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Types of Psychotherapies

Remotivation Therapy
• Treatment modality that promotes expression of feelings through interaction
facilitated by discussion of neural topics
Music Therapy
• Involves use of music to facilitate expression of feelings, facilitate relaxation and
outlet of tension
Play Therapy
• Enables patient to experience intense emotion in a safe environment with the use
of play.
• Children express themselves more easily in play, revealing as reflection of child's
situation in the family.
Group Therapy
• Treatment modality involving three or more patients with therapist to relieve
emotional difficulties, increase self-esteem, develop insight, learn new adaptive
ways to cope with stress and improve behavior with others (relationship with
others can be worked through)
• Ideal 8-10 members
Milieu Therapy
• Consists of treatment by means of controlled modification of the patients
environment, facilitate positive behavioral change.
• Increase patient’s awareness of feelings, increase sense of responsibility and help
return to community.
Family Therapy
• A method of psychotherapy which focuses on the total family as an interactional
• Problem is a family problem.
• Focus on sick member’s behavior as source of trouble/symptom serve a function
for the family.
• Members develop sense of identity
• Focuses on the exploration of the unconscious, to facilitate identification of the
patient’s defenses.
• Becomes ware of unconscious thoughts and feelings. Understand anxiety and

Behavioral Modification
• A therapeutic intervention involving the application of learning principles
in order to change mal-adaptive behavior.
• Psychological problems are a result of learning.
• Deficiencies can be corrected through learning.

Operant Conditionings
• Use of rewards to enforce positive behavior.
• Perceived and self-reinforcement becomes more important than external.
• Slow adjustment or exposure to feared objects (used in Phobias)
• Periodic exposure, until undesirable behavior disappears or lessens.
Aversion Therapy
• Example of behavior modification in which painful stimulus is introduced to
bring about an avoidance of other stimulus with the end view of facilitating
behavioral change.

Cognitive Therapy
• Short term structured therapy – oriented towards present problems abd
solutions – focus of depressive disorders.
Human Therapy
• To facilitate expression and enhance interaction.
Activity Therapy
• Group interaction while working on a task together

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