Case Study On Lenovo

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31 MARCH 2018


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INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 2

INTRODUCTION OF THE ORGANIZATION ....................................................................... 2

CUSTOMER SERVICE OF LENOVO..................................................................................... 3

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT IN LENOVO............................................ 4

STAKEHOLDERS OF LENOVO AND THEIR ISSUES ........................................................ 5

RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................... 7

CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 9

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 10


The large organizations, which have been in recession for a considerable length of

time, are currently returning once more. An ever-increasing number of organizations broaden

their scale and open backup organizations or branch organizations at home and abroad.

The reality of the matter is that larger organizations have numerous favorable

circumstances, they have more noteworthy securing power and comprehensive systems, they

can set the business gauges and impact the stakeholders, and they are very much shielded

from being overtaken (Brane Kalpice, 2008). In any case, we can likewise observe that more

significant isn't the better, some expansive organizations may even neglect to convey the

typical investor value (Rothenbuecher and Schrottke, 2008).

This case study aims to provide an analysis of the customer service, customer

relationship management in the organization, stakeholders of the company and the issues of

the stakeholders. Moreover, recommendations will be drawn in the light of the analysis. The

case exhibits the difficulties and examines the procedures embraced by Lenovo to achieve an

adjustment in the current view of partners. The company understudy for this case study is



Lenovo is a Chinese multinational company. It is the third largest computer

developers in the world. Its worldwide sale is three percent twenty-seven percent of the share

of sales in China. To make it a brand they changed its name to Lenovo from legend

computers that can guarantee the future improvement and infiltration in the outside market.

The Lenovo has come to a point, where today it is a direct result of the branding (Mark

Ritson, 2005). Lenovo concentrated on the technique of brand building, which they accepted

and knew will help in building the dedicated clients (Dr. W.A. Pfortsch, 2008).

Today, Lenovo endeavors to be the standard piece of the overall industry pioneer in

every one of the markets we serve. On 24 September 2004, Lenovo acquired the PC business

and the brand ThinkPad renowned PC IBM in the Information Technology business

everywhere throughout the world. This point of interest exchange is taken as its most vital

phase of the global system in the PC business. This denotes the trinity Lenovo's

internationalization system has ascended to another stage, which demonstrates that Lenovo as

of now in the United States set up a brand name picture limitation. Presently, the Lenovo has

turned into the worldwide application organization that has their bundle plants more than

seven nations and collaboration plants in numerous countries and influence the neighborhood

undertakings business to permit and dissemination contract. Lenovo is additionally one of the

essential worldwide organizations, and it has its particular creation plants in 7 nations, its

items are advertising in almost eighty countries.


The present business condition is getting progressively more perplexing, because of

fast advancement, globalization and a developing number of business accomplices, plans of

action and contrasts in desires from various markets and customers. Customer service is a

fundamental essential of administration to clients previously, amid and after a buy. It

incorporates the arrangement of movement which outlines an item or administration that meet

with the client desire and improves the level of consumer loyalty (Turban et al., 2002).

Customer service assumes an essential part of company's capacity to produce pay and

income. Customer service supposedly is including the components of item outline and

upkeep, preparing, businessperson state of mind and responsiveness, the simplicity of client

interface with the organization, assurances, and cost, notwithstanding the components of

client’s benefit. Customer service, as a subset of items to meet client benefit; incorporate

elements related to the conveyance of things to meet client demands or needs. Building up the
long-haul connections, participation, data sharing, and trust in executing store network

administration of firm rely upon the client benefit action. Since it is a primary interface

amongst provider and client, the client benefit interface has enormous ramifications for

relationship quality and trade of data between two firms.

There are various ways by which customers can contact Lenovo. Lenovo has online

support service, phone service, email service, etc. customers can contact them through social

media as well such as Facebook and Twitter. However, the service is not top-notch. The call

keeps redirecting to different representatives. It takes a lot of time to get the issue resolved.

The same is the case with the email. People have to wait for days to get a response from


There are no authentic data available on the internet regarding the customer service of

Lenovo. However, there are a few reviews, that too not good.



Lenovo has spoken with its business clients and its partners through the identity of the

brand. They have made their status more than that of the PC producer, which has asked

customers to be related to the brand. The Lenovo has kept up its relationship by presenting

Lenovo as a brand synonymous to proficient administrations, honesty and ease for the

purchasers to get it. Lenovo has separated themselves into different sub-brands to keep up

their connections will all the distinctive partners of the business. Lenovo has utilized marking

as an apparatus for making the association with its client since they trust that a client gives

more an incentive to the characteristics related with the item name in the market than the

value esteem associated with the item in the market.

Lenovo has expanded the level of trust within its purchasers all through the world by

partnering themselves with the esteemed occasions like Olympic, which itself is a brand and

which associates millions of individuals candidly with it (Business Wire, 2005).

Lenovo has separated its level of relationship duty in two ways. They bargain

distinctively with its top-notch business partners and independent venture associates.For the

private company partners, they only give them the office of markdown on refund

installments, which encourages them in look after relationship (Lenovo, 2006). Lenovo is

useful in having a decent relationship even with its administration bodies; though they are not

a remarkable piece of their business cycle. Lenovo's bound together program is a distinct

approach; it had a twin effect as they could fabricate stable association with the six thousand

neighborhood retailers and the merchants, which help them to be a pioneer in the Chinese

market of PC producers. Notwithstanding this Lenovo is fruitful in having control over the

inventory network (Philip Kotler, 2006).

Lenovo offer toughness, execution, right cost, and value-added services, which makes

it item applicable to the business clients and end clients to purchase. It makes it 100%

significant by the guarantee they make amid crusades by proficient tasks. This manufactures

trust and duty in client and begins the procedure of building a long-haul relationship.


