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a 2O1S 2013 Mk4 DISAMATIC Molding System Instructions for Use The Protection System & Daily Test See Pages 12, 13, and 14 Contents: ‘Contro! Panels 3 DMM Control Cabinet 4 Electrical Control Panel 5 Pneumatic/Hydraulic Control Panel 8 Sliding Door Control Panels 9 AMC/SBC Control Panel 9 CSE Control Pane! 10 SSU Control Box (reversing motor starter) W ‘The Protection System 12 Daily Test 4 Operating Instructions Essential Settings Start Run Stop Changing Pattern Plates Automatic Core Setting (using CSE) Start Run Stop Changing Core Masks Running-in Facilities Manual Core Setting Operating Trouble and Operation Stans Operating Trouble Warning Pattern Height and Chamber Depth 15 15 16 "7 18 20 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 7 31 Core Masks, Cores, Pattern Plates and Stroke Setting 32 DISAMATIC® is a registered trademark of DISA, Dansk Industri Synikat AS. Copyright © DISA, Dansk Industri Syndikat A/S, 1982. This document is DISA’s property and without DISA’s writ ten consent it is not to be reproduced in whole or in part or used for manufacture by anyone other than DISA. DISAMATIC Terminology 2013 Mk4 DISAMATIC Molding Machine 2013 Mk4 Automatic Mold Conveyor 2013 Mka Synchronized Belt Conveyor 2013 Mk4 Core Setter 2013 Mk4 Sand Supply Unit 2013 Mka Cyclone Abbrev. DMM AMC sBc csE ssu cyc We reserve the right to make, without notice, any changes in our published data as we may deem necessary or desirable. Control! Panels The 2013 Mk4 DISAMATIC Molding System (DMS) is operated from a total of 8 different control panels. These are so placed that operation is as simple and easy as possi- ble, Thus, the aperator always has the necessary controls, at hand. The location of the individual panels (indicated with num. bers) is shown on the drawing below. The figure shows a molding system operated from the lof ‘case of right-hand side operation, the pos shown is reversed. omm AMC/SBC operated csE ssu 1 h the controls from panels (1) to (5) h the controls from panel (6) operated with the controls from panel (7) operated with the controls from panel (8) operated 2013 Mkg DISAMATIC Molding System (DMS). Location of control panels. cna Fig. 2. The DMM Control Cabinet. (1) DMM CONTROL CABINET NOTE. ‘The components (except those in brackets) have the same designation as on the diagrams and in the Service Manual. swi Main switch. in position “0” all electric power is cut off from the entire molding system (except the SSU and the CSE vacuum unit). The control cabinet can only be opened with the main switch in position "0", which is either done when the ma- chine is to be serviced, or when setting the subsequent 3 components. Position ‘"1"": Normal position, used even if the system is, inoperative. ‘The control cabinet can be locked with a key via its handle. T™3 Variable timer for delaying sand valve closure after stop of, SU. Recommended setting: 0.4 sec. ‘The DMM Control Cabinet. Location of the controls de- scribed below. T™5 Variable timer for sand shot duration. Recommended setting: 0.9 sec. cH2 Total sand shot counter (without resetting facility). cH3 Presettable counter for the pattern-plate spray system. Determines whether spraying of pattern plates is to take place for every, every second, every third etc. operating cycle, depending on what is required for the pattern in ques- tion. For instance, when set to 02, the spray operation will be performed every second cycle. Fig. Panels (2) and (3) -9 shown on the pul (2) ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL LPr Oil level indicator lamp lights when main tank oil level is too low. Machine cannot run when lamp is on. LPs Bottom-plate-vacuum indicator lamp lights when vacuum is inadequate. Machine cannot run when lamp is on. LPi9 ‘Soft-mold" indicator lamp lights if squeeze piston travels 100 far in operation 2 without accamplishing selectedsqueeze pressure (usually due to poor molding chamber filling) Machine cannot run when lamp is on, Lp7 Controlair-pressure indicator lamp fights when control-air pressure is too low. Machine cannot run when lamp is on. La Shakeout indicator lamp lights when shakeout system is not in operation. Machine can run without sand when lamp is on but stops in operation 4 if machine is running with sand, Lpig. Sand-shortage indicator lamp lights if sand feeding opera: tion has not been completed at a time determined by the machine cycle. Pressing the lamp causes a signal for renewed sand supply to be given. Machine cannot run when lamp is PN/HY Control! Pane! (3), Electrical Contro! Panel (2) and Sliding Door Contro! Panel (5) on a right-hand side operated DMM, ut shoot at the back of this manual. p24 Core-set indicator lamp lights when machine is stopped for core setting P23 Pouring indicator lamp lights during automatic pouring when machine has stopped because pouring has not been completed at a time determined by the machine cycie. When pouring is reported completed, machine wii! continue automatically. LP13. Pressure-relief-valve indicator lamp lights when lamp is pressed, if this valve is open, P25 Air-receiver-pressure indicator lamp lights when machine has stopped because preset shot pressure has not been ac- complished at a time determined by the machine cycle. If pressure subsequently reaches correct value, machine will continue automatically. Lp26 Oil temperature indicator lamp. Lights when main tank oil temperature is too high, ie. exceeds 55°C. The machine does not stop, but the oil shoud be cooled immediately. LPo Emergency and safety stop indicator lamp lights when the molding system's protection system has been activated. The ‘molding system cannot operate when lamp is on. When cause of stop is remedied and the control lever is in neutral, this lamp has to be depressed (lamp goes off) in order to restart the system. Lp12 “Booster start” pushbutton is employed during service work (not during normal operation) for increasing pump pressure if squeeze or counter-pressure plate has stopped before com- pletion of an operation, Lp27 Lighted pushbutton for adjusting point of close-up between mold and mold string; lights when chamber depth has been changed, indicating that adjustment must be made, LP10 Indicator lamp; ights when control handle is at neutral. p20 Indicator lamp; lights when machine is in operation 1:Sand- shot. p21 Indicator lamp; lights when machine is in operation 2: Squeeze. LP16 Indicator lamp; lights when machine is in operation 3: Mold- ing chamber opens. Also pushbutton; cuts in operation 3 during service work. .