic CC involvement can also be seen in
Marchiafava–Bignami disease (MBD), mild enceph- small vessel disease including cerebral autosomal
alitis/encephalopathy with a reversible splenial dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and
lesion (MERS)), disorders where the coexistence of leucoencephalopathy (CADASIL), small vessel vas-
callosal and extra-callosal lesions is often present (eg, culitis, Susac syndrome, and autosomal dominant
multiple sclerosis (MS), trauma, leucodystrophy), and hereditary cerebrovascular disease due to COL4A1
disorders where CC involvement is only seen occa- point mutations (figure 1, and see online supple-
sionally together with typical extra-callosal abnormal- mentary figures S3 and S4). In CADASIL, diffuse
ities (eg, Wernicke encephalopathy (WE)). MRI is a bilateral (T2 and FLAIR hyperintense) leucoence-
powerful tool to analyse CC lesions. Because of the phalopathy is usually observed, sometimes asso-
anterior–posterior orientation of the CC, sagittal ciated with cerebral microbleeds.6 7 When
MRI imaging is of special interest in patients with CADASIL-related leucoencephalopathy is less
CC abnormalities. T1-, T2-, T2*-weighted imaging, severe, the external capsula and anterior part of the
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and dif- temporal lobes are the most frequently involved
fusion-weighted imaging (DWI)/apparent diffusion structures. Susac syndrome is a rare disorder affect-
coefficient (ADC) sequences together with ing the precapillary arterioles of the brain, retina
gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted images are essen- and cochlea leading to cerebral symptoms, branch
To cite: Renard D,
tial to analyse CC lesions. Axial, sagittal and coronal retinal artery occlusions, and visual and hearing
Castelnovo G, Campello C, images give information of the precise localisation of loss.8 The CC is almost always involved in Susac
et al. J Neurol Neurosurg the CC lesion. syndrome, typically affecting the central CC
Psychiatry 2014;85: Additional imaging techniques including mag- portion (with microinfarctions that are typically
1041–1048. netic resonance spectroscopy, perfusion-weighted small), together with ischaemic involvement of the

Renard D, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2014;85:1041–1048. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-307072 1041

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Cerebrovascular disease

Figure 1 DWI sequences (A–C) showing multifocal lateralised corpus callosum (CC) involvement in a Susac patient. On sagittal FLAIR imaging (D),
a typical wedge-shaped lesion in the splenium extending from the roof of the CC (the so-called ‘icicle’) can be observed.

