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Comparison of Alertness 1



Gian Carlo L. Salvador

Richard Ferdinand H. Guevarra

Arellano University

October 2019
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 2


In the past, paper qualifications are an important factor in assessing the right candidates

for a job, it is also an important factor in assigning an employees duties and responsibilities in

the workplace. Today, employers and HR Specialists value competency over paper qualifications,

by determining a person’s competency, employers would be able to determine the proper

position and assignment that an individual can perform and have mastery over a short period of

time, and with mastery over the tasks performed, work efficiency and quality of output also


To be an effective worker, a person must have experience over every function inside the

office, which may involve processing of documents, generating data and letter writing. Having

mastered every undertakings in the office will also give way to various priviledges, including

promotion to a much higher position or a possible compensatory reward from a person’s

immediate superior.

But to master all the process, a person must undergo various mentoring sessions and an

insane amount of patience and effort is necessary for this meritous title, experience and

familiarization of the process is also a factor to be considered, familiarization gives a clear

understanding on how the process works and with experience, an indivudual may use that

understanding to determine correctness of process which will eventually lead to their mastery

over the process. During the process, confusion and stress may be experienced by the person

while being assigned to another task which he/she has no grasp over, an instance of this was

observed by the proponents in a particular office in the government where tasks were
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 3

religiously rotated to every employee in order to have mastery over every process and

procedures at the office.

Often referred to as Job Rotation, which can be defined as working at different tasks or

in different positions for set periods of time 1 (Jorgensen et al, 2005, p. 1723) in a planned way

using lateral transfers aiming to allow employees to gain a range of knowledge, skills and

competencies and is also seen as an on-the-job training technique (Gomez and Lorente, 2004, p.

241; Karadimas and Papastamatiou, 2000, p. 39), and as such is known to have an effect on

employee motivation (Huang, 1999, p. 75).

Job Rotation is a very effective tool to empower employees and develop their horizons.

JR is considered the most significant effective element mediated by job satisfaction and skills'

diversity on employees' performance and organizations' effectiveness (Saravani & Abbasi, 2013).

JR have existed as a method of training for developing individual knowledge, skills, and abilities

since the industrial revolution, and in today's dynamic global workplace, JR afford organizations

an opportunity to manage changing psychological work contracts and employee desires for

selfmanaged careers. Nowadays, optimal performance of organizations requires human

resource development policies. Since human resources are considered as the most valuable

factor of production, the most important capital and a major source of competitive advantage,

and essential competencies of organizations. Thus, the most effective mean to achieve

competitive advantages in the current environment is to improve efficiency of employees. JR is

the most important approach of job design as well as human capital development policies

which has the potential to improve job performance and increase capabilities of employees.
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 4

Thus, this study attempts to examine the effects of JR on the motivation of employees in

business organizations in Yemen, and especially in mobile network companies, considering the

skills' diversity and job performance and providing effective guidelines to enable managers to

lead the organizations toward a better future by using desired policies and approaches such as

JR (Marshall, 2006).

In the Philippines, business tycoons and small business owners are attempting to

improve work design systems by utilizing the job rotation strategy. Job rotation is usually

syncronized with the goal of the business and the strategic human resource management of the

organization. Job rotation is also a way to alleviate the physical and mental burnout endured by

employees when working in the same position. By enabling job rotation, the risk factors for

some types of musculoskeletal disorders may be reduced. Individuals learn several different

skills and perform each task for a specified time period.

Job rotation helps employees to understand the different steps that go in conducting

service delivery, how their own effort affects the quality and efficiency of production and

customer service, and how each member of the team contributes to the process. Hence, job

rotation allows employees to gain fruitful experience in various phases of the business and,

thus, broaden their perspective.

Job rotation can also be considered as a planned replacement of employees among jobs

in a period of time for one or more goals of earning skills and job independence; increasing

motivation, job performance and productivity. Job rotation is a process by which employees

laterally mobilize and serve their tasks in different organizational levels; when an individual
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 5

experiences different posts and responsibilities in an organization, ability increases to evaluate

his capabilities in the organization.

