Exit Interview Form

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We appreciate you taking a few minutes to answer the following questions. Please be as honest as
possible. While we may share some of this information with management, individual responses will
remain confidential to the Human Resources department and will not be held against you.

Thank you very much for your time and support.

Employee Name: Job Title:

Employee Code: Grade:

Department: Reports To:

Date of joining: Date of Separation:

Length of Service:

1. When did you first think about leaving the Company? What make you feel you should make a

Since then, what other factors have reinforced your decision to leave?

2. Please indicate the primary reason for your decision to leave the Organization.
• New opportunity elsewhere
• Starting venture of my own
• Opportunity for higher studies
• Lack of recognition for work
• Commuting Distance
• Difficult with Supervisor
• No advancement in profile
• Family Circumstances
• Moving out of town
• Illness
• Retirement
• Any other (please specify)

Which one factor was the most important in your decision to leave?

3. Have you accepted a new position elsewhere?

Yes No
If yes:
• Is the Organization an MNC/Indian Corporate/Other? If other, please specify:
• Is it a similar job?
• What type of job is it?
• What does your new position offer you that Aperture did not?
- Better Compensation
- Better Designation
- Better Benefits
- Better Job opportunity
- Better working conditions
- Any other (please specify)
4. Before making the decision to leave, did you investigate possibilities of taking the issue to
your Manager or higher than that?
Yes No

5. Is there anything that could have been done to prevent your leaving?
Yes No

What Factors would influence you to stay?

6. Please indicate the primary reason for Joining Aperture:

• Benefits
• Career Advancements
• Salary
• Reputation as a good place to work
• Others:

7. Rating of Aperture:
Company Benefits Excellent Good Fair Poor
Salary Excellent Good Fair Poor
Working Conditions Excellent Good Fair Poor
Advancement/Training Opportunity Excellent Good Fair Poor
Others Excellent Good Fair Poor
Overall Rating Excellent Good Fair Poor

8. What did you like best about your job at Aperture?

9. What did you like least about your job at Aperture?

10. Given an opportunity what would you have done to improve the situation?

11. Did you understand the accountabilities, objectives and expectations for your current role?
Yes No
If NO, what could have been done to ensure that you had a clear understanding?

12. Do you understand how your job accountabilities/objectives impact the overall performance of
the Company?
Yes No
13. Did you receive adequate training on your job?
Yes No
If NO, what other training should have been provided?

14. Did you find your job challenging enough?

Yes No
If NO, what could have been done to make it more challenging?

15. Was your workload:

• Too heavy
• Acceptable
• Too light
If too heavy or too light, please explain when and why.

If too heavy, did you feel you received adequate recognition/support? Did you provide
feedback to your manager about the situation? What was the result?

16. Did you feel that your performance was evaluated fairly?
Yes No
If NO, please explain.

What did you think of the:

a) Frequency of formal feedback Too much Adequate Not enough
b) Frequency of informal feedback Too much Adequate Not enough
c) Timeliness of feedback Timely Not timely
d) Overall quality of feedback Excellent Good Needs improvement

17. Did you feel your salary was:

Above Average Average Below Average

18. How did you feel about your opportunities for Career advancement:
a) Within your department? Excellent Good Fair Limited No opportunities
b) Within the Company? Excellent Good Fair Limited No opportunities

20. How would you rate your Manager on the following parameters on a scale of 1 to 4 (1 being
the least and 4 being the best)?
a) Provides effective coaching & counseling 1 2 3 4
b) Gives positive and constructive feedback 1 2 3 4
c) Provides recognition for efforts 1 2 3 4
d) Provides Support for initiatives 1 2 3 4
e) Welcomes suggestions and ideas 1 2 3 4
f) Develops teamwork and cooperation 1 2 3 4
g) Lays down clear instructions & objectives 1 2 3 4
Any other Comments:
21. How would you describe communication?
Throughout the company: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Between managers and Team members: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Between departments: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Within your department: Excellent Good Fair Poor

22. How would you describe the environment of Aperture in the context of:
a) Your department Very Good Good Average Poor
b) The Organization Very Good Good Average Poor

23. How is the employee morale? (How did most people feel about their jobs, their Manager etc.)?

Very Good Good Average Poor

24. Would you consider working for Aperture in the future in the context of?
a) Your department
Yes No
b) The Company
Yes No

25. Would you recommend Aperture to a friend as a good place to work?

Yes No

26. Do you have suggestions for change or improvement?

Yes No

27. Is there anything you would like us to know that we haven’t asked?
Yes No

Date of Exit Interview:

Signature: Signature:

Name of the Interviewer Name of the interviewee


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