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Hacking is the act of crashing one's system in the computer done by hackers.

Nowadays due to the

increasing literacy in the computer system in the society, mostly of young teens, the security and
protection of any data either public or private stored in computers are highly at risk also.

After I watched the movie called " Hacker" I was so shocked when I learned that most people are active
in this kind of activity in the computers at a very young age commonly, 11 years old and up. In 1988 a kid
named Dade " Zero Cool" Murphy at the age of 11 was arrested by crashing one thousand five hundred
seven system in one day, it was so strange for me because imagine at a very young age he already
caused a single-day 7 drop in the New York exchange. and speaking of exchange, it really did a very big
effect. Well it is not a big question to ask for because knowing that Dade Murphy, he has been
fascinated with computer all his life, so due to his early exposure to systems, he was able to break into
the computer network of several investment and banking firms to take note. Well, after being convicted
on the crime of hacking one's system, he was forbidden to used a computer until his eighteenth
birthday, which I think him to more eagerness on using one, but now that he is of age his dividing back
into his personal computer which is obviously his first love as they say.

Knowing his passion on computers, his eagerness blossomed when he meet his fellow hackers as they
say flocks with the same feathers flock together, so I am pretty sure that they go in a lot well. later on,
Dade together with his palls area not out to destroy system or do cyber crime for profit, instead, they
simple want to know more about the systems they encounter. This kind of of act will not be made
possible with out the passion to learn, the effort to carry out the learning and later on the expertise.

Aside the hackers, this activity has the white hacker they consider the god guys. These hacker believe
that users need education and protection from data loss so that they can also secure their own systems.
They act as an intermediary between user and the hacker, they inform the user when their system is
being breached by hackers. This so called hacking is not totally bad, but instead this gives awareness to
the computer using public and give them the course of action to prevent this kind of cyber activity.

Indeed, hacking has its advantages to the society these can be used to recover lost information where
the computer has been lost and teaches us that no technology is one hundred percent sure that is why
we need to be responsible for ourselves. Also, its disadvantages which can be an eventual source of
profit and can harm someone's privacy with just a few clicks on the button.
We are now existing in the 21st century. The generation at this time, is now living in the world of
technologies. Every now and then, new emerging telecommunication devices are being presented to the
public especially on the evolution of computers. Generally, computers involves computer programs. This
programs are created by one of the computer personnel -- the computer programmers. On the other
hand, HACKER is also a programmer. Study reveals that it is a term that has been used to mean a variety
of different things in computing. the movie "HACKERS" simply elaborates what the word or term
"HACKER" really means.

What is this movie wants to explain with? What is the relevance of this movie to what is happening in
our community now? Why do certain people involves in hacking? Classify what type of hackers are the
main characters of the movie will be. Site some sample of advantages and disadvantages of hacking and
being a hacker.

HACKERS -- Typically, this movie pictures out what is in the world of computers. It provides
the information on how people deal with computers. Basically, this movie is closely-related to what is
really and recently happening to the world when it comes to computer especially in the internet
wherein we can gain infinite supply of information. A certain person or hacker may involves of hacking
because of some particular reasons. It could either be personal purposes/interests or else for public
notifications. If we talk about personal interests, usually the hacker hacks a system for his/her own
intention like: creating revenge to the system's owner because of a feud between them or destroying
data so that it will be inaccessible or unusable to the general public. This will be categorized as "Black
Hat Hackers". According to the research, this type of hacker violates computer security system for less
reason just for personal benefit. One example of this hacker is "The Plague" -- the Computer Security
Officer in the Ellingson Mineral Company who created the Da Vinci virus.

On the other hand, a hacker who hacks data for public notification are called as "White Hat Hackers".
Research shows that this type of hacker breaks security for non-malicious reasons, for instance testing
their own security system. They also hack information on the internet for public concerns. Usually they
test and assess system's vulnerabilities. White Hat Hackers are considered as good hackers. In the
movie, Dade, Kate, and their hacker friends are the examples of White Hat Hackers since they hacked
the Ellinson Minral Company system to cease Plague in spreading the Da Vinci virus.

Presently, the prevailing usage of the term "HACKER" likely refers to computer criminals since the mass
(public) misunderstood the meanings existed about the term. the disadvantage of being a hacker is that
he/she steals or trespasses the privacy of a company's system and destroys it. He/she might be
imprisoned. In contrast, a hacker may help people by giving and spreading concepts through internet
about the trending issues of today.