Job rotation is better known in some companies as Service Training, allowing employees

to obtain and share different skill sets in a certain time period and allowing the same to share

their knowledge to their respective peers, therefore increasing the competency of the entire


At senior management levels, job rotation is frequently referred to as management

rotation, and is closely linked with succession planning thereby developing a pool of people and

providing them with the knowledge and experience which makes them capable of stepping into

an existing job. Here the goal is to provide learning experiences, which facilitate transfer and

utilization of knowledge as well as changes in thinking and perspective.

A study conducted by Ms. Rose Kibigu Ajusa1 & Dr. Wallace Nyakundi Atambo (2016) on

the effects of Job Rotation towards Organizational Productivity has signified the effects of Job

Rotation towards the performance of the employees at Mount Kenya University, the study

reveals that as an alternative, Mount Kenya University exercised the use of Job Rotation for the

development of its employees, therefore improving performance.

Parker (2002) also has a different view on job rotation. She writes that it is a form

oftraining where a member of staff leaves the job and another unemployed person takes his job

and his debates about job rotation takes job rotation outside the scope of organization rather

than inside the organization as unemployed people are brought into theorganization.Bennett

(2003) suggests two forms of job rotation: These are 1.Within-function rotation: He explains
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 6

that within-function rotation means rotationbetween jobs with the same or similar levels of

responsibility and within the sameoperational or functional area. 2.Cross-functional rotation:

Cross-functional rotation according to Bennett (2003 P.3) means “movement between jobs in

different parts of the organization over a period oftime”. However, rather than rotating between

a number of jobs that are in the same groupand closely related to each other, the individual or

new employee would rotate through anumber of jobs in different departments. This method

provides the individual or newemployee with developmental opportunities and such methods

can also be used by theorganization to gather data about their skills, interests and potential to

indicate their final placement.

The primary goal of job rotation is regularly shifting employees from a job to another in

order to increase their motivation and enthusiasm. Job rotation highly known as an effective

training method since worker serves in different jobs and can earn various competencies. Thus

shifting employees to new jobs is along with more flexibility.

Job rotation improves management and supervision in an organization; it can effectively

avoid organizational corruption. Job rotation can help form an interactive control mechanism in

the organization; moreover, members of these special networks can rely on and support each

other under certain circumstances. Improving employees’ professional levels, this approach

enables them to reach scientific skills in different situations and get familiar to their job, all of

which helps improve general quality.

A regular rotation system can help validate decisions and decrease unnecessary

operational errors; therefore decisions are made based on rich information with minimum error.
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 7

Furthermore, performing regular job rotation could create a mutual trust between the staff and

help them to improve their job.

The proponents’ finds definitions of job performance based on various studies

conducted. In other literatures, job performance is defined as actions or behaviours relevant to

organizational goals (Campbell, 1990), which includes both productive and counterproductive

employee behaviours that contribute to or detract from organizational goals (Hunt, 1996).

Viswesvaran and Ones (2000) introduced a more recent definition of job performance as

behaviour and outcomes that employees undertake that are contribute to organizational goals.

This means job performance refers to the effectiveness of individual behaviours that contribute

to organisational objectives and should consist of task performance and contextual

performance (Motowidlo, 2003). Both constructs are influenced by different factors, for

instance job-related experience determines task performance while individual’s personality type

determines contextual performance (Motowidlo and Van Scotter, 1994).

Organ (1998) argues that term “job performance” may need to redefine to essentially

broaden this construct to include non-productivity or extra-role dimensions such as

cooperation, helping co-workers and superiors and generalized tendencies toward compliance.

