XA65 SummaryReportV2

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#This File is in Unicode format. Do not edit in an ASCII editor.

Creates a Summary Report of the inventory of a Citrix XenApp 6.5 farm using
Microsoft Word.
Creates a Summary Report of the inventory of a Citrix XenApp 6.5 farm using
Microsoft Word.
Includes support for the following language versions of Microsoft Word:

PS C:\PSScript > .\XA65_SummaryReport.ps1

Runs and creates a one page report.

None. You cannot pipe objects to this script.
No objects are output from this script. This script creates a Word document.
NAME: XA65_SummaryReportV2.ps1
AUTHOR: Carl Webster
LASTEDIT: February 10, 2018

Set-StrictMode -Version 2

#the following values were attained from

[int]$wdMove = 0
[int]$wdSeekMainDocument = 0
[int]$wdStory = 6
[int]$wdWord2007 = 12
[int]$wdWord2010 = 14
[int]$wdWord2013 = 15
[int]$wdWord2016 = 16
[string]$RunningOS = (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption

$hash = @{}

# http://www.thedoctools.com/index.php?
$wdStyleHeading1 = -2
$wdStyleHeading2 = -3
$wdStyleHeading3 = -4
$wdStyleHeading4 = -5
$wdStyleNoSpacing = -158

$myHash = $hash

$myHash.Word_NoSpacing = $wdStyleNoSpacing
$myHash.Word_Heading1 = $wdStyleheading1
$myHash.Word_Heading2 = $wdStyleheading2
$myHash.Word_Heading3 = $wdStyleheading3
$myHash.Word_Heading4 = $wdStyleheading4

Function CheckWordPrereq
If((Test-Path REGISTRY::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Application) -eq $False)
Write-Host "This script directly outputs to Microsoft Word, please
install Microsoft Word"

#find out our session (usually "1" except on TS/RDC or Citrix)

$SessionID = (Get-Process -PID $PID).SessionId

#Find out if winword is running in our session

[bool]$wordrunning = ((Get-Process 'WinWord' -ea 0)|?{$_.SessionId -eq
$SessionID}) -ne $Null
Write-Host "Please close all instances of Microsoft Word before running
this report."

# This Function just gets $True or $False
Function Test-RegistryValue($path, $name)
$key = Get-Item -LiteralPath $path -EA 0
$key -and $Null -ne $key.GetValue($name, $Null)

# Gets the specified registry value or $Null if it is missing

Function Get-RegistryValue($path, $name)
$key = Get-Item -LiteralPath $path -EA 0
$key.GetValue($name, $Null)

Function WriteWordLine
#Function created by Ryan Revord
#@rsrevord on Twitter
#Function created to make output to Word easy in this script
#updated 27-Mar-2014 to include font name, font size, italics and bold options
[int]$tabs = 0,
[string]$name = '',
[string]$value = '',

#Build output style

[string]$output = ""
Switch ($style)
0 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_NoSpacing}
1 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_Heading1}
2 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_Heading2}
3 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_Heading3}
4 {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_Heading4}
Default {$Selection.Style = $myHash.Word_NoSpacing}

#build # of tabs
While($tabs -gt 0)
$output += "`t"; $tabs--;

$Selection.Font.name = $fontName

If($fontSize -ne 0)
$Selection.Font.size = $fontSize

If($italics -eq $True)

$Selection.Font.Italic = $True

If($boldface -eq $True)

$Selection.Font.Bold = $True

#output the rest of the parameters.

$output += $name + $value

#test for new WriteWordLine 0.