periventricular areas and often also the posterior fossa struc- T2*-weighted imaging in detecting cavernous malformations,
tures. When CC infarctions are larger, the so-called ‘snowball’ especially in multifocal/familial cases.11 Cavernous malforma-
appearance can be seen. Sometimes, linear defects (‘spokes’) are tions are typically not enhanced on gadolinium-injected
observed from the callosal–septal surface extending to the T1-imaging, although minimal enhancement may be present.
superior margin of the CC or wedge-shaped lesions extending Haemorrhagic CC lesions, most often small, can also be seen
from the roof of the CC (the so-called ‘icicles’). In the chronic secondary to trauma, haemorrhagic small vessel disease, infarc-
phase, lesions appear as holes (ie, as hypointensity on T1 and tion and brain tumour.
FLAIR sequences), together with CC atrophy. COL4A1 point A rare cause of CC (and extra-CC) haemorrhages, most often
mutations have been recently identified as a rare cause of an small and multiple, is extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
autosomal dominant hereditary cerebrovascular disease, often (ECMO), which occurs usually in association with infarction
associated with systemic injury affecting eyes, kidney and and involvement of other brain areas (see online supplementary
muscles.9 Other COL4A1-related cerebral manifestations figure S7).12 ECMO is used for severe respiratory or cardiac
include asymptomatic porencephaly, diffuse white matter failure unresponsive to conventional therapy and is associated
lesions, intracerebral haemorrhage, transient ischaemic attack, with a high mortality and morbidity. Neurological complications
brain infarction, dilated perivascular spaces, silent microbleeds, occur more frequently when venoarterial ECMO is used com-
mental retardation, epilepsy, migraine with aura, dolichoid pared with venovenous ECMO. ECMO therapy may cause
carotid siphons and intracranial aneurysms. hypoxia during cannulation, solid or air emboli during perfu-
sion, haemodynamic instability and bleeding. ECMO-related
Delayed posthypoxic leucoencephalopathy cerebral haemorrhages may result from continuous heparin infu-
Delayed posthypoxic leucoencephalopathy (DPL) has been sion during ECMO and/or from haemorrhagic diathesis (an
reported in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning, narcotic adverse effect of ECMO).
overdose, myocardial infarction and other global cerebral
hypoxic events. DPL is often associated with other manifesta- DEMYELINATING LESIONS
tions of posthypoxic brain injury including acute haemorrhagic Multiple sclerosis
necrosis of the pallidum, arterial borderzone infarction or late The CC is frequently affected in MS, most characteristically
laminar necrosis.10 The proposed pathophysiological mechanism involving asymmetrically the inferior part of the CC, radiating
postulates that prolonged moderate hypo-oxygenation in white from the ventricular surface into the overlying CC, appearing as
matter disrupts adenosine triphosphate-dependent enzymatic T2 and FLAIR hyperintensity (figure 2). These so-called callosal–
pathways involved in myelin turnover which would result in septal interface lesions are highly specific for MS. Therefore, T2/
delayed demyelination. Another possible explanation is that oli- FLAIR-weighted sagittal MRI imaging is essential in the work-up
gaemia restricted to white matter may result in delayed apop- when MS is suspected. Acute lesions are isointense or mildly
tosis of the oligodendrocytes. hypointense on T1 sequences, often with ‘open-ring’ enhance-
The most frequent involved areas are the frontal and the par- ment after gadolinium injection. Rare cases of acute MS lesions
ietal white matter and the CC. Lesions in these areas are seen as with transient reduced diffusion on diffusion-weighted imaging
hyperintensity on T2 and FLAIR sequences, together with tran- have been described. When T1 hypointensity persists in the
sient (lasting for up to several weeks) reduced diffusion on DWI chronic stage, these MS lesions are called ‘black hole’ on imaging.
and ADC map, and usually without contrast enhancement (see Beside the CC, MS lesions commonly affect the periventricular
online supplementary figure S5). DPL lesions are transitory in a white matter (often presenting as ovoid or linear lesions) and the
portion of patients. posterior fossa (especially the cerebellar peduncles) and sometimes
also the cerebral cortex. Diffuse brain atrophy, which also affects
Haemorrhage the CC, is typical in chronic MS, making the T2 hyperintense CC
Rare cases of bleeding in the CC have been reported due to lesions sometimes difficult to interpret, especially since these T2
anterior communicating artery or distal anterior cerebral artery lesions often become diffuse and confluent in long-standing MS
aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation or cavernoma (see online (see online supplementary figure S8).13
supplementary figure S6). These, usually large, haemorrhagic
lesions are often associated with intraventricular haemorrhage. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Cavernous malformations often show calcification. In acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), radiological
Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) is more sensitive than features overlapping with MS are often observed although CC

1042 Renard D, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2014;85:1041–1048. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-307072

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Cerebrovascular disease

Figure 2 Sagittal T2 (A) and FLAIR

(B) imaging of two different multiple
sclerosis patients showing in the first
patient a callosal–septal interface
lesion in the anterior part of the
corpus callosum (CC) (A) and in the
second patient multifocal callosal–
septal interface lesions along the
entire CC (B).

