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Release 12
Oracle Logistics

Prepared by Oracle Logistics Product Management Team

Last Updated: 11/10/2006

Version: 1.5

Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
1. Disclaimer 1
2. Introduction 2
2.1. Purpose of Document 2
2.2. Reference Documents 2
3. Oracle Logistics 3
3.1. Inventory Management 3
3.1.1. Overview 3
3.1.2. Features 3 Deferred COGS Recognition 3 Depot Repair Enhancements 4 Genealogy Enhancements 4 Asset Tracking Transaction Attributes 4 Intercompany Invoicing of CTO on Internal Orders 5 Ledger Architecture Support 5 Legal Entity Support 5 Material Workbench Enhancements 5 Multi Org Access Control 6 OPM Convergence 6 Dual Unit of Measure Control 7 Material Status Control 7 Advanced Lot Control 8 Picking Rules Enhancements 8 Enhanced Manual Material Allocations 8 Material Aging Workflow 9 Support for Indivisible Lots 9 Enhanced Lot Transactions 9 Organization Parameter Changes 9 Performance - Pick Release Parallelization 10 Enhanced Reservations 10 Copy Organization Enhancements 10 Telco Recurring Charges 10 e-Tax 11 Telecommunications Service Orders with Equipment 11 Inventory Packing Slip 11 Oracle Receiving Changes 11
3.2. Oracle Shipping Execution 12
3.2.1. Overview 12
3.2.2. Features 12 Workflow-enabled Shipping Transactions 12 Ship Confirm Message Configuration 12 Shipping Purge 12 Flexible Documents 12 Enhanced LPN Support 13 Parallel Pick Release Submission 13 Customer Acceptance/ Deferred Revenue 13 Pick Release enhancements 13 Support for Miscellaneous Shipping Transactions 14 Inventory Convergence 14
3.3. Warehouse Management 15
3.3.1. Overview 15
3.3.2. Features 15 Oracle Process Manufacturing Support 15 Control Board Enhancements 15

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 ii User Extensible Label Fields 16 LPN Visibility in Shipping Execution 16 Labor Management 16 Locator Alias 16 Material Handling Integration 17 Multi Delivery Consolidation 17 Planned Crossdocking 17 RFID Compliance Update 18 Rules Engine Enhancements 19 Automated Task Prioritization 19 Locator Inquiry 19 WMS Support for EAM/CMRO Inventory Transactions 19
3.4. Mobile Supply Chain Applications 21
3.4.1. Overview 21
3.4.2. Features 21 Oracle Process Manufacturing Support 21 Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Support 21 Locator Inquiry 21
3.5. Oracle Transportation Execution 23
3.5.1. Overview 23
3.5.2. Features 23 Load Tender Enhancements 23 Routing Guide Rule Enhancements 23 Freight Rating Enhancements 23 Multi-Delivery Consolidation 23 Third-Party Warehousing Enhancements 24 Carrier Manifest Enhancements 24 Inbound Logistics Enhancements 24
3.6. Oracle Transportation Planning 25
3.6.1. Overview 25
3.7. Release Management 26
3.7.1. Overview 26
3.7.2. Features 26 Release Sales Order Start Date Enhancement 26

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 iii

1. Disclaimer
This Release Content Document (RCD) describes product features that are proposed for
the specified release of the Oracle E-Business Suite. This document describes new or
changed functionality only. Existing functionality from prior releases is not described. It
is intended solely to help you assess the business benefits of upgrading to Release 12.
This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information
that is the exclusive property of Oracle. Your access to and use of this confidential
material is subject to the terms and conditions of your Oracle Software License and
Service Agreement, which has been executed and with which you agree to comply. This
document and information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or
distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of Oracle. This
document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any
contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in
planning for the implementation and upgrade of the product features described. It is not a
commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon
in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or
functionality described in this document remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

Due to the nature of the product architecture, it may not be possible to safely include all
features described in this document without risking significant destabilization of the code.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Purpose of Document 1

2. Introduction

2.1. Purpose of Document

The Release Content Document (RCD), produced as part of Oracle’s Applications
Product Lifecycle (APL), communicates information about new or changed functionality
in the specified release of the Oracle E-Business Suite. Existing functionality from prior
point releases is not described. However, content introduced by Family Packs, Mini-
Packs or Standalone patches since the prior point release has been included in this
document and denoted accordingly.

2.2. Reference Documents

Name Location Completion Date

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Purpose of Document 2

3. Oracle Logistics

3.1. Inventory Management

3.1.1. Overview

Following are the features that are new with Inventory in Release 12.

3.1.2. Features Deferred COGS Recognition

Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. For more information,
please refer to the Oracle Cost Management section of this document.

Revenue managers are increasingly insisting on complying with International Accounting

Standards (IAS- 18), which prescribes the accounting treatment for revenue arising from
certain types of transactions and events. IAS18.14 in particular states that revenue arising
from the sale of goods should be recognized when all of the following criteria have been

• the seller has transferred to the buyer the significant

risks and rewards of ownership;

• the seller retains neither continuing managerial

involvement to the degree usually associated with
ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;

• the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;

• it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow
to the seller; and

• the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured


It is critical, therefore, to de-couple the shipment of product and the recognition of

COGS. Revenue should be recognized only when customer accepts the ownership of the

With this enhancement, you have the flexibility to model the de-coupling the physical
event of shipping goods from the recognition of COGS. Oracle Inventory can now defer
the recognition of cost of goods sold until all contract contingencies have been fulfilled
and revenue has been recognized in Oracle Receivables. In this manner both COGS and
revenue are recorded in the same accounting period.

This feature aids organizations where strict revenue recognition policies are in place.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Inventory Management 3 Depot Repair Enhancements
Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. For more information,
please refer to the Depot Repair section of this document.

