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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Philippines

College of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Civil Engineering
Tel. Nos. +63 (88) 856 1738; Telefax +63 (88) 856 4696

Mary Kaye Paquibot October 15, 2019

BSCE 5a_c1 Engr. Edgem Lloyd Balabis

Project Title(s): Construction of Detention Pond, Rainwater Harvesting Facilities,

Completion of Flood Protection System, Sports Complex and Faculty Learning
Resource Center for USTP-CDO Campus. C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de
Oro City

An inspection is a careful examination by an official to make certain that

something is in good condition, or that rules are being obeyed. It is
the act of looking at something carefully to check it’s quality or condition, or
an official visit to a building or organization to check that everything
is correct and legal. Inspection of the construction works will be carried out as they
proceed to verify compliance with the requirements of the contract documents. For
5th year Civil Engineering students, the inspection is carried out for the purpose of
fulfilling the requirement for CE 80 – Inspection, Trips & Seminars.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Philippines
College of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Civil Engineering
Tel. Nos. +63 (88) 856 1738; Telefax +63 (88) 856 4696

Flood Protection System provides protection against floodwaters from excess

rain water, run-off and outflow of surrounding drainages. An example of a flood
protection system currently being constructed in the university is a pond. There are
two kinds of ponds that are often used for flood control and stormwater runoff
treatment. Retention pond holds off a permanent pool of water that fluctuates in
response to precipitation and runoff from the contributing areas. While detention
pond holds water for a short period of time, it’s usually dry except during or after rain.
Its purpose is to slow down water flow and hold it temporarily.

As defined in previous paragraph, the one being constructed at the university

is a retention pond. It is built to hold stormwater runoff to avoid ponding on the streets,
giving inconvenience to the people inside the university. Along with the pond will be
a water treatment system so that the water stored in it will be reused for sanitation
purposes and a landscape with inhabiting fishes and benches surrounding it. The
activities and progress made during the visit were lain concrete, reinforcements,
excavation and other preparation. The lain concrete was done to make the
construction activity workable, prevent a disturbed workplace and to maintain an
efficient labor. The pond will be ready for pouring of concrete as soon as it is clean,
out of foreign and unwanted objects and poured with grout. A “sandayong” is
constructed to be used as a discharge approach for pouring of concrete. The
retention pond will soon serve as both a flood control system and an aesthetic to the

Another project for flood control system is the rainwater harvesting facilities
located at near the admin building and another one at the rear part of the university
which is the LRC. A rainwater harvesting system consists of three basic elements: a
collection area, a conveyance system, and storage facilities. The collection area in
most cases is elevated at a roof height. A conveyance system usually consists of
gutters or pipes that deliver rainwater to storage vessels. The progress seen during the
visit are the catch basins, where the water will be temporarily stored, cleaned and
treated before being delivered to the tank and the elevated water tank. The treated
water will be stored at the water tank and will be distributed to adjacent buildings for
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Philippines
College of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Civil Engineering
Tel. Nos. +63 (88) 856 1738; Telefax +63 (88) 856 4696

sanitation purposes. The water tank is elevated for the purpose of distributing the
water by gravity flow to avert the use of electricity during water distribution. The area
surrounding the facility that we visited will be used as an activity area for the students.

After the rainwater harvesting facility, a quick discussion of the completion of

flood protection system occurred. The completed activities for this project are the
retaining wall 1, located where the sports complex is being built, the retaining wall 2,
located adjacent to the creek, CHB wall 1, adjacent to building 40 and continued
through building 9 up to building 1. Then others are the CHB wall extension to existing,
proposed drainage line and proposed manhole.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Philippines
College of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Civil Engineering
Tel. Nos. +63 (88) 856 1738; Telefax +63 (88) 856 4696

The next project we visited is the sports complex. The sports complex is going to
have a dormitory, oval, volleyball court, open basketball court and etc. The
undergoing activities and progress in the project are excavating, embanking,
compaction of soil and other preparations necessary for the project. The complex is
elevated to protect the area from flooding.

And last site is the faculty learning resource center (FLRC). The activities that
we witnessed are the construction of foundation, tie beam and column work. The
foundation used for the project is pile foundation. A pile foundation is used because
of a layer of weak soil at the surface. The layer won’t be able to support the weight
of the building do the loads must be able to bypass this layer and be transferred to
the layer of stronger soil. Other parallel activities done are the form works and
reinforcement of pile cap. These activities are done to save time during the
construction works.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Philippines
College of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Civil Engineering
Tel. Nos. +63 (88) 856 1738; Telefax +63 (88) 856 4696

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