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ASME B16.1-1998 OSES AE) CAST IRON PIPE IL BT Classes 25, 125, and 250 CAST IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS Classes 25, 125, and 250 ASME B16.1-1998 Cvs ASE/ WS B18.-188) ‘The 1998 edition of this Standards being issued with an automatic addenda subscription service. The use of addenda slows revisions made in response {opublicreview comments orcommites actions tobe published ona regula yearly basis; revisions published in addenda will become efcive 8 months after the Date of isuance ofthe addenda. The next edition of this Standard fs scheduled for publication in 2003, ASME Issues writton replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects ofthis Standard. The interpretations willbe included with the above addenda service ASME sth regitred vadrart of The Asin Sony Macavcl anes sn ial sorry Te Sunn Cratnond st ot any ptt sass in Toa nd come geno rns aie hinds to ae iene te tars ashing opal ace resin ay a, ‘Tne marca Sst f Meshal Ei ‘THe AMERICAN SOLE Gr MESUNICL ENGINEERS FOREWORD ot ASME 8161.98) In 1894, the American Society of Mechanical Engaces (ASME) ade sandal flasge temple CASME Standard) for lw pressuteservie. A "Manicures Std” for pressures up to 250 ps flowed in 101. Around 1910, group of fitings manufacturers formed an orgmization that war the foeruner ofthe preset Manufacturers Stadaration ‘Society ofthe Valve and Ftings Industry (MSS) and undetok the design of line of Manged fing A document covering his work wan pubihed in 1912. ering te yeas IDI2-1914, Jlet Commitee of the ASME and the Manufacturers Commie feulaed compromise standard dimensions fr pie Manges and aged ings fo we under sated seam pressres of 125 px an 250 pet presre anges. The Jit [Commitc’s report was accepted at a conference tended by represetaiver of ASME, the Manufactress Commitee, te U.S. government, and the National Asscition of Mater Stam and Ht Wate Fides. ASME pushed thi repo asthe “American Standard for Pipe anges, Ftings and Their Boling” in 1914. Ia 1918, wrk war ard on Hantarde far 50 Ty seam flanges and for 800 1, 1200 fb, and 3000 Th hydrate anges, which ete subseaeny approved by this group 1921, he American Engiering Sundae Commits, Isler known asthe America| Sanards ‘Association (ASA), Unted Suites of America Standards Iie (USAS), and tore recently, te American National Standard Initte (ANSD, onpanied. Seco {Commince B16 to wil and fuer develop aatina standards for pipe Ranges ad Bigs {and ter fr wales and pshes), Cosponsir of the BIG Commitee mere ASME, MSS, fd he Heating and’ Pping Contactors, Astciton [ow the Mechantal Coniacto ‘Ausocition of America (MCAA| Wotk seal in progres om ages and Enped Stings Was signed to Scbcommitee | (nam Sobeommitee A). Following apfeval ty the Subctmmitee, the B16 Commie, te eospensie, and ASA, the stands ere published in 128 In later work, Subcommitee 1 developed te 25 tp Flange and Flanged Fiting Sindard (epyroved in 1931 a6 ASA BIGAD), which eeplced the 30 Tb xanard that ha been ‘iinaly approved in 1918. Work om he S001 Hyraic Plange Standard was published SS 'ASA'BICDI ia 1931, Revision of thickness, leans, and service. reset igs ‘ofthe 125 Te and 250 Ib Danges and snget Stings led Yo approval and publication Of [ASA BiGw-939. ‘An Acican War Standard ented "Presse Ratings fr Cast Kon Flanges and Flanged Figs, 125 8° (ASA BIGal) war publ in 1943, A complete reviow of the 125 Tb and 250 standards rested in new eons ofeach: ASA BIG 