# Do nothing.

Function Check-LoadedModule
#Function created by Jeff Wouters
#@JeffWouters on Twitter
#modified by Michael B. Smith to handle when the module doesn't exist on server
#modified by @andyjmorgan
#bug fixed by @schose
#bug fixed by Peter Bosen
#This Function handles all three scenarios:
# 1. Module is already imported into current session
# 2. Module is not already imported into current session, it does exists on the
server and is imported
# 3. Module does not exist on the server

Param([parameter(Mandatory = $True)][alias("Module")][string]$ModuleName)
#$LoadedModules = Get-Module | Select Name
#following line changed at the recommendation of @andyjmorgan
$LoadedModules = Get-Module |% { $_.Name.ToString() }
#bug reported on 21-JAN-2013 by @schose
#the following line did not work if the citrix.grouppolicy.commands.psm1
#was manually loaded from a non Default folder
#$ModuleFound = (!$LoadedModules -like "*$ModuleName*")

[string]$ModuleFound = ($LoadedModules -like "*$ModuleName*")

If($ModuleFound -ne $ModuleName)
$module = Import-Module -Name $ModuleName -PassThru -EA 0 4>$Null
If($module -and $?)
# module imported properly
Return $True
# module import failed
Return $False
#module already imported into current session
Return $True

Function Check-NeededPSSnapins
Param([parameter(Mandatory = $True)][alias("Snapin")][string[]]$Snapins)
#Function specifics
$MissingSnapins = @()
[bool]$FoundMissingSnapin = $False
$LoadedSnapins = @()
$RegisteredSnapins = @()

#Creates arrays of strings, rather than objects, we're passing strings so

this will be more robust.
$loadedSnapins += get-pssnapin | % {$_.name}
$registeredSnapins += get-pssnapin -Registered | % {$_.name}

ForEach($Snapin in $Snapins)
#check if the snapin is loaded
If(!($LoadedSnapins -like $snapin))
#Check if the snapin is missing
If(!($RegisteredSnapins -like $Snapin))
#set the flag if it's not already
$FoundMissingSnapin = $True
#add the entry to the list
$MissingSnapins += $Snapin
#Snapin is registered, but not loaded, loading it now:
Write-Host "Loading Windows PowerShell snap-in: $snapin"
Add-PSSnapin -Name $snapin -EA 0

Write-Warning "Missing Windows PowerShell snap-ins Detected:"
$missingSnapins | % {Write-Warning "($_)"}
return $False
Return $True

Function ProcessCitrixPolicies

If($xDriveName -eq "")

$Policies = Get-CtxGroupPolicy -EA 0 | Sort-Object Type,Priority
$Policies = Get-CtxGroupPolicy -DriveName $xDriveName -EA 0 | Sort-
Object Type,Priority
ForEach($Policy in $Policies)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tStarted $($Policy.PolicyName)`t$
If($xDriveName -eq "")

If($Policy.Type -eq "Computer")


Write-Warning "Citrix Policy information could not be retrieved."
$Policies = $Null
If($xDriveName -ne "")
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tRemoving ADGpoDrv PSDrive"
Remove-PSDrive ADGpoDrv -EA 0
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

Function GetCtxGPOsInAD
#thanks to the Citrix Engineering Team for pointers and for Michael B. Smith
for creating the function
$root = [ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE"
$domainNC = $root.defaultNamingContext.ToString()
$root = $null
$xArray = @()

$domain = $domainNC.Replace( 'DC=', '').Replace( ',', '.')

$sysvolFiles = dir -Recurse ( '\\' + $domain + '\sysvol\' + $domain +
ForEach($file in $sysvolFiles)
If(-not $file.PSIsContainer)
#$file.FullName ### name of the policy file
If($file.FullName -like "*\Citrix\GroupPolicy\Policies.gpf")
#"have match " + $file.FullName ### name of the Citrix
policies file
$array = $file.FullName.Split( '\')
If($array.Length -gt 7)
$gp = $array[ 6 ].ToString()
$gpObject = [ADSI]( "LDAP://" + "CN=" + $gp +
",CN=Policies,CN=System," + $domainNC)
$xArray += $gpObject.DisplayName ### name of the
group policy object
Return ,$xArray | Sort

Function AbortScript
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): System Cleanup"
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Script:Word) |
If(Test-Path variable:global:word)
Remove-Variable -Name word -Scope Global 4>$Null
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script has been aborted"
$ErrorActionPreference = $SaveEAPreference

#Script begins

If(!(Check-NeededPSSnapins "Citrix.Common.Commands","Citrix.XenApp.Commands"))
#We're missing Citrix Snapins that we need
Write-Error "Missing Citrix PowerShell Snap-ins Detected, check the console
above for more information. Are you sure you are running this script on a XenApp
6.5 Server? Script will now close."