§ The Electrical Control Panel shown on the pull-out sheet atthe back of this manual. p17 Indicator lamp; lights when machine is in operation 4: For- ward mold travel. Also pushbutton, cuts in operation 4 du- ring service work. Lp15s Indicator lamp; lights when machine is in operation 5: Squeeze plate returning to chamber. Also pushbutton; cuts in operation 5 during service work. Lp14 Indicator lamp; lights when machine is in operation 6: Mold: ing chamber closes. Also pushbutton; cuts in operation 6 during service work. LPtt Pushbutton for checking parallelism between squeeze plate and counter-pressure plate. For use during service work. p22 Pumpstest pushbutton, For checking main-pump function during service work. p28 Lamp-test pushbutton; turns on all lamps on the electrical control panel and on AMC/SBC control panel. For checking if all lamps are intact. swe Main-motor switch. Starts and stops motor of machine. In- dicator lamp lights when motor is on, sw2 Oil-heat switch for cutting in oil-tank heater. Lamp indica- tor lights when heater is cut in by thermostat. PB3 Emergency stop button is pressed in emergencies; the en- tire system movements (excepting SSU) stop instantly. sw3 ‘Squeeze-plate heat switch. Cuts in squeeze-plate heater. In- dicator lamp lights when heater is cut in by thermostat. swa Counter-pressure plate heat switch. Cuts in counter-pressure plate heater. Indicator lamp lights when heater is cut in by thermostat. sw Key-operated switch. Cuts in control voltage of DMM, AMC. and CSE, swia Core set switch. Selects between (1) manual core setting. (0) no core setting, and (2) automatic core setting (via CSE). swis ‘Switch which selects between manual setting from (1) left, (0) left and right, and (2) right. ‘sw8 ‘Squeeze-plate vibrator switch. Cuts in vibrator on squeeze plate. ‘swo Counter-pressure plate vibrator switch. Cuts in vibrator on ‘counter-pressure plate. sw? Sand-shot switch, Selects between (0) idle — sand shot and squeeze omitted — (1) sand shot — squeeze and sand feed- ing omitted — and (2) normal operation. swi3 Switch for fine-adjustment of mold close-up point. Position 1:away from chamber. Position 2: closer to chamber. swi2 Switch for setting of chamber depth. Position 1: reducing the depth. Position 2: increasing the depth. swio Mold blow-off switch. Cuts in compressed nozzles. for blow-off swit Pattern spray switch. Cuts in pattern-plate spray system. For setting of spraying intervals, see CH3. (co) Chamber depth indicator. Shows depth of molding chamber between heating plates before squeeze operation. (ss) Strip selector. Determines acceleration of pattern plates While they are being separated from the produced mold Position 1: min. ace. Position 4: max. acc. cHt Resettable sand'shot counter. (cui Control! lever for selecting machine's production rate (+) and for “reversing” machine (—) Fig. 6 Performing an adjustment on the PN/HY Control Panel (3) PNEUMATIC/HYDRAULIC CONTROL PANEL, PN45, 46. Gauge and reduction valve for setting air-receiver pressure (shot pressure). Normal setting: 3.5 bar. N47, 48, \go and reduction valve for setting squeeze-pressuré con: trol pressure {operation 2) Normal setting: 2.0 bar, Naa, 60 Gauge and reduction valve for setting close-up and subse- quent maximum drive pressure control pressure (during transport phase) Normal setting: 1.0 bar. PNS1, 52 Gauge and reduction valve for setting maximum drive pres- sure contiol pressure required for moving machine in all op erations excepting shot, squeeze, close-up and subsequent {transport operations. Normal setting: 3.0 bar. Puss -O * Fig.7 The PN/HY Control Panel. Location of the controls de: scribed PNa3, 44 Gauge and reduction valve for setting mold retainer drive pressure. Normal setting: 1.0 bar. PN79 Gauge which reads pressure in receiver supply line, PNS3 Gauge which reads pressure in pneumatic control system supply tine. PNA Gauge which reads air-receiver pressure (shot pressure). HY35, 38b,a Gauge which reads pressure variations of main pump during operating sequence (to activate, press left button below it) and peak pressure in squeeze cylinder in operation 2 (to activate, press right button below it). P82 Paiot swior Lrro2 Fig.8 Sliding Door Control Panels. Location of controls de: scribed below, on laft/ight-hand side of the DMM, rospec- tively. (4) and (5) SLIDING DOOR CONTROL PANELS Pe1/2 Emergency stop buttons similar to PB3 on electrical control panel. eae Blue pushbuttons for opening the sliding doors on left: and, right-hand side of the machine, respectively. Pas/7 Black pushbuttons for closing the sliding doors. Fig.9 AMC/SBC Control Panel. Location of controls described below. (6) AMC/SBC CONTROL PANEL, Both the AMC and the SBC are operated from the same panel, located on the common control cabinet. swi02 Start/stop switch of AMC driving station motor. The motor is started by turning the switch towards 1 and stopped by ‘turning it towards 2. Indicator lamp lights when motor is swio1 Mode of operation selector switch. Selects between: 1: AMC and SBC are stopped. 2: Normal operation of AMC and SBC. The mold string is moved forwards synchronously with the molding machine's movement. 3: Discharge of AMC and SBC. (DMM can be stopped or idling) 4: Discharge of SBC alone. (DMM can be stopped or idling) pB101 Emergency stop button similar to the one on the electrical control panel (PB3) LP102 Indicator lamp. Lights when hydraulic liquid temperature exceeds 55°C. The AMC/SBC does not stop, but the HY: liquid of the driving station should be cooled immediately. Fig. 10 The agerator, ready ta insert coves in tha sor (7) CSE CONTROL PANEL .P209 Indicator lamp. Lights when automatic core setting is select- ed on DMIM's electrical control panel (via SW14). CSE can- ‘not run unless this lamp is on sw201 Mode of operation salector switch. Selects between: 1: Automatic cycle. 