108 and ASA BIG2 1948. tn 1960, editions of BIG! and BIG2 were sed in wich rags were preset in graphic form and special requtements were added fo esting Bangs ‘Aeview ofall cs iron flange and flanged Gtings sands inated in 1962 resakod nthe wihaval of B16 16, 300 Tp Rethigerant Flanges and Flanged Ftinge” andthe ombning ofthe remaining laa io single document, with BL and B162 coming topather 1s USAS BIG-1967. Ia this elon he presenation of rigs was reste 10 ‘abel form. Str None: ASME Portas on Su Traaston rr mb 8 ‘The increasing we of higher grades of cast on necesita the eubshmeat of & second St of ratings forthe smal ses A revied eiton published ANSI DIB. 197 carpeted thee new rings along wth metic (SI) equlets fr dimensions and minor conection tothe 1967 eon tex. In 1982, American National Siandards Commiuce BIG was recognized as an ASME Commitee operating under procedures accredited by ANSI. Following. approval by the [ASME B16 Sutcommitee A and BIG Commites, ANSI aproved ASMBANSI BI6.1- 1989 on March 8, 1989. Changs incioded revised marking requirements, revised bl Teagth increments (im rater tan in), elimination of mene equivalent «consti ofthe ‘lass 800 Mange ris face eight 10 025 in rom the 0.06 in. shown previously, and ‘ttl changes 1 he text Inthe 1998 edition of ASME BIG, Reference Sandals have been pds, 2 Quliy System Program Annex has been a, Class 00 hasbeen deleted, and several etc revisioas have teen made. Flowing approval by ASME 16 Sabeommitee B and B16 ‘Main Commitee, ANSI approved this American National Standard ow November 2, 1988 Requests fr inereation or suggestions for revision should he sent to the Secretary, ‘B16 Covmitee, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Pak Avene, New ‘York, NY 10016590, RATINGS OF ASME 816.1 VERSUS ANSY/AWWA A21.10 Aeon s decid 1 a appacent confit in ambient temperature pres rings for ange fags betvees ASME BIG and ANSUAWWA A2110, Gray lon and Ductile Won Fiings, 2 in teouh 48 i. fr Water and Other Ligue "The scope of ANSUAWWA A210 limite that standard t0 Sings for se with gray iro an dace irom pipe for water and ether Iii a ated working presses of 150 Pst and 250 pei. The ratngy of thee Ainge were enabled onthe ass of ssa suing of ngs to baring, and do provide a factor of safey of wast 3.0 a the rtd Working pesure and tambien tempers 'ASME' BIG! covers both separ Nanpes and Ganged fing for more general service ‘at ambient and clevated temperatures. The pes rings set forth ave not based pen ‘ost srengh, bt have evlted over an extended perio of tine of saison performance ina wide range of general sevice cniions The ratings eacompass reste combined th leva temperature, esses imposed by piping. thermal sect doe Io temperate ‘ariaions, and many ober coniion casing sen nthe Range or fing ASME B16 COMMITTEE ‘Standardization of Valves, Flanges, Fittings, Gaskets, and Valve Actuators {The fotowing the ost fhe Commie athe in of approval of hi Std) oFricers A Sonreggn on Cie ahaa, Sey ‘COMMITTEE PERSONNEL ‘A Gite Nic, nc, Eeha nna ; i } ; 7 F nih negate: Gale Vay, Mines Eno uch Actuation Pact Hal, enossce Epa Sa Pose Str Maing ti Stphan | Eagzaseereptzcorzzzs Be: i i iu H ‘SUBCOMMITTEE 8 — THREADED FITTINGS (EXCEPT STEEL! 