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Effect of Four Percent Carbon Dioxide During the Second Half of Incubation

on Embryonic Development, Hatching Parameters, and Posthatch Growth

N. Everaert,*1 B. Kamers,† A. Witters,* L. De Smit,* M. Debonne,* E. Decuypere,* and V. Bruggeman*

*Department of Biosystems, Division Livestock-Nutrition-Quality, and †Department of Biosystems, Division Mechatronics,

Biostatistics and Sensors, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium

ABSTRACT In this study, broiler embryos were ex- crease in the CO2-incubated group, demonstrating that
posed during the second half of incubation [embryonic chicken embryos can tolerate high (4%) concentrations of

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day (ED) 10 until ED18] to 4% CO2. The CO2 was set CO2 between ED10 and ED18. In the first experiment,
to reach 2% on ED11 and 4% from ED12 onward. Two partial pressure of CO2 in the air cell was significantly
experiments were conducted with the same setup. Em- higher in the CO2 group on ED11, ED12, ED13, and ED14,
bryo weight was measured and partial pressure of CO2 but disappeared thereafter. This difference was not ob-
and O2 in the air cell was analyzed at several embryonic served in the second experiment. A change in the hatching
ages. Times of internal pipping, external pipping, and process of the CO2 group was seen. Relative growths of
hatching were recorded. Chicks were raised until d 7 newly hatched chicks until d 7 posthatch were equal in
posthatch. Plasma corticosterone, triiodothyronine, and the CO2 group and the control group. However, cortico-
thyroxine concentrations were determined. Embryonic sterone and thyroxine concentrations were significantly
growth was not retarded and hatchability did not de- higher in the CO2-incubated chicks on d 7 posthatch.
Key words: high CO2, incubation, tolerance, broiler line
2007 Poultry Science 86:1372–1379

INTRODUCTION When turkey eggs were exposed to 0.3% CO2 during the
first 10 d of incubation, Gildersleeve and Boeschen (1983)
Carbon dioxide is an important gas in embryonic devel- found lower embryo mortality, lower malpositioning,
opment and the incubation of bird eggs. However, partial and higher hatchability. However, they found decreased
pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in the incubator higher than 1% hatchability when these eggs were exposed to CO2 only
is often considered to be deleterious (Owen, 1991). Several during the first 5 d of incubation. All these experiments
older studies contradict this statement and show that the revealed an increasing tolerance to CO2 with increasing
timing of high CO2 exposure and the level of CO2 play
embryonic age, although no recent studies exist on the
a crucial role in determining the tolerance of the embryo
tolerance threshold for CO2 during the second phase of
for CO2. In several studies, Taylor et al. (1956, 1971) and
Taylor and Kreutziger (1965, 1966, 1969) investigated the incubation. The physiological mechanisms behind this
CO2 threshold during several short periods of incubation time-dependent tolerance are not yet understood but are
of White Leghorn eggs. When eggs were exposed to CO2 hypothesized to be related to the increasing buffering
during the first 4 d of incubation, no decrease in hatchabil- capacity of the embryo with age against acidosis caused
ity was found until 1% CO2 (Taylor et al., 1956). When by high levels of dissolved CO2 (Taylor and Kreutziger,
hatching eggs were exposed to CO2 between d 9 and 12 1966). This was shown in an additional study by Everaert
of incubation, Taylor and Kreutziger (1966) observed a et al. (our unpublished data).
reduced hatchability in excess of 5% CO2. Hogg (1997) The objectives of this study were to determine the effect
found an increased hatchability of 2% when Ross Breeder of high CO2 levels during the second half of incubation
eggs were exposed to CO2 up to 1.5% on embryonic day in a modern commercial broiler line on embryonic devel-
(ED) 10. Results of De Smit et al. (2006) also showed opment, time to internal pipping (IP), external pipping
beneficial effects of a gradual increase of CO2 until ED10 (EP), and hatching. In addition, air cell gases, thyroid
(to 1.5%) on embryonic growth and hatching parameters. hormone, and corticosterone levels were measured be-
cause these are major players in the hatching process
(Visschedijk, 1968; Decuypere et al., 1983; Darras et al.,
©2007 Poultry Science Association Inc. 1996). Chicks were raised until d 7 to look for possible
Received December 21, 2006.
Accepted March 7, 2007. persistent effects of chronic CO2 exposure during incuba-
Corresponding author: tion on posthatch performance.