Different applications use Inventory's "move order" capability to create, update, allocate,
and transact move orders. In certain business processes, it is required to invoke the
"transact move order" screen to complete move orders and minimizing key strokes is key
to a great user experience. With this release, different applications can invoke "transact
move order" screen by passing the Inventory organization and Sales order information,
and the system will directly show the results of the search criteria by completely
bypassing the 'find' screen and taking the user to the 'detail' screen. Genealogy Enhancements

In many industries – due to predominant outsourcing, complex manufacturing of
assemblies and regulatory requirements on product traceability it may be necessary to
identify and build a genealogy for each end assembly. This genealogy links the final
assembly to the various Lot and/or serialized components manufactured or procured from
suppliers, so that rejects/product defects can be traced back to the root cause. This
traceability can improve the handling customer complaints, streamline product recalls,
retrace the source of any quality problems, etc.

In order to support increased product composition visibility in Oracle Inventory, the lot
and serial genealogy inquiries have been consolidated. Users now have a combined view
of lot and serial genealogy in one inquiry. In addition, for Oracle Discrete manufacturing
users, operators performing the WIP issue transactions can tie their component lot and/ or
serial numbers with a parent assembly. If this data is entered, a user in the genealogy
form can see the direct genealogy construct between the parent assembly lot and child
component lots rather than using the WIP job as the connection between the products.

As an additional failsafe measure, in order to preserve the integrity of the genealogy,

Oracle Inventory will ensure that only the lots that were issued to the work order can be
returned from the work order into inventory when performing a component return for a
lot controlled item. Through a new tab on the genealogy form, users can now directly
access Oracle Discrete or OPM Quality’s inspection results. For complex genealogies
(or those of significant transaction volume), the same information available in the
genealogy window is also available in a report. Asset Tracking Transaction Attributes

Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. For more information,
please refer to the Asset Tracking section of this document.

In order to enable Oracle Asset Tracking users to better track assets that are issued to or
received from various field locations, users can now mandate entry of the location field
while defining transaction types in Oracle Inventory. When users perform miscellaneous
transactions for these transaction types, they are required to specify a field location
from/to where the asset is being received or deployed.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Inventory Management 4 Intercompany Invoicing of CTO on Internal Orders
In today’s business environment, customers are demanding products that are tailored to
their unique specifications. Successful companies must provide customized versions of
products, at any volume and ship them from/to anywhere in the world. The Oracle
Configure to Order Solution can also be leveraged for customer orders as well as internal
orders, thus enabling users to configure products required for internal transfers. For
customers using Oracle's Configure to Order functionality on internal orders, Inventory's
intercompany invoicing can now determine the invoice price for an internal order based
on the model and the options chosen. This eliminates the need to pre-define the
configuration on a price list and can leverage Oracle Advanced Pricing's capabilities to
determine a more intelligent invoice price. Ledger Architecture Support

Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. For more information,
please refer to the Oracle Financials section of this document.

In order to support the new Ledger architecture in Oracle Financial Applications, Oracle
Inventory now limits the accounts identified with an Inventory Organization, in the
Organization Parameters form to be those accounts associated with the legal entity to
which the inventory organization is assigned. An inventory organization still belongs to
only one legal entity, however the transactions performed in that organization may use
distribution accounts that are assigned to a different legal entity. Legal Entity Support

Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. For more information,
please refer to the Oracle Financials section of this document.

In today’s global economy, many multi-national corporations are pursuing shared service
center and single instance initiatives to combine and consolidate business operations for
multiple legal entities into one or fewer instances for efficiency and economies of scale.

Currently, many of these legal entity attributes are defined at the operating unit, set of
books, or some other level which makes it challenging and cumbersome to effectively
perform accounting and reporting for an establishment (legal entity).With this Legal
entity uptake, Oracle Inventory provides a mechanism whereby all transactions and
accounting are based and validated from the new ledger–legal entity instantiated through
the accounting flow setup.

This integrated approach facilitates further consolidation of data at an establishment

(legal entity) level and eases financial accounting and reporting. Material Workbench Enhancements

Viewing material in the facility is one of the most important tasks in a warehouse.
Having a quick and accurate picture of inventory levels across organizations can allow
warehouse managers to make informed decisions regarding the routing of inventory
supply and demand.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Inventory Management 5

In order to allow advanced viewing capabilities, the Material Workbench now lets a user
see material across organizations categorized into three "buckets":

• Inbound Intransit

• Receiving

• On-hand

Visibility to Purchase Orders, Advanced Shipment Notices, and Internal Orders through
one form greatly increases the information available and facilitates better decision
making. In addition to the summary view, the Workbench allows the user to drill down
into each of the individual "buckets" to see detailed information about all material
represented. Availability information is calculated according to the material location of
the relevant material for Inbound Intransit, Receiving, and Onhand material. Finally,
users can save their queries and allow others to reuse common inquiries.

These changes allow the business to have better information related to their inventory
levels that is grouped in such a way as to maximize the ability to make effective
decisions. Multi Org Access Control

Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. For more information,
please refer to the Oracle Manufacturing section of this document.

In order to support the new operating unit access control flexibility within the e-Business
suite which allows a user to view data across a set of operating units, Oracle Inventory
now allows users to perform project issue and receipt transactions for any project defined
in the set of operating units to which the user has access. OPM Convergence

Over 40% of the world's manufacturing companies are process manufacturers.
Companies that produce metals, paper, chemicals and foods face unique challenges in
inventory and product quality and attribute tracking. Historically, customers in these
industries have leveraged the Inventory Management module of Oracle Process
Manufacturing. With this release, Oracle Inventory can now be used by customers of
Oracle's Process Manufacturing modules in addition to the users of Oracle Discrete
Manufacturing, Service, Logistics and all other applications modules. This integration
provides the Oracle Process Manufacturing user seamless integration with the rest of the
E-Business Suite.

