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Roll No. | YEAR B.E. EXAMINATION, OCTOBER- NOVEMBER 2018 100205 : BASIC CIVIL ENGINEERING & MECHANICS (GS) Time:3 Hours Maximum Marks 70, Ninian Poss Mens :22 Note? “aswer alive questions. Al questions carry equal mars In each question porta, b,c are compulsory end part d has internal choice. Out of which part a & b (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, port c (Max. 100 words) cary 3 marks ond port d (Mos. 400 words) carry? marks, Word lit woud not be flowed for (except diagram, numerical deration ec 3. AllPorts ofeach question are tobe cttempted ot one place 4. Assume sutable vole for missing dota, any. ‘Question 7 Miarks | Course No. Outcomes 1. [(@)_| What are the different types of mortar? | con (b)_| What are the factors affecting Workability of Concrete? oz | con (c)_| Discuss briefly the classification of stones, 03 | cot (d)_ [Uist the tests performed to check the quality of bricks. Describe any one | 07 | CO-1 laboratory test in deta OR {(e) | What are Various methods of seasonings of timber ? Explain any one | 07 | COT method in deta 2. [(@)_| Define the following terms: 2 | coz ‘Main survey station, Tie line, True bearing, Bench mark {(B)_| What do you mean by Reciprocal Levelling ? | co2 (c) | A 20m chain was found to be 14 cm too long after chaining a distance of| 03 | CO-2 1400 m. It was found to be 28 cm too long at the end of day's work after, chaining a total distance of 2800m. Naternuma the Tue obalonce, (d)_| The bearings of a traverse ABCDA were taken with a Prismatic Compass | 07 | —CO2 and the observations were as follows Line Forebearing Back bearing AB 139-25" 319-45" Bc 1549.45" 334-45" oo 295%-40 115-20" DA 3539.30" 17-00" Compute the interior angles, adjust the error if any, and correct the bearings for local attraction. ‘OR, {e) | The following readings are successively taken from an instrument in @] 07 | CO-2 leveling work: 0.255, 0.385, 0.520, 1.785, 1.895, 2,300, 1.785, 0.335, 0.858, 1.255 m, The position of the instrument was shifted after 3" and 6” readings. Enter above reading in a page of level book. The R.L. of first point is 100.000 m. Calculate the R.Ls of all the points. Apply usual arithmetic check. 3. {1a} | Define contour and show with neat sketches the characteristic features of | 02 | COS | contour tine of the followings i) apond ; (i) abill ; (ii) aridge (6)_[ What are the uses ofa Theodoiite ? a _| 03 Page 1 of 3 Te [a ibe briefly the use of various accessories of Plane Table Surveying | 03 | The following offsets were taken from a chain-line toa hedge, 07 Distance(m}: 0 6 12 18 24 36 48 60 72 81 90 Offset(m) : 37.32 23 19 10 15 17 22 31 34 3S Calculate the area enclosed between the chaiiline, the hedge and end offset. 0-3 0-3 OR, {e) ‘A road at the is 6 m wide with the side-slopes of 1.5 to 1. The ground is | 07 level across the centre line of the road. . The centre-height at 20 m intervals are 4.5, 3.0, 1.0, 1.6, 2.0, and 0.15 m. Compute the volume contained in this reach by the End-area method and by Prismoidal formula 0-3 fa) {b) What is Frncigal ot moment on @ What do you mean by ‘Free Body Diagram’ ? 