2: Stepwise cycle (used only for run-in of new patterns and for service work} Lp210 Indicator lamp. Lights when hydraulic pump motor of the CSE is ruaning, \p207 Emergency and safety stop indicator lamp. Lights when ‘molding system's protection system has been activated. CSE ‘cannot operate when lamp is on. To restart the system, see LPYon electrical control panel L208 Core-set indicator lamp. Lights whan molding chamber is closed, incicating that core setting can be performed (both manually and automatically). Also pushbutton; overrides synchronization betwoen DMM and CSE so the latter can be operated without cycling the DMM. Used only when running in patterns and during service work. Fig. 11. CSE Control Panel. Loeation of controls described below. p21 DMM stop button. Lights when depressed for stopping the ‘molding machine if cores fall onto the molding chamber bottom plate while running in new pattern plates. The ma chine is restarted by depressing the button again(light goes out). Lp212 Lamp-test pushbutton. When depressed, turns on all indica tor lamps on the control panel for checking if they are in- tact, Peo Blue pushbutton for forced opening of core insertion guard gate, If the core mask is in its starting position, the gate will ‘open irrespective of the normal raquence when this button is depressed. P8207 Start button (green). When depressed, the insertion guard gate will clase and the core setting cycle can be initiated. At stepwise eycle, this button has to be depressed for each step. e201 Emergency stop button similar to the one on electrical con- trol panel (P83). ana Vacuum gauge, Reads vacuum which retains cores in mask. 10 Fig. 12 Adjustable throttle valvaPN214, N24 Valve controlling air supply for core mask movement per- pendicular to the mold face. Used only during service work. (Placed just behind the guard gate on which the control pa- nel is mounted). n Fig. 13 SSU Control Box with location of controls described be: low. (8) SSU CONTROL BOX (Reversing Motor Starter) Under normal operation the SSU is controlled by the DMM control system. The control box (Reversing Motor Starter) is only used during service work, and when it is desired to empty the unit by reversing its conveyor belt. Pa280 ‘Stop pushbutton (with locking latch). When depressed the SU stops immediately and remains stopped as long as de- pressed, independently of DMM's control. e281 Start pushbutton, Starts and keeps the SSU running as tong as depressed, independently of the DMM's control. P8282 Pushbutton for reversing the conveyor belt's running direc: tion. Used to empty the SSU. When depressed the belt keeps running until button PB280 is activated. The Protection System General ‘The object of the protection system is to prevent that ope- rators unintentionally or intentionally get in touch with the moving parts of the molding system. This is done by means of fences and cover plates which can only be opened by ‘means of tools, and by guard gates monitored by limit switch- In order to obtain maximum benefit from the protection system, the following simple precautions must be observed Before and during daily operation the operator must check that all fences and cover plates are in place and securely locked. Before daily operation the operation must check that the emergency buttons work as intended and that no interference in the system has been made which can reduce its safe operation. What it comprises The simplified sketch of a 2013 Mké DISAMATIC Molding System (excepting SSU and CYC) shows the components which have direct and indirect significance for safety. These 1.1 Main switch. Cuts off electric power to DMM, AMC and CSE, Shut-off cocks with exhaust ports. When closed the air supply to DMM and CSE is cut off, and at the same time the corresponding pneumatic systems (excepting sand shot air receiver) are exhausted. 12 1.3. Shutoff cock with exhaust port similar to 1.2, but for AMC and SBC. 1.4 Locking pin to prevent the sand valve dome from clos- ing. Use always when inspecting the valve, sand hopper or other components in this area 55 32 42 53 vA 5293 1 4 44 21 31 / 12 21 Key-operated switch, Cuts off control voltage (110 5.3 Three quard gates for protection against the moving VAC) to DMM, AMC and CSE, whereby they cannot parts of DMM and CSE. Monitored by limit switches. saat 5:4 Gover plates closed with srew locks. 3.1. Emergency stop button on DMM electrical control panel. When activated, all system movements (except- 5.5 AMC-fencing closed with screw locks. ing $SU) stop instant. 5.6 S8C-fencing closed with screw locks 3.2. Emergency stop button on OSE control panel ~ simi: lartoat 5.7 Cover plate, provided with window, for protection against DM's moving parts, Closed with srew locks. 3.3 Emergency stop button on AMC/SBC control panel — similar to 3. 6.1 Locking tool. Secures the counter pressure plate ints horizontal postion during repair work. To be used as 24 Emergency stop button on sliding door control panel shown in Service Manual, Section A.1, Fig. 26, ifthe on right-hand sie ofthe DMM similar to 3.1 (IMM estopped with open molding chomber 3.5 Emergency stop button on sliding door control panei on lethand side of the DMM ~ simiar 103.1. 3.6 Stop button on SSU control box with locking latch. When activated the SSU stops immediately. 4.1. Pushbutton for “restart after emergency and safety stop”. At the same time incicator lamp for emeroen Gy and safety stop, and for stop caused by operating trouble 42 Indicator lama for emergency and safety stop, and for top caused by operating trouble 5.1 Pushbutton-operted sliding door, equipped with win dow for protection against DMM's roving parts Mo nitored by limit switches 5.2. Pushbutton-operated core setting guard gate for pro: tection against the core mesk ofthe CSE. Monitored by limit switches. paiy test > aa st 57 ee / / J / Mi | an) at [fae [ae 13 Daily Test of the Protection System WHAT IS TO BE TESTED? 