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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. identify author’s purpose.
b. appreciate the relevance of the selection to the historical context during which it was
produced and to the reader.
c. explain the following literary theories: Naturalism, Realism, and Social Darwinism.
d. present social issues through differentiated activities.
II. Subject Matter
a. Literary Text: To Build a Fire
b. Literary Focus: Naturalism, Realism, and Social Darwinism
c. Elements of a Story


Learner’s Material: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

Pages: 334-343

Teacher’s Guide: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, pp.282-292

Other References:

Instructional Materials: pictures, video clips, power point presentation, board, cartolina
markers, manila paper

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Routine activities
 Prayer and Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

Everybody stand and let us pray. Can

somebody please lead the prayer? Ma’am I will lead the prayer.

Yes Catheryn lead the prayer. In the name of the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit….

(The students will do the sign of

the cross.)
‘‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name, your
kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
today our daily bread. And forgive
us our debts, as we also have
forgiven our debtors. And lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us
from the evil one.”

Before you take your seats kindly arrange your

chairs, make sure that your area is free from
any trash. (Students will arrange their chairs
and clean their place.)
 Checking of Attendance
(The teacher will look who is not around
today.) Ma’am, no one is absent today.

Very good no one is absent today!

b. Review of the previous lesson
Yesterday we had a very productive they. I am
happy that you were able to present through a
graphic organizer the things you can do to
make a change, heal the world and make it
Before we begin our new lesson, can you state
what you had written in your graphic organizer
on how you can heal the world and make it
better? Ma’am!

Yes, Trishia.
I will not throw the recyclable
materials; instead I will make
something new out of them.

Excellent answer!
How about you Lylibeth?
Ma’am I will conserve water.

Very well said!

It really shows that you want to take your part
in saving our Mother Earth.
c. Motivation
Class, I want you to pay attention and read the
quotation that I will flash. Then, give your
insights about it.
“If I were to name the three most precious
resources of life, I should say books, friends,
and nature; and the greatest of these, at least
the most constant and always at hand, is
nature.”- John Burroughs (American Naturalist, (The student will read the
1837-1921) quotation.)
Kindly read it aloud Veronica. “If I were to name the three most
precious resources of life, I should
say books, friends, and nature;
and the greatest of these, at least
the most constant and always at
hand, is nature.”- John Burroughs
(American Naturalist, 1837-1921)

Thank you Veronica. The students will show eagerness

Now, can someone explain as to how you in giving their insights about the
understand the quotation? quotation)
Ma’am, for me it tells that nature
is the most important possession
we have because we can always
rely on it, nature is easily
Great answer Cristina!
Books, friends and nature are the most
precious resources of life. We can obtain many
things from these but among these three
according to Einstein the greatest is nature, we
will leave this world but nature will still be
(The teacher will give insights about nature.)
How does nature affect you? Ma’am, nature affects my
everyday life; it can affect my
mood and my health.

Nice answer!
In connection with the word--health you
mentioned, recently, it has been a trend to go
organic---meaning, everything should come
from nature, especially wellness and medicinal
I have here photos of some common herbal
products, look up their benefits and answer the
following questions:
 Which of the herbal product’s
ingredients come from nature?
 What benefits do we get from
these products?
 What could you say about what
nature could give you?
 In what other ways could
nature help you?
(The students will look at the
pictures paying their attention to
the ingredients of each herbal

Are you aware of some of the innovations

when it comes to harnessing the power of
nature? Yes ma’am!

Can you give example?

Steam drillers and water turbine

I have here videos on how these innovations
work in harnessing the power of nature.
Let us watch the video and find out how these
innovations work.
Are you ready?
Yes ma’am, we are ready.

Now we have already our ideas how the steam

drillers and water turbine work.
Class, look at these pictures, can you name
them? Yes ma’am!

Okay, kindly name them Irish.