MATERIALS AND METHODS hatching. The time interval between EP-IP, hatch-IP, and
hatch-EP was calculated. Hatched chicks were weighed.
Equipment Setup The hatching percentage was calculated as hatched chicks
to fertile eggs. Chicks were numbered and kept until d
Two experiments were conducted with fertile Cobb- 7. Chicks were weighed after hatching and on d 7 to
500 eggs from different flocks of 39-wk-olds for each ex- calculate their individual relative growth.
periment. During the first 9 d, 2 incubators (Pas Reform,
Zeddam, the Netherlands) were set at standard condi- Experiment 1
tions (37.8°C; wet bulb temperature of 29°C; turning of
90°/h). On d 10, the experimental group was placed in A total of 450 Cobb-500 eggs were put in an incubator
a closed incubator with CO2 input. The CO2 was pro- under standard conditions. On ED10, 300 eggs were trans-
grammed to rise gradually until 2% CO2 on ED11, and ferred to the closed incubator, where CO2 was gradually
to reach 4% by the 12th incubation day. This percentage increased to reach 4% CO2 by the 12th incubation day.

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was maintained until ED18. In the control group, normal This 4% CO2 was continued until ED18. The other 150
incubation was continued. Temperature in both incuba- eggs served as a control group and continued normal
tors was 37.8°C. The humidity in both incubators was incubation. Samples of air cell gas pressures and egg and
matched based on wet bulb temperature to prevent differ- embryo weights were taken on the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th
ences in egg weight loss. Temperature, humidity, oxygen, and 18th incubation day and at 2 h after the onset of IP.
and CO2 levels in the CO2 incubator were continuously
measured and controlled by a computer with 2 data acqui- Experiment 2
sition boards (PCI-6023E, National Instruments, Zaven-
tem, Belgium). Software was written in the real-time mod- A total of 750 Cobb-500 eggs were placed in 2 incuba-
ule of LabView 8 PDS (spring 2006, National Instru- tors under standard conditions. On ED10, all eggs were
ments). Also in the control incubator, continuous equally divided into 2 groups. One half served as a control
measurements were recorded through this computerized under standard incubation conditions and the other half
system by using the same specialized sensors as in the continued incubation under high CO2, as described for
CO2 incubator [CO2: GMM221 Vaisala, Bonn, Germany; experiment 1. Fifteen eggs per group were taken daily
RH-sensor: Hygrosmart S7000.1, Gefran, Olen, Belgium; (from ED10 until ED18, at IP + 2 h, and at EP) to measure
temperature: Pt-100 direct 1/3 DIN, Gefran; O2 (used only the partial pressure of gases in the air cell, and egg and
in the CO2 incubator): SST Sensing, MF 010-0-LC, Hon- embryo weights. At every sampling day until ED17, blood
eywell, Brussels, Belgium]. was taken from the allantoic vein (oxygen-rich blood) of
the chorioallantoic membrane and collected in heparin-
Sampling ized tubes. On ED18, at IP + 2 h, EP, hatching, and d7,
blood was taken from the vena jugularis of the embryo
Before the start of incubation, all eggs were numbered or chick. Blood samples were centrifuged, and the plasma
and weighed. Partial pressure of gases in the air cell was was collected and stored at −20°C until assayed for triio-
taken with a gas analyzer (Synthesis 10, Instrumentation dothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and corticosterone lev-
Laboratory, Lexington, MA). This was done by making els. Concentrations of T3 and T4 were measured in plasma
a hole in the air cell with a needle (18G). The needle of samples by RIA as described previously (Huybrechts et
the gas analyzer was immediately put into the air cell, al., 1989; Darras et al., 1992). Antisera and T3 and T4
and air was aspirated. This method has previously been standards were purchased from Byk-Belga (Brussels, Bel-
described by Dewil et al. (1996), Buys et al. (1998), and gium). Intraassay CV were 4.5 and 5.4% for T3 and T4,
Tona et al. (2003). The partial pressure of O2 (pO2) to respectively. All samples were run in the same assay to
pCO2 was calculated based on the 2 measured partial avoid interassay variability. Corticosterone concentra-
pressures. At the time of sampling, egg and yolk-free tions in plasma samples were measured using a commer-
embryo weights were measured. Egg weight was used cially available double-antibody RIA kit (Instrumentation
to calculate relative egg weight loss to confirm equal hu- Laboratory; Decuypere et al., 1983; Meeuwis et al., 1989).
midity in both incubators. Relative embryo weight was
defined as embryo weight relative to initial egg weight. Statistical Analysis
Hatching Parameters Data were processed using the statistical software pack-
and Posthatch Growth age SAS, version 8.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). A
GLM procedure was used to analyze the effect of embry-
On the 18th incubation day, all eggs were candled, and onic age and incubation condition on egg weight loss,
those with evidence of living embryos were weighed to (relative) embryo weight, pCO2 and pO2, and pO2:pCO2 in
calculate relative egg weight loss, and eggs were trans- the air cell. When the means of the GLM were statistically
ferred to hatching baskets under normal ventilation. From different, these means were further compared between
the 456th hour of incubation until the 504th hour, all the control and the experimental group by Tukey’s test
eggs were checked individually every 2 h for IP, EP, or per embryonic day. Significance was based on P < 0.05.
Table 1. Mean ± SEM of measured parameters per group from embryonic day (ED) 10 until ED18, at internal (IP) and external (EP) pipping from