In order to support the needs of process manufacturing organizations, several additional

features have been added to Oracle Inventory as described below (namely dual unit of
measure control, advanced lot tracking, enhanced picking rules and enhanced material
allocation processing). These features will be available for all users of Oracle Inventory,
regardless of their manufacturing orientation.

Note, however that not all modules in the e-Business Suite will support all of the features
below (for example dual unit of measure control). To determine if a new Oracle
Inventory feature will be supported by another Oracle application, please refer to that
application’s section of this document.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Inventory Management 6 Dual Unit of Measure Control
In the meat, poultry, metals or chemicals industry, "catch weight" is a term used to track
inventory simultaneously in two different units of measure. To run their businesses,
these industries need to know both the number of cases, bars or drums of product stored
as well as the weight or potency of that product. Prices are calculated based on the
shipment weight of the product not on the number of cases or units shipped. Oracle
Inventory's Dual Unit of Measure Control enables users to transact inventory in two
unrelated units of measure where the conversion between the measures vary from lot to
lot or from one transaction to the next. If an item is dual unit of measure control enabled,
during transactions, users will be prompted to enter the transaction quantity in both units
and will be able to query on-hand balances, availability and reservations in both units for
full supply chain visibility to all required handling units of measure.

Note that dual unit of measure control is available in Oracle Inventory, Purchasing &
Receiving and Order Management and Shipping. To determine if other modules in the
Oracle e-Business Suite support this functionality, please refer to each product’s Release
Content Document. Material Status Control

Quality Control and product lifecycle issues may require that certain material, although
stored in a ready to use state in the warehouse or production facility, may not be usable
for certain applications. A lot that has not yet passed inspection should not be shipped to
a customer or consumed in production. A warehouse location that has been discovered to
have erroneous inventory balances should not be included in available to promise
calculations. The functionality previously only available to Oracle Warehouse
Management users that enable users to assign a material status to the material in an
inventory lot, serial, subinventory or locator and to use that status to restrict transactions
is now available to all Oracle Inventory users. Those material statuses will dictate which
transactions can be performed on the lot, the serial or the material that is stored in the
subinventory or locator. In addition, Oracle's planning applications and Inventory's
availability calculations can now take the material status into consideration when
determining availability. Users can determine whether or not product of a particular
status can be reservable, included in ATP calculations or netted in production planning.
Using material status warehouse employees, materials managers, production planners and
customer service representatives will be provided with a more granular and accurate
picture of the inventory that is available for them to use for each business purpose.

Note that not all Oracle Applications will support the material status restrictions. To
determine if an individual module in the e-Business Suite will support this functionality,
please refer to that product’s section of this document.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Inventory Management 7 Advanced Lot Control
Getting fast answers to certain questions may determine whether your company will
survive a crisis. Questions such as 'Which lots were delivered to which customers’?
Which other lots were produced from that production line during that shift? What was
the quality of the components or ingredients and which suppliers sent them?' To enable
better visibility to a lot, its genealogy and attributes, significant enhancements have been
made to the lot tracking capabilities within Oracle Inventory. Sublot control allows users
to track the parent lot from which multiple lots were created. The parent lot may refer to
the production batch that spawned the lot but, if the output of that batch varied in term of
grade or other QC attributes, multiple sublots might be received into inventory. Users
can query lots in by their parent lot and view the parent lot in the lot genealogy form.
Users can also now grade control their lot controlled items. The product can be queried
by grade and the grade can be changed as required. Users can also track retest dates,
expiration and retest actions among other lot attributes. In addition, a new concurrent
request in Oracle Inventory can initiate a workflow if a lot or serial approaches any key
milestone dates such as expiration, retest or best-by date. The genealogy form has also
been enhanced to allow users to view quality inspection results, material status and grade
change history and other information about the lot. These features and more will provide
materials managers with the tools they need to enable faster turn around on quality,
customer care and production issues. Picking Rules Enhancements

Providing optimum customer service in an order fulfillment operation often requires that
a warehouse or manufacturing facility be able to capture each customer’s individual
product quality or material characteristics preferences. For example, a customer may
require premium grade material while another, more price sensitive client, may have no
such restrictions. Some customers may mandate a certain number of usable days left on
product that is to be shipped to them. To manage these customer restrictions, the Oracle
Inventory picking rules engine has been enhanced to incorporate certain restrictions on
allocation logic in addition to the sort criteria for acceptable material. These restrictions
are available for both sales order and work order allocation processes. With this
functionality, a customer service representative can now guarantee that unacceptable
product will not be shipped to a customer based on each customer’s individual product
preferences. Enhanced Manual Material Allocations

Often, in smaller warehouses or facilities, inventory managers or material pickers enjoy
the flexibility of selecting, for themselves, the inventory that should be picked for a given
customer, work order or material transfer. The material picked should still honor
customer restrictions but may not be the product that the system would have selected
first. This product may be physically more accessible or more desirable for other reasons
not visible to Oracle Inventory. In order to better facilitate manual allocation processes,
the transact move order form can now present all allocation options to a user and allows
the user to choose the allocations that he or she wishes to commit. This ensures that the
allocations made honor the customer restrictions but still allows the warehouse operator
the flexibility to choose the material that is most accessible for picking.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Inventory Management 8 Material Aging Workflow
A significant aspect to any materials management business process that involves product
with a limited shelf life is the management of expired or near expired material. In the
simplest case, this product requires disposition and disposal. In some product categories,
rework or refurbishment could further extend the usable life of the product. In all of
these cases, however, the product must be located, isolated and proactively managed.