1. All emergency stop buttons including external ones; 2. Sliding doors and guard gates. Items 5.1 and 5.3, e.g. for the pouring unit, shakeout, etc.). Items 3.1 to 35. HOW? 1. Emergency stop button Condition: The molding system is ready to start production (motors are running, doors and guard gates are closed and the control Laver is in neutral). Press an emergency button and check that the mold: ing system's protection system is activated, i.e. LPS and LP207 light up. b. Try to start the DMM, the AMG/SEG and the CSE. ‘None of these may move. ©. Reset the emergency stop button and pross LPA (this ‘causes the protection system to be resat). The above mentioned lamps extinguish. 1d. Repeat the same procedure for all the other emergen: ‘oy stop buttons. 14 2. Sliding Doors and Guard Gates Condition: Stop the DMM while it is idling when the mold: ing chamber is open. a Open the sliding door by pressing the blue button PBA (or PBG) and check that the molding system's protection system is activated (lamps LP9 and LP207 light). Close the sliding door by pressing the black button PBS (or PB7) and depress LP9. The above-mentioned lamps extinguish. For molding systems without CSE, repeat the same procedure with the other sliding door. For molding systems with CSE, repeat the same pro: cedure with the three guard gates (item 5.3) by epen- ing them manually. Operating Instructions Essential Settings Main switch on control cabinet must al ways be in "1" position, This switch should be turned off only when necessary in order to perform service on molding system. ‘Thermostat settinys for heaterson squeeze and counter-pressure piate should be ap. prox. 5°C above sand temperature, Nower set thermostats higher than 60°C. Reset during production as sand tempera ‘ture increases. one I Dow 1c0@) oo@ B t oa Oil heater switch should always be at’"1”. Do nat set this switch to “0” except for service purposes. Lamp bolow switch lights when thermostat has cut heating element in, When main motor isrunning.oil-heating element is automatically cut out. Max. drive pressure to move machine in all operations, except shot, squeeze, close- up and subsequent transport. This pressure is to be set once and for all when machine is first placed into opera- tion and should be checked only occasion: ally. Heater switches for patternsonsqueezeand counter-pressure plate should always be at "1" during operation. Heaters should be turned oflwhenmachine is to be stopped for some lerigth of time (such as overnight) and turned on some length of time before machine is to be started up from cold. Lamp below switch lights when thermo- stat has cut heating element in. 15 Starting Cold DMM for Idling Check that contra! lever is in neutral and that sand-shot switch is in “0 position. It is assumed that the machine was stopped at the beginning of operation 5, when squeeze plate had begun to travel back to the molding chamber. Also check that all sliding doors and guard gates are closed. > Check that pattern-plate heaters are on. Turn on electrical control system by set ting keyoperated switch to "1". It is assumed that main switeh on control cabinet is at "1" Start motor by turning switch toward 1 When released, switch will automatically return to "0". To turn off motor, turn switch towards "2" Switch emergency and safety stop lamp off by pressing it. Also check if one of the top-row lamps lights. If so, see under "Operating Trouble and Operation Stops”. Possible reasons why the emergency and safety stop lamp does not turn off are that one of the emergeney stop buttons is depressed or that one of the sliding doors and/or guard gates are open. Move control lever towards "+", first ap- prox. half-way. When machine is running smoothly, move lever all the way down to "4", Machine will now be idling. 16 > Run To Obtain, from Idling, Normal Operation with Sand With machine idling, stop it in operation 5 so that squeeze plate cuts off injection slot (to avoid sand from falling through the slot into the chamber under subse: quent filling of the hopper). Carefully move control lever towards "—". Machine will reverse ~ i.e. the squeeze plate runs out of the chamber, thus clearing the injection slot. If there is dry sand in hopper, it will fall down behind squeeze plate. (If too much sand has fallen through slot, remove it from container under chamber. With a spillage conveyor, this sand is removed automatically) 2 7 ] Check settings of the four reduction valves — When injection slots “bridged” with sand, oe oo | On PNIHY control panel. (See page 8. clean machine of loose sand, Then care- oe ioe fully move control lever towards". Ma 3° chine will now produce molds. oe @ poe s 3 Set sandshot switch to "2". This will ‘equse sand to bagin being fed to machine. ‘The sand being fed to the machine must of course be newly mixed and have correct, ‘moisture content and consistency. CHECK MOLDS PRODUCED If necessary, readjust squeeze pressure, sand-shot pressure, close-up pratsure, and mold retainer pressure. Adjust stripping acceleration, also direction of blow-off nozzles. Check if “sand leyel too low" lamp is on. If so, press lamp to release new sand feed interval, If the lamp lights it is either because the hopper is not completely full or because of a failure in the sand feeding system, so ‘that no sand is being fed to the machine. When the correct sand level is reached, ‘the sand-feeding operation stops. CO} > When DMM stops after having produced a certain number of molds (approx. 3-4 m of string length), the motor of the AMC. driving station should be started. (Subse- quent operation selector switch must be in pos. 1) Turn on mold blow-off, and pattern-plate spray system. Check setting of CH3 (see age 4). If required, turn on squeeze and counter- pressure plate vibrators. J a] | Set AMC/SBC mode of operation selector switch to pos. 2. DMM will resume mold production, and the molding system will be operating normally. v7 b Stop Pauses During Operation {In caies where the stoppage will be of short duration, the system is stopped simply by moving the contro! lever to neutral. If, on the other hand, the molding system is to be stopped for a longer periad of time, and in order to avoid adhesion between molds and AMC. and that the sand loses its moist- ure, it is recommended to follow the procedure described below for: Stopping System, Also Endof-the-Day Procedure ©. Repeat item B a couple of times un- til the