1:7 todo Seosiny airs Soe ctcunet Enea Ma Yor New York ar ir asocung Str, Pane 1 to, nan Cag Sit cot anne Manta Carine, Texas ‘Sotertame: ASME Purchased o fu Tanectin ode number CONTENTS Foreword Sundae Commitee Rose 1 Scope 2 Pressure-Tomperature Ratings 2 Sie 4 Marking 5 Materials {6 Fiting Dimensions and Tolerances 7 Bolt, Nut, and Gasket Dimensions 8 Hydrostatic Tests 2 Contifiations Fin 1D Metad of Designating Outlets of Reding Fitings in Speciation 2 Ge 25 Hage 3 las 25 Flanged Fitings 4 Chas 125 Fangs 5) Clas 125 Faget Fiings Chas 250 Fanges 7 Chass 250 Flanged Figs 8 Chas 128 Tees Anchorage Bases 9 Chs 250 Tees: Anchorage Bases 19 Dain Tappings 11 Method of Designating Lacaton of Tapped ices for Drains Wien Specified Tables Nonshock Gage Pestue—Temperture Ratings anges. Bol Hoes, and Boling Dincnsons of Clase 25 Cat ow Manges Dimesins of Cate 25 Cat Irn Flanged Pings Fangs, Bolt Hoes, and Boling Dieensons of Clase 135 Cut lon anges Dimetsons of Cas 125 Castle Hanged Fitings Fangs, Holt Hoes, an Boling Dimensions of Class 250 Catton Fangs Dimensions of Cat 250 Cat lon Fang Pitings Daemons of Anchorage Hass for Staght ant Reducing Cle 125 Tees Dimensions of Anchorage Hass for Suaigh and Retacing Clase 2S) Tees Minimom Tread Length euee SBRNEZ Coun ‘Mandatory Annex References ‘Nonmandatory Annex ‘Quality Sytem Program ‘Seer Nome: ASME Purchased on fu Treat or amb a CAST IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS Classes 25, 125, and 250 1 score 14 Generat ‘Tis Standard for Chases 25, 125, and 250 Cast lion ige Flanges and Fanged Fitings covers () pesue-temperatate rigs (0) Sars and metal of desiening openings of reducing ings () mackng (4) ini requiem fo materits (6) dimensions and terns () bol nat and gase dimesions (a) sexe 12 References Standard snd specications adopted by reference in this Sandaid ae thown in Annet I, Which i prt of ‘his Standard 113 Quality Systems Requirement relating 1 he product manufacurer’s ‘Quality Sysem Programs we descated in Amex A. 2 PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS 21 General Presse rings for various tempeaues(nloing Timi) ae shown ia Tale 1 22 Ratings Ratings ae independent of the contained Mah and 4c the akin somhockpressres athe tabled Temperate. Intrmatertings may te bined by lnc nerpalaion bameen the tmpecsures show 23 Rating Temperature “Temperates sown fore soriponding pres aiog shal te te material temperate of he presse feaaing startet may be asad tha the materi temperature isthe same as the Aid tga. Use of 8 pressuring a 8 mater temperature ober than that of he comaied id isthe responsi of the user and subject to the requiements of any ‘pplcable cae 24 Low-Temperature Ratings Pressure ratings fr temperate below 20°F should ‘be determined in aso with ow emperatre pop cer of cart kon (ASTM A126) at powered By Socble coe. 3 sue 3.1 Nominal Pipe Size “The sies ofthe Ranges and itings shown in Fis 2 vhough 9 ‘and scheduled in Tables 2 tough 9 ae ‘deme by the coresponding nominal pipe ies, NPS 48 wsed in tis documone means the nomial pe sz. 3.2 Reducing Fitings Reding fitings shall be designated by the sir of the sethes of ig 1 “Tee manufacters name or adem and manele 2 shown below for each aig sal be east on the terior sutce of al fing Sse Na: ASME Prchanad on Traneaton oar amr: ang cus _ im Se 42 Flanges ‘The manufactures ame oe taemk shal be cst ‘on all ose Hanes. In adtion, numerals 25 shall be ‘as on Chass 25 Manges. Rating numerals for eter ‘ase sal be aston lee flanger that east tothe requirements of pa. 4 4.3 Material Clas In thw sizes and clases where both Clases A and Bion can be vse, the leter Aor B stall be cast, on both flanges and fitiags adjacent 10 the rating rameras. Flanges nd fitings wah no A'or B Clase iron marking sal be coniered us Cas A on fo ‘ing purposes 5 MATERIALS 5:4 Castings “The castings shall meet the eeuiements of ASTM A816 a5 Fisted in pars 5.11 54.1 The materi roqtements for flanges and ange fines sal be ae flows 52 Botting The bolting sed with these Manges and ings shall be made of cabon set that cforms 10 te ‘ASTRON PPE LANES AND FLANGED FTG requirements of ASTM A 307 Grade! and wed with vine mashes. 