02, (eh uss the assumptions made in the analysis ofa perfect frame. 8 (a) ’A body is acted upon by a system of forces as shown in Fig.1. Determine | 07 the magnitude, direction and point of application of equilibrant force which will keep the body in equilibrium. 10N N A bee 1 (Fig) OR, {e) Determine the force in AC, AD and AB members of pin jointed plane truss [ 07 as shown in Fig.2 yon | & 7 teh am (ig.2) Page 20f3 {a)_[ What is ‘Perpendicular Axis Theorem’ for moment of inerla? Tos (5) | What do you mean by ‘Shear force’ and ‘Bending moment’? 2 _| 608 (6) | Discuss the following terms: [e03; 008 |_{i) Radius of Gyration ; (i) Principle axis. = (@)_| Compute the moment ofinerta of the section as shown in Fig.3, about o7 | cos the horizontal axis passing through the C.G. ofthe section. em 2 em Iqzom 100m om Da he (ig.3) OR (@) | Draw the Shear force and Bending moment diagram for a beam shown in | 07 | COS Fig.4 /5KN 20KN Abt pimp 2m (Fig.4) eee K RHE Page 3 of 3 SeLuTioy. Sul tee) Seb? Bane ae 9g, SPlesksornste (Gr. = 200205- CS ~~ Balp)Merlers ove Chuified ah several vomge as follos CH) Cemmnd Movstays pr Non Hydraulic Lime Mertaics Ci) Lime Mortars —I Ly Hyclrou tie. Line Mortars Gil) Mad Morcha. CG) Line CemandMovchar Avs $B Factors atetina, the conrkaility ap follors' CD Water Content Gi) Size of aggregates (i) Shape of aggregates OD Surface textured of aggregates » Povaditeg and absorphion of ageregetes ©) Air entrating agonks Wid Atmarpharic tomberahure, Pwd lore yoke vag be chessidied i Be Glllooliy tree oye! CL) Guoogical Clanificedion Od Physical Clamification (2) Chemicak Classification sGradlogicall awificabion sous yerKS > Plutonic Rock ory t—> 1 Penk Rock Ls Volcanic. Rock A) Sedimentary. Reck4 pr Residue! deporte Cliente at Chemical ne vie. As bos! (ii) Medamorbhic Rock 4 paos cle Dylans mare Physical Ranificabien : (I ( Shrodified Rocks (i) Unadradified Redes id Folate d Rocks + Chemical Cloesificabion « (iy SilWicious, Rocks (iy Argitlaceous Rocks Gi) Clleareous Racks Anda te ascertain te qwality af bricks, various Siedel And Yaborobory tess ave Corvied ou sud ad’ oRield Teeth (Uniformity in Shape ord size teak (i) Uniformity tn codon stead Gd Harner test (iv) Soowclnens test Strength test © Laborotory Teck t W Test dar water absorption dTeEst fey Gupronive stregth. (UD Teak fer Gf forescence . “Teak for taaber absorphion 3H ix the perawhage of trader absorbed by the dg brick to ihe tecighh On tals heads brick te taken and ta Loalgtet dry (Sag Wa) le Pen lmmurded in woler dor a perc of 24 hount ab 24 + 9%, The Aheciman #4 deken ok anal the erctra woctlery ia Llbed ok, Again weight 16 dake (sag We). The px rege of usater absorption ts leuboted Ha Ushg a yolabian Wr=Wi yign. Jr no Cade Ub Abordd be grecter mm. Ahan Qo %- Weigh of toler > Wetgte ra See Wafer absorbtion Percentage wee Rien @ Weiler absorpion pewenbage, = “Wether absorbtion percentage F 20% hush) Searing of Timbers Sb ta yeroral of metshure