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My hypothesis was
incorrect because the T.V
didn’t produce the most
amount of heat. It actually a
tie between the T.V and the
computer because both of
their averages equalled 27,
which was unexpected. The
tablet only had an average
of 21, though.
Acknowledgments & 
Acknowledgments: I give a
BIG thanks to my
homeroom teacher;
Ms.Osio. I also give thanks
to my mom, sister and dad
for helping me on this
References: For this
project, I used two
websites; one called “Dow
corning” and the other one
being “Wikipedia”. I also
used a book called “Pocket
Dictionary” for my
The results of this
experiment were this:
Average of computer was
27, average of T.V was also
27 and average of tablet
was 21. I learned that
electronic devices don’t
produce as much heat as I
thought. I also learned that
electronic devices produce
different amounts of heat
when performing different
actions on the device. For
this project, I only had 1
problem, which was that I
kept on putting the
thermometers in the spots
where it didn’t radiate as
much heat. It wouldn’t be
fair if I did that, so I had to
guess where the place that
radiates the most heat was.

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