In order to better support these business processes, Oracle Inventory has introduced a
new material aging workflow. This workflow can be leveraged to create work orders,
send notifications to planners, update material status or request a movement of expired
product to a quarantine or inspection area. This functionality is offered in a new
concurrent request in Oracle Inventory which can search for any date attribute of a lot or
serial (including flexfields) and will initiate the workflow for the lot or serial if the date
attribute is within a user specified range around the current date. For example, the
request could initiate the workflow for all lots that will expire in the next 5 days. Using
this material aging functionality, materials managers can set up proactive handling
procedures for date sensitive material. Support for Indivisible Lots

In many industries, a single lot of product cannot or should not be physically broken into
pieces for material movements. Examples might include lengths of metal pipe, reams of
paper or rolls of carpet. In some cases, it would not be physically possible for a
warehouse picker to break the product into two pieces, as in the case of metal sheets,
coils or bars, to meet the exact customer order quantity. In other cases, color, potency or
other attributes of lots may vary slightly such that there would be a noticeable variation in
product and, hence, a warehouse might prefer to over or undership on product rather than
breaking a lot into partial quantities and being forced to ship a remnant with another

In order to support items that fall into this profile, Oracle Inventory has introduced the
concept of lot indivisibility. This item attribute will indicate to the system that, during
reservations and allocation, the system must allocate the entire lot quantity in a given
location or none at all. In order to meet this requirement, over and under allocation,
within tolerances, will be supported automatically at pick release for indivisible lots.
Users may still choose to transact part of a lot quantity during user initiated transactions
but Oracle Inventory will not suggest these splits during allocation and any reservation
created will have to specify the lot to be reserved and will have to reserve the full lot
quantity. Enhanced Lot Transactions

Companies who leverage Oracle Shop Floor Manufacturing to manage their
semiconductor or other high technology assembly and fabrication processes have
traditionally used lot control tracking on their finished goods and components. Some
may choose to also serial control their finished goods. In order to support both lot and
serial controlled items in typical high tech business processes, Oracle Inventory's lot split,
merge and translate transactions can now be performed on items that are both lot and
serial controlled. Organization Parameter Changes

Additional inventory organization attributes have been added to the Inventory
Organization Parameters form in order to enable new functionality in Oracle Inventory
R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Inventory Management 9
and Oracle Warehouse Management. These new features include labor reporting, locator
aliasing, EPC compliance support for RFID tagging, chargeable subcontracting and best
fit quantity allocation. For more information on each of these features, please refer to the
respective feature descriptions in the Inventory and Warehouse Management sections of
this document. Performance - Pick Release Parallelization

Today, the speed with which a system can release picks to the warehouse floor
determines the start time for the order fulfillment process. In high volume order
fulfillment operations, the ability to release orders as quickly as possible is of paramount
importance to warehouse managers. In order to further support high volume facilities,
pick release can now be run in a parallel or multi-threaded manner. This enables each
item or ship set in the released batch to be allocated simultaneously so that the entire
batch can complete in a more timely manner without sacrificing Oracle's built in
comprehensive management for pick slip grouping and document printing, cartonization,
ship set validation and other adaptive order fulfillment features. Enhanced Reservations

In certain business models, specific supply is secured for a given end customer order. In
these cases, availability can be guaranteed by creating reservations against on hand
inventory or the purchase order or work order that were created to fulfill the customer
order. Warehouse managers may want to use a specific lot being built in manufacturing
or an item expected on a purchase order for a sales order or any other demand to ensure
availability. This feature facilitates planned crossdocking in the warehouse and allows it
to meet its crossdocking objectives by reserving the most appropriate inbound receipts for
an outbound shipment

Oracle Inventory's reservations model now supports reservations to expected supplies

such as purchase orders, internal requisitions, advanced shipment notices, manufacturing
jobs, and process manufacturing's batches. New demand sources, such as parts for
CMRO work orders and process manufacturing, are also supported for reservations.
Users can create these reservations through Inventory forms and public APIs.

In addition, users can now reserve a specific serial number and Oracle Inventory will
ensure that the reserved serial is allocated at pick release. Copy Organization Enhancements

The Copy Inventory Organization feature is enhanced for performance, and now allows
users to copy the following entities:

• Planning Parameters
• Shipping Parameters
• WIP Parameters

• WIP Accounting Classes Telco Recurring Charges

Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. Please see the associated
RCD for more details.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Inventory Management 10

In order to enable Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) in service industries (Telco,
Utilities etc) to better identify and group various charges (recurring, one-time, usage
based) on customer orders/quotes, users can now identity the nature of each charge item
(recurring vs. non-recurring) and the periodicity (weekly, monthly, quarterly etc) while
setting them up in the Item Master. Users can set a value for the Order Management
system parameter “UOM Class for Charge Periodicity” to identify the available unit of
measures to represent periodicity. e-Tax
Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. Please see the associated
RCD for more details.

The new Oracle e-Tax Engine offers customers a flexible means of defining the tax codes
to apply to a given commercial transaction. For E-Business tax computation, all products
which require tax needs/computation need to integrate with the Oracle e-Tax product.

With this integration, Oracle Inventory populates the Accounts Payables interface tables
after validation of data and Accounts Payables in turn interacts with the E-tax engine to
compute tax for inter company invoicing.

This integrated approach would help streamline the process flow with regard to tax
computation and provide for a logical and single integration point with the e-Business tax
product. Telecommunications Service Orders with Equipment

Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. Please see the Oracle
Configurator and Oracle Install Base sections of this document for more details.

Customers can now purchase equipment such as wireless handsets, modems, etc. while
ordering telecommunications services. If such serialized equipment is shipped to a
customer on a sales order, Oracle Inventory will ensure that serials shipped to a customer
can only be returned into Inventory via an RMA receipt. Inventory Packing Slip

A packing slip is a shipping document containing details about the goods being
transported. With this feature, you can print the Inventory Packing Slip for Return to
Vendor and Inter-Organization transfer transactions. Oracle Receiving Changes

For information about changes made in Oracle Receiving as part of this release, please
refer to the Oracle Purchasing section of this document. Receiving changes will not be
discussed in this section.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Inventory Management 11

3.2. Oracle Shipping Execution
3.2.1. Overview
The following are the features that are new with Oracle Shipping Execution R12.

