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Far Eastern University

Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance

Business Administration


1. What does leadership mean to you?

2. Describe the key actions and behaviors of the person that you’ve experienced as
your best leader?

3. Are leaders born or made?

4. What is a “role model”?
5. In what ways are role models important for leaders.
6. Who are your role models? Their characteristics?
7. What have you learned from them?
8. What can leaders do to help others in the organization “see” the future?
9. What are some of the actions you take to create a climate for change and
encourage risk-taking? Be specific.
10. Should leaders let their constituents fail? Explain your answer
11. How can leaders create a climate of trust and facilitate relationships among people
in a work team?
12. What are three things that can be done to improve in each leadership practice?
What are three things that you can do to continue learning to be a better leader?
13. Tell me about a time you struggled with work-life balance. Did you manage to solve
the problem? How did you do it?
14. How do you monitor the performance of individual team members? In what specific
ways do you motivate your team?
15. How would you describe your leadership style?

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