and periventricular lesions are less frequent. CC lesions at the matter (most often at the grey–white matter junction). When
callososeptal interface are usually not seen. In contrast, basal small, CC lesions are often unilateral and slightly eccentric to
ganglia lesions are more frequent in ADEM than in MS. the midline, whereas large, bilateral and symmetric lesions
Gadolinium-enhanced T1 imaging typically shows enhancement sometimes involving the entire CC can also be seen (see online
of all (or near all) lesions in ADEM, whereas in MS enhance- supplementary figure S11). DIA is best seen on DWI and FLAIR
ment is completely absent or seen in only some of the lesions. sequences as hyperintense signal, frequently associated with
Distinction between both entities is important since MS patients haemorrhagic hypointense lesions on T2*-weighted images (and
seem to benefit from long-term treatment, while ADEM is most even better seen on SWI sequences).17 When present, DAI
often a monophasic postinfectious or postvaccination disorder lesions tend to be multiple. On ADC map, lesions may be
not requiring long-term treatment. hypointense indicating cytotoxic oedema. Traumatic CC lesions
are usually focal although diffuse CC lesions are sometimes
Neuromyelitis optica encountered. Small traumatic CC lesions are often eccentric
Classically, neuromyeltis optica (NMO) was thought to show whereas large lesions most frequently involve the complete
any or only discrete brain MRI signal changes. However, recent extent of the CC in coronal sections. DAI is often associated
studies analysing systematically brain lesions in NMO showed with other radiological manifestations of head trauma (including
that these lesions are extremely frequent, although they present epidural, subdural, subarachnoid or intraventricular haemor-
different radiological characteristics (ie, more often diffuse, het- rhage, contusion). DAI lesions tend to reduce in number and
erogeneous, cystic and with blurred margins) as compared with volume over time.18
MS.14 15 When present, the periventricular white matter is the
most frequently area involved followed by the CC (see online NEOPLASTIC
supplementary figure S9). NMO-related CC lesions are typically Glioblastoma multiforme
diffuse and heterogeneous; they principally involve the splenium Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) commonly affects the CC as
(more frequently than in MS), spreading from the lower to the the tumour progresses from one cerebral hemisphere to another
upper edges of the CC.14 15 The predominant inferior involve- along the CC, giving sometimes the aspect of an asymmetrical
ment of the NMO-related CC lesions is probably explained by or symmetrical ‘butterfly glioblastoma’ (figure 3). GBM MRI
the high expression of aquaporin-4 protein along the callosal signal is typically heterogeneous, isointense to hypointense
lower surface. (especially when necrosis is present) on T1 sequences, and
hyperintense on T2 and FLAIR imaging. Central necrosis, peri-
NON-DEMYELINATING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES lesional vasogenic (T2/FLAIR/ADC hyperintense) oedema and
In non-demyelinating inflammatory diseases (eg, Sjögren syn- strong (solid, nodular, patchy or ‘closed-ring’) enhancement are
drome, lupus erythematosis, sarcoidosis), CC lesions can be typical, and sometimes haemorrhage occurs inside the tumour.
often observed together with more frequent periventricular
white matter lesions. Both enhancing and non-enhancing lesions Gliomatosis cerebri
have been described in these disorders, sometimes associated In gliomatosis cerebri, diffuse white matter infiltration (best seen
with leptomeningeal involvement. as homogenous T2 and FLAIR hyperintensity, and hypointense
Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular on T1) involving two or more lobes is seen with enlargement of
enhancement responsive to steroids (CLIPPERS) is a recently the involved structure. Absent (or minimal) enhancement on
described CNS inflammatory syndrome. The most characteristic gadolinium-injected T1-weighted imaging is typically seen.
lesions in CLIPPERS are multiple small, punctuate and curvilin- Associated CC, basal ganglia and/or thalamic involvement are
ear gadolinium-enhancing lesions peppering the brainstem. often observed (see online supplementary figure S12).
Associated lesions in the cerebellum, the spinal cord and the
cerebral hemispheres (including the CC) are relatively frequent Lymphoma
(see online supplementary figure S10).16 After corticoid treat- Lymphoma often involves the CC, periventricular white matter
ment, contrast-enhancing lesions typically improve dramatically, and basal ganglia, with homogenous contrast enhancement in
at least transitory. absence of central necrosis. They appear isointense or hypoin-
tense on unenhanced T1 sequences while hyperintense on T2/
TRAUMA FLAIR imaging (see online supplementary figures S13 and S14).
Diffuse axonal injury In immunocompromised patients and rarely in non-
Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) typically involves the CC (with the immunocompromised patients, contrast enhancement is rather
posterior CC part as most frequently involved CC area), mid- peripheral than homogeneous, or may be less evident or even
brain (especially the dorsolateral portion) and the lobar white absent. Surrounding oedema as well as central necrosis may be