Prom Haber x3 en doo be th equitibviun with wolthuve 1H Auvvourcig, almarpheve condition, Shere Huber te Kkedel to be used. Bn often tors, Leatarhg of timber manus gthng wdoff otk the dap ancl worshure Prom Mh. Affe reason Rwher 4 hot Sable to be Aeeayacl wing fo Wrap vet dus +o uneven expantion oy contrection of dimen due to ise ard fall Off dewberedure. Agstey~ keasoning,, ha Huber becomes alny a bend, Bight tn coetylt amd oes ik balk. A weal - Reasons Huber Can enathy be werked uth das crack, hop che. After Aestmig, sheath of Huber alse tnt, «Metre of eae (Wy Nouvel Secioning >? Air Sensoning dD Adtigiciad Seasoning, 1? Weley: Setoning, o Nedved Serianing | Tn Bhs wetted, moicture 4 vemoed from Sa Huber after by placing MP ia aleer wee: The foo wetneds of teetering ave Oy cael beloro t oy Weber Seasoning = Gn 4h etre , Hoa oo ore kebh \aausred th ponels ov th cr Lahream’ lt, the vaok Bt ends Ulpthreain for ores do four weeks, Maximum cep is warhol oot bq Shy proceu, The Boge should be kept enkively, down uncley wedez- by Chaining than. Alder drek, these bege ane kebs cvolen teal fer free aiv Livculadton . i as Air Arqwonies = Ok ts tae bot matnod of Aesctening. In oy wotiod, a tuikabl concrete flundehion, a feo cenitrutevs above She Gro iA. provicll to sfecke the Jogs aude, shade ack Zhoon th figure, Tuber «teekeol fo peatoring Ahould nodbe enbporel do tun oy to Saves wind, severe Cw Seesuing ) ava ye 2O" Paya 122m ry web iy hued VEPs a Average a dag = = do+0% m, A 2 (eo Cored Javgih = (223) x Iuoo = 1404'S m ta fus0 mH : Averoge samt Sigh = ee = qo Mm, pict Litman ina x jy 90 “0 ULM 900 20 BG " ee 1 Bc ie ip tei sic BID 4S! = 1st" yet 1 CT Set eo) = 1404. 9+ [44-4 = 2819.8 m = es 68! Le= Beery {| cB es al ‘co = gays) ras yo! we geet LS ee] a oc - ony f dA +36¢) P = figigo' = 28-8 Balt BSP a e if) f = 2 9geie + 36° = 12) Sp! \Lehe (xe Geary. Ao = ou eee ai ig e = sees Ves, et Lat Ley LOt Zb,= 38 a5'4 les + 29s! 4121! : = Bet" 30! each angle. Bho eset ae Be (Ora se 4 Gk woreeded oyled tp 2 eslert= ol ealesle gaunget Fhe ae ee Bt eae ay aapleey Hee oe ngs eae st @ Lo = tus o'z2'20" = 12%25'30" CeveeUed Born 4 Be = ae i Back ae Be eee Gel 2 Bene 4, ck —e Yuros= BHT si cB — Correaied Bere co ovréilea sepeles gauys) = ay ve ae 996° o Zo" ar ae Bes) 4 Oe < 206 230 H (Be = jeg 2s! Lb = Geen De —\ Covvredud Corr DA. te Se ea 7? +368 ered Benny = Ee Ue eet: Sone pee. + 36s Sse \ : Goes ued Basrey of Ad = as30'- 18% (ay ast Lb = Basnry | AD - Covreded aa a AS Corredid Berney 4 pg Wares ge ep = i322) 30 Cored Bean : aA e810" 22 Se" Cae oer BA —\Covetded Bow oe Be jay | \ gia oe Boe ‘aa'st , Consied Ber pe 2 < iswert Covreded Beowiy j th = eau ge Cont #1 [coors 20 |e) ele go! AG 139'92 so Be 1 ysu'gs! OD <5; g9¢'r so acy ot 22 ee Male | ounvey sing 2 Re gine § ov a a i Th mal gpbetd selesieds an fee, yO ae Ce 5 Tie ine - Fr 5 oie TRe ne yoy ‘qhe man Gilles “Sei, aD Sel - 4 Belen av Gre’ | Hatton To We sa : (rue Geary - The Beawy Mesaved yuaihee epee - Te Cee panes. Bench Move qe Hae ee elev ae : : elevsbone of ae deeming Sihars ome Oe dhe Tee pon ah ee quad pet ond eae ae Deak pone qo ee ee Jip Sree ee Pores qe poi To R- = (ie. | SS L$ ys Aisa, A Ons aa = os Joo:30 m B _ [o-aase o-\60 | 33.840 c eee 1! ome ~~ [ontase | 22: im = | 2 2 19857 D-Bee o-4os | 99-190 ec Oran UP tS Sf ; 190,640 G o-BEk fe} 0544 poo hiae H ay nss- : o39% | 99.920. 