Organ further proposed that job performance should be measured to the Page | 23 extent to

which employee engage in organizational citizenship behaviours. Sarmiento and Beale (2007)

refer job performance as the result of two elements, which consist of the abilities and skills

(natural or acquired) that an employee possesses, and his/her motivation to use them in order

to perform a better job. According to Jex and Britt (2008), performance is oftentimes assessed in
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 8

term of financial figures as well as through the combination of expected behaviour and task

related aspects.

There is a general understanding among fellow researchers that performance is an

important variable in work organization (Suliman, 2001) and has become a significant indicators

in measuring organizational performance in many studies (Wall et al., 2004). Employee

performance can also be measured through the combination of expected and unexpected

behavior and task-related aspects (Motowidlo, 2003), even though performance is often

determined by financial figures. In reality, performance that is based on an absolute value or

relative judgment may reflect overall organizational performance (Gomez- Mejia, Balkin and

Cardy, 2007; Wall et al., 2004). However Wiedower (2001) asserted that performance measure

that is based on the performance appraisal items offers higher reliability in evaluating


High performance employees pursue higher level of individual and organizational

performance which involve quality, productive, innovation rate and cycle time of performance

(Bharadwaj, 2005) and therefore they will be able to assist organisation to achieve its strategic

aims and sustaining the organisation competitive advantage (Dessler, 2011). Thus, in order to

attract and sustain higher employee satisfaction and performance, employer need to treat their

workers as the most important internal resources and gratify them (Jin, 2007) because

committed and satisfied employees are normally high performers that contribute towards

organizational productivity (Samad, 2007).

Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 9

Classic performance measures often operationalize performance as one general factor

that is thought to account for the total variance in outcomes. In their theory of performance,

Campbell et al. (1993) stated that a general factor does not provide an adequate conceptual

explanation of performance, and they outline eight factors that should account for all of the

behaviors that are encompassed by job performance (i.e., job-specific task proficiency, non-job-

specific task proficiency, written and oral communication task proficiency, demonstrating effort,

maintaining personal discipline, facilitating peer and team performance, supervision/leadership,

and management/administration). They therefore urge against the use of overall performance

ratings and suggest that studies should look at the eight dimensions of performance separately,

because the “general factor cannot possibly represent the best fit” (Campbell et al., 1993, p. 38)

when measuring performance. Other researchers have stated that even though specific

dimensions of performance can be conceptualized, there is utility in 5 using a single, general


Using meta-analytic procedures to look at the relationships between overall

performance and its dimensions, Viswesvaran, Schmidt, and Ones (2005) found that

approximately 60 percent of the variance in performance ratings comes from the general factor.

Further, this general factor is not explainable by rater error (i.e., a halo effect). Thus,

overwhelming empirical evidence suggests that researchers should not dismiss the idea of a

general factor, and that unidimensional measures of overall performance may have an

important place in theories of job performance.

Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 10

In the performance literature, a distinction is made between in role and extra-role

performance (Katz & Kahn, 1978). Extra-role performance is also conceptualized as

organizational citizenship behaviors (Smith, Organ, & Near, 1983). Based on this research,

Borman and Motowidlo (1993) suggested that performance can be divided into two parts, task

and contextual performance.

Task performance involves the effectiveness with which employees perform the

activities that are formally part of their job and contribute to the organization’s technical core.

Contextual performance comprises organizational activities that are volitional, not prescribed by

the job, and do not contribute directly to the technical core (cf. Organ, 1997). Contextual

performance includes activities such as helping, cooperating with others, and volunteering,

which are not formally part of the job but can be important for all jobs. Although this distinction

does exist, the current study focuses on task, or in-role, performance.

Performance of an employee at his/her workplace is a point of concern for all the

organizations irrespective of all the factors and conditions. Job performance can be viewed as

an activity in which an individual is able to accomplish the task assigned to him/her successfully,

subject to the normal constraints of reasonable utilization of the available resources.

Consequently the employees are considered to be very important asset for their organizations.