3.2.2. Features Workflow-enabled Shipping Transactions

Oracle Shipping Execution will utilize Oracle Workflow to automate business processes
by routing information according to user-defined business rules. Oracle Workflow
integration will provide users with a powerful tool to automate specific tasks and
customize output based on attributes of business objects. For example, using a
configurable workflow, a user will be able to receive notification of delivery backorder
and can be alerted to issues arising throughout the shipping process- from pick through
ship confirm.

The workflow status monitor for deliveries and trips will enable the user to track and
view statuses in a user-friendly display format. The graphical user interface will provide
a history of key actions performed up to a certain point that can be viewed from the
Shipping Transactions form and the Quick Ship user interface. Ship Confirm Message Configuration

Oracle Shipping Execution users will now be able to configure certain warnings that
occur at Ship Confirm to be hard errors based on their business process. These warnings
can be tailored based on user role. For example, the existing warning of ‘A Shipset can
not be broken during Ship Confirmation’ can now be configured to be a hard error in
order to stop the ship confirm process. Shipping Purge

The purge feature in Oracle Shipping Execution will be introduced to enable users to
delete all shipping transactional data based on user-selected criteria. Purging
permanently removes records from the active tables, which will allow the system to
perform more efficiently. For example, queries will be completed more quickly and
upgrades will be streamlined when fewer records exist. Flexible Documents

The key objective of this feature will be to give the users more freedom to design key
external-facing shipping documents (reports) that best match their business needs.
Leveraging Oracle XML Publisher, Oracle Shipping Execution users will be able to
create template-based, easy-to-use formats to quickly produce and easily maintain
shipping documents unique to their business.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Oracle Shipping Execution 12

Additional attributes will be added to the XML templates for each report for added
flexibility. For example, the Bill of Lading (BOL) and Master Bill of Lading (MBOL)
will now be able to include the freight class as well as the National Motor Freight
Classification (NMFC) code. The following reports will be included: Master Bill of
Lading, Bill of Lading, Pack Slip, Vehicle Load Sheet, Mailing Label, Commercial
Invoice and Pick Slip. Enhanced LPN Support

Oracle Shipping Execution users will now have improved visibility to the Oracle WMS
packing hierarchy at Pick Confirmation. The packing hierarchy, including the License
Plate Number (LPN), will be visible in the Shipping Transactions form as well as in the
Quick Ship user interface. Parallel Pick Release Submission

This new feature will allow users to run multiple pick release processes in parallel to
improve overall performance. By distributing the workload across multiple processors,
users can reduce the overall time required for a single pick release run. Users will be able
to specify the number of threads that are spawned by the pick release product for added
configurability. Customer Acceptance/ Deferred Revenue

This feature will allow for more sophisticated accounting to take place as a result of ship
confirmation. When customer acceptance and other common contingencies are required
prior to recognizing revenue for a shipment, Oracle Shipping Execution will support
deferring the revenue through integration with Oracle Receivables. In addition to user-
directed events, implicit acceptance will be supported using a number of days after

Please see the Oracle Receivables RCD for additional information. Pick Release enhancements

Enhancements will be made to the Release Sales Order Form and the Release Rules Form
to support planned crossdocking and task priority for Oracle Warehouse Management
(WMS) organizations. Pick release will allow a user to specify allocation methods and if
crossdocking is required, a cross-dock rule. The task priority will be able to be set for
each task in a sales order picking wave when that wave is pick released. The priority
indicated at pick release will be defaulted to every Oracle WMS task created.

Please see the Oracle Warehouse Management RCD for addition information.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Oracle Shipping Execution 13 Support for Miscellaneous Shipping Transactions
Oracle Shipping Execution users will now be able to create a delivery for a shipment that
is not tied to a sales order via XML (XML-equivalent of EDI 940 IN). Once this delivery
has been created, users will be able to print shipping documents, plan, rate, tender, audit
and record the issuance out of inventory. Additionally, an XML Shipment Advice
(XML- equivalent of EDI 945 OUT) will be supported to record the outbound
transactions. Inventory Convergence

Oracle Inventory and Oracle Shipping Execution will now be able to handle both discrete
and process items in a single warehouse for more flexibility in their item handling.
Process features have been added to Oracle Inventory to support process characteristics,
such as dual units of measure, grade, child lots as a subdivision of lot-controlled
inventory, and the use of material status. Oracle Shipping Execution will be able to
include the new process item attributes in Flexible Documents.

Please see the Oracle Process Manufacturing RCD for more information.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Oracle Shipping Execution 14

3.3. Warehouse Management
3.3.1. Overview

Following are the features that are new with Oracle Warehouse Management in Release

3.3.2. Features Oracle Process Manufacturing Support

40% of the manufacturing taking place today can be classified as process manufacturing.
These sites produce chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foods, paper and other textiles in a
continuous stream of output or in a batch mode that is different from discrete production
paradigms. In order to support process industries, Oracle Warehouse Management
(WMS) will now support transactions in organizations that leverage Oracle Process
Manufacturing for their production support. Users can now use WMS’s receiving,
inventory control, replenishment, task dispatching and shipping user interfaces in Process
or OPM enabled organizations.

In addition to supporting transactions in Oracle Process Manufacturing enabled

organizations, Oracle WMS will also support the features that have been added to Oracle
Inventory in order to better support process users. WMS will support transactions for
items that are dual unit of measure controlled and sublot controlled. In addition, Oracle
WMS’s material status functionality has been enhanced to allow users to indicate if
material in a given status should be ATP-able, Net-able and Reservable (for all statuses
except for serial status). For more information on Dual Unit of Measure control, and
sublot control, please refer to the Oracle Inventory section of this document. Also note
that as of this release, material status functionality will be available as part of core
Inventory Management and will no longer require a WMS license. Further
documentation and information on material status will henceforth be published in
Inventory documentation. Control Board Enhancements

Control Board is one of the key tools for the management at a Warehouse facility to
manage and monitor the various activities to improve the operational efficiency. To aid
the management personnel in this regard, this project enhanced and extended the
capabilities of the Control Board to make it easier and flexible to select and manage the

With this release of the WMS, using the Control Board mechanism the user will be
allowed to:

• Schedule a concurrent program to manage certain aspects on a regular basis.

