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Department of Education

Region V
Division of Masbate
Cabangcalan National High School
Cabangcalan, Aroroy, Masbate




I. Answer the following question by picking the correct answer from the Box.

Wulf Monath
Sprote Kalemonath Blot Monath

Festival of Lupercalia Sere Monath Haligh Monath

Maed Monath
Hyld – Monath

Haerfest Monath
Easter Monath
Mid – Winter MOnath
Weod Monath
Win - Monath
Wind Monath

_______________________ 1. The old English name for November or also Known as “Sacrifice Month”
_______________________ 2. The Old English Name for the month of September or also known as The
Harvest Month in which they harvest during this month is mostly Barley in which they convert it into ale
_______________________ 3. The old English name for the month of July or also known as Meadow
month because during this month meadows were in bloom and cattle in pasture
_______________________ 4. The Old English name for the month of May in which in long spring days
the cow could be milk three times between sunrise and evening
_______________________ 5. The old English Name for the month of April for this month celebrated the
April Fool’s day
_______________________ 6. The old English name for March or also known as Boisterous Month
_______________________ 7. The old English name for February and this month was known for the
cabbages were sprouting
_______________________ 8. A religious ceremony held in the month of February in ancient Rome in
which barren women were beaten for their barrenness
_______________________ 9. The old English name for the month of January because in this time of the
year the bitter cold brought wolves into the villages to forage for food
_______________________ 10. Old English term for the Christmas of the day also called Holy month
because of the birth of Christ

____________________ 1. What is the meaning of the word “Octo”

____________________ 2. The month in which unlucky for Marriages
____________________ 3. The roman god represented by two faces
____________________ 4. The meaning of the word “Novem”
____________________ 5. In mythology who is the wife of Moon
____________________ 6. The strongest and bravest among the norse Deities
____________________ 7. It is based on the idea that the eye observes things from contiunually
changing viewpoints, as fragments of a whole
____________________ 8. The American tourist who participated in the black Nazarene procession
____________________ 9. The Goddess of Fertility
____________________ 10. The roman god of War
____________________ 11. What is the meaning of the latin word “aperio”
____________________ 12. Who called “the Lusty moneth of May”
____________________ 13. The Latin family name in which the murderer of Julius ceasar belonged
____________________ 14. The protectress of women
____________________ 15. the roman general and the famous lover of Cleopatra
____________________ 16. The name awarded by the senate to Octavian in which the name of the
month of August originated
____________________ 17. The emperor of the west who refused to accept the roman name
September instead he name it as the harvest month.
____________________ 18. The norse god who volunteered to bind the wolf spirit Fenrir as he caused so
much trouble to the world
____________________ 19. He stole the hammer of thor and never gaved it up unless freya married him
____________________ 20. The norse goddess of marriage and the wife of woden
____________________ 21. What is the name of the Greek god Hermes in Roman?
____________________ 22. What is the name of the roman god Venus in Greek?
____________________ 23. The father of the Norse God Thor
____________________ 24. The name of the Hammer of mighty Thor


1 – 2. They invented the style of painting known as “Cubism”

3 – 6. The stranges substance used by Tyr to bind Fenrir

UCSP Subject Teacher / XI Adviser

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