experiment 1 and experiment 22

Experiment 1 Experiment 2

Embryo weight (g) Relative embryo weight (%) Embryo weight (g) Relative embryo weight (%)

Item Control CO2 Control CO2 Control CO2 Control CO2

ED10 3.44 ± 0.057 3.44 ± 0.057 5.02 ± 0.12 5.02 ± 0.12
ED11 4.63 ± 0.098 4.40 ± 0.089 6.77 ± 0.19 7.13 ± 0.18 5.13 ± 0.091 5.16 ± 0.097 7.62 ± 0.13 7.83 ± 0.21
ED12 7.49 ± 0.14 7 ± 0.049 10.02 ± 0.18 10.66 ± 0.32 7.56 ± 0.12 7.33 ± 0.12 11.43 ± 0.33 10.92 ± 0.39
ED13 10.17 ± 0.16a 9.18 ± 0.40b 14.12 ± 0.54 15.42 ± 0.36 11.167 ± 0.20 10.60 ± 0.17 16.54 ± 0.45 15.8 ± 0.31
ED14 13.55 ± 0.17 14.40 ± 0.19 20.82 ± 0.36 21.47 ± 0.44 14.40 ± 0.32 14.63 ± 0.17 22.22 ± 0.65 21.16 ± 0.4
ED15 18.03 ± 0.22 17.49 ± 0.30 27.29 ± 0.45 25.94 ± 0.5
ED16 22.27 ± 0.26 21.03 ± 0.23 33.53 ± 0.41 31.56 ± 0.66
ED17 28.06 ± 0.83 26.51 ± 0.42 39.8 ± 1.49 37.59 ± 0.7
30.17 ± 0.38a 29.19 ± 0.21b 46.56 ± 0.61a 44.51 ± 0.89b ± ± ± ±

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ED18 30.1 0.74 29.66 0.9 43.93 1.09 43.66 1.06
IP 36.35 ± 0.60 35.87 ± 0.56 55.36 ± 0.61 55.51 ± 0.47 37.89 ± 0.47 36.16 ± 0.6 55.27 ± 0.45 54.79 ± 0.47
EP 38.58 ± 0.53 39.17 ± 0.52 56.89 ± 0.52 57.89 ± 0.44

Means between experimental groups differ (P < 0.05) per embryonic day.