• Queue a group of tasks to a user task type.

• Cancel inbound tasks.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Warehouse Management 15

• Manage tasks using additional shipping criteria: time left for the shipment and time
left for shipment appointment.

• Manage Crossdock tasks as a group. User Extensible Label Fields

Oracle offers users the capability to configure a label format for a particular use. The
fields that can be included on that label format were previously restricted to a list of pre-
defined variables seeded in the application. With this enhancement, users are now able to
add their own variables without customizing the application, by simply defining in SQL
the way to get to that data element. LPN Visibility in Shipping Execution

Note: This change is in support of a feature in another product. For more information,
please refer to the Shipping Execution section of this document.

This functionality stores License Plate Numbers in Oracle Shipping Execution and WMS
in a common data structure. This ensures that LPNs in WMS and Shipping are unique
and auto generation is supported in WMS and Shipping using the same organization level
parameters. Labor Management

Labor costs constitute a major portion of the operating expenses in a distribution center.
Warehouse managers need a system to log user performance, accurately measure how
much work has been completed and is left to complete, and reward employees

The Oracle Labor Management feature provides valuable analytics that will help
distribution managers optimize their resources. This feature allows you to view the
amount of time that specific events within the warehouse would take, as well as define a
benchmark for employees to strive for in terms of productivity. Engineered Labor
Standards (ELS) benchmarks can be set by the distribution manager. This feature will
compare the deviation of the actual productivity versus the expected productivity for
individuals and groups of work. It will allow the warehouse manager to compare
expected to actual times taken to perform work, forecast the amount of labor required and
optimize labor usage.

The two main analyses offered by the Labor Management feature are the Expected
resource/time requirements analysis and the Labor Productivity analysis. Locator Alias

In warehousing operations, material is constantly retrieved and deposited into locators.
When a user performs a retrieval/deposit, he/she typically confirms that a transaction was
performed in a locator by scanning or entering the locator name in the mobile screen. By
confirming a locator name, the user is simply stating that he/she acknowledges that the
transaction should be or is being performed in that locator. With the introduction of the
Locator Alias feature, Oracle WMS can now ensure that a user is physically present at a
locator when performing a transaction. By not displaying the alias on the mobile screen
and requiring the user to scan or enter the alias that is physically barcoded at the locator,
in lieu of the locator, the user is forced to be physically present at the locator.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Warehouse Management 16

The usage of locator alias promotes operator discipline and increases inventory accuracy.
It also ensures better execution when performing voice enabled transactions. Material Handling Integration

Reduction of complexity in the management and integration of material handling
equipment and automation systems with Warehouse Management Systems is a growing
issue for logistic organizations. Logistics organizations are placing more emphasis on
integration solutions that provide flexibility at the host application layer to achieve this
reduction in integration complexity.

With this release, improvements in device integration setup, configuration and

management provide you with the framework to create and maintain device integration
capability that is flexible. You can reduce integration complexity and improve
integration by taking advantage of this flexible framework for your systems. Catch
Weight, Pick to Light, A-frame, Conveyors and ASRS systems are examples of the
material handling equipment or automation systems that you can configure and integrate
with this warehouse control system flexible framework.

This integration maintains the Open API device integration features for independent
vendor integration solutions. Complementing this Open API is a built-in warehouse
control system allowing you flexibility in the definition, configuration, and
administration of various material handling equipment and automation systems
integration requirements. Multi Delivery Consolidation

For shippers who send products to deconsolidation centers managed by a third party, it
may be convenient to pack items on the same pallet or container to save space and
shipping costs even though they are bound for different end customers or ship to
addresses. The third party logistics provider will then handle deconsolidation and freight
forwarding at a later point not tracked by the shipper. Multi-delivery Consolidation will
enable users to save on transportation costs by grouping deliveries that are traveling part
of the way together, although not going to the same ultimate ship to locations. For
example, users will be able to consolidate multiple deliveries into a truckload shipment
for transport to a destination such as a deconsolidation facility. Once the consolidated
delivery has reached the facility, the individual deliveries will be sent via an LTL carrier
to the ultimate ship to location. Multi-Delivery Consolidation will enable users to
consolidate deliveries as a single consolidation to achieve cost efficiencies on this first
leg as opposed to managing each delivery individually. Multi-delivery Consolidation
will enable the user to prepare shipments in a cost-effective manner that allows for the
efficient movement of goods.

This feature allows warehouses to consolidate multiple deliveries residing in various

License Plate Numbers (LPNs) into an outer/consolidation LPN prior to shipment and
perform ship confirmation by scanning the outer LPN. The system directs users to
consolidate appropriate LPNs based on pre-defined rules. Planned Crossdocking

Crossdocking allows warehouses to increase its operational efficiency by transferring
inbound material directly to an outbound area. It bypasses the inventory-holding function
of a warehouse while still allowing it to serve its consolidation and shipping functions.
Prior to this release, crossdock execution had many limitations such as outbound staging

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Warehouse Management 17

to default locator, lack of consolidation support, etc.

With this feature, crossdocking can be planned in the warehouse using a set of cross-dock
criteria. The system can identify crossdocking opportunities in the warehouse by
comparing expected receipts and outbound shipments. When a crossdocking opportunity
is identified, the scheduled inbound receipt is pegged to the outbound shipment. A
specific inbound receipt is identified based on whether the warehouse wants to maximize
crossdocking or minimize wait time.

In this release, Opportunistic crossdocking has been enhanced such that crossdocking
occurs on the basis of cross-dock criteria. In addition its no longer necessary to have
backordered sales orders to perform opportunistic cross-dock.

