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Name: Ruffa Mae O.

Fernandez BEED 1-A

When a woman sings while cooking, she will end up a spinster. Yes, this sounds
funny and highly improbable, but this superstitious belief actually had a pretty strong
hold on women, especially during the Spanish era. Mothers usually remind their
grownup daughters not to sing while cooking meals, otherwise they won’t be able to
Name: Anna Marie Balagot BEED 1-A

Calling The Aid of the Land

Pre-colonial life lacked the complexities of the modern era where needs and vices
overlap with one another. The survival of the whole community, or barangay, was the
primary concern of everyone – so they worked on their land in order to produce crops,
fruits and grain to cover a large portion of their basic necessity. Agriculture became an
important part of most ethnic communities in the early Philippines.

Before tilling and cultivating land for their crops, Cebuanos were known to perform the
ritual of Tamblan. Consisting of meat from a white chicken or white pork along with wine
or Buyo, these offerings would be set on a table in the open field as gifts for the unseen
owner or spirit of the land.

There are many superstitions and rituals perform before by our ancestors on their farming actvity
Certain taboos were also avoided depending on the crop that would be planted. For
rice, one must kill an insect called taga-taga which was believed to possess the soul of
the palay. When planting corn, the first three rows should be done at sundown. An
individual with broken teeth can not go and plant corn for it was believed to bear low
quality grains

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