hopper is empty andsetsand- shot switch to 0. Remove all !oose sand, When the hopper is empty, stop the ma- chine, Stopping after @ Day's Proctuctton When the machine is stopped tor a prolonged poriod of time, it is Important that newly prepared sand should be suppiied before the next startup. This can be ensured by stopping sand preparation and al- lowing the sand remaining on the conveyors andl in the sand silo to go through the molding machine in a normal way for mold production If, for some reason, this cannot be done, it will be possible to remove the remaining sand through tre SSU by revers- ing its sand conveyor (see SSU Control Box}. When the SSU is empty, the molding machine will stop au- tomnaticalty because of sand shortage. There will now still be sand lft in the sand hopper; this rust be removed to prevent starting with dry loose sand the next morning. This can be done in the following way: 1 A. Stop the system by setting the con- trol levar to neutral. Then set sand: shot switch to pos. 1. This will cut off the sand supnly. Start DMM by setting the control lever to "+". As soun as the cham- ber is closed, the sand shat will be performed gontinuously at short in- tervals as long 25 control lever is in oe Alter a couple of shotoperations, set | the control lever back to neutral, set the sandshot switch to pos. 0, and start the DMM with the control le- ver (idling). Whon the loose sand is Pushed out of the chamber, stop the machine sith the squeeze plate just outside the chamber, and re- ‘move the sand, Set sand-shat switch back to pos. 1. 18 3 Turn off pattern-plate heaters. Remove all molds, whether poured or not, from the AMC/ SBC by setting mode of operation selectos switch to pos. 3. NOTE: The last two or three molds pro- duced should also be removed from the chamber bottom plate which would other- wise rapidly corrode. For this purpose stop the AMC/ SBC (selector switch in pos. 1) when it is in its starting position {a5 soon as there is enough space on the AMC for these molds. Then use the ‘squeeze plate and a suitable auxiliary wooden tool for pushing them out onto the AMC so that they can be gripped by the thrust bars. Set the selector switch back to pos. 3 and when AMC is empty, set the switch to pos. 4 whereby SBC alone will continue to be emptied. ‘When molds are removed both from AMC. and SBC, set selector switch back to pos. 1, and stop motor of AMC driving station. ] Assoon as emptying of AMC/SBC isstart- ‘ed, stop the DMM (via the control lever) at the start of operation §, when the ‘squeeze plate has started travelling back 70 the molding chamber, Than stop the ‘main motor. Turn off electrical contro! system by setting key-operated switch to “0”, after completion of emptying of AMC/SBC. On completion of pracuction the system must be thorough: mencdations in Service Manual, Section F.1: Preventive Main- ly cleaned of sand as stated under daily maintenanca recom- tenance, 19 b Changing Pattern Plates ‘The procedure described below for change of pattern plates 5 can be performed during operation without one single mold being wasted. Lack mew pattern plate to squeeze plate by throwing valve lever back to its starting position, Then close sliding docr. re!) 5 until squeeze plata ts 80 far i Run machine slowly forviard to operation ide the chamber that valve lover (PNB7) on side of squeeze plate can only just be operated. “Operation 5" lamp lights. Switch off emergency and safety stop lamp by pressing it. Then move control lever towards "-4"" so that system, running slowly, produces a single mold and deliv- rs it ta the mold string, which is then corwayed forwards. Stop the DMM (con- ‘rol lever in neutral) in operation 5 when squseze plate is just outside the moiding chamber. “Operation 5" lamp lights. ‘Turn chamberdepth switch towards "2" ‘until max. chamber depth is reached. Lamp for adjustment of moid close-up point (LP27) lights, but is not to be oper. ated until late in this procedure. Sot prescribed chamber depth. As longas switch is kept turned to ‘"1", chamber depth will be reduced. Correct chamber depth for each set of pattern plates is listed on foundry’s pattern-plate index card. See also chapter “Pattern Height and Chamber Depth” (page 31). ‘Open the sliding door and release pattern plate on squeeze plate by throwing valve lever on side of squseze plate. NOTE: In the following, be sure that AMC js in its starting position before opening sliding door. Otherwise the ANC motor will stop. Therefore, check that indicator lamp of AMC start/stop switch {(SW102) lights during replacement pro: cedure. Remove pattern plate by pulling i out’. Clean contact faces and pattern- plate locks earefully and push new yt torn plate into place. * NOTE: A specially shaped wooden \. block may be used to protect the tie rod and facilitate inward and outward pattern- plate movement. 20 Run DMM slowly in operation 6, and stop it when counter-pressure plate has only just reached its vertical position. “Operation 6” lamp lights. Open the sliding door and release pattern plate on counter-pressure plate by throw- ing valve lever (PN56) on top of counter- pressure plate. Remove pattern piate by pulling it sid jwise out", Clean contact face and pat || terreplate tocks carefully and push new pattem plate into place. * NOTE: A specially shapad wooden | block may be ured to protest the tie rad SSS and fecltate inward and outward pattern plate movement Set close-up pressure. Normal setting: Ap- prox. 1.0 bar. Sea also pattern-plate index card, on which correct close-up pressure is listed. This is also the max. pressure exerted on the mold surface during sub- sequont transport phase af the mold string. Lock new pattern plate 10 counter p7es- |, sure plate by throwing valve lever back to " | its starting position. Then close sliding ‘Switch off emergency and safety stop * | stop the DMM in operation 4 when mold is approx. 10 mm from the string. “Oper- Set sand-shot pressure. Normal setting: | Approx. 