Renard D, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2014;85:1041–1048. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-307072 1043

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Cerebrovascular disease

Figure 3 Diffuse infiltration of the genu and the anterior part of the body of the corpus callosum is observed on sagittal FLAIR sequences (A) in a
patient with a gliobastoma multiforme. On gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted imaging (sagittal view (B); coronal view (C); and axial view (D)),
central hypointense necrosis is seen with strong peripheral contrast enhancement in the callosal and frontal white matter giving an aspect of the
so-called ‘butterfly lesion’.

seen in HIV-related lymphoma. In contrast to glioblastoma, Brain abscess

there is less (or absent) peritumoural oedema, and necrosis and Brain abscesses commonly occur supratentorially at the grey–
haemorrhage are less common in lymphoma. Reduced diffusion white matter junction, with radiological characteristics varying
has been reported occasionally. Lymphoma often responds dra- with the stage of abscess development. Reduced diffusion
matically (and frequently disappear on MRI), but temporarily, (because of a high content of protein) on diffusion-weighted
to steroid treatment and radiation therapy. imaging and (most often ring) enhancement on gadolinium-
enhanced T1-weighted imaging are typically observed. In some
rare cases of brain abscess, the CC is also involved.22
Other primary brain tumours
CC involvement can rarely be seen in other primary brain METABOLIC DISEASES
tumours including pilocytic astrocytoma and germinoma. Marchiafava–Bignami disease
MBD is mainly reported in patients with chronic and severe
alcoholism and multiple vitamin deficiencies. MBD preferen-
tially affects the central and medial part of the CC, with the
Metastatic CC lesions are rare and most often seen in the pres-
splenium as the most frequently CC part involved. Often, the
ence of other metastatic brain lesions. Imaging characteristics
entire CC or a large part of it is involved with a low signal on
depends on the primary malignancy but usually present with
T1 and high signal on T2/FLAIR, leading to necrosis and cavi-
mass effect, surrounding oedema and contrast enhancement.
tary lesions profoundly hypointense on T1 and FLAIR imaging
giving a ‘sandwich-like’ appearance (figure 4). In the acute
INFECTION phase, reduced diffusion is often seen on diffusion-weighted
Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy imaging. Contrast enhancement can be occasionally seen in the
The JC virus-related progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy acute phase, and sometimes slight haemorrhage can also occur
(PML) typically occurs in immunocompromised patients and inside the lesion.23 Less frequently, other brain structures includ-
has a high mortality. These T2/FLAIR hyperintense and T1 ing white matter tracts, cerebral cortex and middle cerebellar
hypointense lesions can be unifocal (especially in the early peduncles may be involved in MBD.
stage) or multifocal, and typically involve the subcortical white
matter (involving also the CC in 10%–15% of cases) respecting Wernicke encephalopathy
basal ganglia and the cortex.19 20 There is usually no mass WE typically affects periaqueductal grey matter, mamillary
effect. Although usually absent faint contrast enhancement can bodies, hypothalamus, medial thalamus, perirolandic regions,
be observed at the periphery of the lesions. Patients surviving and less frequently cranial nerve nuclei, frontal and parietal
PML typically show profound atrophy of the involved brain lobes and rarely the CC. It is best seen as hyperintensity on T2/
structures (see online supplementary figure S15). FLAIR sequences. Involved structures sometimes show enhance-
ment (especially in alcoholic WE patients) and/or reduced diffu-
sion in the acute phase. Haemorrhagic lesions can be seen in
Encephalitis catastrophic WE cases.
Although not typical, CC involvement can be seen in some
cases of infectious (mainly viral) encephalitis. However, in Osmotic demyelinating syndrome
CMV encephalitis (frequently HIV/AIDS-related), periventricu- The osmotic demyelinating syndrome is associated with any
lar lesions often also involving the CC are seen as T2/FLAIR kind of osmotic gradient changes (most commonly in rapid iat-
hyperintensities, frequently with reduced diffusion on diffusion- rogenic correction of hyponatriemia in patients with alcoholism,
weighted imaging and enhancement on gadolinium-enhanced chronic liver disease or malnutrition). It was formerly called
T1-weighted imaging. central pontine myelinolysis because of the frequent pontine
Haemorrhagic changes can be observed in rare cases of infec- involvement, or extrapontine myelinolysis when other than
tious (eg, due to influenza virus, EBV, VZV, HSV-6 or tickborne pontine lesions are present. Frequent sites of extrapontine loca-
infection) or postinfectious haemorrhagic encephalitis, some- lisations are the cerebellum, basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebral
times referred to as Hurst leucoencephalitis.21 In the rare cases white matter, hippocampus and the CC (especially the sple-
of autopsy-proven acute haemorrhagic leucoencephalitis, exten- nium).24 The lesions are T2/FLAIR hyperintense and T1
sive asymmetrical demyelinating lesions are seen together with hypointense in the acute phase, often resolving after the acute
foci of microhaemorrhages. phase. Haemorrhage and contrast enhancement are uncommon.

