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Supplier Name:


DEPT./Process DATE/TIME: Product Name:


Question Evidence Required & Look For Observations (Detailed Evidences) Attach Actual Records where available Status (OK/NC)

Performance on QMS objectives for the last three Years

What are the objective & targets for QMS/EHS for Your Area &
(Last 2 year average and Performance Graphs for the last 3 years average and
current year month/Quartely monitoring)

Verify the Supplier Certification

Question Evidence Required & Look For Observations (Detailed Evidences) Attach Actual Records where available Status (OK/NC)

Analysis Records of QMS /EHSPerformance

Evidences of the reasons for the QMS/EHS targets not being met

Corrections and Corrective actions taken to meet the QMS/EHS Targets

How do you do Analysis of Data for the Performance tagets not being
met for SHE & Q
Effectiveness of the Corrective actions

Visit the area to verify the implementation of Corrections & Corrective actions

Question Evidence Required & Look For Observations (Detailed Evidences) Attach Actual Records where available Status (OK/NC)

Improvement projects for the area for QMS/EHS

Management Objectives & Targets for the Current Year

What are the Kaizen/Continual Improvement Projects for QMS/EHS for

Systemic Approach for undertaking the Continual Improvement (CI) projects for
3 your area/Operations & How do you select and drive these to meet
QMS/EHS Objectives

Communication to & Involvement of Team members in the CI projects

Vist the loactions and verify with evidences for the effectiveness of implementation of
actions for CI projects.

Question Evidence Required/Look for Observations (Detailed Evidences) Attach Actual Records where available Status (OK/NC)

Verification of Compliances for the procedures/Wis/Control

4 Plans/FMEAs (Use the process Documents and evidence the
complances there)

Verification of last complaints Acions and Effectiveness


6 Applicable Customers & CSRs

NCVE/F/PUR/017 Rev. No./Date:00/26.09.2019

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