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@ +O to Gukikikahakh ukskakakhat 16 wel ‘ ‘This Booklet contains 16 "pages. / scion SAKS-2016 eater 7 Question Booklet No. A so Sep (sia A) / Roll Mo. (in dita 4180389: seeites (weit) / Roll No. (in, words) Puita wa: 1 wet Time Allowed : 1 hour sites 40 Maximum Marks : 40 welt ee 83 & fore eet wre ater eange a a ETAT Ht Use Black Ballpoint pen only for markisig the responses: ’ ae TR TRC A gee Mah gee eraertgte ea Candidate must read all the instructions carefully before-marking the responses. area et & at Fae se Te EL You have'to mark your answers.on Answer-Sheet only. atten & sera sen-a9H seater a chr 81 ‘After the examination’ is over, hand over the Answer-Sheet io the Invigilator. Beat ATT 1h ele a awh oe & sis a t 2.8 7e-gem f ga 80 7a &, fied fefefen fe wn t wart: fied went she Ba aheat” (40 sr) sam2 1 TR af tert (20 9) wea: aR aE (20 78) 3.OMR TOR RQ TR reel ore we aperis, Gre aon, a, eye wom, wen 8, eigen ten, FART aT er ifaw SAT accore mapas WA fem aren she aaa farker ext ore Bt 4. Tee TB AT Hee oe oR MEL a AE TRE See wt gt te Be A are on ha a ig en ae a Tao WS Aeon RAT eon m8 ew 8 fee aar/feet BA em A xe ‘sot See went are ze fat TA TET FM: @OOO 8,06 wt ee rer yer 8 Ber ea wera 6. sone ot Ft a ais fg eer mT She a erin 8 ap aE 7 rengie epi oh sheer ai ae wae api ae 4.60 sar wm on art sage @ a a mah 9.98 Fares aecies afl aT) IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1, Answer ll questions. All questions carry equal marks, 2. This Question Booklet contains 80 questions in all ‘comprising the following three parts, Part-I : Comprehension and Writing ‘Ablity in Hind! (40° questions) Bart-2 : General Intelligence Test. _(20.questions} Part-3 | General Awareness: (20 questions} 3. The candidate should indicate the correct Roll Number, Registration No,, Category, Question Booklet No,, Exar Centre Code, Question Booklet Series, Date of Birth fand Sex on the OMR Answer-Sheet otherwise the ‘Answer-Sheet will not be evaluated and the candidate eacn question nas tour aiternauve answers, The ‘candidate has to darken only on¢ eircle/bubble on the ‘Answer-Sheet using black ballpoint pen indicating the correct answer as shown. If more than one answer/ ‘option is found darkened, then Use question will be ‘treated wrong and will net be evaluated, Example: ©OO0 '5. Rough work isto be dane in the space provided in the ‘Question Booklet only. 16. Use of white uid or blade for coftection on the ‘Answer-Sheet is not permissible 1. Use of Electronic calculator and Mobile, éte., 1@ not permisuibe, ‘5. Ater completion of examination, you are allowed to take away your Quettion Booklet. 