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Performance analysis Detraining
More specifically this manuscript will discuss performance indicators in football from a scientific point of view. Functional Movement
Statistics in football/performance analysis seemed to be present for a long time, ~40 years (69). While paper and
pencil was used in earlier days, software solutions like ProZone allow a more in-depth analysis of football games. Injury prevention

What are the “common” performance measurements? Performance analysis

A performance indicator is a selection, or combination, of action variables that aims to define some aspects of a Periodization
performance in a given sport and, these performance indicators, should relate to successful performance or
Proprioception/Balance in
outcome (14, 35).

Utilizing this definition it seems necessary to define “action variables”, which we have then categorized into Recovery
physical/physiological, technical, tactical and others parameter and will discuss them individually.

Training load
Physical/physiological parameters
Youth football
Physical capacity of players seemed to be a key factor in match performance, despite the fact that non-successful
teams covered greater distance in high-speed movement activity (10), which suggests that factors other than Warm-up
physical performance represented are more important in achieving success.

Non-significant differences were seen in body composition (48). However there were also significant differences
between players from successful compared to unsuccessful teams. Differences were seen in strength and power (5,
16, 19, 94) measures such as countermovement jump, leg extension etc.

Further information stated that improved physical capacity of players influence technical ability (71), namely
increased pass rates and therefore might indirectly improve performance indicators (31). Studies in England (20)  Connect to Twitter
and Italy (66) have reported an association between physical output and final league ranking (10). More specifically,
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match activity such as high-speed running in relation to league position at the end of the playing season have been
used to provide an indication to which physical performance can influence the ‘success’ of teams. However, total run
distance was not associated with the final result (37).

It seems obvious that the physical capacity needs to be the foundation for “being ready to play” – as different playing
style will have influence on the physical demands on the players (8).

In return, being “not fit” or not ready to play also suggest that injuries will have an impact in performance and it was
shown that successful teams had significant less injuries compared to non-successful team (5).

Time-motion analysis
It seems evident that “fit” players can cover greater distance if needed, disregarding of level of play. For example,
researchers (9) suggested that distance covered at high intensity are more valid measure of physical performance in
soccer because of their strong relationship with training status (42, 43) or level of play (59).

However, generally, time-motion analysis parameters were also influenced by many factors (such as score line, ball
possession, opponent) and therefore might not be an appropriate performance indicator.

Technical parameters
Similar to the physical/physiological parameters, technical elements are very important in football and most of the
time these parameters (such as shots on goal…) are very easy to measure reliably. This kind of analysis is called
notational analysis (35).

It seems obvious that there is a link between number of goals scored, and more importantly number of goals
conceded (12) and success in football. However, the relationship seems not so clear with regards to other
parameters such as shots on goal and passes completed (and others) and the final result of a game. In accordance
to Hughes and Bartlett (35) we have divided into passes, tackles and shots.

Number of passes 1/10
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Overall number of passes (76), pass attempts during net playing time (76) and overall number of correct passes
were figured as important factors in achieving better results (37, 49). Longer passing sequences are a more efficient
way of scoring goals compared to shorter passing sequences in elite Australian football (38).

Types of passes 
Types of passes were not seen as a performance indicator (37, 77, 79). However, Successful teams were able to
execute a wider variety of passes as a tool to create shots, making them less predictable and being able to shoot
more frequently (33). Crosses and chips were used more significantly by successful teams compared to
unsuccessful teams (33).

Passes into specific areas

Penetrative passes into the box and the 6 yard area seemed to increase the number of shots on goal and
consequently number of goals (30) offensively. Interestingly, unsuccessful teams tended to play significantly more
passes in(to) the pre-defensive area (77).

Pass accuracy
There is not doubt that pass accuracy is an important performance indicator in football in general. For example it
was shown that the pass accuracy was significant higher 5 minutes before scoring (67). Pass accuracy not only
retains possession, but may also lead to scoring opportunities while also restricting possessions and scoring
opportunities of the opposition (67).

Pass to opposition/interceptions
There seemed to be no evidence about pass to opposition/interception as performance indicator. It seems not clear
if the interception are a consequence of the inability to pass accurately or good movement from the opponent (or a
combination of both) (60). However, we believe everyone can agree that low number of opposition and high number
of interception might help to succeed in the game.

Tackles won/lost
Limited research is available for tackles won/lost in connection with performance in football. Interestingly, it is not
reported that number of successful tackles links to success, however the number of tackles and the total fouls
discriminated between top tiers and lower ranked teams (62). Additionally, a low number of successful tackles
defensively may have contributed to a high number of conceding goals (60).