66 FITTING DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES. 6.1 Wall Thickness, 1 econind that some vation are sbsoltely unavoidable inthe making of pater and castings, Euipmcn shal be signed to rode wal hikes piven in he bles. Wal Wickes atmo point shall $e ese than 87% of the thickness piven inte tables, 62 Facing 6.21 Clases 25 and 125 cast ton Manges and hanged tings sal be at ced, wiht peton of tased foe) and shed in accordance with MSS sr 622 Class 250 fanges and angel ings shall have a asd face 006 high of he dameters gen im Table 6 and fished in acorance wth MSS SP. 6 The ras face i inclaed inthe mii flange thickness and cetera fae dimension. 163 Centerto-Face Dimensions 83.1 Side Outlet Fittings. Site cute clboms, side cle tes, and side let crm sall ave all openings on inerecingcetartines Lon rad elm ith side cet Shall have the side ott onthe al Comets f the som 632 hows (a) The cemtertoface dimensions for sriht-sie 90 deg. elbows, 90 deg. legis elbows 45 dep tTbows, id-olet 90 deg. elbows ad double ranch ‘ows ae shows ia Tables 3,5. and 7. (6) Reducing 90 deg, elbows edcig 90 deg. ong. ali eliows, ein side ot 90 de. elbows ad ‘luc duke rah elbows sal hive he same enier-toface dimensions as sight size ings sown In Tables 3, 5, and 7 coresponding Wo the te ofthe large opening Fores 2 a 12 te Th atone ts rig (Sst tr San! we cd cote wet “ig eat ee ae Cee cea Say ees ie te fgg edo el pn gl con bs pid nde Sate cae ‘AST RON PPE FLANGES AND LANGED FTNGS (6) For 90 de, longa elbows with sie tet, the cemerso-ee dimensions of te ide cult shall te the ste a dienson Ain Tables 3, and 7 for 2 straights 90 dr. elbow comespondig tothe sine ofthe Inst opening (d) Specia-depre etows raging from 1 dg. 10 45 dep, inclu, shall have the same ener ofce ‘iersons a hse for 45 de. elbows hoe over #5 ‘eg. and wp 1050 deg nls, shall ve the sme ‘amertofice dimentons a toe for 90 dog lows ‘The angle sipnation of an etow ie the angle Betwoen the lange fo, 6.3.3 Toes, Crosses, and Laterals (a) Tee camerto fice dimensions for ssghesize tees an roses, with or iho side ov. nd lea ‘Se show in Tables 3,5, and 7 (6) Reducing tees and elucing crosses, with or without side oat and wecing lat, NPS 6 and Sale, sll hve the ame cemeroface dimensions ‘eighsie Bigs sown in Tables 3, 5, and ? nrresponing 1 the size ofthe Ingest opening. For [NPS 18 and larger if the oat oft rng he eanch of a redaing Intra the largest cet of 3 reducing side out te ralelag crs and eng Side outlet cross isthe same sz or snail han pen In Tables 3 5 and 7 ahr body pater) the ener ‘once dimensions shown nese Taber tl be aed a tranche ay att ager than shown ia Tabs 5, 5 and 7. he comero-face diensions sal be he sme at forthe stipe iting shown in Tables 5°5,and 7 conespondig 10th sizeof the gest opening, Tees, cross, and nas, reducing on the ‘in ol, ave the same cetera dense Svsraghtaie Bags stow in Tables 35 ant 7 aresponding to the re of the acpest opening (c) Tees reducing on both rus are generally aon a balbead tes and hive the same eemero-ace

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