9. There la no negative marking. DO NOT OPEN THE SEAL OF THE QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO.0 1s aN ant-1/Part-1 : aed) afar ait Gran ater / COMPREHENSION AND WRITING ABILITY IN HINDI Fe Ge Fons Bs) : Frfetea aaa K afte wie wer eq me BL aT a oa | ARE me ees wee ae fe RTE a Fae AB sha fer a aa Afe an fea fe aa ag Swabia fare & fare ata Frain ve ors 8) fie wen ada fo ahftes. fats ar. ad oF, ramet & wre 3 ta aft} ara waa a eB) a tat A we oem wet Serene afar Frain & fee: af seret fea ara aan aftaar safe oy A wate eee 81 eA far ah ae Uw WER HeaTOTATE aaa 8) SA-wATA H cay, aegis, a GRAN & fe ara a afer waar pl ey 8 ate eer we Oe A eae BHT ETAT 3 ofa Patera arate at Pra ee A atta Freier ar am eta & crear fren ae eg ora’ sre et wee ound & wh 8 maa’ Tera BEB) St fain, to aT 3 a aig, TE, araniga fiver % ae srt ara 2 fren set a, cara ate Ber A fe at & ae ea cafes 3 fare ew eee faa a eT 8) Ta A ate que Heart Prenat sere aT fray Ta sara dept sha fear 8, at ara om A ae ay somata eR: TAH HATH Tee RY A TH ae ante red ar aia ae vf soar aA sft A ASB) eR TES sO ‘apftea-ate & ea Hara bet Hada qe eat 2 ea rain At eH aT e @ ‘watt Facara % fee (B) Ty A aoe & Haren & fee (©) arama % wea & fay, (D) Barve areal & forg, SAKS-2016/6-A Ha RO A (4) war af “ay a era at (©) siftnareth ferme (D) Frerara fies EIS FR AST HH HTH AAT (a) sr A arent wea (B) wait gua data (C) fea Fran & Ferg Afr revere (py sree % mf Fe TTT A re 4H a ET #, (a) Beer cnftes ar ae Pearen 8a, area Hts rar & (©. eta septa stan Prorat t (D) Wear sept a aaa seen 8 aaa ; ‘ate Berd A fen at pits eye A fren ahh (©) waar Sarfra fren sat (D). yore Heart aepiera ster ‘Bitar (oer Hem 6 3 10) + Rftirs seb oe A st areata fae eR 3B aa aT A BAK stk Be AIT (A), (B), (0) K HW STEN aS aT PAAR, A (0) Fe TRL 6. (A) ‘Terafermre’ aftiaret (8) Hawa tee (C) wer ard arf B1 Op Mea a for Geena fee JSC FG TE fe ) ae i AAT (6) Reger Pata se” (©) wel art ag orf 1 eee bis 5 (D) WE ake ae abil a = (©) Wem tom (A) a hee a ere ; (©) Feria 8) wea wa ue ois a oA ah Aa & aa 3 ae ©) Waka ate 4 FEA) Flaw aa By vert Salas ®) waa Or Peg sn 3 aera (C) sgrtg eh ©) aaa ous ie eh ara Boe ey 8 rar a as SAI = sc i =a A Gen K Ye : © weiter Beane Tea yA ©) Bye IDRC ares Sb ©) erate © fem (gq Hen 11 8 1s) ; ffir ae werd & foe ar-aK waanis araaizt fq me #1 wa we an & or 8 fsed ar er AR oh Sra a fe eTT! 11. wea a ste ae arr = (A) Hoag ts seri 3 are ae ai fra (7 Hen.16 @ 20) : Fesfefers aret A Ab wen aon afte sin dea 1 hk 6 % seria Re me 81 ate ara aK 38M (4), (O), (@), (@) & sear fae ae & Ri art sie a afer were ara ae et faeer gC! (©) 2 tS we cae ae eer JS eee ee? an \. (©) wat we aE wore FE et @) stem ~ (QL ar ae ae Stat @ waa en (a) wage 8 frend peers (3) ster 58 aren 6 tamt (B) ea (c) ext aH @ wet Baas, tia = (©) Fa OyraTs 3 Aa AEP ERO. ‘SAKS-2016/6-A Tose nat (@) seh ara eet @) rs ey, ait (a) ate wea aed @ aa 6. sere Biel @) waa waaa (Q wat 3m 1 waren (a) -rerfire fart (0) sree ver eT (a) vert & (a) ween seth, 6. Unf et I (ay