[bool]$Remoting = $False
$RemoteXAServer = Get-XADefaultComputerName -EA 0
$Remoting = $True

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Remoting is enabled to XenApp server
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Remoting is not being used"

#now need to make sure the script is not being run on a session-only host
$ServerName = (Get-Childitem env:computername).value
$Server = Get-XAServer -ServerName $ServerName -EA 0
If($Server.ElectionPreference -eq "WorkerMode")
Write-Warning "This script cannot be run on a Session-only Host Server
if Remoting is not enabled."
Write-Warning "Use Set-XADefaultComputerName XA65ControllerServerName
or run the script on a controller."
Write-Error "Script cannot continue. See messages above."

# Get farm information

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Getting Farm data"
$farm = Get-XAFarm -EA 0

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Verify farm version"
#first check to make sure this is a XenApp 6.5 farm
If($Farm.ServerVersion.ToString().SubString(0,3) -eq "6.5")
#this is a XenApp 6.5 farm, script can proceed
#this is not a XenApp 6.5 farm, script cannot proceed
Write-Warning "This script is designed for XenApp 6.5 and should not be
run on previous versions of XenApp"
Return 1
[string]$FarmName = $farm.FarmName
[string]$filename1 = "$($pwd.path)\Summary Report for $($FarmName).docx"
Write-Warning "Farm information could not be retrieved"
Write-Error "A remote connection to $RemoteXAServer could not be
established. Script cannot continue."
Write-Error "Farm information could not be retrieved. Script cannot
$farm = $Null

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Setting up Word"

# Setup word for output
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Create Word comObject. If you are not running Word 2007,
ignore the next message."
$Word = New-Object -comobject "Word.Application" -EA 0

If(!$? -or $Word -eq $Null)

Write-Warning "The Word object could not be created. You may need to repair
your Word installation."
Write-Error "The Word object could not be created. You may need to repair
your Word installation. Script cannot continue."

[int]$WordVersion = [int]$Word.Version
If($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2016)
$WordProduct = "Word 2016"
ElseIf($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2013)
$WordProduct = "Word 2013"
ElseIf($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
$WordProduct = "Word 2010"
ElseIf($WordVersion -eq $wdWord2007)
$ErrorActionPreference = $SaveEAPreference
Write-Error "`n`n`t`tMicrosoft Word 2007 is no longer
supported.`n`n`t`tScript will end.`n`n"
$ErrorActionPreference = $SaveEAPreference
Write-Error "`n`n`t`tYou are running an untested or unsupported version of
Microsoft Word.`n`n`t`tScript will end.`n`n`t`tPlease send info on your version of
Word to webster@carlwebster.com`n`n"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Running Microsoft $WordProduct"

$Word.Visible = $False

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Create empty word doc"

$Doc = $Word.Documents.Add()
If($Doc -eq $Null)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Error "An empty Word document could not be created. Script cannot

$Selection = $Word.Selection
If($Selection -eq $Null)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Error "An unknown error happened selecting the entire Word document for
default formatting options. Script cannot continue."

