Tool To Measure Job Satisfaction in Corporate

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Job Satisfaction Tool.

Tool To Measure Job Satisfaction Of Corporate Employees.


The extent to which an employee feels self-motivated, content, and satisfied with his / her
job is defined as job satisfaction. Job satisfaction occurs when a worker feels job stability, career
development, and a work-life balance is comfortable. This means that the employee is satisfied at
work, as the work meets the individual's expectations. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory
shows that an individual has a hierarchy of five needs that shape his reaction to any particular
situation, are ; Physiological, safety need, social ,esteem and self actualization. The Maslow
Hierarchy of Needs Theory was suggested by Abraham Harold Maslow in his 1943 article A
Theory of Human Motivation.

Review of literature.

Theory and job satisfaction.

According to Maslow, at the distinct stage of moment in his life each individual had a
distinct set of requirements. He said that in a hierarchy all human needs could be organized. By
satisfying each level of requirements, each individual is said to move through the hierarchy.
Some individuals at a specific stage may have dominant requirements and therefore never move
through the whole hierarchy. Generally it is a sensed that in corporate because of the
monotonous work style, employees tend to lose interest and they want to move through the
hierarchy of needs to satisfy their wants from their job. Because they spend most of their life at a
workplace it is important that the satisfaction from work is achieved.

The satisfaction from the physiological needs, social and safety needs from the workplace
impacts one’s esteem and productivity, which are all variables from Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs. At present, people are being more aware of their mental health which is the reason that
organizations are giving so much emphasis on satisfaction of the employees. The surveys and
results of the indexes are taken seriously for the optimum providing of job satisfaction from the
side of organization.

Present Studies.

The first survey scale for job satisfaction (published at a test publisher [Jiménez P.
Profilanalyse der Arbeitszufriedenheit , Schuhfried]) has been used in organizational diagnostic
studies in research and in job satisfaction survey practice. Criterion validity of the PAJS showed
a adverse connection of JS to burnout, intent to leave, or absenteeism in separate research. In
addition, the construction validity of the Job Diagnostic Survey by Hackman and Oldham was
demonstrated The practical requirements often requested for a shorter version with high
psychometric quality.
Job Satisfaction Tool.

The aim of ,’A psychometric evaluation of the Working Environment Scale-10’ was to
study and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Working Environment Scale-10 (WES-
10).Methods During the period1990 through 2000,staff members for psychotic patients
completed the WES-10.. The internal consistency of the sub scales was calculated as Cronbach’s
alpha. The researcher also collected data concerning satisfaction with the ward, its patients
and staff, and for how long the respondents had worked and expected to continue to work at
the ward.

The third paper dealt with burnout and the turnover of employees in mental health
services is expensive and could have a adverse impact on the performance of users of facilities.
The objective of this research, using the Job Demands-Resources model as a base, was to
investigate the relationship between burnout, turnover intention and job satisfaction in relation to
particular work demands and employment resources at the workplace.

All analyzes were finished using IBM SPSS Statistics (Version 25, IBM Corporation).
Initially, descriptive statistics were calculated for demographic factors as well as for the research
factors included in the study. As a result, associations between individual factors were studied in
order to recognize the presence.


This study was conducted to determine what items provide job satisfaction to the present
working population under private or precisely corporate sector. The items consisting in the study
is different from the previous studies conducted as it mainly focuses the measurement
considering Maslow’s five need hierarchy. This tool is established to asses that whether the need
and satisfaction of employees has changed over time or not.


The main objective of the study is to assess the job satisfaction of the employees
in private sector working under managerial roles. The tool parameters are, working conditions
and environment as well as job security and safety needs to measure the satisfaction of
employee’s physiological and safety needs is described as lower-order and social, esteem, and
self-actualization are higher-order needs. The main highlight of the study is to find out whether,
after satisfying one need will the person move to satisfy next one.

Tool Development Procedure.

Identifying the need to construct this tool was the starting step. The construct was
decided on job satisfaction and eventually narrowed down to corporate sector job satisfaction. To
gather more information and form review of literature, Job satisfaction scales, Researches o job
satisfaction and employees of private sector as well as other sectors were viewed. The theory
related to the tool was also thoroughly researched.
The items should be open-ended comments measuring the minds of your employees, with
measuring engagement and what drives engagement. The strength of the survey is determined
Job Satisfaction Tool.

with the needs of your organization. The questions should not be too lengthy that it becomes
complicated. While writing the survey questions, ensure clarity by only mentioning a single
subject. Use words economically. Maximize the ease of reading the questions. Avoid jargon,
negations, and leading questions.

