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(Syntax and Mechanics)

Sentence Completion
Following are sentences that lack a word, a group of words, or punctuation. In accordance with
the rules of syntax and mechanics, choose the letter of the answer which best completes the idea
of the sentence.

1. “With great power comes great responsibility__________ Uncle Ben said to Spiderman.
a. ” c. .”
b. ,” d. No punctuation necessary

2. My mother___________ believes that getting into UP is the best thing that can
happen to me right now.
a. as well as my father c. , as well as my father,
b. as well as my father, d. –as well as my father,

3. Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael ___________ Donatello are the four members of the
Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtles.
a. or c. and
b. , or d. , and

4. Time is gold__________ it waits for no man.

a. , c. :
b. ; d. None of the above

5. Aristotle is a great philosopher____________ Plato is, in my opinion, a better one.

a. however c. , however,
b. , however d. ; however,

6. Bryce is longing to visit European cities___________Paris, London, Vienna, and

a. namely c. , namely,
b. namely, d. ; namely,

7. I ordered a rare steak____________a well done one.

a. not c. , not,
b. , not d. ; not,

8. _____________ he has been fond of playing tennis.

a. Ever since, c. Ever since
b. ever since, d. Ever since—

9. I have only one comment when you say, “All men are equal___________I wish it were
a. ”: c. :”
b. ” d. ,”,

10. Cory is always looking forward to her ____________ and her ______________ visits.
a. sister’s / mother-in-law’s c. Sisters / mother-in-laws
b. Sister’s / Mother-in-laws’ d. Sister’s / mother-in-law’s

Error Detection
Following are sentences which may or may not have an error. Bearing in mind the rules of
syntax and mechanics, choose the letter corresponding to the word or group of words that
make the sentence incorrect. Choose letter E if there’s no error.

11. O Lord. What will happen to me now? No error.


12. Will you please count how many ands there are in sentence number
thirteen? No error.

13. These are the government agencies that I can recall at this moment; DOLE, DTI,
DOH, DILG, DFA, DENR. No error.

14. In exam-taking, concentration and clear thinking are essential. That’s why it is
necessary that you should be well-rested the night before a big exam. No error.

15. She informed him “that she was sorry” and that she would like them to be friends
again. No error.

16. The Prince is a wonderful book written by Niccolo Machiavelli when he was in exile.
No error.

17. It is my greatest wish that I get into the University of the Philippines, the university of
my dreams. No error.

18. P250 is the price of one ticket to The Tempest and I am sad to say we can’t afford it.
No error.

19. Your father talked to Jim when he was on his way to the country club. No error.

20. I have long prepared for tonight’s performance and I hope for just one thing;
that I can give you all my best. No error.

Correct and Effective Expression

Each item consists of a set of sentences. Considering rules of syntax and mechanics, as
well as general rules of grammar, choose the correct and effective sentence from the set
of sentences.
a. After running very rapidly his legs throbbed with pain.
b. Running very rapidly, his legs throbbed with pain after.
c. Very rapidly his legs throbbed with pain after running.
d. After running very rapidly, his legs throbbed with pain.

a. Pre-Platonic Greek philosophers believed that knowledge can be gained only
through experience, while Plato believed that there is an absolute truth and it
cannot be learned through experience.
b. If Pre-Platonic Greek philosophers believed that knowledge can only be gained
through experience, Plato believed that there is an absolute truth and it cannot
be learned through experience.
c. Knowledge can be gained only through experience, the Pre-platonic Greek
philosophers believed, while there is an absolute truth and it cannot be learned
through experience, Plato believed.
d. Pre-Platonic Greek philosophers believed that knowledge can only be gained
through experience, while there is an absolute truth and it cannot be gained
through experience, according to Plato.

a. I couldn’t believe the sight that met my eyes. Chaos reigned. Debris all over
the place.
b. I can’t believe the sight meeting my eyes for chaos reigned and debris all over
the place.
c. I couldn’t believe the sight that met my eyes; chaos reigned and debris all
over the place.
d. I couldn’t believe the sight that met my eyes. Chaos reigned and there were
debris all over the place.

a. The happiest way to live: to forgive and to forget.
b. To forgive and forget. That’s the happiest way to live.
c. To forgive and forget, that’s the happiest way to live.
d. To forgive and to forget. That’s the happiest way to live.

a. Being truly generous means giving with your right hand without your left hand
knowing what your right hand’s doing.
b. Give with your right hand, without your left hand knowing what the right hand
is doing, then you’re being truly generous.
c. Being truly generous means giving with your right hand, without the
knowledge of your left hand.
d. Give with your Right hand without the knowledge of your Left hand, and you
are then being truly generous.