The execution of crossdocking has been streamlined as well. This feature extends the
Advanced Task Framework in the cross-dock execution process. Features such as
consolidation, suggestion of staging lane, creation or merge with an outbound delivery
etc. can be leveraged to better support your crossdocking material handling processes. RFID Compliance Update

Many companies are faced with meeting various RFID mandates from retail customers
and the U.S. Department of Defense. Phased in beginning in 2005, the scope of the
mandates will expand in 2006 and 2007. And even if not faced with a customer mandate,
using standardized RFID tags to label products can help bring efficiencies to the supply
chain by reducing the incremental cost of data capture, such as allowing transactions to
be automatically recorded with the movement of material, and enabling more accurate
planning and more timely exception management.

The functionality provided here builds upon the RFID compliance features included in an
earlier release. Specifically, it allows RFID labels to be printed alongside standard non-
RFID labels, greater control over printer selection, and printing EPC labels for serialized
product and for GTIN quantities that are not LPNs. With this release, the EPCs can be
extracted from an ASN for automated receipt, and similarly, included in an outbound
ASN to meet customer mandates. And finally, labels with or without EPC’s can be
automatically printed for one or all levels of an LPN hierarchy.

The functionality enhancements also include several label printing features that improve
the usability for RFID compliance, but are applicable even for standard label printing.
These additional label printing features allow the user to define a “label set” which is a
grouping of label formats of the same type that can all be printed together automatically,
allow the printer to be determined by the format returned by the Rules Engine thereby
allowing rules-based printer selection, and improve the process by which the Rules
Engine can determine when labels should and should not be printed by not producing an
XML label print request if the selected label format does not have any variables.

This functionality allows customers to easily meet the various RFID mandates with
standard functionality, thereby avoiding costly customizations or supplier fines. The
general label printing enhancements delivered as part of this functionality also allow
customers to meet various complex label printing requirements – both internal and
external – more easily with standard functionality.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Warehouse Management 18 Rules Engine Enhancements
As Oracle Warehouse Management is used in more complex environments, building a
wider range of business logic in the Rules Engine, without sacrificing either performance
or usability, becomes increasingly important.

To provide both greater flexibility and performance for complex scenarios required of the
Rules Engine, rules and values can now be directly assigned in the Rules Workbench.
For example, a user can explicitly assign a cost group in the Rules workbench to a
particular item or for a particular supplier rather than creating a “dummy rule” with no
restrictions. . Similarly, rules can be assigned directly in the Workbench, so that “dummy
strategies” with single rules need not be created. This simplifies the setup, makes the
Rules Engine logic more transparent, and also enables the Rules Engine to execute faster
because assignments in the Rules Workbench can be evaluated orders of magnitude faster
than individual rules. Automated Task Prioritization

Whether in a high or low volume facility, warehouse managers require the ability to
predetermine the priority of a given task based on the status and urgency of the new tasks
with respect to the other pending work. Rush orders, for example, should be queued
appropriately without further intervention from a warehouse user. Similarly, some tasks
may always be designated as a lower priority (such as cycle counting tasks) unless an
individual task is prioritized by a manager. Oracle Warehouse Management now
supports the ability to automatically set the task priority for each task in a sales order
picking wave when that wave is pick released. The priority indicated at pick release will
be defaulted to every task created. In addition, users can now indicate a default priority
on the task type definition form which will be applicable to all tasks of that type. These
features will serve to provide more intelligent priority setting capabilities without
requiring any additional user execution steps through the WMS Control Board. Locator Inquiry

This feature enables a user to perform instant queries on warehouse locations through the
mobile UI. Instead of having to query on a particular item number as the existing query
form requires, this feature can be used to query on a subinventory or location. The
system will indicate the material that exists in that locator on a summary level, summing
up numbers of distinct lots and LPNs.

Rapid queries like this make the daily tasks of a warehouse worker much smoother,
putting system information at their fingertips. This feature helps to provide as much
information as possible to the user on the warehouse floor in the format that is most
useful. WMS Support for EAM/CMRO Inventory Transactions

One of the biggest costs in industry is the Asset maintenance cost. Manufacturers are
becoming aware of the pivotal role asset management strategy plays in improving
production. It improves quality, delivery time, and above all reduces costs associated
with manufacturing. Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) improves utilization
for asset intensive companies by optimizing asset capacity and manages reactive,
planned, and predictive maintenance throughout the enterprise. Organizations that
leverage Oracle eAM or Oracle Complex Maintenance and Repair Operations (CMRO)
in order to manage asset repair within a facility may also choose to leverage Oracle
Warehouse Management in order to manage the inventory movement within those
R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Warehouse Management 19
facilities. Oracle WMS task dispatching infrastructure can now be used to pick rotables
for use in EAM or CMRO repair work orders. Now, regardless of the source of demand
for parts and materials, Oracle Warehouse Management can be used to manage the
fulfillment of those requests.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Warehouse Management 20

3.4. Mobile Supply Chain Applications
3.4.1. Overview

Following are the features that are new with MSCA in Release 12.

3.4.2. Features Oracle Process Manufacturing Support

40% of the manufacturing taking place today can be classified as process manufacturing.
These sites produce chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foods, paper and other textiles in a
continuous stream of output or in a batch mode that is different from discrete production
paradigms. In order to support process industries, Oracle Mobile Supply Chain
Applications (MSCA) will now support transactions in organizations that leverage Oracle
Process Manufacturing for their production support. Users can now use MSCA’s
receiving, inventory control, replenishment and shipping user interfaces in Process or
OPM enabled organizations.