3.5 bar. Seo alo pattern pate 0.0, index ead, on which correct sandshot Set the point at which mold closes up with the mold string. Adjustment is performed Joe g — etomatically when lamp is pressed. &: proesure i iste Z9OS% When tight turns oft, release button, and Q the adjustment is completed. oe O oe © 13 Set squeeze pressure, Tho pressure set With this switch, the ciose-up point ean here is the pneumatic control pressure | be readjusted at any time, Turning the Be 0) The daze stow sno wien suez SEE | switch to" or "2" causes the setting to ‘© | _ pressures on mold surface are obtained at ¥ YOY ¥ | be shifted forward or backward, respective- 4 | different settings. Normalsetting:approx. | 3.00.) 2 bar. See also pattern-plate index card, on which correct squeeze pressure is listed. Readjustment of the close-up point mey bo desirable if, say, mold thickness varies during production zs a result of changes in sand composition, bow Run machine carefully forward and stop it in operation 5. “Operation 5” lamp lights. NB: Max. setting is 4 bar and must not be exceoted 4 Pressure gauge setting (bar) 18 4 + — 3 | 2 > = = > 5 10 18 20 25 ‘Squeeze pressure on mold surface (kp/em?) 2 ‘CHANGING PATTERN PLATES (continued) ee ° ° rf Adjust mold retainer pressuee and post tion of mold retainer shoes co that they press against middle of mold Normal setting: Approx. 1.0 bar, Readjustment ‘may become necessary during production. 22 Set switch controlling application of pattern-plate parting fluid to "1". (Do not forget to change, if necessary, position of counter CH3 for spraying frequency (see DMM Control Cabinet). Set correct stripping of pattern from mold, starting with position "1" and Proceeding to higher numbers. Mold tear-off must not occur, For most pat- terns, the highest setting (4) may general- ly be used. Move control laver carefully towards" System will now produce molds. CHECK MOLDS PRODUCED, ALSO CASTINGS It necessary, readjust sand-shot pressure, squeeze pressure, close-up pressure, mold: retainer pressure as well as position of retainer shoes, direction of blow-off nozzles, and stripping acceleration. Set mold blowoff switch to 1. Aim blow: off nozzles at pattern for best possible removal of loose sand from pattern. 22 Start Stop mold production by moving control lever to neutral, and turn core-set selector to position 2 = automatic setting Indicator lamps for automatic core set- ting and CSE hydraulic pump motor run- ning light up. > Automatic Core Setting (using the CSE) After last item in procedure for RUN (page 17) Move control lever towards "+". The DMM will eycle into correct position if it Js not already in it (molding chamber closed), and stop automatically, weiting for core Core-set indicator lamps light to indicate ‘that CSE can start its operating cycle. Check that mode of operation selector switch is in the "1" position = automatic cycle. ("'2" position = step cycle is for use during service and while running-in new patterns) Run 7 cores in mask. Press blue pushbutton to open the core Insertion guardgate. Start vacuum unit motor. Fress green start button to initiate the core setting cycle. The core insertion guard gate will close, and provided that the molding chamber is closed the CSE will insert the cores in the lastproduced mold, and the core mask will return to its starting position. The insertion guard gate opens, and anew care setting in the mask can begin. ‘As soon as the core mask is back in its starting position, the DMM will automat: cally stert its cycle and stop when a now mold is ready to receive the cores (i.e. when the molding chamber is once more closed). A synchronous operation between DMM and CSE is in process. 23 AUTOMATIC CORE SETTING (continued) guard gate, turn off automatie core set- ting on the DISAMATIC electrical con- trol panel by setting the core set selector to the "0" position = no core setting. Stoo 2 op Open the rear guard gate and the guard Stopping Automatic Core Setting, Also Dip ain mtn weed End-Of-Day Procedure Mae screw locks. Remove the four socket head With the core mask behind the insertion mi s"serewe and washers on the rear of thebase plate while the core mask is supported through the insertion guard gate. The core mask can now be removed through the insertion guard gate. ‘Stop vacuum unit motor. 3 Screw the four screws with washers into the core mask to prevent sand from ruin- ing the threads and the screws and wash- fers from getting lost. Carefully clean . 2) contact faces on base plate and new core mask. Special care must be taken to clean the screws and threaded holes. Fasten the new core mask to the base plate with its four screws and washers. a End-of- Dey Procedure, Set prescribed length of piston extension Carefully cleen the CSE of sand and fon hydraulic decelerator, (see page 32 check it. under Stroke Setting). Also, clean dust bags of vacuum unit as stated under daily maintenance recom. mendations in the Service Manual, Sec- tion F.1: Preventive Maintenance. Seting ——Lenthin Seng Lanthin No mm We om hanging Core Mase A Standard Locking Using Sorows ae NOTE" It core mat chngesprormed 9 3} —4 os during production (at the same time as —— 133 mm ay 58 mm the patern pate), the folowing pre 24 HS dure is recommended to be followed after 4 = 113 mm ~~ 38mm item 14 on page 21. 4 93 mm 1 5 The CSE must be in its starting position, with the core insertion guard gate open } (ie. in the position in which it is after the I) completion of a cycle). e Check adjustment of the mold retainers before operating the CSE. (Core mask may hit the mold retainers if ‘they are behind the mold face). 24 Changing Core Masks 5 Special Locking Using Core Mask Locks (Not Standard) a] NOTE: If core mask change is performed {| CR during production (at the same time as the pattern plates), the following proce- dure is recommended to be followed after item 14 on page 21 The CSE must be in its starting position, 1 completion of a cycle) Set prescribed length of piston extension of hydraulic decelerator, (see page 32 un: der Stroke Setting) te Length in Setting Length in mm No. mm =t 5— = 153 mm = 73mm with the core insertion guard gate open 2 Et 6 .€. in the position in which it is after the — - 133mm a 53 mm SS Recor Soin yy Shek Ste of mld =) on side of base plate away from the base plate. ] before operating the CSE. (Core mask may hit the mold retainers if they are behind the mold face). Remove core mask by moving it sidewise out of the locks. 