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July 17th 2019

On May 2nd 2019, I had emailed my Landlord, Carmen Von Conrad with Synercapital Asset Management to
ask about my rent. I had recently changed my bank accounts and did not think my rent was sent to the right
account as nothing showed.
On May 3rd 2019 I checked my account again and nothing was showing from Synercapital, Carmen never
responded to me so I had purchased a money order for my rent 1235.00, from a Shoppers / Canada Post while I
was out for the day and had dropped it off in the rental offices mailbox located at 80 Virginia St when I had
returned home that night, which only the Landlords have access to.
I received an email from the new landlord, Shasta Pearson on May 7th 2019 confirming she had received the
rent payment that was dropped off and that my balance was 0.00.
I've dropped money orders off in the mailbox multiple times without any issues.
On May 31st 2019, I had emailed Shasta to ask for May's rent receipt as my roommates OW worker was
updating his file and had asked for it, Shasta said she was away until June 11th and will email his worker one
when she returns.
We didn't have an email for his caseworker so I told Shasta we would just come grab it when she had it ready.
I emailed Shasta on June 10th to remind her about the receipt and if she could have it ready so Zachary could
grab it and take it to his worker.
She never responded.
June 12th 2019, I had called Shasta again to ask for the receipt.
Instead of a receipt, Shasta typed up a letter stating how much rent our unit is per month and that Zachary and I
were the one's renting it. She informed Zachary the reason for the letter was that she was unable to find the
receipt booklet at the time.
My roommate had dropped that off to his casework, which she later called to inform him that his case was on
hold and no further funds will be issued, so I had emailed Shasta on June 29th 2019 to inform her that we
would be late on Julys rent due to Zachary waiting for his OW money.
After speaking with his caseworker, she informed him the funds were on hold because the letter that Shasta
Pearson wrote was not a receipt and she needed a receipt to update his file.
Shasta was called on July 4th 2019 and asked for a proper receipt yet again, making this the fourth time she
was asked for one.
She finally wrote us Mays receipt which was dropped off with Zacharys worker.
July 5th 2019, Shasta Pearson had emailed me stating we were 2 months behind. (May and July) that no
payment was ever received, how our account was NSF, how I never emailed her in May to tell her we were
going to be late (I wouldn't have emailed to say we were late because we weren't) and how she takes
photocopies of every money order but didn't have a copy of mine. I had explained to her what happened about
the bank accounts and that I was aware it wasn't sent to my new one, hence the NSF and that we had dropped
the money order off in the mailbox, which she confirmed having.
She requested to see my banking records and said she will update the account once she see's the bank
I had informed her that I have a 1000$ limit on my card and that the money order was paid for with cash at a
Shoppers / Canada Post so it wouldn't reflect in my banking statements, I had asked her if she never received
Mays rent, then why wasn't something said sooner, not 2 months later and why did she take my normal rent for
June if we owed? She never answered my questions, instead, she told me she went to a Shoppers asking them
about my rent receipt, which I find VERY invasive as I didn't even tell her which one I went to and that if I
didn't provide her the receipt from Canada Post then there is nothing she can do and she will be applying to the
board. She also said I had emailed her on May 7th asking about my rent, which is not true. I was not even
aware of who Shasta was before she had emailed me on May 7th 2019 to confirm she received our rent. I had
responded by sending Shasta the email she sent on the 7th as well as the receipt she wrote for May and asked
her not to contact me regarding this issue anymore as it would be harassment. I had tried contacting the
Shoppers I purchased the money order from, the lady I spoke with informed me there were too many
transactions for them to go through being that this was over 2 months ago and suggested I call headquarters to
put a request in.
July 8th 2019 I had received an N4 eviction notice from Shasta Pearson stating I owed 2470.00 in rent for May
and July, it was due by July 23rd.
I have been in contact about my issue with the Blodgett Legal clinic in Belleville, ON who suggested I pay
Julys rent 1235.00 via E-Transfer as I have expressed concerns in dropping off any kind of paper forms of
payment to her from now on because I strongly believe Shasta has lost my money order for May. E-transfer
will show the rent being sent to her as well as the date and time it was sent and accepted as well, which puts
me at ease.
I emailed Shasta the night of July 17th and had informed her I will be paying Julys rent with E-transfer. She
responded saying she will not accept E-Transfer as a form of rent payment but that I can pay with money
order, cheque or bank draft.
I refuse to drop off a paper form of payment to her anymore if she is misplacing them.
I told her if we can't come to an agreement, I will be paying in cash, bringing a witness in with me for proof
she accepted it and that I knew her requiring me to pay by a certain way was illegal under the RTA and voided
in the lease.
She never responded.
I would like compensation for all the stress and aggravation she has put me through over the last few weeks, I
am diagnosed with anxiety / depression and have been throwing up at work, had to leave work early to speak
with lawyers, losing sleep and having panic attacks. As well as compensation for her breaking the terms of my
lease (Substantially interfering with tenants reasonable enjoyment of the unit and harassment.)

Mikaela Gunning-Pereira

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