Semifinal 2018 - 2

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Vitamin Deficiency & Hypervitaminosis

Mr. Frans and Mrs. Frans have a child named Michelle. Michelle is a child who often eat fruits and
vegetables because her parent always buy them. Today they are shopping at one of the supermarket
in their city. Michelle is very curious about the vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables, and she
need your help to find the information about it.

1. What food should they buy to meet the needs of vitamins B1, C and E? (2 foods every vitamin)
2. How can hypervitaminosis A and D occur? What are the symptoms (1 each)? [10
3. Complete the table below! [6@3
Vitamin Symptoms of Deficiency (1 symptom each)

Fachri is a high school student. Just like the other usual high school students, he wants to look
cool and muscular. In order to achieve that, Fachri always workouts in a gym or his house.
Besides working out, he eats a nutrient pills that contains a lot of vitamin D. After some time
working out and eating pills, he can lift 7kg dumbbell with only one hand just like in fig(1). But
he wants to lift more weights, so he consumes nutrient pills more frequently. Then one day,
Fachri can only lift 5kg dumbbell with position like fig(2). This happens because he suffers
hypervitaminosis of vitamin D that can leads to muscle weakness.

Assume that the time he can lift 7kg dumbbell is the optimum concentration of vitamin D in
the body and if the concentration of vitamin D is increased, it will lead to muscle weakness.
Besides that, assume that 10 mg vitamin D increase can lead to 10 N muscle force decrease.
Calculate how many vitamin D (in mg) he consume that leads to his muscle weakening. ( the
insertion tendon of biceps brachii is 4 cm from elbow, length of lower arm is 36 cm, the center
of mass the lower arm is 13 cm from elbow, the mass of lower arm is 1.5 kg, and ꝋ = 120 0)

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

We need a certain amount of vitamins. Too much or too little vitamin in the body will prove to
be not beneficial to our body overall health. When too much vitamin is consumed, hypervitaminosis
will occur. When the levels of vitamins in the blood have decreased but no clear clinical symptoms
appeared, the condition is called hypovitaminosis, whereas when the clinical symptoms do appear, it
is called avitaminosis. Hypervitaminosis occurs primarily with fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin deficiency
is more prevalent, both in fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins.
1. Mention fat-soluble vitamins, and explain why they can dissolve in fat.
2. Several of essential vitamin for our body are vitamin A, B 11, and C:
a. Mention other names for those vitamins!
b. Describe all the structures of the chemical compound, and specify how many bonds π and σ bonds
exist in each chemical structure.

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