#set Default tab stops to 1/2 inch (this line is not from Jeff Hicks)
#36 = .50"
$Word.ActiveDocument.DefaultTabStop = 36

#Disable Spell and Grammar Check to resolve issue and improve performance (from Pat
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Disable grammar and spell checking"
$Word.Options.CheckGrammarAsYouType = $False
$Word.Options.CheckSpellingAsYouType = $False

#return focus to main document

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Return focus to main document"
$doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = $wdSeekMainDocument

#move to the end of the current document

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Move to the end of the current document"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date):"
$selection.EndKey($wdStory,$wdMove) | Out-Null
#end of Jeff Hicks

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Configuration Logging"

[bool]$ConfigLog = $False
$ConfigurationLogging = Get-XAConfigurationLog -EA 0

$ConfigLog = $True
Write-Warning "Configuration Logging could not be retrieved"
$ConfigurationLogging = $Null
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Configuration Logging"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Administrators"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tSetting summary variables"
[int]$TotalFullAdmins = 0
[int]$TotalViewAdmins = 0
[int]$TotalCustomAdmins = 0

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Administrators"

$Administrators = Get-XAAdministrator -EA 0 | Sort-Object AdministratorName

ForEach($Administrator in $Administrators)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing administrator $
Switch ($Administrator.AdministratorType)
"Unknown" {}
"Full" {$TotalFullAdmins++}
"ViewOnly" {$TotalViewAdmins++}
"Custom" {$TotalCustomAdmins++}
Default {}
Write-Warning "Administrator information could not be retrieved"
$Administrators = $Null
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Administrators"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Applications"

[int]$TotalPublishedApps = 0
[int]$TotalPublishedContent = 0
[int]$TotalPublishedDesktops = 0
[int]$TotalStreamedApps = 0

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Applications"

$Applications = Get-XAApplication -EA 0 | Sort-Object FolderPath, DisplayName

If($? -and $Applications -ne $Null)


ForEach($Application in $Applications)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing application $

#type properties
Switch ($Application.ApplicationType)
"Unknown" {}
"ServerInstalled" {$TotalPublishedApps++}
"ServerDesktop" {$TotalPublishedDesktops++}
"Content" {$TotalPublishedContent++}
"StreamedToServer" {$TotalStreamedApps++}
"StreamedToClient" {$TotalStreamedApps++}
"StreamedToClientOrInstalled" {$TotalStreamedApps++}
"StreamedToClientOrStreamedToServer" {$TotalStreamedApps++}
Default {}
ElseIf($Applications -eq $Null)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): There are no Applications published"
Write-Warning "Application information could not be retrieved. Do you have
any published applications?"
$Applications = $Null
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Applications"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

[int]$TotalConfigLogItems = 0

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Configuration Logging/History Report"

#history AKA Configuration Logging report
#only process if $ConfigLog = $True and XA65ConfigLog.udl file exists
#build connection string
#User ID is account that has access permission for the configuration logging
#Initial Catalog is the name of the Configuration Logging SQL Database
If(Test-Path “$($pwd.path)\XA65ConfigLog.udl”)
$ConnectionString = Get-Content “$($pwd.path)\XA65ConfigLog.udl” |
select-object -last 1
$ConfigLogReport = get-CtxConfigurationLogReport -connectionstring
$ConnectionString -EA 0

If($? -and $ConfigLogReport)

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tProcessing $($ConfigLogReport.Count)
history items"
ForEach($ConfigLogItem in $ConfigLogReport)
Write-Warning "History information could not be retrieved"
$ConnectionString = $Null
$ConfigLogReport = $Null
Write-Warning "Configuration Logging is enabled but the
XA65ConfigLog.udl file was not found"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Configuration Logging/History Report"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

#load balancing policies

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Load Balancing Policies"
[int]$TotalLBPolicies = 0

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Load Balancing Policies"

$LoadBalancingPolicies = Get-XALoadBalancingPolicy -EA 0 | Sort-Object PolicyName

If($? -and $LoadBalancingPolicies -ne $Null)

ForEach($LoadBalancingPolicy in $LoadBalancingPolicies)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Load Balancing Policy $
Elseif($LoadBalancingPolicies -eq $Null)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): There are no Load balancing policies created"
Write-Warning "Load balancing policy information could not be retrieved. "
$LoadBalancingPolicies = $Null
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Load Balancing Policies"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

