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PROBLEMS: (Page 37 – 42)

2.7 Compute the streamflow for the following measurement data:


2.12. Listed in what follows is a series of discharge measurements with corresponding

stages at the gaging station and at an auxiliary gage 8400 ft downstream. Construct a slope-stage-
discharge relation from these data. Use At,-1 ft. Calculate the discharge for a stage of 35.0 ft at the
base gage and stages of 33.5, 34.0, and 34.5 ft at the auxiliary gage. If the stage at the base gage is
26.0 ft and the fall 08 ft, what is the discharge?
2.13. With a stage of 7 m and a water-surface slope of 0.85 m/km, the flow rate in a river
is 2500 m2/s. approximately what would the flow rate be if the stage were 7 m and the water-
surface slope 0.56 m/km
2.14. On a river the following data were obtained by stream gaging.

Estimate as accurately as possible the flow rate when the main staff reads 30.0 ft and the
auxiliary staff reads 28.3 ft.
2.15. Lake Mead behind Hoover Dam has a capacity of approximately 3.69 x 10 m. For
how many years could this water supply a city with a population of 920,000 if the average daily
consumption is 410 L per person? Neglect the effect of evaporation.
2.16. A reservoir serving a population of 420,000 contains 67.000 acre-ft of water. The
forecasted net inflow (streamflow plus precipitation minus evaporation? for the next year is 12,000
acre-ft. If it is desired to maintain no less than 30,000 acre-ft in the reservoir for the following
year's use, what is the average per capita use that must be achieved? Express your result in gallons
per capita per day
2.17. A certain Asiatic city with a population of 510,000 uses 41 x 10° m of water per year.
What is the mean consumption (a) in cubic meters per capita per day and (6) in gallons per capita
per day?

2.19 What is the volume of rainfall in second-foot-days if 2.13 in. occurs over an area of
773 mi ? How many acre-feet? How many tons? What is the volume of rainfall when 67 mm falls
over an area of 3218 km2?
2.22 A reservoir is located in a region where the average annual precipitation is 33.0 in.
and the average annual pan evaporation is 58 in. If the average area of the reservoir water surface
is 4300 acres and if, under natural conditions, 20 percent of the rainfall on the flooded by the
reservoir ran off into the stream, what is the net increase or decrease of streamflow as a result of
the reservoir? How small must the pan evaporation be at the site such that the presence of the
reservoir results in no net increase or decrease of streamflow?
2.28 Compute the evaporation in millimeters when the water-surface temperature is 19℃,
air temperature at 8 m is 26℃, and the wind speed average 4.2 m/s. Relative humidity is 35 percent.
2.30 What would be the annual loss per mile of stream 200 ft wide assuming an annual
evaporation of 40 in. and transpiration from a strip of trees 50 ft wide on each bank at a rate of 60
in/yr? Neglect seepage from the stream.

2.37 A statistician with offices in Boston was asked to estimate the number of male citizens
in the United States over the age of 21 having the last name O’Brien. He did this by counting the
number of O’Briens in the Boston telephone directory and multiplying by the ratio of the
population of the United States to the population of Boston Mention at least five fallacies in this

PROBLEMS: (Page 77 – 88)

3.2 Tabulated in what follows are data for a flood at a point on a river with drainage area
1406 mi2. Separate the groundwater flow and compute the direct runoff volume in second-foot-
days and inches over the drainage area.

3.47 Precipitation depths for a 21-day period in May are shown in the table that follows. Assuming
the API is 0.00 on May 4, determine the API for each of the following days using b = 0.85. Repeat using b
= 0.95.
5.2 In a tropical area where the precipitation consists of short storm more or less formyl distributed
throughout the year, there is a 70 percent chance of rain en ny one day, What s the probability that there
will be no rain on any two successive days? What is the probability that it will rain on both days7 that it
will rain on only one of the two days?
5.38 Refer to Fig. 5.14. How often on the average might one expect the flow over the driest 30-day
period to be about equal to or less than 120 acre-ft?
10.1 What is the flow rate in a 48-in circular corrugated-metal pipe on a slope of 0.004 if the depth
of flow is 20 in.?
10.43 How would your design for the canal of Prob. 10.41 change assuming the seepage rate from
the canal will be 0.30 m/d and 20 m3/s must be available for delivery at the end of canal?


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