Ethnobotanical Awareness

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Chapter I: Introduction

This chapter is comprised of paragraphs which outlines the research questions and its

significance within the topic being discussed. It also deals with the background of the study,

conceptual framework, hypothesis and scope and delimitations.

Background of the Study

The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and

social well-being, and does not consist of only the absence of disease and infirmity. Health is the

extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs and cope with

environment and social well-being. (Calinao, Shyzell A.; Tizon, Haziel D.) (2011)

Promoting the health of the individual reflects the health of a whole community and their

knowledge about ethno-botanical awareness. Commercially manufactured medicines are

expensive nowadays and is not accessible by many because of their socio-economic status, because

of that mere fact that communities largely depend on herbal plants for medicines. Traditional

knowledge of medicinal plants is important for conservation of culture and practices the primitive

ways of curing diseases. Hence, the researchers will conduct their study in order to know the

percentage of residents who still use herbal practices and medicines within the range of 10

barangays inside the vicinity of Calapan City to assess the ethno-botanical awareness and the

medicinal practices within the location. The said research will serve as a catalyst of knowledge

for the locality and the region about the usage of traditional medicinal practices and ethnobotanical

awareness. This will generate a new knowledge about the residences that still use botanical

medicines because of its efficiency, effectiveness and abundance compared to commercially

produced medicines. This will fill the gaps on existing knowledge on the society about medicinal

practices of some known residences compared to those who live at urban places.

There are different varieties and wide range of choices among the herbal alternative

medicines that are present in the Philippines, locals have been utilizing several self-raised floras

that is used for medicinal purposes, one of the most commonly known plants are the Sambong

(Blumea balsamifera), Malunggay (Moringa oleifera), Tanglad (Andropogon citratus), Sili

(Capsicum annum) and Tsaang gubat (Carmona retusa). (Herbanext Laboratories Inc., 2019)

They represent a percentage of widely known and used herbal medicines that is present locally

however there are still other alternative ethno botanical medicines that can be utilized and

processed in order to be effective; parts like roots, stems, fruits and leaves are the most ideally

used to make an alternative medicine since it contains almost all of the essence and the most

usable compounds essential in aiding and curing diseases.

“Traditional healers are found in most societies. They are often part of a local community,

culture and tradition, and continue to have high social standing in many places, exerting

influence on local health practices; it is therefore worthwhile to explore the possibilities of

engaging them in primary health care” (J Ethnobiol Ethnomed, 2010) the use of plant species as

a traditional medicine or first aid provides real substitute in healthcare for both rural, urban and

ethnic societies. The present studies will be able to document the medicinal flora and traditional

knowledge of local communities on indigenous plants used for medicinal purposes and widely

used locally, however the use of herbal medicines that is popularized in rural areas are utilized

for production and are regulated by the Department of Health aligned with government policy is

that herbal medicines will be used nationwide within a primary health care context according to

the Republic Act no. 8423 December 1997, article I section 2. (Comidoy, 2014)
This study develops the concept of ethnobotanical awareness of residences at Calapan City,

Oriental Mindoro. First, it provides an opportunity to discover newly practices held by residencies,

to understand its similarities and differences towards with pharmaceutical medicines. Though this

study focuses to raise awareness among the locals and educate them about underrated alternative

herbal medicines, elaborating this concept also provides a framework for investigating

communities undergoing different medicinal practices. Secondly, by examining different contexts

from institutions or other organizations who acquired information that contributes to this study.

Lastly, this study’s encompasses potential harmful and beneficial qualities on using botanical

plants in medicinal practices in terms of its exposure to harsh environment, abundance, effectivity

methodological convenience and its cure scope.

Conceptual Framework

These are the independent and dependent variables that is associated in obtaining the

output of the study:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Level of Usage of Medicinal

Ethnobotanical Practices:
a) Efficiency
a) Raw Awareness b) Effectiveness
b) Deep awareness c) Abundance


Infographics/brochures about ethnobotanical plants found

locally that can be an alternative for medicines

Figure 1

Figure 1 outlines a survey research that investigates on the influence of ethnobotanical

awareness in the medicinal practices of the society. The survey was used to determine general

knowledge of the residents.

Research Questions

This study aims to determine the ethnobotanical awareness and medicinal practices of

residents in barangays of Calapan City. It specifically aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of ethnobotanical awareness among residents in barangays of Calapan


2. What are the medicinal practices that greatly affect and is widely used by the residents

in Calapan City in terms of:

a) Efficiency
b) Effectiveness
c) Abundance

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of ethnobotanical awareness and

traditional medicinal practices among the residents?

4. What output can be proposed?

Statement of the Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the level of ethnobotanical awareness and the

usage of traditional medicinal practices among the residents.

Significance of the Study

1. The researchers became particularly interested to conduct this study because the general

knowledge about the residents’ level of ethnobotanical awareness and medicinal practices
is important in order to know the efficiency of herbal medicines used in the past up to the


2. The findings of the study will redound to the benefit of society considering that

pharmaceutical drugs are expensive and not easily obtainable in some communities.

3. The development of this study will contribute to the field of medicine and ethnobotany

which promotes the medical utilization of herbal floras.

4. Residents who have low socio-economic status will mostly benefit to this study because

instead of relying on commercially manufactured drugs, herbal plants can be used as an


5. Moreover, it can be a reference for future researchers who will conduct similar studies.

Scope and Delimitations

1. This study will be delimited to residents of ten (10) barangays in Calapan City.

2. It only aims to focus on the effective traditional medicinal practices and beneficial

herbal floras and compare their effects from pharmaceutical drugs.

3. The weakness of the study is that there are numerous side effects of herbal floras if

exposed to harsh environmental influences such as harmful fertilizers or insecticides.

4. The results will contribute to the solution of the problem which is mainly to raise

awareness among locals and educate them about underrated alternative herbal


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