a. A truly academic spirit persists on searching and finding the truth, even at the
cost of your personal convictions.
b. A truly Academic spirit persists in finding the truth and searching for the truth
even at the cost of one’s personal convictions.
c. Even at the cost of your personal convictions, a true academic spirit persists
on finding and searching for the truth.
d. A truly academic spirit persists in searching for and finding the truth, even at
the cost of one’s personal convictions.

a. Sisa kept calling out to anybody who would listen, kept seeking out her lost
sons. She was getting desperate and she was losing her mind.
b. Calling out to anybody who would listen, seeking out her lost sons. Sisa was
getting desperate and she was losing her mind.
c. Sisa was getting desperate and losing her mind; calling out to anybody whp
would listen, seeking out her lost sons.
d. She was calling out to anybody who would listen, seeking out her lost sons.
Sisa was getting desperate and was losing her mind.

a. For getting the first prize in the 46th International Investigatory Project
Competition, the school gave Gregory the Most Outstanding Student Award.
b. For getting the first prize in the 46th International Investigatory Project
Competition, the School gave Gregory the Most Outstanding Student Award.
c. For getting the first prize in the 46th International Investigatory Project
Competition, Gregory was given the Most Outstanding Student Award by the
d. As Gregory got the first prize in the 46th International Investigatory Project
Competition, the Most Outstanding Student Award went to him from the

a. To get what is dreamed of, all avenues must be explored and all fights fought.
b. To get what you dream of, explore all avenues and fight all fights.
c. To get what is dreamed of, you must explore all avenues, you must fight all
d. One must explore all avenues, fight all fights, if you are to get what you dream

a. When a young girl, her grandfather was lost in the war and her grandmother
died of heartbreak. She is inconsolable.
b. When a young girl, her Grandfather was lost in the war and her Grandmother
died of heartbreak. She was inconsolable.
c. When she was a young girl, her grandfather was lost in the war and her
grandmother died of heartbreak. She was inconsolable.
d. When a young girl, she lost her Grandfather to the war. Her grandmother died
of heartbreak and she was inconsolable.

a. The Institute for the Blind proudly stood on the plaza grounds and it was made
possible through the efforts of the city officers.
b. Through the efforts of the city officers, the Institute for the Blind proudly stood
on the plaza grounds.
c. The Institute for the Blind, through the efforts of the city officers proudly stood
on the plaza grounds.
d. Through the efforts of the City officers, the Institute for the Blind proudly
stood on the Plaza grounds.

a. Last year, the Department of Education moved for the closure of ABCD school
because it found out that it had no business registration and none of its
teachers has a license to teach.
b. Because the ABCD School and its teachers had no business registration and
license to teach, the Department of Education closed it down last year.
c. Last year, the Department of Education shut down the ABCD School because it
found out that the school had no business license and the school’s teachers
had no teaching licenses.
d. The Department of Education shut down the ABCD School last year because it
has been found out that the school was not registered and that its teachers
were not licensed to teach.

a. Everyday I went there, and everyday I sought forgiveness, however,
everything was in vain. I gave up all my pride, only for it to be thrown back at
my face.
b. Everyday I went there and everyday I sought her forgiveness. However,
everything was in vain. I gave up all my pride, for it to be thrown back only at
my face.
c. I went there and sought her forgiveness everyday, but everything was in vain.
I gave up all my pride, only for it to be thrown back at my face.
d. I went there and sought her forgiveness everyday. But everything was in
vain. I gave all my pride up, for it to be thrown only back at my face.

a. Three automobiles—a sedan, a truck, and an SUV—can be seen on the road.
b. Three automobiles; a sedan, a truck, and an SUV, can be seen on the road.
c. A truck, a sedan, and an SUV, three automobiles, can be seen on the road.
d. There are three automobiles that can be seen on the road; a sedan, a truck,
and an SUV.

a. I would like to extend my gratitude to Mr. Stevens, the chairman, Mr. Johnson,
my supervisor, and last but not the least, my father.
b. I thank you whole-heartedly Mr. Stevens, the chairman, Mr. Johnson, my
supervisor, and last but not the least, my father.
c. Mr. Stevens the chairman, Mr. Johnson my supervisor, and last but not the
least my father, I thank you all.
d. I would like to thank the chairman, Mr Stevens; my supervisor, Mr. Johnson;
and last but not the least, my father.
a. Everyday, all I do is wake up to work, to work, to work, and to work.
b. Everyday that’s what I do: to wake up, to work, to work, to work, and to work.
c. To wake up to work, to work, to work, and to work—that’s what I do everyday.
d. To wake up, to work, to work, to work and to work—that’s what I do everyday.