aaa TARA A501. wd aa (@) sie ger soered eT (frat wate (@) yerh weafefaa Oe af, (a) fa Fe a @) aca 6. ei rier. aT waraa @) 7aT. ( war @) ats 2601. RR ‘ (a) 2a fae @ gain (a) afte sient (a) sera seat fre 6. Raat a) tara). Baas (cy TRH ara ‘SAKS-2016/6-A ) ata wy aaa! 2 fel opt A ge Firstar st 8 Fr Pr oon amt (A) seater py Ae ste (0) siftere are (D) sieve ars 22, we-frare i ge & 'S fra wen wt oR? (ay sig (om fae (CQ Rata 23. utter fire sera atetrit? (a) wsRert ie OB fet (0) Venti et pee tee se Feet a FET TTA ‘ara sre 8? tau v9) fe pee) cat a as, seat oe Gan Prana &—ael ga eT Pater 8? (a) areas (B) Foraas yor rr i (0) aewrtes PE GAR a rat a El (ay ere (@) siren <(C)gertere wr Fret = fh we St Rett Fara ara 87 Fw m Be _. © a ©) 3 28. RS stew wen semis He S-aTR? (A) TRA (B) yates Tat xa (0) aTet AB, toteten 48 tra et aie a aa faa =a 8 star) titers \oreeewa (0) omaha we 80. Garren caren we fata AI w fe ver ea () (0) “are! AT. SB rash a Hat Sha fr 8? (a) Sitarcias fat ' FC sr a a eH spe TE TE ‘Spea-urgt en sear MA) Rear arg ™ aarik Ig, (©) way oO) Ayr ag (PE er 8 in we én A She ares ee Ten Et" sea a sheen sitere fea 87/4) “aL (a) ee see Taare (c) Bre aca | ©) sae acer» SS dy ri ‘SAKS-2016/6-A og ac Protea 8-8 whan e-wean FEl 8? (a) stor ®) ter () tra Or Sas. Gyan ent oa fea we 8 wahaa 8? @) tee {8} tira (C) saya (D) Fee 36 Ss a, mm a, TR aay a a arnt, aah & flea ae Re seria afatta #7 we (a) Pref ow) aia (tare (D) wage a a ae én (we dem 97 sit 38): aye we Pate Sra) AT. wae wm pire in tee 1p) Soma ta! ®) shore © 7 ©) age 39. ghar Ya a feat Bw gets GEERT ‘fren? 40. sara fiers Pra seni 8 EET? eee * ern — (©) stern (o) what wIT-2 ars afe wha AG, 48 900-8 os Ga Ot, a gol 46 PERSEVERANCE AR ae a Butera ott Reed 48 gam} oer 2 aed ar ae AP: (4) PRESERVE ZAXDVGTJRMP (8) SEVERE es Can se (C) SERENE © Ns <(OV-ENERVATE {D) PR 42, 419 8 78 Fag t aaah den em 8? (AS. SUPERINTENDENT 3, 13, 31, $8, 91, 111 (A) PERTINENT (A) 58 (8) 31 (8) TEENER ab LP (CL RETENTION () 11 Faas Re eh A get eee Yea ye Rare 81 ale eg A ara BET A gent a sreaf wrt stk ae 6 fixe 3 a (wer dom 47 sik 48): at Ra, OLR se Fer ery ER auras, |." & wera ae “4! Pag, BME ‘fren 87 yra Afar (A) 40°F a fie 45 fio Mofo i (©) 50 fio tte /rio AT (b) 943-149=10 (0) 48 fKoMe/io (8) 15.2-3+3=39 Py on dots 2 ae) 1 Bk See (O-9-7+7+7=64 sear Ree &, Far BH Te Br ARQ Te (D) 5+8-3-3=36 anes a avai ace roa et fet area 81 freed #8 ag re aa HU) i ye Dee mh oe Nets 15=7-5+20=104 (ENT! Te q (INERT (x £, wr 25+7 2-5=22 (8) TANNING Y (©) 10+5-2+13 215 (C) TREATING GS-1 (D) 17:1-4+8=29 Oy TERNARY a 2 a axe! gent = So nieS 1 Ree igi e eae ee oe $y%7 g 2 ' GENERAL INTELLIGENCE TEST ‘41. Given below is a series of letters which follows some definite order, Determine this order and choose the next two letters for the -series-out,;of the responses : ‘ZAXDVGTIRMP. (a) PS (®) PN (9 NS 3 (©) PR 42, Which number is wrong in the given series? 