1044 Renard D, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2014;85:1041–1048. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-307072

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Cerebrovascular disease

Figure 4 In a patient with Marchiafava–Bignami disease in the subacute phase, a diffuse symmetrical splenial lesion is present, seen as
hypodensity on CT (A), hypointensity on T1 (B) and hyperintensity on FLAIR (axial view (C); sagittal view (D)) sequences, with reduced diffusion
(hyperintensity on DWI (E) and hypointensity on ADC map (F)) on diffusion-weighted imaging. In the chronic phase, a central splenial midline corpus
callosum (CC) lesion is seen (and to a lesser degree also in the body of the CC) as hypointensity on both axial FLAIR (G) and sagittal T1-weighted
(H) imaging.

Lesions may occur with a certain delay after the onset of clinical rarely encountered (see online supplementary figure S16).
symptoms or may even be seen in absence of clinical Possible mechanisms in MERS include intramyelinic oedema,
abnormalities. dysfunction of cerebral blood flow autoregulation, and influx of
inflammatory cells and macromolecules and related cytotoxic
TRANSIENT LESION OF THE SPLENIUM oedema. Risk factors for MERS are antiepileptic drugs, corticoid
A transient (most often splenial) CC lesion can be seen in the treatment, immunoglobulin therapy, mild hyponatremia and
so-called MERS. Frequently, an isolated lesion in the splenium is encephalitis. The transient round or ovoid lesion of the central
seen (figure 5). Associated involvement of the entire CC, sym- splenium is typically T2 and FLAIR hyperintense, T1 hypoin-
metrical white matter, caudal nucleus, putamen and/or thalami is tense, with reduced diffusion on diffusion-weighted imaging, in

Renard D, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2014;85:1041–1048. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-307072 1045

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Cerebrovascular disease

Figure 5 MRI showing an ovoid symmetrical midline lesion in the central part of the splenium, hyperintense on T2 (B), FLAIR (C) and DWI image (D),
and hypointense on T1-weighted images (A) and ADC map (E). Control MRI 6 weeks later shows complete disappearance of the splenial lesion (F–J).