3-99s- (|. 9s) Spse- | 2" it ee \ ae uso | [-439° - : c Spiele ses gage yore = Ise ty 8 = 2B = 028° ieee = eee st RL Fors b 1-430 = 99220 — 100 t = 4-280 = RS Ava3@) A conor t4 an tmaqinay Mine on the ground Joining the peinks of eqpel elovertioy. om dy Hidd ia CD Pare}. L/ 7 Ridgy Sie t e Nae 1 iy Ridge AuSW > The theodabite Le the mosh precite tratmnaic- designeel Pre panturenuct of horizetel and vertol angles ove has wotde, PRLS et Minti eal Jayina off @) horizentad avg © flocabig poiidc on Mise ©) prolonging turvey Linas Gl) Establshiig gqredes @dater— malting oo Bove Dion. ($) one ob curve. ef. Ans 3(0- The various aecoseroies Used cee oe are! Q The pare fable coldr Devitlg head ha awangereets for @ Jeve Ming 1 OD dakar aboud vertical oo Ge @) Clamping in any eqpired position, (D) Aticlede fin siting. Gr Pdnbig Fork city plik bob!- fer ets Hi fuble over He fost or Alot cceupted by fhe plas table When petted pocltion of Phat poid 14 akymdy knaon on tha Bhset avd also trendfer Ma locotim of xfekter foot on He Bleck @) Spr Level’ 13 chuck He fleveltdy of flare fehl. Eratnbrss! The Ompan Yb cutol Gr ovientig th pore Beble do mogache wrth . 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Nghe a the SeDon, : SOU) Roun of G aon doming iS considered. Je y- Such Thal-” Shere ey ee a 9 hen Hence a on Gaeia abou 9 ae awe, x pst from the gia aire te ncalves Pane Aeaeee 9 Cc . ee ghouls colich: Ahe pee q inewbq 503 oe ate 4 oe proce aws - Bere 1 Known @) che eitive aren, ie eo concen Sed ol The momeant~ 5@ = Hiei ou avide the T-Sedjo, We hee hove ag shown in 5. tor Rer- () Meer a cm! ‘ 1Oum B= 1% em \ f Se OC oes \ ee oo Naeem Ts Sr : A ae Bee ter Mae lem Be Se om Ary, +) Anyet Asis. Lp S18 FE ee 12+ 10 4720 y= A, + Art As, fs 2 6:08 neo a ae p 4 spore Bye Thescem \ Calg Bieee oat a See = et Po ay (9) ¢ BS p20 9-27) 3 (ieee eee one) \ Ue fees ence eS Out : 5, ca 1295 10 ss | IZMa = 0 ISX) + orQ + foxex3= Ra xy URge tis a= aoyend - Put the Value of Ry dn & ie ante 4) > for beituin Ae ett Biole) (2x 21) ean Soe dhac Ko Bor = 26-88 2 QWwar ak ~=/ BM.> QbaS Knlm = tr beet (C9) (\4m22) sen) a ee Soc = Shear fre = 2b AS ~IS = MNS] > ac BM a agasx- IS &-1) = QGQSWK ~ See tT Sead tS BC ct |S At 21, BN = Mdsxr ese LAT Km oe hed , BY = Tasxarise 3SkNm : weptene aes eee a j 3 Be Section Bp Connider rom Regat Bele Fifi) g yorni|m | S-Foe = -28' 15 +10 2 RR 2B-FSK) ci BM = 42875 1 - ce => fy Section By (Conic Prom left sole of Bean) weet Qoknt i Qsx 24) FAS Shue 26055 1s 2ap—. eee) =o Bogs lp6cd) = lot Bes Ot sg Sha Gee - 9 7SkN ot x24 SF -aB IS KN Box . Ras x -IS@1 ~200-2) ~ (ober)? = Qhiasn = ISx415 —2ox140 -Sle-2) = - isu $55 ~S (t-Uxty) SW ita pep Bee Po ee = See [Lor 435°

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