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in the world which started serial pro- um manufacture that runs from ingot

VSMPO stronger
duction of the material over 40 years melting to the production of a wide
ago.The unique properties of titanium range of semi-finished products and
combined with the high workability finished goods.
contributed significantly to the broad-
ening of the applications for the mater- ALLOYS
ial. During the Cold War most of The product portfolio of VSMPO is
VSMPO’s production went to the de- downright impressive.According to

than ever fence industry and the material was

extensively used in fighter planes and
submarines.Today the number of in-
dustries served by the company is
much larger though and VSMPO sells
titanium to countries across the globe.
Mr Smirnov just about every titanium
alloy in the world is produced. Next to
the 30 to 40 grades that comply to in-
ternational standards such as ASTM and
BS the company produces some 40
grades according to Russian specifica-
This should not come as a surprise as tions. Likewise the number of products
VSMPO with a yearly production of is dazzling and runs from bars and bil-
100,000 tonnes of titanium is by far lets to purpose designed tubes for riser
the largest producer of titanium in the applications.
world.The company owns approxi- Through the years these products have
mately 3 million square metres of found their way into a wide range of
which some 800,000 are being used as fascinating applications. VSMPO’s tita-
a working area today.The company nium was part of the Soviet Union’s
employs around 14,000 people which first lunar capsule that landed on the
means that there is close to no one in moon in 1963.Today’s International
Verkhnaya Salda that is not in one or Space Station also uses considerable
another way involved with VSMPO. amounts of VSMPO’s titanium and
Although most of the equipment goes Russia’s Energia rocket–booster uses
back to the Soviet-era, due to careful up to 18 tonnes of the company’s tita-
design and proper maintenance it still nium.Also more conventional branch-
belongs to the best in the world ac- es of the aerospace industry make use
cording to Mr Smirnov:“Our facilities of the material of the Russian compa-
here are still state of the art. For one ny. Both Boeing and Airbus are loyal
VSMPO has the world’s largest foundry customers of VSMPO and modern air-
complex equipped with unique presses liners such as the Tupolev 204 with 9
that can exert a force of some 10,000 per cent and the Ilyushin 96 with no
tonnes.We use these presses for the less than 9,5 per cent of its total weight
VSMPO’S titanium was part of the manufacturing of compact electrodes are examples of successful application
If there is one metal that is typically associated with Soviet Union’s first lunar capsule
that landed on the moon in 1963.
with a diameter up to 650mm and a of VSMPO’s titanium.
Russia and the former Soviet Union it must be tita- length of up to 5500mm.The facility A field of application that is of particu-
also features no fewer than 86 vacuum- lar interest for the readers of Stainless
nium. Without a doubt this is because of the VSMPO arc furnaces allowing the manufactur- Steel World is the oil & gas industry.At
ing of ingots with a diameter of no the beginning of the new millennium
Joint Stock Company. With a yearly production of rapidly advancing enemy to a safe des- Mr Smirnov is a candidate of technical fewer than 900mm and weighing some those hydrocarbon fields which were
100,000 tonnes of titanium VSMPO is reputedly far tination. Here they resumed produc- sciences and attained his doctorate 10 tonnes.” first to be developed have been consid-
tion in order to support the defence of with a thesis on the production of tita- Also VSMPO’s press-forging complex erably depleted.Therefore new and of-
and away the largest producer of titanium and its al- the country. In VSMPO’s case this nium pipes. He has been working for is impressive.The complex encompass- ten more difficult to reach oil and gas
loys in the world. Stainless Steel World spoke to meant relocating to Verkhnaya Salda on VSMPO for 27 years. Mr Smirnov ex- es a wide range of forging and die fields have to be exploited. Next to the
the other side of the Ural Mountains, a plained in detail to Stainless Steel World forging presses including the world’s more demanding locations and often
Mr Vladimir Smirnov, Vice President of the Metallur- place far beyond the reach of Hitler’s what it means to be the largest titani- largest 75,000 tonnes die forging press. difficult climatological conditions
gical Department, who explained the ins and outs of troops. um producer in the world and how the There is a sheet-rolling complex these fields in many cases feature sig-
From then on the company in company adapts to the ever-changing equipped with mills for hot, warm and nificantly more aggressive types of oil
the company to us. Verkhnaya Salda even took on the demands of the market. cold rolling of plate, sheet, band and and gas.Therefore material require-
name of the town as VSMPO stands for foil. Furthermore the bar-rolling com- ments are often high. Not only is there
Verkhnaya Salda Metallurgical Produc- FACILITIES plex has a unique “radial-shift” mill, a a need for higher strength materials
tion Association.Today the company is VSMPO was founded in 1932 as an section mill and a swaging mill for the but also weight and corrosion resis-