The items of the tool are then given for validation to the subject expert. Tool should be
then modified according to the valuator and final tool is to be prepared.

Modified Tool.

The purpose for this study were to determine the what items provide job satisfaction to
the present working population under private or precisely corporate sector. The items consisting
in the study is different from the previous studies conducted as it mainly focuses the
measurement considering Maslow’s five need hierarchy. In each case, you will be asked to
indicate by circling how often you felt or thought a certain way.

S. Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

No. Agree Disagree

1 There is a good
colleagues in the
work place

2 I feel safe about

the job and
workplace I'm
assigned with

3 I have the
training and
knowledge for
the work

4 I'm satisfied with

the package
Job Satisfaction Tool.

offered to me

5 Interiors of my
workplace is
maintained well.

6 I consider the
policies and rules
of the
organization to
be important for
the functioning in
the workplace.

7 I am satisfied
how the
appraisal system

8 I am satisfied
with the quality
of work I do.

9 I am satisfied
with benefits
offered by the

10 I get good and

satisfying food at
the organization.

11 I get along with

my supervisor.
Job Satisfaction Tool.

12 I am satisfied
with the bonus
and incentives
given by the

13 All my talents
and skills are
used at work.

14 I am satisfied
with my position.

15 I face problems
with the
inside the

16 I feel close to the

people at work.

17 I believe
management is
concerned about
my progress.

18 I receive
recognition for a
Job well done.
Job Satisfaction Tool.

19 I believe in the
policies and rules
of the company.

20 The making of
the workplace
interiors is
comfortable for
me and my

21 I feel good about

working at this

22 Hygiene and
maintenance of
sanitary for
employees is
good at my

23 I am empowered
and encouraged
to solve my own

24 I was aware with the

demands of the job
before applying

25 The organization
Job Satisfaction Tool.

has good team

get together and

26 I feel satisfied
with my chances
of promotion.

27 I am given
enough freedom
to perform my

28 I am comfortable
sharing my
opinions at

29 I get clean and

hygienic water to

30 The organization
is supportive to
opinions and

31 I have learned
many new job
skills in this
Job Satisfaction Tool.

32 My job gives me

33 I feel suffocated
in my office.

34 The relations of
manager and
employees are

35 I,would
recommend the
help facilities
provided by
organization to

36 I have an
accurate written
job description.

37 The goals of the

match with my

38 The layout of the

office helps me
perform my job
Job Satisfaction Tool.

39 The problems
related to peers
or managers are
handled and

40 I feel my efforts
are noticed at my
work place.

41 I have adequate
opportunities to
develop my
professional skills.

42 I feel a sense of
pride in doing my

43 My office provides
me with equipments
and supplies needed
to perform my job.

44 My efforts are
rewarded at the

45 The working
helps in my
Job Satisfaction Tool.


Alicia Omar, Solana Salessi, & Florencia Urteaga. (2017, October 1). (PDF) Impact of

management practices on job satisfaction. Retrieved from


Angelika Lepold, Norbert Tanzer,, Anita Bregenzer, & Paulino Jiménez. (2018, July 15). The

Efficient Measurement of Job Satisfaction: Facet-Items versus Facet Scales. Retrieved


Jan Evar Rosseberg, Øystein Eiring, & Svein Friis. (2004, August 1). Work environment and job

satisfaction - A psychometric evaluation of the Working Environment Scale-10.

Retrieved from


Juliet Hassard,, Kevin Teoh,, & Tom cox. (n.d.). Job satisfaction: theories and definitions:

OSHwiki. Retrieved August 25, 2019, from

Rakhal, D. (2018). Job Satisfaction of Managers in Cooperatives of Pokhara. Tribhuvan

University Journal, 32(1), 117-128. doi:10.3126/tuj.v32i1.24775

Scott Macdonal, & Peter Maclntyr. (n.d.). Employee Assistance Quarter. Retrieved from
Job Satisfaction Tool.