Shots on/off target

Disregarding success, home teams have 26% more shots, however the success rates for the shots do not differ
from away teams (80). Successful teams have a greater number of shots (13, 50), shots on target (13, 50), but more
importantly a better rate for number of shots per goal (24, 50) offensively, but also a lower rate of shots and shots on
their own goal (13).

Furthermore, the area/zone of scoring attempt were also presented: The penalty area (44.4%), goal area (32.2%)
and outside the box (20.4%) were chosen for goals (96), however 90% of all goals was scored inside the penalty
area for the 1986 World Cup (63), whilst it was 80% for the World Cup 1990 and 81.8% for goal scoring attempts
appeared in the penalty area for Greek domestic football (82, 95).

Tactical parameter
Ball possession
Generally, ball possession seemed to influenced by situational variables (49). As a result, the variable was
influenced by the game status (winning and drawing), match location (home teams have greater possession than
away teams) and quality of opponent (less possession against “good” teams (49).

Despite the mentioned, it was thought that ball possession is of central importance to success in football, however
questions remain about its impact on positive team outcomes (15).  It seems that in domestic play, ball possession is
an important performance indicator (-especially in England and Spain) (44, 46, 49, 86).

However, when opponent quality and home advantage was accounted for, ball possession was not a good
performance indicator anymore (15).

Nonetheless, successful teams had more possession in general (13, 17, 33, 37, 39, 49, 68), however, also when a)
winning and drawing (70) or even when losing or drawing (15), compared to unsuccessful teams. There was no
difference between successful and non-successful teams for ball possession when winning (36).

Ball possession in a certain are of the pitch

Ball possession in certain area of the pitch seems to be influenced by the score line (72), showing less ball
possession for the scoring team in the attacking and middle thirds compared to the average for the half (72). On the
contraire, the conceding team significantly increased its possession in the middle and attacking third and decreased
the possession in its own defensive third. Furthermore, pre-goal possession showed that the scoring team had
significant more possession in the middle and attacking third (72).

Zone 14 also seemed to have a crucial role in football, more specifically, ball possession (and also its effective
usage) (71).

Interestingly, unsuccessful teams played more passes in the pre-defensive area (before the half-way line) (78).

Ball possession as a sequence

In the study by Hughes et al. (34), the number of passes that led to goals scored in two FIFA World Cup finals were 2/10
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analyzed. It seemed as there were more goals scored from longer passing sequences than from shorter passing
sequences. Longer possession resulted in more shots per possession; however, the strike ratio of goals from shots
was better for “direct play” compared to “possession play”. Successful teams scored more often from longer
possession (compared to short(er)) possession (34).

Possession lengths of 3 to 7 passes seemed more likely to produce goals than shorter and longer length
possessions (60).

Attacking third entries

Attacking third entries was mentioned to be a performance indicator discriminating successful from unsuccessful
teams (70).

Tactical ability / formation / playing style

As a clarification, we will not discuss individual tactics despite its importance on the group efficacy (40).

Despite hard to quantify, it seems evident that the tactical ability, the formation and the playing style play a role as
performance indicators. For example, interception of an opponent pass and subsequent fast counter-attack would all
be considered as key sports behaviors (57).

Therefore, the following paragraphs will focus not only on tactical behavior (such as ball possession above) but also
on how these tactical parameters are achieved.

The so-called game modeling has been used (42, 58) to detect game patterns distinguishing successful from non-
successful teams (28).

We have sort them into offensive and defensive patterns, but also highlighting the transitional phase (and pressing).

Team offensive play in sequences ending in a shot on goal are influenced by situational variables (such as numerical
relationship between attack and defense players) (64).

However, offensive actions play a key role in football. More specifically, organized offense presented the highest
frequency in goal scoring, followed by set pieces (35.6%) and counterattacks (20.3%) (96). Furthermore, 80% of
goals scored after short duration attacks, and players touched the ball a maximum of 3 (29) or 4 (34) times. 

As many shots (on goal)/goals are performed from the area directly in front of the penalty area (zone 14) as well as
many assists derived from that zone (32), it seems logical to penetrate that zone as much as possible or enter the
final third (70). 64% of possessions within that zone derived from ball possession of between 0.5-2.5 seconds (32).
46% of off-target attempts from zone 14 were from possessions of just one second (70). However, it was also
reported that not the amount of possession, but its effective usage/conversion distinguished between successful and
non-successful teams (70).

Zone 14

Obviously crosses are also effective to increase shots on goal (41) as mentioned above 90% of all goals was scored
inside the penalty area for the 1986 World Cup (63), whilst it was 80% for the World Cup 1990 and 81.8% for goal
scoring attempts appeared in the penalty area for Greek domestic football (82, 95).