Wind energy, geothermal energy,
hydro energy, and solar energy.
Very good Irish.
What are the benefits we can get from them?
Can you cite some benefits?
Yes ma’am!
We can conserve the use of
electricity by means of these
sources of energy.
(Students will give their answers)
After knowing the benefits of these sources of
energy, what do you think will happen if some
of these energy sources were not available?
What would you do and how would you deal
with the problem?
(Students will give their answers.)
It’s really important that we give our care to
nature because it is our gift from God and
without nature we will not survive.
For you to be more aware about the importance
of taking care our environment, we will watch a
video entitled “Man ---- Evolution and
Pollution” After viewing it, give your reaction
about the content of the video.
What can you say about the video presented?

Ma’am, it is about how

Bravo! industrialization affects our
The video revealed to us how gradually
modernization can really bring destruction in
our surroundings, in nature. It implied also that
in the future if we will not act to preserve
nature, the new generation will suffer.
The teacher will flash the insight from the video
viewed. “Humans are solely responsible for the
destruction of the Earth and there is nothing we
can do to solve the problem. The damage to
nature that mankind has brought is
Do you believe that the damage to nature that
mankind has brought is irreversible?
What things you can do to prevent the
destruction brought by the activities of man?

Brilliant answers class! No mam, we can still make it

reversible if only man will begin to
What generalization you can give about what
you gained from the discussion about man’s We can reduce, reuse, and
participation in what’s happening at present recycle.
with Mother Earth? Yes ma’am, we’re ready!

At this moment class we are equipped with

much information about the importance of
nature in man’s life and the things man can do
to preserve nature for the future generation.
Now class I want you to look at the photo I will (The students will share their
show, describe the picture and enumerate the ideas.)
things you can see in the picture.

(The class will look at the picture)

Will you tell something about the photo


Very good observation Abelita!

What else can you see in the picture?
Ma’am in the photo, we can see a
man who is in a dark place and he
Magnificent answer Janet! made a fire out of the pieces of
What else? woods from the ladder.

Correct Angelita!
The picture has something to do in our lessons Ma’am, on the other side we can
about Naturalism and Realism. see the outer world and in order
It shows that the man has struggle brought by to be there the man needs to use
being in a dark place where in fact he can the ladder.
survive his struggle by simply climbing the
ladder for him to be in outer world which is
more lighted. Ma’am, the man can no longer go
For you to understand deeply Naturalism and to the other side because he used
Realism, let me first give you a background the pieces of woods from the
about the author of our literary text who is ladder to build fire.
known in using these literary theories.

d. Presentation
Unlocking of Difficulties
For this activity, earlier you have pick
different colors. Your color corresponds
to your group. In order to meet your
group mates, you must use different
body language to communicate with
them. The first group who can complete
their groups will receive a price.
The teacher will demonstrate different The students show their different
movements. moves.
All right, in 5 counts. You may go to your

To check your vocabulary skills, here is

your task. This game is what you call
“Scavenger’s Hunt”. You need to find
words outside the classroom in 5
minutes. There are 7 words to look for
but one word is allotted for each Yes Ma’am.
student. As you find the word, present it
to me right away.
Are you ready?

Processing the activity.

Now, just choose among the words

you’ve found that correspond to the
meaning and picture. Then, after that
you’re going to construct your own


Reminder, there are only five words

which are included in this activity.








Good job!
Now, let me present to you the writer of our
story, Jack London.

Who would like to read his brief account?

At this moment, allow me to introduce to you

the author of the literary text that we will be
discussing later. Are you ready to listen?

Everyone say hi to Jack London. ( show

author’s picture)

Let us not have a deeper and closer look to

the life of the author. Jack London was born in San
Francisco in 1876.
Would you like to read the first paragraph? During his early life, his family
Yes Abelita. struggled and they were very poor.
They continually moved to find a
way to make ends meet. He
started working by selling
newspaper when he was only 10
years old to help supplement the
family’s income. He did anything
and everything he could to get
paid. Some jobs were adventurous
in places like Alaska. He could not
forget the suffering of his early life.
His family struggles and poverty
stimulated his interest in
knowledge and hunger for success.