very now and then you will find close to Sverdlovsk in central Russia more than flourishing and has definite- aluminium mill. Due to the develop- production of light section products. tance when exposed to hydrogen sul-
world leading companies in and there is a good reason for that. ly made the transition from being a ments in aviation and rocket engineer- Finally the company boasts a scientific phide, carbon dioxide, chlorides and
places where you do not really During the Second World War, only company strongly oriented on the ing in the fifties there was a need for and technical centre whose activities brines at ambient and elevated temper-
expect to discover them. One of the shortly before the Axis troops were home market to being a truly interna- new materials possessing unmatched are aimed at the development and sup- atures up to 200°C and more are re-
most important titanium producers in fighting in the outskirts of Moscow tional player. For some inside informa- levels of physical and mechanical prop- port of technological processes, new quired. Conditions that make titanium
the world is probably the best example. with the Soviet army, Stalin decided to tion we talked to Mr Vladimir Gre- erties.Titanium and its alloys proved to products and quality improvement.All an obvious choice.
Today VSMPO Joint-Stock Company move all vital industries that were es- gorijevitsj Smirnov,Vice President of possess these characteristics and in all the company has developed a Also the fact that many new fields are
is remotely located in Verkhnaya Salda tablished in areas threatened by the VSMPO’s metallurgical department. VSMPO was one of the first companies complete technological cycle of titani- discovered offshore suits titanium.

16 Stainless Steel World July/August 2001 Stainless Steel World July/August 2001 17
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This is a completely different picture FAC T S & F I G U R E S

compared to several years ago. Not
even ten years ago the company ex- Name: VSMPO Joint Stock Company
ported only around 5 per cent of its Location: Verkhnaya Salda, Russia
production. Now the share of products Number of employees: 14,000
for export has risen to around 75 per Products: VSMPO produces a wide range of titanium and
cent since VSMPO started focussing on titanium alloys in an extensive range of product
foreign markets more and more. Mr forms
Smirnov “I think I can say this is an Applications: Aerospace, oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical,
achievement we are particularly proud power generation, defence
of and that we have achieved through Sales proceeds in 2000: 4624 million roubles
the high quality of our products that
we offer the market at a more than
competitive price ratio.” know we can meet our customers re- will continue to grow. Only two years
Exporting to other parts of the world quirements with ease and to know that ago we bought 75 per cent of the
has not always been that easy though. renowned companies such as Rolls shares of a company located some 400
Especially back in 1994 and 1995 Royce and General Electric have certi- kilometres away which produces base
when the company started actively fied us and use our products extensive- materials for titanium production and
pursuing foreign markets some ship- ly.” recently we bought the remaining 25
ment and certification problems had to Looking at the future one thing is clear per cent.Through this acquisition we
be solved Mr Smirnov explains.These according to Mr Smirnov; VSMPO is have strengthened our supply side and
problems definitely belong to the past not going to lean back and relax.“It is are less dependent on outside compa-
though.At present VSMPO has orders quite hard to predict what will happen nies.Whichever way you turn it
from over 300 western companies. with the market for titanium.What we VSMPO is expanding its presence on
An overview of VSMPO’S facilities Every week there are at least several do know though is that VSMPO will the world market.We have a strong and
delegations from abroad visiting the continue to perfect its service to the competitive product, we continuously
company to see for themselves how market. From a technical point of view work on improving our products and
There are only few materials that can water separating drill pipe strings on oil & gas production and the materials VSMPO produces the high quality this means that we will continue to our organisation is ready to meet any
match titanium’s performance in off- the Heidrun platform. Norsk Hydro requirements for water separating pipe product they are trying to source. Mr look for new alloys that are even more customer’s demand. Somehow there
shore operating conditions and it is has even more challenging views.The strings, pipelines and hydraulic systems Smirnov:“Nowadays we are a certified efficient and cost effective. Our re- has always been a close link between
considered the material of choice for Norwegian company plans to utilise for drill hole control equipment into by over a hundred companies that all search and development department is titanium and Russia and I am confi-
many applications such as offshore 60 tonnes of titanium in floating oper- account VSMPO has developed a new have their own special requests and de- working on new high strength alloys dent that this association will only be-
pipelines, heat exchangers, fire water ating and drilling platforms and up to deformable titanium alloy named mands.We are particularly pleased to for instance.At the same time VSMPO come stronger in the future.” ➛
systems and ancillary equipment. Of- 500 tonnes of high strength titanium Gr9M for tube applications.They also
ten the underwater system in the up- alloys in underwater flexible vertical developed a new process for the manu-
per parts of the floating systems incor- pipelines for the transport of oil from facturing of large diameter tubes from
porates in between 50 and 100 tonnes the well to the floating platform Mr high strength alloys. Mr Smirnov re-
of titanium alloys. Conoco for example Smirnov says. marks that these new developments are
used a high-strength titanium for the Taking the opportunities for offshore just a few examples of VSMPO’s con-
tinued research and development in
the field of oil & gas production both
for shelf as well as deep-water deposits.

There is one aspect about VSMPO that
Mr Smirnov is particularly enthusiastic
about.“One thing of our company that
keeps fascinating me is the fact that our
titanium and our titanium alloys are
used all across the world. Be it the
United States or Singapore, the Arctic
or South Africa there is always an ap-
plication where VSMPO’s titanium is
utilised. Especially the US market has
become important for us in recent
years.Therefore the company has its
own sales organisation called VSMPO
Tirus, which stands for titanium from
Russia, in the US and the United
Kingdom. Furthermore the company
has planned to open up its own pro-
duction centre in the US, close to Los
VSMPO is expanding its presence on the world market. Angeles.” Due to careful design and proper maintenance, VSMPO’S equipment belongs to the best of the world.

18 Stainless Steel World July/August 2001 Stainless Steel World July/August 2001 19

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