A mixture of short and long passes seems to be a promising way to build up attacks and furthermore scoring from
short and long distances increases complexity of defending. Especially short passes seemed to be reliable in
keeping ball possession (62).

Transition seems to be of high importance in football (92) as the team that just lost the ball is in a (more or less) 3/10
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unorganized/variable situation which was proven to have significant effect on conceding goals (27, 88).

Pressure applied to players having the ball seemed to be crucial in the mid-offensive zone, as these actions
preceded “successful finishing” (70), defined as shots on target (54). The goals scored were mainly preceded by
behaviors in zones near the opposition goal. Pressing was seen as a key index in/around the box and in general 
pressed player are less affected and therefore less dangerous (84).

Defensively, recovery of the ball was seen as a performance indicator (6).

It appears that individual defense's ability of teams to control the opposing team's movements will greatly affects on
success in Football (25).

A scientific measure was the longitudinal and lateral inter-team distances, centroid position, and the area of the team
span on the pitch (27).

Additional thoughts
There seems to be also another type of research in performance analysis, which in this case also discusses tactical
ability. The so-called “ecological dynamics” display self-organizing systems and therefore critique the notational
systems. The results in this research (93) states how attackers try to break symmetry with their nearest opponents,
as defenders seek to maintain system symmetry by remaining between their own goal and the immediate attacker.

Individuals influence tactical ability/performance of a team. As a result, research constructed “ball flow” to investigate
the importance of individuals in a team structure and seems able to demonstrate that flow centrality provide a
powerful objective quantification of individual and further team performance (23).

Factors influencing performance

Performance seems to be a very specific index that is influenced by many variables and therefore should be
considered in that context.

We also want to state that the factors interfere and therefore some limitations will be present with regards to given

Opponent (Successful vs. non-successful teams regarding final latter ranking)

The opponent will have great influence on performance indicators (22, 26, 46, 64). Obviously, the magnitude of
influence needs to be considered with regards to your own team’s ability and the opponent. Therefore, many
research has investigated with regards to final league standing and as a consequences distinguished between
successful and non-successful teams. Successful teams were significant different compared non-successful teams

    •    Goals (47)

    •    Shots on goal (47, 64)
    •    Efficacy of shots on goals (ratio of goals per shots) (83)
    •    Possession in general (46)
    •    Position characteristics (such as counterattack) (89)
    •    Possession with 0-4 passes (89)
    •    Successful passes (65)
Furthermore it was distinguished between successful and non-successful teams taking other variables (such as
score-line) into account that influence performance indicators.

Especially ball possession seemed to be discussed in this context, revealing some conflicting results. Generally, The
successful teams had longer possessions than unsuccessful teams when winning and drawing (39, 70) and no
difference were seen when losing. However, successful teams were also observed having longer ball possessions in
general (36, 46). Interestingly, unsuccessful teams had lower ball possession when winning compared to loosing
(70) however both successful and unsuccessful teams had longer durations of possession when they were losing
matches compared to when winning (39).

Successful teams preferred using a pass on the ground into the final third compared with unsuccessful teams, who
used aerial passes pre-dominantly (70). Successful teams were also more efficient than their opponents at scoring
from set-plays (95).

Score line - Winning vs. drawing vs. losing

Obviously, scoring more then the opponent equals the ultimate performance indicator (14, 95). Especially scoring
first was seen as a strong impact on final outcome (3).

However, it was also reported that the score line (if your team is winning or losing) influence performance indicator
such as ball possession or distance covered (44, 45, 87).

When loosing, the teams showed the tendency to improve ball possession in mid offensive zones (7). When
winning, teams frequently performed defence/attack transition behaviors to get closer to the opponent goal (7).
While drawing, teams tended to vary the offensive methods to score a goal (6). The most frequent position to shoot
was the center position.

Winning teams showed different profiles from drawing and losing teams in terms of recovering the ball in their own 4/10
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half (center area) and to use penetrative passes into the opponents box (30).

Match location (home vs. away)

I guess everyone has experienced “home advantage” in some stage in his career (22, 30, 80). The home team
created significant more possession (44, 46), greater number of turnovers and crosses  (30, 91), corners, passes 
and shots in the attacking third and in general exhibited more behaviors linked with success such as won tackles,
passes completed and won aerial challenges (91). The home team also covered more distance in low-intensity
activities (45).

Type of competition (League vs. knock-out system)

There is limited evidence of the type of competition on performance indicators. However, from coaching experience
it seems warranted that one of the best teams will win a league (with consist performance over a long(er) period of
time), while during a knock-out stage (like in national cups or international tournaments) it seems that the team with
suppose to have lower performance also have a chance to win. Lagos et al. (51) stated for knockout stages the role
of performance is less important, as there were no statistically significant differences in the performance obtained by
winners and losers (51). However, other research (81) shows the importance of consistent performance over all
games of a tournament.