3, 13, 31, 58, 91, 117 (a) 58 ® 31 mr -5() OF ©) 117 43. A person sees a train getting into a tunnel which is 4 km long, If the length of the train is one-eighth of the tunnel and it gets out ofthe. tunnel in 6 minutes, then what is the =reed-af the train?, (A) 40 km/hr (8) 45 km/hr () 50 km/hr (D) 48 km/hr Direction (Q, Nos, 44 to 46): A word hias Been given followed by four other words, one of which cannot be formed: by using the letters of the given word. Find out'the word. from the four options. 44, ENTERTAINING (A) INERTIA eh (8) TANNING (©) TREATING (D) TERTIARY ff SAKS-2016/6-A ye 477 —2 XS 32-202 2 45. PERSEVERANCE i (A) PRESERVE : (®) SEVERE ; (C) SERENE (0) ENERVATE 46. SUPERINTENDENT, (A) PERTINENT (8) TEENER (C) RETENTION () DENTIST Direction. (Q. Nos. 47 and:48).: If ~' stands for. multiplication, ‘+, stands for division, 4: stands for subtraction and ‘+' stands for addition, then find out the correct equation. (A) 94+3-1+9=10 (B) 15-2-34+3=39 () 9-7+747= 64 (D) 5+8-3:3=36 48. (A) 15-7-5+20=104 (B) 25+7-2-5=22 (C) 10+5-2+13=15 (D) 17-1-448=29 9 fe ol ApS PRON” © ag, hw A Four Teh Bis ae Sed Ser TTB eg Ao wm wa amy, fi we eH eS F 20 fire Hho A ain ti whe aM AeA BRA sit 5 fo Me se TEM 8 otk ait aig BA WE she 11 fe to aera 8 PEAT cafes Rig ait B otk 9 Pio Mo Ter RI FRE Bg ae & ate 9 ike flo were BI ae stew TAG A yA “Gian & ste eH sen 81 et A Pert fra fem foie A seer write anf TE Sho SRR TTC ITT RT? (a) 3a ard site gee 4 Fie he ser af Bk se gE 4 Ao He eT fe ( dg AAT 9 re se seve ake Cie Wi Bang She BERT 9 io tle wert HIT 3 a ohftee-frars ofc share gt (ae am m ates ont A Fen a fees wc §)? aitlay euhah's 15 A) <) CAs wy Gre 87 (a) 10 : uf ae ‘Se (©) 32 Y \o (D) 38 + SAKS-2016/6-A Ca Ph A tt FTC, sa wh a 27a fea eT (A) trent a (B) afar Notte (D) sade HB ae ae AE a fatt B, Cw MER D, AMA tom pam rw (a) at ae Byer I (C) we gece m oh 83, 2 ured A ang % aha ar sie Tae Ae A mam A 31g & ata % oie wars Bh gs NE Ow is wa tl dae a A aT seh uf A aw 37 are A a Aen, HTN e sme, ARRAS TA sae A? * (A) 25 Bret Lat ‘The difference between the ages of two brothers is the same as that of their father arid mother. The elder brother is 15 years of age. At the time of the birth of younger brother, their mother’s age was 37. If the father is older than mother by 5 years, then what was his age at the time of the elder son’s birth? (a) 25 years (8) 32 years (C) 87 years (D) None of the above ‘The height of mangovtree and coconut tree is the same. Banana tree is shorter than palm. Guava tree is smaller than banana but bigger than mango. Which is the tallest tree? (A) Mango (B) Banana (©), Coconut ve (P) Palm air st fan (Oret Hen 8-887): gH den Waa Be. Sate orem 8 aah aera Afar © Stati (A) ea: aH “6 Bs . 