Finally, the usage of this term exists in several meanings. That is why, the public should be sensible of
People today are more exposed in new technology such as computer. As we noticed how this computer
influenced in human kind even a young one to broaden their learning and being knowledgeable. See
what the importance and help of computer in the life of new generation to make things easier?
Generally, it contributes a great improvement in the lives of every individual. It shows a very amazing
and interesting discovery of new world of computer. Now, it’s been a part of people living with

After watching the movie “Hackers” I reflect that computer is powerful that it has not impossible to
control everything by the discovery of analytical thinking and being curiosity. People can make viruses in
good and bad ways. “Hackers”, people who have great deals of technical knowledge in any area.

A young boy is arrested by the US Secret Service for writing a computer virus and is banned from using a
computer until his 18th birthday. Years later, he and his new-found friends discover a plot to unleash a
dangerous computer virus, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence while being
pursued by the Secret Service and the evil computer genius behind the virus.

As the title of the movie says, it is about hackers. But it’s not “bad” hackers; it’s about a few young kids
that use their computer knowledge to survive, a way of their lifestyle. All is well until they get framed
and blamed. Then they get back at the people who framed them. This is not your average movie about
people who’s framed and then they plan revenge. No this is a different movie, a different feeling all
along through the movie. It’s kind of hard to explain…… This is one of the best movies. All through the
movie there’s this cool feeling, a feeling of happiness and great pleasure. You feel like you want to be a
part of the movie, a part of the colorful characters. At the end, the good intention will won in the battle
of hacking. These shows that even how strong the bad but with the unity of good people surely we can
commit a better result. This relate so much in the computer course students.
People today are more exposed in new technology such as computer. As we noticed how this
computer influenced in human kind even a young one to broaden their learning and being
knowledgeable. See what the importance and help of computer in the life of new generation to
make things easier? Generally, it contributes a great improvement in the lives of every
individual. It shows a very amazing and interesting discovery of new world of computer. Now,
it’s been a part of people living with computer.
After watching the movie “Hackers” I reflect that computer is powerful that it has not impossible
to control everything by the discovery of analytical thinking and being curiosity. People can
make viruses in good and bad ways. “Hackers”, people who have great deals of technical
knowledge in any area.
HACKERS Typically, this movie pictures out what is in the world of computers. It provides
the information on how people deal with computers. Basically, this movie is closely-related to
what is really and recently happening to the world when it comes to computer especially in the
internet wherein we can gain infinite supply of information. A certain person or hacker may
involves of hacking because of some particular reasons. It could either be personal
purposes/interests or else for public notifications. If we talk about personal interests, usually the
hacker hacks a system for his/her own intention like: creating revenge to the system's owner
because of a feud between them or destroying data so that it will be inaccessible or unusable to
the general public.
After I watched the movie called " Hacker" I was so shocked when I learned that most people
are active in this kind of activity in the computers at a very young age commonly, 11 years old
and up. In 1988 a kid named Dade " Zero Cool" Murphy at the age of 11 was arrested by
crashing one thousand five hundred seven system in one day, it was so strange for me because
imagine at a very young age he already caused a single-day 7 drop in the New York exchange.
and speaking of exchange, it really did a very big effect.
As the title of the movie says, it is about hackers. But it’s not “bad” hackers; it’s about a few
young kids that use their computer knowledge to survive, a way of their lifestyle. All is well until
they get framed and blamed. Then they get back at the people who framed them. This is not
your average movie about people who’s framed and then they plan revenge. No this is a
different movie, a different feeling all along through the movie. It’s kind of hard to explain.This is
one of the best movies. All through the movie there’s this cool feeling, a feeling of happiness
and great pleasure. You feel like you want to be a part of the movie, a part of the colorful
characters. At the end, the good intention will won in the battle of hacking. These shows that
even how strong the bad but with the unity of good people surely we can commit a better result.
This relate so much in the computer course students.
Hacking has its advantages to the society these can be used to recover lost information where
the computer has been lost and teaches us that no technology is one hundred percent sure that
is why we need to be responsible for ourselves. Also, its disadvantages which can be an
eventual source of profit and can harm someone's privacy with just a few clicks on the button.

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