4 Clean contact faces and core mask locks) carefully and move new core mask into place. Running-in Facilities For New Patterns and During Service Set mode of operation selector switch to the "2" position = stepwise cycle, to watch the CSE cycle step by step. The CSE will stop at the end of each stage of the cycle until start button is pressed, Lock new core mask to the base plate by throwing valve lever back towards the base plate, When operating without cycling the DMM, the core-set indicator lamp has to be depressed after each complete CSE-cy- cle to be able to start the next. The lamp lights and the CSE can make another cycle. Allow 10 sec. to elapse between cycles in order not to overload the pump motor. 25 AUTOMATIC CORE SETTING (continued) Press DMM stop button to stop the mold- ing machine cycle if for instance cores do not stay in the mold but fall onto the molding chamber bottom plate. Cores can be removed through one of the gates when the core mask is returned to its starting position, ‘The pushbutton lamp lights to indicate that molding machine stop has been se- lected. When the gates are closed and the button has been pressed again the light will go out and the molding machine will resume normal cycling Check Facilities Gauge reading vacuum keeping cores in core mask. When all cores have been placed in the mask, the reading must not be lower than 15-35% vacuum (depending on core type and size). > Manual Core Setting After last item in procedure for RUN (page 17). 1 Choose frommhichsideottheDISAMATIC ually in lat-protuced mold. (The mote You wantcores to beset. ing machine continues to end of opera: g9Ou0 1 = From left tion 2 where it stops automatically). ea | on From both left and right P22 From right @ | 2 3 ry) ~CsSet core set selector to: After cores have been set, press black a 1 = Manual setting button next to molding chamber (in this geOne The sliding door will open automatically case, {00 from side from which cores agooo were inserted). This will cause the sliding a jin the side chosen for core setting — left, “ ing Soh ocranetmecany =a oon Soot to cl end mace fl can @ DMM completes operation 6 of its oper- ue its cycle until it stops for next core- L—_] ‘setting operation. ating cycle, provided that AMC has reached its starting position. Core-set in dicator lamp lights up. Now set cores man- 26 > Operating Trouble and Operation Stops ‘The protection system will stop the molding system's move- ‘monts when a situation is reported that might lead to damage to the machines. Examples are: too low oil level, lack of vacuum to retain the chamber bottom plate, etc. Such failures are reported automatically by means of sen- sors incorporated in the machines, and are indicated by one of the top row lamps of the electrical control panel (see al- so "Control Panels" and “Operating Instructions”). A stop due to operating trouble (as opposed to emergency stop) does not always cause the movements of the molding system to stop instantly, but the system will continue its cycle until just before the operation which cannot be per- formed on account of the failure. Below follows a description of steps to be taken in cases of stop in order to restart the system. Instances 9 to 11 con- stitute an exception (Operation Stop), as the system will automatically continue operating Oeeees | ey: ESuE Soe Os 2. Oil level too low (DMM) (1) Set control lever to neutral, (2) Top up with oil to middle of oil glass (check cause of insufficient oil level). Check to see if oil level lamp is off. (3) Switch off emergency and safety stop lamp by pressing it (4) Start motor by turning motor switch towards "1". 1. Protection system activated manually (e.g. emergency stop) (1) Set contro! lever to neutral. (2) Eliminate cause of protection stop: activated emergen: ‘ey stop button or open sliding door. (3) Thereafter switch off emergency and safety stop lamp by pressing it. aoe oO vo Boo boo 256 oe @ 3. Hydraulic liquid level too low (AMC) (AMC pump motor stops) (1) Set control lever to neutral (2) Top up with hydraulic liquid to correct level in AMC tank (check cause of insufficient hydraulic liquid). (3) Set mode of operation selector switch to pos. 1. (4) Start AMC motor by turning switch towards ” 7 OPERATING TROUBLE AND OPERATION STOP (continued) 4. Vacuum to retain chamber bottom plate inadequate (1) Set control lever to neutral (2) Investigate and eliminate cause of failure in vacuum system. Failure lamp will extinguish automatically when adequate vacuum is present. (3) Switch off emergency and safety stop lamp by pressing it (4) Start motor by turning motor switch towards 1” oo ® 3 2 0000 eocvce 6. Contro! air pressure too low (1) Set control lever to neutral (2) Check on gauge (hy/pn panel) if air pressure is lower than specified minimum value of 5 bar. (3) Eliminate cause of inadequate pressure. “Control pressure too low" indicator lamp will then extinguish. (4) Switch off emergency and safety stop lamp by press: ing it. 5. Selected squeeze pressure could not be accomplished in ‘operation 2 (soft mold) (1) Set control lever to neutral. (2) Press "soft mold” lamp; this will cause the machine's control system to change over to operation 3. (3) Carefully move control lever towards "+" so that chamber opens and soft mold is pushed out. Sand ‘must be removed manually. Machine can now continue operation. If “soft molds” are shot more or less fre- quently, check sand-shot system, 7. Shakeout system not working (If this lamp lights, stop will occur only if sand-shot switch is in position "2" (1) Set control lever to neutral. (2) Cut in shakeout system or eliminate alternative cause of its malfunctioning. Failure lamp will thenextinguish. (3) Switch off emergency and safety stop lamp by press: ing it. 28 8. Sand level too low in DISAMATIC hopper a (2) (3) Press failure lamp. This will cause another sand feed interval to be released, and lamp will extinguish. If this results in adequate sand level in hopper, machine will automatically continue operating. If sand level remains inadequate (lamp lights again), control lever should be set to neutral Set key-operated switch to "0" and investigate and eliminate cause of sand feed failure, Molding system must then be restarted (see under START and RUN procedures). 