the absence of contrast enhancement. These reversible splenial of the cerebral white matter involved. Since leucoencephalopa-
lesions, with similar signal abnormalities as seen in MERS, are thy is usually diffuse, signal abnormalities are often observed
sometimes also encountered in cases with altitude sickness and along the entire CC. Lesions are typically hypointense on T1
hypoglycaemia (see online supplementary figure S17).25 26 and hyperintense on T2/FLAIR imaging, in the absence of con-
trast enhancement. Rare cases with contrast enhancement have
Risk factors for reversible posterior leucoencephalopathy syn- RADIATION-INDUCED LEUCOENCEPHALOPATHY
drome (RPLS) include immunosuppressive and cytotoxic agents, Radiation-induced leucoencephalopathy (RIL) is most often a
hypertension, eclampsia and metabolic abnormalities. The late and delayed effect of radiation therapy, occurring months
common clinical features of RPLS are headache, decreased alert- or years after radiation and frequently leading to irreversible
ness, vomiting, seizures and visuoperceptual disturbances. Brain neurological deficit. Neurological and radiological abnormalities
imaging typically shows bilateral white matter lesions in the depend on different factors including the volume of irradiated
occipital and posterior parietal lobes. Watershed areas between brain, cumulative dose of radiation administered, (fractionated)
middle and posterior cerebral arteries are frequently involved. protocol followed and age of the patient. In whole brain radi-
However, associated involvement of grey matter and other ation in particular, diffuse white matter involvement, which
regions of the brain including frontal and temporal lobes, brain- often includes the CC, can be observed with frequently asso-
stem, cerebellum, basal ganglia, thalamus, and CC is frequently ciated cognitive deficit. These white matter lesions are best
seen (see online supplementary figure S18). detected on T2 and FLAIR sequences as hyperintense signal
Characteristics on diffusion-weighted images are indicative sparing the U-fibres, involving the brain bilaterally and symmet-
for vasogenic oedema. Lesions are isointense or slightly hyperin- rically in case of whole brain radiation (see online supplemen-
tense on DWI, hyperintense on T2, FLAIR, and ADC tary figure S19). RIL lesions most typically do not show mass
sequences, and isointense to hypointense areas on T1-weighted effect nor enhance after gadolinium administration (in contrast
images. Because of the suppression of the subarachnoid CSF to what is most often seen in tumour relapse or radiation necro-
signal, FLAIR sequences are of special interest to detect cortical sis), and are permanent.
abnormalities. ADC values seem to be more sensitive to show
brain abnormalities than conventional T2 and FLAIR images.27
Associated infarction (in areas of massive oedema, elevated TOXIC LEUCOENCEPHALOPATHY
tissue perfusion pressure leads to decreased cerebral blood flow A multitude of agents, including immunosuppressive drugs, anti-
and ischaemia), haemorrhage (especially when RPLS is related neoplastic agents, antimicrobial medication, drugs of abuse and
to hypertension) and/or gadolinium enhancement are sometimes environmental toxins, may lead to toxic leucoencephalopathy.
seen and associated with poorer outcome. In case of infarction, Since toxic leucoencephalopathy principally involves the white
affected regions show highly increased signal on DWI, and pseu- matter of both hemispheres diffusely, the CC is also frequently
donormalised or decreased signal on ADC sequences. In uncom- affected. Lesions are often bilateral and relatively symmetrical,
plicated patients, regression (at least partially) of radiological seen as T2 and FLAIR hyperintensity and T1 hypointensity, typ-
abnormalities is typically seen after discontinuation of offending ically without contrast enhancement or haemorrhage (see online
drug and treatment of elevated blood pressure. supplementary figure S20).