#load evaluators
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Load Evaluators"
[int]$TotalLoadEvaluators = 0

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Load Evaluators"

$LoadEvaluators = Get-XALoadEvaluator -EA 0 | Sort-Object LoadEvaluatorName

ForEach($LoadEvaluator in $LoadEvaluators)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Load Evaluator $
Write-Warning "Load Evaluator information could not be retrieved"
$LoadEvaluators = $Null
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Load Evaluators"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Servers"
[int]$TotalControllers = 0
[int]$TotalWorkers = 0

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Servers"

$servers = Get-XAServer -EA 0 | Sort-Object FolderPath, ServerName

ForEach($server in $servers)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing server $($server.ServerName)"
Switch ($server.ElectionPreference)
"Unknown" {}
"MostPreferred" {$TotalControllers++}
"Preferred" {$TotalControllers++}
"DefaultPreference" {$TotalControllers++}
"NotPreferred" {$TotalControllers++}
"WorkerMode" {$TotalWorkers++}
Default {}
Write-Warning "Server information could not be retrieved"
$servers = $Null
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Servers"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

#worker groups
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Worker Groups"
[int]$TotalWGByServerName = 0
[int]$TotalWGByServerGroup = 0
[int]$TotalWGByOU = 0

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Worker Groups"

$WorkerGroups = Get-XAWorkerGroup -EA 0 | Sort-Object WorkerGroupName

If($? -and $WorkerGroups -ne $Null)

ForEach($WorkerGroup in $WorkerGroups)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `t`tProcessing Worker Group $
ElseIf($WorkerGroups -eq $Null)

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): There are no Worker Groups created"

Write-Warning "Worker Group information could not be retrieved"
$WorkerGroups = $Null
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Worker Groups"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Zones"
[int]$TotalZones = 0

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving Zones"

$Zones = Get-XAZone -EA 0 | Sort-Object ZoneName
ForEach($Zone in $Zones)
Write-Warning "Zone information could not be retrieved"
$Servers = $Null
$Zones = $Null
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Zones"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

[int]$Global:TotalComputerPolicies = 0
[int]$Global:TotalUserPolicies = 0
[int]$Global:TotalIMAPolicies = 0
[int]$Global:TotalADPolicies = 0
[int]$Global:TotalADPoliciesNotProcessed = 0

#if remoting is enabled, the citrix.grouppolicy.commands module does not work with
remoting so skip it
Write-Warning "Remoting is enabled."
Write-Warning "The Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands module does not work with
Write-Warning "Citrix Policy documentation will not take place."
#make sure Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands module is loaded
If(!(Check-LoadedModule "Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands"))
Write-Warning "The Citrix Group Policy module
Citrix.GroupPolicy.Commands.psm1 could not be loaded `nPlease see
http://tinyurl.com/XenApp6PSPolicies `nCitrix Policy documentation will not take
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Processing Citrix IMA Policies"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tRetrieving IMA Farm Policies"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Citrix IMA Policies"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

#thanks to the Citrix Engineering Team for helping me solve processing

Citrix AD based Policies
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): See if there are any Citrix AD based policies
to process"
$CtxGPOArray = @()
$CtxGPOArray = GetCtxGPOsInAD
If($CtxGPOArray -is [Array] -and $CtxGPOArray.Count -gt 0)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): There are $($CtxGPOArray.Count) Citrix
AD based policies to process"

ForEach($CtxGPO in $CtxGPOArray)
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Creating ADGpoDrv PSDrive"
New-PSDrive -Name ADGpoDrv -PSProvider CitrixGroupPolicy
-Root \ -DomainGpo $($CtxGPO) -Scope "Global" | out-null
If(Get-PSDrive ADGpoDrv -EA 0)
ProcessCitrixPolicies "ADGpoDrv"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Citrix AD Policies"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): There are no Citrix AD based policies to
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Processing Citrix Policies"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