6p) aaeae : i % yy 1 Ne 2 (C) seh aa, 1 (a) 15 ie Z oem pete ®) 12 ‘ WF fat ae 4 wk DeChwwer @ ‘pine ERMBCEDE fran aa, at Hh ae F hes at NOVEMBER @ fern a1 wea & w- Ce ¥ Ze WKG|7 B (A) ERBMVENO a : A 4a 81 ‘ L KEMBVENO A al ee ors BS 4) ERMBVENO 7 - (0) EMRBVENO. 60. ww ag w feet vom 78 ger wa fer rer eR tom 27 a fea she wa we aa a 0 TELIA! oe wen at y eC; 9 Y, “3 Lt ie » a pe i wee e es ae Ht i B) 459 he sa 17. x2! i i (© 945 Ay 5 ao + a) (0) 549 ee Eyer 14 2 eh | eae Tce, tes yet | Cee ae ee idee Re Meh 8 number. oie {Q. Nos, 8S to 87) : Insert the 58. Identify the pair which is different. as 6) 7 9 @) 3 87. (A) 594 : - (B) 459 + (©) 945 ©) 549 SAKS-2016/6-A 1 59. (A) Profit : Gain (®) Debit: creat” ud (C) Income : Expenditure (D) Assets : Liabilities If in a code DECEMBER is written ¢ ERMBCEDE, then how can NOVEMBER be written iri ‘that code? (A) ERBMVENO (8) REMBVENO (4) sxe JENO (0) EMRBVENO A boy was asked to multiply @ number by Z. He multiplied the number by z and got the result 30-more than the correct answer. The number was (Ay 3 6 8 re (ey 21 wf (©) 24 acagack BRO. 2 me r 4 nol yet arr SRT j 61. aftad (ota en) a oae HA a fr AAT 66, Soret % wes % cafe BAR? ; ven 8? (a) tin fret : / A) afer eter n {B) Me %owa 8 ara (©) Fer wera fq de HG xa oy tere ©) WARE 62, afm wae! frstafrr Ha fea ta A sites terre 7 FA (8) ara (@) egret. (D) sate 63. ‘fam a are amen fee e/a aH orate 8? (4) fearae se (o) saree (©) Fate 64, 258 Sara ae Se eet ear aT a? (B) Sto eter ar (C) Be gaia (D) tae errr Te FO, @ = (8) 3a (c) srret he j 4a td sar aed sia SAKS-2016/6-a a2 aay , 67. “uate varia a werd se ofa fae Be SA shen 3 dante a 8 sere, aT ste grgea ah eter 81" ae Prete era 8? ay Sho wis wa | (8) ao adag ca | oe ae if te (DW) Sie ao So TATA, Se we RR st te Fs TT A -aiates (a)_smm 83 6 wa 84 (Cc) BRT 86 (D) ur 8s 69: snfiie omagar atte (fo smo to) a uaa 487 (a) Praet ey sat ht (C) 9im0 Ao ange 3 rer (D) far ataa AC sis wo # xr are aoe a art! ore afi? ’ (a) Loa eared = weed (C) 124 werd (D) 144 ares 64, Who among;the following is.considered the Father of the Leap Year? (A) Julius Caesar (B) Astronomer Sosigenes (©) Pope Gregory XIU (D) None of them ‘Glacier Express’ is.a popular,train of which of the following countries? (A) B) 9 (Dp) Norway India iv? Switzerland USA = : Binsar Forest’ is located in ‘which Indian State/Union Territory? (A) Himachal Pradesh (B) Lakshadweep (C) Uttarakhand (D)*Madtiya: Pradest 25th Vyas Samtan was awaneu ~ (A) Dr. Ashok Vajpayee (8) Dr. Sunita Jain (C) Dr, Pushpesh Pant (D) Smt. Mrinal Pande Which of the following is considered’ to be the ‘best specimen’ of the Mauryan_ Art? : {Ay Stupa es (8) Chaitya (©) Baradari (D} Pillar = ia ‘SAKS-2016/6-4, *Part-3 i GENERAL AWARENESS. 