10. Autor atic pouring is in progress a Lamp lights during automatic pouring if pouring time is too long to be completed within time interval al lowed by molding machine's cycle time. DMM stops in operation 4 and starts running again when pouring device delivers “pouring finished” signal to its control system. NOTE: The protection system will also stop the DMM (and hence the system) in operation 4 if at such time the AMC is not in its starting position and the thrust bars are not under pressure. As soon as these condi ‘ions have been complied with, the system will auto: matically resume operation. 9. Stop for core setting a (2) (3) This lamp can light only when core setting has been selected, i.e. when: Core set switch is in position ting”, or "2", “automatic core setting, using DISA- MATIC Core Setter”. Depending on switch setting, perform manual or auto matic core setting as case may be. Lamp will extin guish and machine will continue its cycle until it stops again in the next cycle for core setting (see also under "Core Setting”). ‘manual core set- 11, Sand-shot pressure too low (2) (3) (a) 29 If the air-supply pressure is not adequate to build up the selected sand-shot pressure before operation 1 is to start, the machine will stop and the lanp comes In the event of very brief pressure failure, so that the selected shot pressure builds up after tite machine has stopped, the machine will automatically continue running, If air pressure does not reach the correct value, the ‘cause must be investigated and eliminated. ‘The pressure supplied to the shot system can be read on (a). The actual sand-shot pressure in air receiver ‘can be read on (b) The setting of sand shot pressure is performed by, and read on (c). > Operating Trouble Warning In the following cases the protection system turns on a warn- ing lamp to indicate a failure in the oil/hydraulic liquid coo!- ing system, without stopping the molding system. However, the system should be stopped immediately, the oil/hy-liquid cooled, and the cause of insufficient cooling checked (for instance insufficient water supply, clogged cooler or water filter, ete.). oO a a o8 1 (9On_@) *—@© ‘Main tank temperature too high ay Indicated by warning lamp on electrical control panel and AMC-hydraulic liquid temperature too high (2) (3) Indicated by warning lamp on AMC/SBC control pa- In both cases, set control lever to neutral and follow the above-mentioned instruction. 30 Pattern Height and Chambe: Selecting the correct chamber depth is one of the most im- portant settings on the DISAMATIC molding machine. A too-low chamber depth setting for a given pair of pattern plates involves a risk of collision between the plates and consequent damage to patterns and machine. ‘The chamber depth (C) is the distance between the heater plates in the shot operation (operation 1) and is set on the control panel, where the chamber-depth setting can be read on the chamber-depth indicator. The quantity which mainly determines the correct chamber + Depth in which case they will be “sand-blown’’. Hence the cham- ber depth should always be chosen large enough so that the squeeze-plate pattern will not be directly below the sand slot. In regard to the counterpressure plate pattern it applies that it will not be below the sand slot if its highest point does not exceed 155 mm, measured from the surface of the heat- er plate. Min. chamber-depth values for different pattern heights depth is the effective total pattern height (V); that I the ees aaten | ir arc combined height of both patterns, inclusive of pattern plates, mn Es pushed together (see figures below). 10 2 ther factors may affect the choice of chamber depth, such to xo as sand properties, squeeze pressure, shot pressure, pattern 2 Fa shape ete.; by means of the chamber-depth setting itis pos- is 20 sible to adjust for a desired thickness of the completed mold. aa 30 However, to avoid collision of pattern plates as a result of ze Ey poor chamber filling, never see chamber depth values lower = as than those listed in tho table. 0 = Fe oo Obviously, patterns will wear relatively soon if they ae di: ca rectly below the sand slot during the sand:shot operation ~ = % 15 50m 152° 50mm ester pins PEt ote Enea tte at ett e et Effective total pattern height (V) for differant pattern shapes. 31 Core Masks, Cores, Pattern Plates, and Stroke Setting ‘Standard Core Masks Two standard core mask thicknesses (Min sketch) are avail: able: M=70 mm and 130 mm The 139 mm core mask fits most applications but the 70 mm core mask may be advantageous for smaller core thick- nesses because of easier handling and lower cost. Non-standard Core Masks For squeeze-plate patternplate thicknesses (B in sketch) greater than 150 mm and for other special applications, core mask thicknesses different from those of the two stan- dard core masks may be used. Cores Max. core height (H in sketch): 240 mm Min. distance from base plate (G in sketch): 10 mm, Heights of core portion in mask (O in sketch) and core por- tion outside mask (N in sketch) for the two standard core masks M: | 70mm 130 mm 0: | max. 60mm max. 120 mm max. 180 mm max. 120 mm Pattern Plates Max. permissible squeeze-plate pattern-plate thickness (B in sketch) when using the standard core mask thicknesses: M: | 70 mm 4130. mm B: | max. 90mm) max. 150mm Stroke Setting The stroke of the core mask movement towards the mold must be adjusted in accordance with the squeeze-plate pat- tern-plate thickness and the core mask thickness. The correct setting when using standard core mask thick: nesses may be read from the tables. Core Mask Thickness 130 mm Squeeze plate pattern-plate thickness Stroke Setting {Bin sketcht 35. 95 55. 75 75. 95 95.115 115.135 135.150 Core Mask Thickness 70 mm Squeeze plate pattern plate thickness Stroke Setting Blin skerci) No. mm 1 2 3 4 20.3% 5 35.55 6 55.75 7 75:95 Main dimensions of cores, core mask, and squeeze-p 32 Electrical Control Panel Nas Pes PN79 ps3 O D ® na? Nag Pua © ® ® Png O nya Pet isa © @ pus Naa o ® 8: HY PNIHY Control Panel

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