#summary page
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Create Summary Report"
WriteWordLine 1 0 "Summary Report for the $($FarmName) Farm"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tAdd administrator summary info"
WriteWordLine 0 0 "Administrators"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Full Administrators`t: " $TotalFullAdmins
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total View Administrators`t: " $TotalViewAdmins
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Custom Administrators`t: " $TotalCustomAdmins
WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Administrators`t: " ($TotalFullAdmins + $TotalViewAdmins +
WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tAdd application summary info"
WriteWordLine 0 0 "Applications"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Published Applications`t: " $TotalPublishedApps
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Published Content`t`t: " $TotalPublishedContent
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Published Desktops`t: " $TotalPublishedDesktops
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Streamed Applications`t: " $TotalStreamedApps
WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Applications`t: " ($TotalPublishedApps +
$TotalPublishedContent + $TotalPublishedDesktops + $TotalStreamedApps)
WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tAdd configuration logging summary info"
WriteWordLine 0 0 "Configuration Logging"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Config Log Items`t`t: " $TotalConfigLogItems
WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tAdd load balancing policies summary info"
WriteWordLine 0 0 "Load Balancing Policies"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Load Balancing Policies`t: " $TotalLBPolicies
WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tAdd load evaluator summary info"
WriteWordLine 0 0 "Load Evaluators"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Load Evaluators`t`t: " $TotalLoadEvaluators
WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tAdd server summary info"
WriteWordLine 0 0 "Servers"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Controllers`t`t: " $TotalControllers
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Workers`t`t`t: " $TotalWorkers
WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Servers`t`t: " ($TotalControllers + $TotalWorkers)
WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tAdd worker group summary info"
WriteWordLine 0 0 "Worker Groups"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total WGs by Server Name`t: " $TotalWGByServerName
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total WGs by Server Group`t: " $TotalWGByServerGroup
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total WGs by AD Container`t: " $TotalWGByOU
WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Worker Groups`t: " ($TotalWGByServerName +
$TotalWGByServerGroup + $TotalWGByOU)
WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tAdd zone summary info"
WriteWordLine 0 0 "Zones"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Zones`t`t`t: " $TotalZones
WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): `tAdd policy summary info"
WriteWordLine 0 0 "Policies"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total Computer Policies`t`t: " $Global:TotalComputerPolicies
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Total User Policies`t`t: " $Global:TotalUserPolicies
WriteWordLine 0 2 "Total Policies`t`t: " ($Global:TotalComputerPolicies +
WriteWordLine 0 0 ""
WriteWordLine 0 1 "IMA Policies`t`t`t: " $Global:TotalIMAPolicies
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Citrix AD Policies Processed`t: $($Global:TotalADPolicies)`t(AD
Policies can contain multiple Citrix policies)"
WriteWordLine 0 1 "Citrix AD Policies not Processed`t: "
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finished Create Summary Page"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Finishing up Word document"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Save and Close document and Shutdown Word"

If($Script:WordVersion -eq $wdWord2010)
#the $saveFormat below passes StrictMode 2
#I found this at the following two links
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Saving DOCX file"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Running Word 2010 and detected operating system $
$saveFormat = [Enum]::Parse([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveFormat],
$Script:Doc.SaveAs([REF]$Script:FileName1, [ref]$SaveFormat)
ElseIf($Script:WordVersion -eq $wdWord2013 -or $Script:WordVersion -eq $wdWord2016)
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Saving DOCX file"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Running Word 2013 and detected operating system $
$Script:Doc.SaveAs2([REF]$Script:FileName1, [ref]$wdFormatDocumentDefault)

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Closing Word"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): System Cleanup"
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Word) | out-null
Remove-Variable -Name word -Scope Global -EA 0
$SaveFormat = $Null
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): Script has completed"
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): $($filename1) is ready for use"

Write-Host "$(Get-Date): "

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