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Social literacy is so crucial in a persons success.

The ability to communicate and voice opinions

and thoughts, as well as listening to opinions and thoughts of others, is essential in learning. Firmly grasping
social cues and norms is extremely beneficial. In literally every single setting of our lives: school, home,
work, clubs and activities, interacting with people(whether face to face or behind technology), we use our
social literacy. We play so many roles everyday and we socially need to understand how to play those roles
appropriately. For example: I would speak differently with my friends than I would my mother, or I would
chat on Facebook differently than I would while emailing a professor. Without an understanding of this
communication, one cannot function with success in society.
Emotional literacy is the building block of emotional intelligence. Subsequently, when we develop
our own emotional literacy we can access and develop important information about ourselves and others.
Without the skill of emotional literacy, emotions would remain confusing and misleading and impact on
the relationship we have with ourselves and other people.
Emotional stability is a direct contributor to happiness and living the good life. Without it, you
risk falling into a pattern of jealousy, stress, heartache, and depression. Luckily, anyone can make a choice
to improve their emotional health. You can change the way you think and alter your daily habits to make
yourself more emotionally successful and enhance your quality of life. What does it mean to be emotionally
stable? It means to choose actions and thoughts that contribute directly to a sense of calmness and serenity.
It means to develop habits that bring harmony into your life and your interactions with everything and

Neuroticism is a long-term tendency to be in a negative or anxious emotional state.

How do you become more emotionally stable? Well, for starters, you could try adopting some of these
habits that typify emotionally stable people.

1. They Say NO
Emotionally stable people know when and how to say no. They do not over-commit themselves or
make false promises. They just say no to requests that they don’t want to do or don’t have time for.
While unstable people don’t know how to say no, and often get taken advantage of, confident people
understand that they don’t have time for everything. They only have twenty-four hours in a day, so they
want to spend those hours wisely – doing the things that matter most to them.
These calm, yet assertive people don’t feel bad about saying no either, and they don’t even need to
explain why they are saying no. After all, “No” is a complete sentence.
Saying “no” takes confidence. We all want to please people, make our bosses and friends happy, and do as
much as we possibly can for others.
But when we take on too much, we do a poor job, overextend ourselves, and become unhappy. We
stretch ourselves too thin, and we lose our self-esteem and emotional stability because of it.
If you are struggling emotionally because you have too much on your plate and you are feeling
overwhelmed, try telling someone “no” today.
Don’t worry that you might burn bridges. People will understand. You don’t have to be rude or
mean when you turn someone down. Just tell the person requesting your help that you cannot fit it into your
Feels good, doesn’t it?

2. They Embrace Their Flaws

Who ever said emotionally stable people were perfect? Certainly not themselves. They know that
they are imperfect, and they embrace it.
If they were perfect, they would be done growing and developing. They never want to stop growing.
There is so much to learn in the world, and they want to soak up as much knowledge as they can.
There is no need to be perfect, and an emotionally stable person won’t even try. They will gladly
tell you all about their imperfections and admit their flaws openly. They love themselves for who they are…
and for who they are not!
Strength and happiness come from within, so learning to accept yourself for who you are is critical
for emotional stability.
Always try to look for the positive in every situation. Even if you mess up, there is always a lesson
to be learned or an area to improve.

3. They Know the Power of Listening

Emotionally stable people listen more than they talk. They are self-assured in what they have to
say and, therefore, do not feel the need to talk all of the time. They are great communicators because of
their ability to listen.
What’s more, such people know how to take critical feedback. You won’t find them sulking after
getting advice from a coworker on their presentation. They want to know your opinion, even if they don’t
agree with it.

4. They are Selective with Their Inner Circle

Attitudes are contagious, and emotionally stable people know that the company they keep will
influence their outlook on life.
Negativity can severely affect your emotional health. Because stable individuals do not want others
to push negative energy their way, they are selective with those they choose to associate with.
They do not expose themselves to toxic people who may break down their defenses or lower their
Negative people are everywhere, and they are more than willing to take you down with them. Guard
your inner circle and only associate with people who build you up.
If you have someone in your life who is influencing you in a negative way, it may be time to break that tie.
Some bridges need burning.