Diffuse white matter abnormalities (including associated CC Chronic unilateral or bilateral cerebral hemispherical lesion
involvement) is often seen in hereditary leucodystrophies. The often lead to atrophy or the related part of the CC. MRI typic-
part of the CC affected most frequently corresponds to the part ally shows diffuse hyperintensity on T2 and FLAIR sequences,

1046 Renard D, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2014;85:1041–1048. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-307072

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Cerebrovascular disease

Table 1 List of the most typical localisations of CC lesions in Table 3 List of the most typical signal changes of corpus
different diseases with frequent CC involvement callosum lesions on different MRI sequences
Midline Paramedian/assymetrical Diffuse symmetrical Diffuse reduced Hypointensity on GRE Gadolinium
lesion lesion lesion diffusion on ADC map sequences enhancement

MBD Haemorrhage Leucodystrophy DPL Haemorrhage Lymphoma

MS Lymphoma DPL DAI Infarction Acute MS lesion
Infarction GC Toxic leucoencephalopathy Infarction GBM Infarction
PML DAI Abscess (MBD)
DAI Wallerian degeneration Acute MS lesion (MBD)
Wallerian degeneration MERS (MBD)
MS DAI, diffuse axonal injury; DPL, delayed posthypoxic leucoencephalopathy; GBM,
Infarction glioblastoma multiforme; GRE, gradient-echo-weighted imaging; MBD, Marchiafava–
Bignami disease; MERS, mild encephalitis/encephalopathy with a reversible splenial
CC, corpus callosum; DAI, diffuse axonal injury; DPL, delayed posthypoxic lesion; MS, multiple sclerosis.
leucoencephalopathy; GBM, glioblastoma multiforme; GC, gliomatosis cerebri; MBD,
Marchiafava–Bignami disease; MERS, mild encephalitis/encephalopathy with a
reversible splenial lesion; MS, multiple sclerosis; PML, progressive multifocal
leucoencephalopathy; RIL, radiation-induced leucoencephalopathy.
Although inborn errors (like embryological callosal malforma-
tions, dilated perivascular Virchow–Robin spaces and lipoma)
especially of the inferior part of the CC (see online supplemen- are not discussed in this review, we want to mention only
tary figures S21 and S22). lipomas since these lesions are often incidentally encountered.
Lipomas are considered as developmental lesions of the CNS,
HYDROCEPHALUS typically asymptomatic, occurring most often in the region of
In chronic hydrocephalus, CC lesions generated by the disease the CC and the pericallosal cistern. Lesions are well circum-
itself or by its treatment (drainage or overdrainage) can be scribed and homogenous, hyperintense on both T1- and
observed and they usually involve the midline of the superior T2-weighted sequences, and disappearing on fat-suppressed
CC part. sequences (see online supplementary figure S23).


Brain sagging can be seen in patients with intracranial hypoten- Identification of the origin of the CC lesion depends on their
sion, mainly associated with orthostatic headache and pachyme- exact localisation within the lesion(s) inside the CC (eg, midline
ningeal gadolinium enhancement, and sometimes in patients lesion, paramedian–assymetrical lesion, diffuse symmetrical
without headache and without pachymeningeal gadolinium lesion), volume (eg, focal delineated vs diffuse lesions) of the
enhancement presenting with progressive behaviour and cogni- lesions and signal changes they produce on different MRI
tive changes mimicking behavioural variant frontotemporal sequences.
dementia: the so-called frontotemporal brain sagging syn- Tables 1–3 and online supplementary figures S24–S26 show
drome.29 In brain sagging, transtentoral herniation of medial lesion characteristics in different diseases with frequent CC
temporal lobe structures and CC (especially the posterior part) involvement depending on the localisation of the CC lesion,
are seen together with brainstem swelling and low-lying cerebel- lesion volume and MRI characteristics.
lar tonsils. Signal changes of the CC are usually absent in brain
sagging. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dr Mariella Lomma (BESPIM, Nîmes
University Hospital) for proofreading the paper.
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design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the
Table 2 List of the most typical volumetric characteristics of article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; (3) final approval of
different corpus callosum lesions the version to be published.
Focal delineated lesion Diffuse lesion Competing interests None.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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An MRI review of acquired corpus callosum

Dimitri Renard, Giovanni Castelnovo, Chantal Campello, Stephane Bouly,
Anne Le Floch, Eric Thouvenot, Anne Waconge and Guillaume Taieb

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2014 85: 1041-1048 originally published

online February 21, 2014
doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2013-307072

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