Yes ma’am. I remember applying

Thank you. for a job last summer. I did that so
i will be able to save money and
Class, who among of you already experienced provide for my schooling.
working just to help the family in meeting daily
needs? Can you share it with the class?
Yes ma’am, but because did not
want to stop, I endured the
hardship and now i am already in
grade 10 and hopefully be a
Was it hard? completer at the end of the school

I really admire your perseverance!

What about the others? Jack London’s first success at

writing came at the age of 24 and
by the age of 29, he was already
Going back to our author, let us see what internationally famous for The Call
happened to him after all the hardship he has of the Wind and The Sea Wolf,
among other journalistic
faced in his early life. Let us continue reading accomplishments. He became the
the next paragraph. highest paid, most popular
novelist and short-story writer of
his time. He wrote passionately
about life and death. He waived his
firsthand experiences at sea, in
Alaska, and coal mining into his
writings. His writing became
appealing to people for they seem
to be very natural and real.

Well, the author is driven. He had

a goal. He knew what he wanted.
He didn’t let life’s challenges
Ok, thank you, now, based form what you have hinder him from getting what he
just read, what can be perceived in the life of wanted; knowledge and success.
the author? What do you think is his secret for

Exactly! That only means that everything is

possible only if you believe.

Now let us explore the different literary

theories which had a great influence to our

Like what I mentioned earlier, one of the

reasons why people loved his work then was
because he made his writing real and natural
and the readers was really able to related on Naturalism.

Let us have the first one. Will you read? Yes

Naturalism was a literary
movement from the 19th century
that used detailed realism to
What about naturalism? suggest that social conditions,
heredity and environment and
these ultimately shaped human

It is determination over free will.

It talks about survival.
It talks about the indifference of
Okay! Very good. Another? the environment.
In literature, the author often
uses man vs. Nature type of
Precisely! Because he wanted to share his
real life experience to the readers
Now, what do you think is the reason why Jack for it was discussed that he had
London used naturalism in most of his works? very challenging experience in his
earlier life.

Correct! That is actually one of the reasons why

he writes in the first place.

Since his works seem very natural and real, the

other literary theory that inspired him was

Let us now talk about this theory as far as Realism is an art movement in in
literature is concerned. 19th century. It portrays what
truly is. It also believe that reality
lies outside the human mind.

Realism focuses on the things that

can be observed as well as things
that exist independently of what
the human mind believes to be

Realism gave way to merchants,

farmers, laborers, bakers and
ordinary people as protagonists.

It often depicts the struggles of

this ordinary people.

That’s true. Later on we will find out in our text

if the author was really influenced by this
theory by examining the characters he used in
literary text that we are about to study. But
before that let us first go to the last one.
Social Darwinism is a literary
theory believing that one ethnic
Let us have Social Darwinism. Somebody please group or race is superior to
read. others.

Essentially, this theory prescribes

natural selection. It selects certain
ethnic group or human race with
strong traits to dominate weaker
ones. Basically, it is the survival of
the fittest.

Well done!

Social Darwinism was used by London to let the

reader be aware that these things really exist in
the society. Writing with this kind of theme was
his way of favoring the weak group who has
been victimized by the selected dominate None ma’am.
Do you have any questions so far?


Another lesson that I would like to touch

before going to literary text, which is actually
one of the skills that we need to develop in
order to really understand and deeply
appreciate any literature is identifying authors’ Yes ma’am!

Because like what you have made

mention ma’am, identifying
Is it really important to identify the authors’ author’s purpose in writing will
purpose in writing a particular text? make us understand and
appreciate the text deeper and
Why? better.

Now, I am convinced that you are really into

our discussion. Persuade, Inform, And Entertain.

Let us now proceed. When we say author’s

purpose, we are probably reminded about the
acronym PIE.

Do does PIE mean again?

Well done! You really have a good recall.

So, the very first thing that a writer should do

before writing is to have a single purpose in
Start with why
Today, I will be giving some tips on how to
figure out the author’s purpose.