3 66. Who among the following has composed the. National Anthem of Nepal? (A) Shanta Sinha eens @) P.K Rai (C) Zohra Sehgal (0) Surendra Mohan Who said, “Political democracy means a way of life which recognises liberty, equality and fraternity as:the principle of life"? ‘ (A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (B)_Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (©) Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia (D) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar ‘Insanity’ is explained in‘ the Indian Penal Code under : (A) Section 83 (8) Section 84 "(C) Section 86° 1 + 67. 68. ‘Who is the Chairperson of the Economic Intelligence Council (EIC)? (A)_ The Finance Minister. (B) The Prime Minister (C) The RBI Governor ., (0), The Finance Secretary 70. In English Society,’ murder was not a crime till ane (A) 10th Century (@) 11th Century (0) 12th Century (0) 14th Century " cheer ®t 2 Y oeee (B) ser wea ay (©) wrtieng ar ©) fern sme ere are oh 8” ea haaronte (A) seq, a Soyer gta (D) Fern ie IH ea ea fe oa wT aT 8? (4) HNO, e 1 (C) Pb Wr, 74. Feafafad 48 Sam ate. % arena ae a? A. Be ©) Fics (C) ser ey er 78. sicia ugta ste % afters A adem fry WAS A seat A? (a) wae ot ar eT STAT (C) eRe area (D) feared ach er SAKS-2016/6-A. 76. aie Fat aaa aft Pea 87 (A) we mtg wrt er Sate at (©) tr mtg wt ©) Wa zg wt 77. six oe % fe ame site yen A ‘Stra a (A) iPr tang By Serf oa (o) Bem area (D) Sate yA 78. wna a adams Ase sida wel gen a? 7 (Aaa) (8): arene (oy =a aT) wy sane 79, sree HT A Katie fara To HA? (A) tart @) stem fey eT, (0) Fete 80. 8 fire at 2015 a ‘lo Ho tle ame Seaee & faq ata fear 4? (4) Ofte af ey Brae ate (c) Fre sect (D) Te Wo rt -\SAKS-2016/6-A. 71. ‘Ghumar’ is the folk dance.of 73, 1. 75. (a) Rajasthan (@) Madhya Pradesh (C) Chhattisgarh (0) Bihar - Who seid, “Human gjeed is « potential ‘cause of crime”? i Cy 8) © Aristotle Plato Emile Durkheim (D) Mahatma Gandhi Taj Mahal is threatened auc w we effect of (4) HINO, : B) ly (C) Pb ©) so, Which of the following was not a part of the Ashokan Empire? (a) Gurjara (B) Karnataka (©) Kamrup (0), Kashmir Who was the first Muslim to preside over the Session of the Indian National Congress? (A). Sir Sayyid Ali Khan, (8) Maulana Azad (C) Badruddin Tyabji () Waquat Ali Khan 15 76.. The stim of the-Member of Parliament Fund at present is (A) © 1 crore (B) © 2 crores (©) © 3 crores (0) © 5 crores Who wrote the famous book, Daughter of the East? (A) Anita Desai (B) Arundhati Roy (C) Medha Patkar (D) Benazir Bhutto Where in India was the first medical college started? (A) Madras (Chennai) (®) Varanasi (©) Calcutta (Kolkata) (D) Lucknow 79. ‘The highest suicide rate in India is in the State of ‘(A) Andhra Pradesh (B). Odisha (©) Maharashtra (D) Sikkim 80. Who among the following has been named ‘BCCI Cricketer’ of the year 2015? (A) Rohit Sharma (8) Ravichandran Ashwin (C) Virat Kohli (0) M. S. Dhoni Sh ERED Os 8 Raita

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