Game period
It seemed that game period had an effect on performance parameters (4, 64). Game period had significant effects
on the length of offensive actions, the distance covered (64) and more goals were scored as time progresses. The
above could be explained by the deterioration in physical conditioning, the tactical play, fluid balance and lapses in
concentration (4).

Other factors
In the following paragraphs we would like to list (additional) others factors that will influence performance and
therefore its indicators.

Training (hours) experience

Experienced players circulated the ball more in SSG resulting in longer offensive sequences from the entire team,
while the non-experienced participants performed faster offensive sequences with a predominance of individual
actions (1).

Body mass and muscle mass was related to the total distance covered (73). Moreover, players from successful
teams were found to be leaner and more muscular than their unsuccessful counterparts (48).

Psychological factors
Psychological factors were not really discussed throughout the literature, however it was seen that emotional
intelligence scores predict team sports performance in national cricket (18).  Emotional intelligence is involved in the
capacity to perceive emotions, assimilate emotion-related feelings, understand the information of those emotions,
and manage them (56). Emotional intelligence helps individual team members in order to deal with interpersonal and
intrapersonal conflicts, enhance communication and commitment, and to accomplish team goals (21). We speculate
that emotional intelligence might be seen as a psychological factor in football performance as well.

There is only limited evidence about the effect of fatigue on performance indicators. Fatigue that players appear
towards the end of a game, which consequently leads to goal scoring by the opponent team (97). Fatigue affected
soccer skills (66, 75) in footballers. The assumption was that pass accuracy is reduced, therefore ball possession
and as a consequence the ability to control the match (and therefore performance).

Dismissals will have an effect on performance indicators (11). Players need to cover greater distance, have less
recovery time between high-intensity efforts and have more activity, especially in the moderate-intensity level (11).

Dead-ball situations can play a significant role in match outcome. For example up to ~36% of all goals were scored
through set-pieces (95, 96).

Not necessarily related to match outcome, however still interesting was the investigation by Pulling et al. (65), who
investigated zonal vs. 1-on-1 marking in corners. The authors’ results showed no significant association between the
marking set-up and the number of attempts at goal conceded when defending corner kicks. However, teams who
applied zonal marking conceded fewer goals and fewer attempts at goal than teams who used one-to-one marking.

Who scores the goals

Interestingly, in successful teams, 62% of the goals are scored by typical attacking players (33). Whereas in
unsuccessful teams only 25% of the goals are scored by the same kind of players.

Gender differences
There seemed to be gender differences in performance indicators. One factor seemed to be the
physical/physiological differences, which might be responsible for successful long-range shots for example (2).  The
women used more heading in general and tried to get closer to the goal before trying to score (2).

Dribbling seemed to be the most important skill to creating scoring opportunities, followed by first touch, passing,
and individual defense (90). 5/10
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Crosses received inside the box and corner kicks revealed good goal scoring opportunities (55).  Individual tactics in
womens football was observed by Konstadinidiou et al. 2005 - (41).

Conclusion 
Performance (and therefore its indicators) needs to be considered with regards to several situational variables (such
as quality of opponent, location of match, type of competition and game period).  In addition, first goal and in general
score-line and dismissals will also have an effect on performance. As a result, key performance index seemed to
change during the game (22, 45, 87). It seems that teams need to develop a specific performance index (such as
how to enter the attacking third) for a specific opponent, at a specific location, in a specific type of competition for a
specific time during the match.
Furthermore, the performance index might be individual to specific positions as the technical (85) and physical (61)
demands differ. For example, target strikers have different movements (amount and intensity), different technical
skills (such as ball possession) compared to central midfielders. However, their shots on goal will be more crucial as
they are usually positioned closer to the goal and therefore have greater chance to score.
Generally, efficacy seems to be key offensively (goals per shots) as well as defensively (gaining re-possession
quickly) (50, 78). Ball possession (to us) seems to be important in controlling the game, however, not necessarily as
an important performance indicator. As it seems having ball possession for a long time does not ensure goals
scoring, however is very effective way to control the game when winning.
Creating/cover spaces over large distance on the pitch offensively seems to create opportunities for individual
players and therefore lowers chances for interceptions, however, simultaneously increase the demand and the
complexity of re-organizing the defense when losing the ball. As a result, counterattacking is a very effective way to
win a game, especially for “lower-ranked” in certain situations (away games, less comfortable with ball possession
Set pieces are very important and can decide about winning or loosing as well. Additionally, it seems warrant to
scout the opponent and not only to research our own team (88).



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