Spector, P. E. (1985). Measurement of human service staff satisfaction: Development of the Job

Satisfaction Survey. American Journal of Community Psychology, 13(6), 693-713.


Vyas, J. H., & Shrivastava, R. (2011). Employee Perception on Corporate Social Responsibility

and Job Satisfaction in Large Scale Units. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of

Management, 4(12), 14. doi:10.17010/pijom/2011/v4i12/62652

Wnuk, M. (2017). Organizational Conditioning of Job Satisfaction. A Model of Job

Satisfaction. Contemporary Economics, 11(1), 31-44. doi:10.5709/ce.1897-9254.227


The tool was given for validation to Prof. Santhosh. K. R, psychology professor at Christ

Job Satisfaction Survey on Corporate Sector.

The purpose for this study was to determine what items provide job satisfaction to the
present working population under private or precisely corporate sector. The items consisting in
the study is different from the previous studies conducted as it mainly focuses the measurement
considering Maslow’s five need hierarchy. . In each case, you will be asked to indicate by
circling how often you felt or thought a certain way.

Survey Scale. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. Items Accept Reject Comments

1 The peer to peer There is a good

communication is communication between
good in my job. colleagues in the work
Job Satisfaction Tool.

2 I feel safe in the I feel safe about the job

workplace and and workplace I'm
with the kind of assigned with
job I am doing

3 I have the training I have the training and

I need to do my knowledge for the work
job. assigned

4 I am satisfied with I'm satisfied with the

the pay. package offered to me

5 The interior of my Interiors of my

workplace is fresh workplace is maintained
and clean. well.

6 I consider the Accept

policies and rules
of the organization
to be important for
the functioning in
the workplace.

7 I am satisfied how Accept

the appraisal
system works.

8 I am satisfied with Accept

the quality of
work I do.
Job Satisfaction Tool.

9 I am satisfied with Accept

benefits offered by
the company.

10 I get good and Accept

satisfying food at
the organization.

11 I get along with Accept

my supervisor.

12 I am satisfied with Accept

the bonus and
incentives given
by the company.

13 All my talents and Accept

skills are used at

14 I am satisfied with Accept

my position.

15 I face problems Accept

with the
temperature inside
the workplace.

16 I feel close to the Accept

people at work.
Job Satisfaction Tool.

17 I believe Accept
management is
concerned about
my progress.

18 I receive Accept
recognition for a
Job well done.

19 I believe in the Accept

policies and rules
of the company.

20 The making of the Accept

interiors is
comfortable for
me and my peers.

21 I feel good about Accept

working at this

22 Hygiene and Accept

maintenance of
sanitary for female
employees is good
at my workplace.

23 I am empowered Accept
and encouraged to
Job Satisfaction Tool.

solve my own

24 I was aware with the Accept

demands of the job
before applying

25 The water supply Reject

is satisfactory.

26 I am satisfied with The organisation has

the get-to-gathers good team get togethers
and events and secondary
occurring at my reinforcers

27 I feel satisfied Accept

with my chances
of promotion.

28 I am given enough Accept

freedom to
perform my job.

29 I am comfortable Accept
sharing my
opinions at

30 I get clean and Accept

hygienic water to
Job Satisfaction Tool.

31 Communication Reject
seems good within
my workplace.

32 The management The organization is

of this supportive to opinions
organization is and suggestions
supportive of me.

33 I have learned Accept

many new job
skills in this

34 My job gives me Accept


35 I feel suffocated in Accept

my office.

36 The relations of No need "here"

manager and
employees here
are appreciable.

37 I would "to others"

recommend the
help facilities
provided by
organization to
Job Satisfaction Tool.

others co-

38 I have an accurate Accept

written job

39 The goals of the Accept

match with my
professional goals.

40 The layout of the Accept

office helps me
perform my job

41 The problems Accept

related to peers or
managers are
handled and
solved efficiently.

42 I feel my efforts Accept

are noticed at my
work place.

43 I have adequate Accept

opportunities to
develop my
professional skills.
Job Satisfaction Tool.

44 I feel a sense of Accept

pride in doing my

46 My office provides Accept

me with equipments
and supplies needed to
perform my job.

47 My efforts are Accept

rewarded at the

48. The working Accept

environment helps
in my
Job Satisfaction Tool.

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