The independent most crucial factor for effective reconciliation is the correct scope

and key informing to all partners. For Lenovo's situation, they were hoping to hit the right

string with inner accomplices crosswise over acquirement, bookkeeping, lawful, IT,

reviewing, nation/ regional/worldwide fund groups and furthermore the different business

divisions. Remotely, Lenovo likewise worked with controllers, rating organizations and

speculators and also their key keeping money accomplices.

Necessary treasury joining requires individuals, procedures, frameworks and keeping

money arrangement. The system is an arduous one, including essential stage building – due

payables and accumulations work on, supporting managing account courses of action, and

accomplishing permeability and control. When Lenovo had structural engineering set up,

their following stage was to oversee liquidity, money exposures and working capital

cooperative energies. Given Lenovo chips away at MM and SAP on Oracle, a long-haul

objective was to solidify into a single stage (TreasuryToday, 2017). Lenovo confronted

contenders like Dell, Acer, and HP. It presented a stock and deal plan of action to pick up the

piece of the overall industry in the endeavor portion which guaranteed accessibility of the

items previously the requests are put. Lenovo began different advancement systems,

including big name, supports, the position of their things in TV shows and motion pictures,

and online brand building using sites with their emphasis on youth for their retail business, a

high number of youthful instructed people and a low PC infiltration. The issue in the method

for Lenovo is to change the recognition and mentalities of the stakeholders.

No data could be discovered concerning the engagement of stakeholders, for example,

NGO association or a multi-partner initiative in the check of work gauges. The organization

had a Lenovo line which individual could call or email, 24 hours every day, seven days.

Dialect interpreters were accessible, and individuals could stay unknown. Lenovo got a fair

rating for partner engagement. A pursuit of Lenovo's site discovered no discourse of

troublesome issues, for example, review misrepresentation or installment of a living pay. All

in all, Lenovo got Ethical Consumer's most exceedingly bad appraising for Supply Chain

Management (Ethical Consumer, 2016).


The following recommendations are drawn in the light of the research conducted on


 The organization can additionally enhance its correspondence with clients through

both disconnected and online ways. On the one hand, it needs to give a redesigning

after-deals benefit for the items; then again, its exercises via web-based networking

media stages should be more intelligent and locks in.

 Lenovo ought not to be huge to rely on the product for managing its provider and its

client partners, as it won't prompt a passionate relationship; which must be work

through faculty cooperation.

 Preparing ought to be conferred to the colleagues of the brought together channel,

with the goal that they ought to know about the most recent forthcoming in the


 They should make their e-business more secure which will additionally improve the

estimation of relationship, as clients will be fulfilled and will feel that firm is worried

about them.

 Lenovo should enhance it mean of communicating with people and clients. They

should improve their customer service to build strong clientele.

 Stakeholders should be given prominent position in the organization and should be


 Issues of the stakeholders should be a priority and must be solve immediately.

 Lenovo ought not to build its cost however following the way of marking as business

purchasers are valued touchy, and they can change their relationship from one firm to

another firm.

 Lenovo should give approach weight age to unmistakable and elusive elements while

keeping up an association with its client. Unmistakable regarding the cost and

immaterial as far as the administrations and solaces, which will at last prompt a long-

haul relationship.

 The organization saw a large development in their piece of the overall industry

because of this. Their way to deal with versatile web and distributed computing

enables the customer to use new processing patterns to increase feasible business

edge. In any case, as the market rivalry escalates because of ultra-quick evolving

innovation, they ought to likewise experiment with new methodologies separated

from this.

 Lenovo can enhance the estimation of the item overall the distinctive details that it

offers. They should centre around strengthening the client opinion of their piece. They

can improve the client connections through upgraded administrations. Adopting

another showcasing effort. Lenovo ought to embrace new fluctuated advertising

effort. They can likewise target various fragments and not just the young portion. This

can reverse discharge and influence their general image Recommendations Lenovo

should proceed with their present development technique which has been going about

as a help for them. Activity Plan Following advances ought to be attempted: Staying

aware of the most recent innovation: They should stay mindful of the most recent

change and keep in front of their rivals.

 Spotlight on new developments: R&D ought to be given much inclination and they

ought to bring out new propelled items now and again.

 Lenovo should canter around enhancing the item esteem. Better administrations ought

to be given to the clients. Customer relationship management ought to be given high

inclination and distinctive consumer loyalty models ought to be received to pick up

client devotion.


Lenovo's long-haul improvement is indistinguishable from a brought together and

rectify managing belief system. Just with the privilege long-haul key making arrangements

for the guide, utilize its attributes with individuals in significant business administration

procedure for the administration of Lenovo. Lenovo will have the capacity to build up a

sound administration framework keeping in mind the end goal to control the organization to

be a steady, reliable and quick improvement. Lenovo's advancement methodology arranging

depends on outside examination, against Lenovo's real work, present the aggregate

improvement objectives, as per the aim gives to organizations level, business layer and

capacities layer's advancement technique. Under the general reasoning of advancement

procedure, it ought to build up a progression of particular conceivable systems.


Brane K. (2008).Why bigger is not always better: the strategic logic of value creation

through M&As. The Journal of Business Strategy. 29(6). pp.4.

Lenovo. (2006). Available at

Lenovo Group Limited - Supply Chain Management. (2016). Ethical Consumer.

Available at

Lenovo, Highly Commended, First Class Bank Relationship Management. (2017).

TreasuryToday. Available at


Mark Ritson on branding: Keep a watch out for the return of reputation. (2005).

Campaign. Available at


Philip Kotler. (2006). Marketing Management. Pearson Prentice Hall.


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