5. They Refuse to Conform

Emotionally stable people don’t buy into something they don’t believe in. You won’t find them
jumping on the bandwagon of every new trend. They simply do not care if they “fit in” with the crowd.
They are comfortable in their own skin.
They aren’t afraid to disagree with their family, friends, coworkers, or the entire world. Peer
pressure is just not in their vocabulary.
The more secure you are on an emotional level, the more independent you become. You will no
longer feel the need to fit in, because you know that you already do.
The next time you feel pressured to do something that doesn’t fit within your values or ethics, ask
yourself what emotion is tied to that need to fit in. Recognizing your emotional fragility is the first step to
overcoming it.

6. They Ask for Help

Emotionally stable people do not feel threatened if they need help. Why would they? The most
successful people in the world have entire teams supporting them and helping them succeed.
Such a person knows they can’t do it all alone, and they aren’t going to waste their time trying.
They trust people and aren’t afraid to ask for (or hire) help.
Asking for help does not mean that you are a failure. We all need help from time to time. If you are
struggling in a certain area of your life, ask yourself who may be able to assist you and then ask for help!
7. They Support Others
Emotionally stable people love to cheer on others. They love helping their peers succeed. You will
not find one that goes behind anyone’s back or takes credit for someone else’s work.
They will applaud you when you do well… and really mean it! These people are your cheerleaders,
and they want you to succeed. They are smart enough to realize that by being associated with other
successful people, they will also succeed.
If you constantly find yourself feeling the pangs of jealousy or secretly wishing others would fail
so that you can succeed, you are giving in to your emotional weakness.
Emotions are amazing motivators, and they can take control of our minds and bodies. Instead of
focusing on other people and what they are doing with their lives, focus on yourself.

1. Plan your schedule so that you can arrive 10–15 minutes early. Map out your route to the
interview location so you can be sure to arrive on time. Consider doing a practice run. If you’re
taking public transportation, identify a backup plan if there are delays or closures.
Pro-tip: When you arrive early, use the extra minutes to observe the workplace dynamics.
2. Recruit a friend to practice answering questions. Actually practicing your answers out loud
is an incredibly effective way to prepare. Say them to yourself or ask a friend to help run
through questions and answers. You’ll find you gain confidence as you get used to saying the
3. Plan your interview attire the night before. If you’re speaking to a recruiter before the
interview, you can ask them about the dress code in the workplace and choose your outfit
accordingly. If you don’t have someone to ask, research the company to learn what’s
4. Treat everyone you encounter with respect. This includes people on the road and in the
parking lot, security personnel and front desk staff. Treat everyone you don’t know as though
they’re the hiring manager. Even if they aren’t, your potential employer might ask for their
5. Practice good manners and body language. Practice confident, accessible body language
from the moment you enter the building. Sit or stand tall with your shoulders back. Before the
interview, take a deep breath and exhale slowly to manage feelings of anxiety and encourage
self-confidence. The interviewer should extend their hand first to initiate a handshake. Stand,
look the person in the eye and smile. A good handshake should be firm but not crush the other
person’s fingers.
6. Win them over with your authenticity and positivity. Being genuine during interview
conversations can help employers easily relate to you. Showing positivity with a smile and
upbeat body language can help keep the interview light and constructive.
7. Respond truthfully to the questions asked. While it can seem tempting to embellish on
your skills and accomplishments, interviewers find honesty refreshing and respectable. Focus
on your key strengths and why your background makes you uniquely qualified for the
8. Keep your answers concise and focused. Your time with each interviewer is limited so be
mindful of rambling. Practicing your answers beforehand can help keep you focused.
9. Bring a notebook and pen. Bring a pen and small notebook. Prepare to take notes, but not
on your smartphone or other electronic device. Write information down so that you can refer
to these details in your follow-up thank you notes. Maintain eye contact as much as possible.
10. Make a great first impression. Don’t forget the little things—shine your shoes, make sure
your nails are clean and tidy, and check your clothes for holes, stains, pet hair and loose
threads. Display confident body language and a smile throughout.

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