In addition to supporting transactions in Oracle Process Manufacturing enabled

organizations, Oracle MSCA will also support the features that have been added to
Oracle Inventory in order to better support process users. MSCA will support
transactions for items that are dual unit of measure controlled and sublot controlled. In
addition, Oracle MSCA will also support the material status functionality that has been
added to Oracle Inventory. For more information on Dual Unit of Measure control,
sublot control and Material Status, please refer to the Oracle Inventory section of this
document. Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Support

One of the biggest costs in industry is the Asset maintenance cost. Manufacturers are
becoming aware of the pivotal role asset management strategy plays in improving
production. It improves quality, delivery time, and above all reduces costs associated
with manufacturing. Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) improves utilization
for asset intensive companies by optimizing asset capacity and manages reactive,
planned, and predictive maintenance throughout the enterprise. Organizations that
leverage Oracle eAM or Oracle Complex Maintenance and Repair Operations (CMRO)
in order to manage asset repair within a facility may also choose to leverage Oracle
MSCA in order to manage the inventory movement within those facilities. Oracle MSCA
pick confirm pages can now be used to pick rotables for use in EAM or CMRO repair
work orders. For customers who do not use the component pick release capabilities,
material transactions can now be performed against EAM work orders in MSCA user
interfaces. Now, regardless of the source of demand for parts and materials, Oracle
Mobile Supply Chain Applications can be used to manage the fulfillment of those
requests. Locator Inquiry

This feature enables a user to perform instant queries on warehouse locations through the
mobile UI. Instead of having to query on a particular item number as the existing query
form requires, this feature can be used to query on a subinventory or location. The

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Mobile Supply Chain Applications 21
system will indicate the material that exists in that locator on a summary level, summing
up numbers of distinct lots and LPNs.

Rapid queries like this make the daily tasks of a warehouse worker much smoother,
putting system information at their fingertips. This feature helps to provide as much
information as possible to the user on the warehouse floor in the format that is most

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Mobile Supply Chain Applications 22
3.5. Oracle Transportation Execution
3.5.1. Overview
The following are the features that are new for Oracle Transportation Execution R12.

3.5.2. Features Load Tender Enhancements

Load tender enhancements consist of new data elements that will be incorporated into the
load tender request message. These new data elements include freight class, hazardous
material information, dock close time, freight terms, delivery number (s) and consignee’s
order number. This information will be communicated to the carrier when the loader
tender request message is sent. Routing Guide Rule Enhancements

The routing guide rule user interface will be enhanced to allow users to search by the rule
name in the routing guide rule search page. This will eliminate the need to search for a
rule using a customer site, customer, organization, or enterprise. Additionally, the routing
guide rule setup process will be reduced to three steps providing a streamlined user
interface allowing users to expedite the rule setup process. Freight Rating Enhancements

Truckload rating functionality will be expanded to provide additional rating user flows.
Users will have the ability to rate truckload services from Order Management user
interfaces, the Shipping Transaction Form and the Delivery Workbench. Additional
flexibility will be added allowing users to optionally specify a vehicle type when rating
truckload shipments. Oracle Transportation Execution will now provide support for
automated rating of multi-leg deliveries. Multi-Delivery Consolidation

Multi-delivery Consolidation will enable Oracle Warehouse Management users to save
on transportation costs by grouping deliveries that are traveling part of the way together,
although not going to the same ultimate ship to locations. For example, users will be able
to consolidate multiple deliveries into a truckload shipment for transport to a destination
such as a deconsolidation facility. Once the consolidated delivery has reached the
facility, the individual deliveries will be sent via an LTL carrier to the ultimate ship to
location. Multi-Delivery Consolidation will enable users to consolidate deliveries as a
single consolidation to achieve cost efficiencies on this first leg as opposed to managing
each delivery individually. Multi-delivery Consolidation will enable the user to prepare
shipments in a cost-effective manner that allows for the efficient movement of goods.

Oracle Transportation Execution will support Multi-Delivery Consolidation process

flows by enabling users to perform actions such as Freight Rating, Applying Routing
Guide Rules, Load Tendering, and Tracking.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Oracle Transportation Execution 23 Third-Party Warehousing Enhancements
A new concurrent program will be introduced to facilitate the automation of shipment
request data from Oracle Shipping Execution to a third-party warehousing system. Users
will be able to setup the concurrent program to automatically run periodically,
eliminating the need for manual user intervention for transmission of shipment pickup
requests to a third-party warehousing system. Carrier Manifest Enhancements

Enhancements will be made to the carrier manifest integration with the introduction of
the shipment request cancellation process. A new XML cancellation message will be
used to notify the carrier manifesting system that the original shipment request has been
cancelled. This feature will automate the cancellation process for the Oracle
Transportation Execution user by eliminating the need to cancel in the manifest partner
application. Inbound Logistics Enhancements

The electronic ASN and iSupplier Portal will be enhanced to include Ship From location.
This enhancement will facilitate the receipt to delivery matching process. Additionally,
the Inbound Reconciliation User Interface has been modified to display the Ship From

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Oracle Transportation Execution 24

3.6. Oracle Transportation Planning
3.6.1. Overview
No new features in Release 12.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Oracle Transportation Planning 25

3.7. Release Management
3.7.1. Overview

The following are the features that are new with Release 12.

3.7.2. Features Release Sales Order Start Date Enhancement

In prior releases, when the Demand Processor created a new Release Sales Order, the
effective dates of the order were calculated based on the earliest calculated request date,
for the first item on the schedule. In this enhancement, the Demand Processor looks
across all items on the schedule that relate to the same Blanket Sales Order. Once it finds
the earliest start date across all items, it uses that date as the effective date of the Release
Sales Order. This enhancement improves how the Demand Processor behaves when
integrating demand for a blanket.

• For the setup “Release Across Items”, the initial Release Sales Order effective
date is calculated based on the earliest date for the blanket in the schedule
For the setup “Release Per Item”, the Release Sales Order effective date is calculated
based on the earliest date for the item, as in prior releases.

R12 Logistics Release Content Document, Rev. 00 Release Management 26

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