CO2 group: on ED10, eggs were transferred to a closed incubator where CO2 was gradually increased to reach 4% CO2 by the 12th incubation
day. This 4% CO2 was continued until ED18. Control group: a continued normal incubation.
Wet embryo weight (g) and relative embryo weight (%): (wet embryo weight/initial egg weight) × 100.

All values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Variances of (relative) embryo weight, air cell pCO2, and pO2:pCO2 (P
hatching time were compared with the Levene test. A < 0.05). Absolute embryo weight differed between the 2
logistic regression model was developed to analyze the groups on ED13 and ED18, being significantly higher in
hatching percentage. The incubation treatment (normal the control group (Table 1). A higher relative embryo
incubation vs. CO2 incubation) served as a categorical weight of the control group compared with the CO2 group
explanatory variable in the model. was seen on ED18. The pCO2 in the air cell was signifi-
cantly higher in the CO2-incubated eggs compared with
RESULTS the control eggs from ED11 until ED14. A lower pO2 in
the air cell of the CO2 group was observed only on ED12
Incubation Conditions and ED13. The ratio of pO2:pCO2 was significantly differ-
ent from ED11 until ED14, with a higher ratio in the
The mean egg weight of all eggs was 65.02 ± 0.13 g in control group (Figure 2, panel A). In the second experi-
the first experiment, and 68.01 ± 0.15 g in the second ment, none of the measured parameters showed a signifi-
experiment. Between the 10th and 18th incubation day, cant incubation treatment effect.
the O2 concentration decreased in the CO2 incubator but
did not fall below 19.7% O2. Because humidity was Hatching Parameters
matched, relative egg weight loss increased with embry-
onic age in both groups in both experiments in a similar
and Posthatch Growth
way. In the first experiment, mean relative egg weight Table 2 shows the results of the hatching parameters,
loss at ED18 was 8.07 ± 0.096% (n = 113) and 7.70 ± 0.067% chick weight at d 7, relative growth, and hatchability of
(n = 246) for the control and CO2 group, respectively, and the chicks of both experiments. In the first experiment,
was statistically significant (P < 0.0001). In the second the hatching percentage was 95 and 96% for the control
experiment, the relative egg weight loss at ED18 between and CO2 group, respectively (not significantly different;
the 2 groups did not differ and was 7.57 ± 0.076% (n = Table 2). The times of IP, EP, and hatching were signifi-
221) and 7.72 ± 0.083% (n = 211) of the control group and cantly advanced in the CO2 group compared with the
the CO2 group, respectively. control group. Time intervals (EP-IP, hatch-EP, hatch-IP)
did not differ between the groups. The Levene test
Egg Weight Loss, (Relative) Embryo showed no difference in the variance of the hatching time,
Weight, and Partial Pressure which is a measure for spread of hatching. Chick weight
of Gases in the Air Cell at hatching and on d 7, and relative growth from hatching
until d 7 did not differ between groups.
In both experiments, a significant increase in (relative) In the second experiment, the hatching percentage was
embryo weight was seen with increasing development 89% in the control group and 87% in the CO2 group, which
(Table 1). The air cell pCO2 increased significantly, were not significantly different. There was no difference
whereas the pO2 decreased significantly with embryonic between the 2 groups in time of onset of IP, EP, and
age in both groups in both experiments (Figure 1, panel hatching, or in duration of time from IP until EP (Table
A: experiment 1; Figure 1, panel B: experiment 2). 2). However, the interval between hatch-IP and hatch-EP
In the first experiment, there was a significant overall was significantly shorter in the CO2 group (P-value of
effect of incubation treatment over incubation time for 0.0007 and 0.0071, respectively). Variances of hatching