Will you read number one. Yes Erica. Ma’am, why is a core question
that we should ask in order to
Would you like to explain the first strategy? identify the author’s purpose. If
we are able to at least answer our
whys when reading, there is a big
possibility that we will able to get
the very purpose of the author in
writing such selection.

Great job! As readers, we should always bear in

mind that the author wrote for a reason, so it is
our task to discover or identify that reason.
Talk about the structure.
Let us now proceed to the second strategy. Yes
Emily. No idea ma’am.

Correct! What about the structure? Any wild

So it means ma’am that in writing,
we should follow a particular
structure, order or arrangement
Ok, let me put it this way, authors use different so that the readers can easily
structures such as sequence, problem and follow and make sure that the
solution, compare and contrast. It really purpose of the writing is served.
depends on what the author would like to

Yes! I knew you can do it! That is exactly what I

am referring to. Readers should always be
aware of the structure or how the ideas were
arranged by the author so they can easily
understand a particular reading text. Ma’am based on my experience,
whenever I read especially when
The third one is get to the heart. Who wants to the text is interesting, I get to feel
explain? every single word the author

There are also times when these

feelings stay in my heart and in
Well, that is what you called reading with the my mind for a couple of days.
heart. For an author to be very effective, he I really get affected.
should also learn to write with the heart.

Reading Activity
You may now read silently the story “To Build a
Fire”. I’ll just give you 8 minutes in reading the
story. And after, you will be watching the short
film of “To Build a Fire” and be ready with
some task to accomplish.
Guide Questions: 1. The man: This is the main
character. He is traveling alone
1. How would you describe the man in with his dog to meet up with his
the story? friends who are at camp. He thinks
he is smarter and tougher than
nature but he finds out the hard
way he isn't.

2. The experience is extremely

dangerous because of the whether
2. How experienced and well prepared for condition. He was able to build a
this journey is the man? fire but this was not good enough
to save him from death. His
preparedness was shown by
having with him foods to eat and
matches to build fire.
Having a guide or a map is a useful
tool when plan to travel, but this is
3. Do you think a guide or a map would not enough to make you safe and
be handy to have? survive. Family or friends with you
is much important to have a safe

The order of the survival needs

may be in this way; fire, food,
water and shelter. The most
4. Being alone in the wilderness raises lots
important need in the travel of the
of concerns. In what order would you
unnamed man is the fire. The fire
look to satisfy your survival needs?
will make him survive because this
Food, water, fire, shelter. Which is the
will make him feel warm.
most urgent? Why?

1. The traveler did not listen to the

old man who warned him that it
5. List at least three things the traveler
will be dangerous to travel alone.
does wrong.
2. The man did not build a good fire
by the time he was near to his
death. 3. The man thought to kill
the dog for his own sake.

Post Reading Activity


Divide the class into Teams A and B. Team

A sits in a group on one side of the classroom,
Team B sits on the other side. One member
from each team goes to the board. The teacher
flashes them a word, phrase, or expression
written on a piece of paper. The students have
one minute to get their respective team to say
the item only by drawing pictorial clues on the
board. Written words, verbal clues, or gestures
are forbidden. The first team to say the word
scores a point.
Correctly guessed words will be posted on
the board. Students will be asked to define the

1. Character A character is a person, or

sometimes even an animal, who
takes part in the action of a short
story or other literary work.

2. Conflict The struggle between two

opposing forces

3. Theme The central idea of the story

4. Setting The place, time and mood of the

5. Plot The series of events in the story
b. Discussion of the different elements of a
short story and Plot structure using a power Climax
point presentation
So, let’s find out if you really understand the
content of the story. But before that let me first
explain the elements of a short story. In your
groups, Red team will construct any graphic
organizer on setting and character, Blue team
will work on the conflict of the story by
Exposition Denouement
choosing an OPM/foreign song that would
perform in front of the class, the Yellow will
present the plot by demonstrating the
mannequin challenge while the Green team will
make a slogan that talks about the theme of
the story.
You have 10 minutes to prepare your
Presentation of each groups…

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