a. I hurriedly placed the precious book, which I had brought back from the
library, on the mantel.
b. I hurriedly placed the precious book on the mantel which I had brought home
from the library.
c. Hurriedly, I placed the Precious Book on the mantel which I had brought home
from the library.
d. I brought back from the library a precious book I hurriedly placed on the

a. We camped on the edge of the cliff, in a small cabin which had been
uninhabited for years.
b. On the edge if the cliff on a small cabin which has been uninhabited for years
we camped.
c. We camped in a small cabin on the edge of a cliff which had been uninhabited
for years.
d. We camped in a small cabin, which had been uninhabited for years on the
edge of the cliff.

a. Don’t ride the clutch; you should keep your left foot off the pedal.
b. Don’t ride the clutch; keep your left foot off the pedal.
c. You should not ride the clutch; keep your left foot off the pedal.
d. Don’t ride the clutch. Keep your left foot off.

a. Nurses do a necessary job, and doing what the doctors tell them to cure the
patients and making them feel better is their business.
b. Nurses do a necessary job: doing what the doctors tell them to cure the
patients and making them feel better.
c. Nurses do a necessary job. They do what the doctors tell them, to cure the
patients and to make them feel better.
d. It is the nurses’ job to do what the doctor tells them to cure the patients and
make them feel better, and their job is necessary.

a. The answer to your question is so obvious that a child, who’s still in his cradle,
can apprehend it.
b. The answer to your question is so obvious that it can be apprehended by a
child who’s still in his cradle.
c. It is so obvious, the answer to your question, that a child who is still in his
cradle can apprehend it.
d. A child who is still in his cradle can apprehend the answer to your question,
being obvious.

a. You are always taking me for granted and I couldn’t have stood it any longer
b. You were always taking me for granted and I couldn’t stand it anymore.
c. Always, taking me for granted. You were always doing that and I couldn’t
stand it anymore.
d. Taking me for granted. I couldn’t stand it anymore.

a. Some Education has and always will be important to anyone with any
b. Some education is and always will be important to anyone with any ambition.
c. Anyone with ambition, some education has been and always will be important.
d. To anyone with ambition, some Education is and always will be important.

a. He is always disapproving of and disagreeing with me; for some reason I don’t
b. He has always disapproved and disagreed with me, for some reason I don’t
c. He always has disapproves of and has disagreed with me, for some reason I
don’t know.
d. For some reason I don’t know, he has always disapproved of and disagreed
with me.

a. Janella is as stubborn, if not more stubborn than, Rusella whom I thought was
the most stubborn girl in this class.
b. Janella is as stubborn as, if not more stubborn than, Rusella whom I thought is
the most stubborn girl in this class.
c. Janella is as stubborn as, if not more stubborn than, Rusella whom I thought
was the more stubborn in this class.
d. Janella is as stubborn as if not more stubborn than Rusella, whom I thought is
the most stubborn girl in this class.

a. My pride in the boat I made myself is greater than that of those who sail
manufactured boats.
b. My pride in the boat I made myself is greater than those who sail
manufactured boats.
c. My pride in the boat that I made myself is greater than those who sail
manufactured boats.
d. My pride in the boat I made myself is greater than those who sail
manufactured boats they have made themselves.

a. With large numbers in a class also makes it impossible for the teacher and
student to discuss problems.
b. With large numbers in a class, it is impossible for the teacher and student to
discuss problems.
c. It also makes it impossible for the teacher and student to discuss problems,
with large numbers in a class.
d. It also makes it impossible for the teacher and student to discuss problems
with large numbers in class.

a. The meadow was surrounded by tall blossoming trees which gave off a sweet
fragrance which lent an atmosphere to the grove which seemed to make it an
ideal place to hold a concert.
b. The meadow was surrounded by tall blossoming trees which gave off a sweet
scent, lending an atmosphere to the grove that makes it an ideal place to hold
a concert.
c. The meadow seemed an ideal place to hold a concert because it had an
atmosphere lent to it by the sweet fragrance given off by the trees
surrounding it.
d. Surrounded by trees which gave off a sweet fragrance, the meadow had an
atmosphere that made it seem an ideal place for a concert.

a. One hundred fifty years is a twinkle to a star, but to a man it is three lifetimes.
b. 150 years is a twinkle to a star, but to a man it is three lifetimes.
c. A twinkle to a star and three lifetimes is 150 years.
d. One hundred fifty years is a twinkle to a star but to a man it is three lifetimes.

a. The reason the population is increasing very rapidly is because people are no
longer dying like flies, not because they are reproducing like rabbits.
b. The population is increasing very rapidly, not because people are reproducing
like rabbits, but because they are no longer dying like flies.
c. Because people are no longer dying like flies, not because they reproduce like
rabbits; that’s why the population is increasing very rapidly.
d. Very rapidly, the population is increasing because people are no longer dying
like flies, not because people are reproducing like rabbits.

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