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Figure 1. Changes in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and O2 (pO2)
in the air cell from embryonic day (ED) 10 (before the start of CO2)
until ED18 and at internal pipping (IP) from CO2 and the control group.
CO2 in the incubator increased gradually from ED10 to reach 4% at
ED12. This level was continued until ED18. Panel A: experiment 1;
panel B: experiment 2. Filled symbols: CO2 group; open symbols: control
group; solid line: pCO2; dashed line: pO2; asterisk: means between
experimental groups differ (P < 0.05) per embryonic day. All values are Figure 2. Changes in the partial pressure of CO2 to O2 (pO2:pCO2)
expressed as mean ± SEM. in the air cell from embryonic day (ED) 10 (before the start of CO2)
until ED18 and at internal pipping (IP) from CO2 and the control group.
CO2 in the incubator increased gradually from ED10 to reach 4% at
ED12. This level was continued until ED18. Panel A: experiment 1;
time did not differ between the 2 groups. No difference panel B: experiment 2. Filled symbols: CO2 group; open symbols: control
was seen in chick weight at hatching and at d 7 and in group; asterisk: means between experimental groups differ (P < 0.05)
per embryonic day. All values are expressed as mean ± SEM.
relative growth between the 2 groups.

Hormone Levels
on that day. At EP, hatching, and d 7, corticosterone levels
Figure 3 shows the corticosterone concentrations of tended to be higher in the CO2 chicks, and were significant
both groups of the second experiment per embryonic day at d 7. For T4, there were significant age (P < 0.0001),
from ED14, at IP, EP and hatching and on d 7 of the group, (P = 0.0462), and interaction effects (P = 0.0273;
chick’s life. There was no general age effect (P = 0.1247), Figure 4). In both groups, T4 levels decreased from IP
but there was a significant effect of incubation treatment until d 7. However, this decrease was more gradual in
(0.0021; significant interaction age × treatment; P = the CO2 group, resulting in a significant higher T4 at d 7
0.0041). In the control group, the corticosterone increased compared with the control group. There was no effect of
from ED14 onward to reach a first maximum level at age or treatment, and no interaction for levels of T3 from
ED16 (17.11 ± 1.31 ng/mL). Thereafter, the level decreased IP until d 7 (Figure 5).
but reached a second peak of 15 ng/mL at ED18, and
declined again to levels of approximately 7 to 8 ng/mL DISCUSSION
at IP. In the CO2 group, a similar but more smoothed
age-related pattern was observed without a peak at ED16, The most striking observation of this study was the
resulting in a significant higher level in the control group remarkable embryonic tolerance for CO2 in the incuba-
Table 2. Hatching parameters of the first and second experiment for both groups1: time (h) of internal pipping
(IP), external pipping (EP), and hatching; chick weight at hatching (g); duration (h) of IP (EP-IP), duration of
EP (hatch-EP), duration of hatching (hatch-IP); chick weight on d 7 (g); relative growth after 1 wk2 (%); and
hatchability (%)3

Experiment 1 Experiment 2
Item Control CO2 Control CO2

IP (h) 467.2 ± 0.72 a

462.9 ± 0.56b
463.5 ± 0.56 464.6 ± 0.61
EP (h) 477.3 ± 0.68a 472.8 ± 0.52b 470.6 ± 0.58 471.9 ± 0.6
Hatch (h) 488.3 ± 0.54a 483.6 ± 0.42b 485.8 ± 0.5 486.3 ± 0.6
Chick weight (g) 49.16 ± 0.35 49.47 ± 0.21 51.53 ± 0.26 52.04 ± 0.25
EP-IP (h) 10.7 ± 0.57 11 ± 0.40 8.3 ± 0.43 8.8 ± 0.41
Hatch-EP (h) 11 ± 0.48 10.7 ± 0.4 13.54 ± 0.39a 11.5 ± 0.40b
Hatch-IP (h) 21.2 ± 0.46 21.1 ± 0.4 21.9 ± 0.35a 20.4 ± 0.42b
Chick weight on d 7 (g) 126.56 ± 3.81 125.96 ± 1.50 155.4 ± 1.71 155.06 ± 1.87

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Relative growth (%) 163.18 ± 8.58 155.72 ± 3.07 200.89 ± 3.74 197.86 ± 4.12
Hatchability (%) 95 96 89 87
Means between experimental groups differ (P < 0.05) per embryonic day.
CO2 group: on ED10, eggs were transferred to a closed incubator where CO2 gradually increased to reach
4% CO2 by the 12th incubation day. This 4% CO2 was continued until ED18. Control group: a continued normal
(weight on d 7 − weight at hatching) × 100/weight at hatching.
(hatched chicks × 100/fertile eggs).

tor—up to 4% between ED10 and ED18 by the embryos embryos of a layer type line to hypercapnia. In these
of a modern commercial broiler line. This was supported studies, we demonstrated that a progressive increase in
by the normal embryonic growth and hatching of these tolerance to higher levels of CO2 occurs in the chicken
CO2-incubated embryos. Moreover, there was no signifi- embryo toward the end of d 16 of incubation.
cantly higher embryonic mortality, thereby confirming Based on the research of Taylor and Kreutziger (1966),
the conclusions of Taylor and Kreutziger (1966, 1969) for a we can assume that the small decrease in O2 concentration
modern broiler line; there was a high resistance of chicken to reach 19.7%, as observed in our experiment, most prob-
ably did not have an effect on embryonic development.
When changing the oxygen percentage between 15 and
50% O2 in the incubator between d 9 and 12, normal
hatchabilities were found. Moreover, synergistic effects
were obtained when either high or low O2 levels were
combined with high CO2 (Taylor and Kreutziger, 1966).
Moreover, relative egg weight losses between d 11 and
18 were not different (experiment 1), or were very small
(0.3% on ED18; experiment 2), between the control and
CO2 groups. Thus, the observed differences between the
control and CO2 groups for a number of parameters can
most likely be ascribed to CO2 differences alone and not
differences in O2 or humidity in the incubator.
During embryonic development, the pO2 in the air cell
decreases and the pCO2 increases because of the increased
O2 consumption and CO2 production, together with a
limitation in the diffusion of these gases through the egg-
shell. The course of the pO2 and pCO2 in the air cell has
been described by Romijn and Roos (1938) and Tazawa
et al. (1980). Our results during normal development are
in agreement with these findings, hence resulting in a
decreased ratio of pO2:pCO2 as development progresses.
The exchange of both gases increases until the maximum
exchange rate through the porous eggshell is achieved.
Figure 3. Concentration of plasma corticosterone (ng/mL) from em- Thereafter, the ratio remains unchanged (called the pla-
bryos on embryonic day (ED) 14 until ED18, at internal pipping (IP),
external pipping (EP), and hatching, and from chicks on d 7 from the teau phase; Bamelis, 2003), and was reached at ED16. A
CO2-incubated group and control group (experiment 2). CO2 in the significant increase of pCO2 in the air cell (experiment 1)
incubator increased gradually from ED10 to reach 4% at ED12. This was seen during the first days of exposure to high CO2,
level was continued until ED18. Solid bars: CO2 group; hatched bars:
control group; asterisk: means between experimental groups differ (P but it disappeared thereafter. At this stage of develop-
< 0.05) per embryonic day. All values are expressed as mean ± SEM. ment, the embryo itself produces a considerable amount

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Figure 5. Concentration of plasma triiodothyronine (T3, ng/mL) from
Figure 4. Concentration of plasma thyroxine (T4, ng/mL) from em- embryos at internal pipping (IP), external pipping (EP), and hatching,
bryos at internal pipping (IP), external pipping (EP), and hatching, and and from chicks on d 7 from the CO2-incubated group and control
from chicks on d 7 from the CO2-incubated group and control group group (experiment 2). CO2 in the incubator increased gradually from
(experiment 2). CO2 in the incubator increased gradually from ED10 to ED10 to reach 4% at ED12. This level was continued until ED18. Solid
reach 4% at ED12. This level was continued until ED18. Solid bars: CO2 bars: CO2 group; hatched bars: control group. All values are expressed
group; hatched bars: control group; asterisk: means between experimen- as mean ± SEM.
tal groups differ (P < 0.05) per embryonic day. All values are expressed
as mean ± SEM.

in this study, the concentrations of corticosterone during

the hatching process did not differ between the 2 groups,
of CO2 (Romijn, 1954), which results in a naturally oc- which is difficult to explain, taking the results of T3 into
curring acidosis status of the embryo. This acidosis is account. On the other hand, chicks from the CO2 group
the result of diffusion limitations of gases through the on d 7 had significantly higher concentrations of cortico-
membranes and shell, as well as the Henderson-Hassel- sterone and T4, indicating some long-lasting effects of
balch equilibrium reaction, resulting in bicarbonate and this CO2 treatment during embryonic life, as has been
proton formation. Taylor and Kreutziger (1966) suggested observed for other embryonic treatments (Tona et al., in
that the additional acidification that depends on increased press). When certain changes are induced in the direct
CO2 tension would accelerate calcium mobilization, environment of the embryo by administration of dexa-
which in turn would increase the bicarbonate buffering methasone (Tona et al., in press) or higher CO2 (in our
capacity. This blood buffering system could be responsi- case, during the sensitive period of the establishment of
ble for the disappearance of the difference in pCO2 in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis), the regulation
the air cell at later stages of development. In additional of corticostone and thyroid hormones during the post-
research, this increase in buffering capacity of the embryo hatch period seems to be affected. This is further sup-
to high CO2 is shown (our unpublished data). ported by the study of Hayward et al. (2006), in which
In the first experiment, there was a parallel shift for- elevated yolk corticosterone decreased the respon-
ward of the hatching time points (IP, EP, hatching), which siveness of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis post-
led to earlier hatching events of the CO2 group. A possible hatch in females.
relation with hormonal parameters could not be shown Differences between the 2 experiments in absolute em-
because no blood samples were taken in this experiment. bryo weight, pCO2 in the air cell, hatching percentage,
In the second experiment, the times of IP, EP, and hatch- and hatching time could be due to a number of factors,
ing did not differ between the groups. However, the inter- such as eggs being from different flocks, different storage
vals between hatch-IP and hatch-EP were significantly conditions on the farm, and differences in management
shorter in the CO2 group, which can be related to the of the breeders (Decuypere et al., 2001; Tona et al., 2005).
higher T3 concentration in the CO2 group at IP, as seen A lower embryo weight in the control group in the first
in the studies of Tona et al. (in press) and De Smit et al. experiment from ED11 until ED14 suggests a lower me-
(2006). Corticosteroids are known to stimulate thyroid tabolism in the embryo, thus a lower production of CO2,
metabolism in the chicken embryo, which is related to as supported by the study of Tona et al. (2004). This can
the hatching process (Decuypere et al., 1991). However, be seen in the lower pCO2 in the air cell in the control

group between the 2 experiments from ED11 until ED14. nation in pre- and post-hatching chickens. Horm. Metab. Res.
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higher in the second experiment, as was egg weight at san, L. Arckens, J. De Baerdemaeker, and E. Decuypere. 2006.
the start of incubation. Because there is a strong positive Embryonic developmental plasticity of the chick: Increased
CO2 during early stages of incubation changes the develop-
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et al., 1997), the difference in egg weight explains the Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 145:166–175.
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the chick’s life. In the second experiment, ED21 was d 0 differing in susceptibility to ascites. Br. Poult. Sci. 37:1003–
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