A good performance of the employees of an organization leads towards a good organizational

performance thus ultimately making an organization more successful and effective and the vice

Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 11

The potential linkage between employee attitudes and performance was considered in

earnest in the 1930s, coinciding with (and as a result of) the Hawthorne studies and the ensuing

human relations movement. Although the Hawthorne studies are commonly credited with

emphasizing a linkage between employee attitudes and performance, researchers were more

circumspect in their conclusions than most assume (e.g., Roethlisberger, 1941). It is clear,

however, that the human relations movement stimulated interest in the relationship. Following

the human relations movement, the most influential narrative review of the job satisfactionjob

performance relationship was published by Brayfield and Crockett (1955).

After reviewing related literatures linking job performance to job rotation, the

proponents decided that they will conduct a study on the the effects of Job Rotation towards

employee performance. The proponents will be conducting the study at the Manila

International Airport Authority, a government institution that caters to the development of

airport facilities and services in the Philippines. The Authority comprises of various offices that

handles the financial and operational aspect of the authority and the airports under their

jurisdiction. A particular office was considered for the study due to the fact that the employees

under this office have a peculiar method in the career development of their employees, also it is

the only accessible office where the study can be conducted in any day of the week.

The proponents decided to conduct the study in the Authority because of the wide array

of service provided by the institution. Likewise, the authority offers services from a variety of

registered professional employees that handles financial, engineering, emergecy, human

resource and legal services.

Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 12

The focus of the study is to determine if there are significant impact on job performance

if an employee is undergoing job rotations, the proponents will be gathering data throughout

their study by the use of measurement tools to determine the effects of job rotation versus job

performance. The proponents will be conducting the study in the main HR unit of the Authority

which is known as the Administrative Department, which comprises of offices that has various

functions namely, the Administrative Department, Personnel Division, Procurement Division,

General Services Division, Human Resource Development Division and Property Management


To determine the linkage between job rotation and job performance, the proponents

seeks to answer the following questions, which are: 1. What are the profiles of the respondents

in terms of 1.1 age, 1.2 gender, 1.3 length of service; and 1.4 employees office assignment?; 2.

What are the performance of the selected personnel in the Admin Unit of the MIAA? and 3.

What are the perception of the employees on Job Rotation in their respective offices?
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 13


Research Design

The proponents will use the Descriptive Design in order to determine the right approach

necessary to get an accurate evaluation on the subjects and to determine the right approach for

the study. In various phases of the study, the proponents will be observing the behavior of the

respondents on a day-to-day basis to determine the following independent variables (Job

Rotation and Training) post observations will be used to collate each factors explaining the

correlation of independent variable to the dependent variable (Job Performance).


The proponents will be conducting the study at the Manila International Airport

Authority, a government institution which was created under Executive Order No. 778, issued

on March 4, 1982, Creating the Manila International Airport Authority, Transferring Existing

Assets of the Manila International Airport to the Authority, And Vesting the Authority with

Power to administer and operate the Manila International Airport. The institution caters airport

operations, safety and security as well as administrative and financial services to all airport

users and its employees. Since the authority offers vast services, the proponents chose to

conduct the study in this institution because of the following factors which are needed for the

study; 1) job rotation is existent in the MIAA, therefore the proponents can gather data; 2) the

existence of job rotation in almost all offices in the MIAA can enable the proponents to generate

vast quantities of data which will help to determine the linkage of job rotation and employee

performance; and 3) actual data of employee performance can easily be extracted by the
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 14

proponents. The target office for study is the Administrative Department which has 5 Divisions,

namely: Personnel Division, Human Resource Development Division, General Services Division,

Procurement Division and the Property Management Division.

As basis for all data extracted during the study, the proponents will aim to attain atleast

50 respondents which will be selected in various offices within the Administrative Department.

During this time, the proponents will be conducting observations and will be using proper tools

to assess the effects of job rotation versus job performance.


For initial preparation in the conduct of the study, the proponents will be using the

following tools to measure the impact of job rotation on the performance of the employees

under the Administrative Department of the MIAA.


Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) will be used by the proponents to measure the

performance of an employee on a weekly basis, PAR will be evaluated by the supervising officer

every Friday for five (5) times which will evaluate the following factors: Job Knowledge,

Effectiveness and Dependability, Teamwork and Interpersonal Relationships, Customer Service,

Respect for Authority, Care and Concern for Materials and Equipment, Attendance and

Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 15

A.1 Test instruction: This Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) is designed to evaluate

the performance and work attitude of LBPSC Contracted Personnel. Please give your most

objective rating for each employees since the data will be generated from the individual PARs

will help us in measuring performance, identify staff competencies and potentials.

Listed below are critical factors affecting job performance. Under each factor are degree

definitions with its corresponding rating points. Rate the employee on each factor by writing the

specific points incurred on the space provided under the definitions that best applies to the

employee being rated. If rating is extremely high or extremely low (10-9 or 2.99-1), please

justify by citing specific critical incidents (please use Rater’s Comments) otherwise, rating shall

automatically be converted to 8 or 4.

A.2 Score Interpretation: After collecting the points obtained through the responses:

After providing scores on every factors, the supervising officer will be evaluating their

scores based on the scale indicated on the PAR as illustrated below:

1-2.99 - Unsatisfactory

3-4.99 - Fair

5-6.99 - Satisfactory

7-8.99 - Very Satisfactory

9-10 - Outstanding
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 16


Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________

Department: _____________________________ Job Title: ____________________________

1. Are you currently rotating jobs? Yes  No 

If no, go to the next question.

If yes:

a. Do you like it? Yes  No 

b. If no, why not? _____________________

c. To what jobs do you rotate?




d. How often do you rotate?

1. 1/2 hour

2. hourly

3. two hours

4. Other ____________

e. Have you received appropriate training for the jobs that you rotate to?. Yes No

2. If you answered no to question 1:

a. Would you like to rotate? Yes No

b. If no, why not? ____________________

Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 17

c. If yes, to what jobs would you like to rotate?




3. Please stop and fill out the Discomfort Survey form!

4. Are there any other comments that you would like to make?



Methods of correlation will be used by the proponents in order to analyze the extent

and the nature of relationship between different variables. Correlation analysis is used to

understand the nature of relationships between two individual variables. In other words, the

main objective of the proponents is to identify the significant effects of job rotation on an office

or a group that offers a wide array of services that are dissimilar in nature.


Since this study deals with the research on the relationship between two variables and

the possibility of denying or proving this relationship on the basis of the degree of correlation

between these two variables the following steps were done:

The researcher will be using the Pearson’s r Correlation Test to check the degree of

relationship of Job rotation towards Job Performance.

Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 18
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 19


The proponents are guided by the Cognitive Learning Theory developed by Piaget (1936)

who was the first psychologist to make a systematic study of cognitive development.

Mukokoma, (2008) noted that behaviorism cannot easily explain the natural curiosity that

individuals have the great desire to learn, to make sense of the environment and to feel

competent in activities. Thus cognitive factors have to be taken into account to understand how

people learn not only by association rewards but by having knowledge of their results and by

receiving feedback. So cognitive learning is about the change in what the learner knows rather

than what he/she does. According to Ormord, (1999) cognitive theory focuses on an observable

change in mental knowledge. While Braton et al, (2007) noted that the origins of the cognitive

approach to learning can be traced back to research by three prominent European psychologists

Max Wertheimer, Wolf gang Kohlar and Kurt Lewin, known as the Gestalt theorists, proposing

that human consciousness cannot be investigated adequately by unscrambling its component

but only by investigating its overall shape or pattern. (McKenna, 2006) identified that insight

learning and latent learning are the two components of cognitive learning. Braton et al, (2007)

suggested that mental process of (trial and error) gives the insight learning, as individual

evaluates results compose it with logical alternatives and chooses option that is likely to aid

decision making. To Hartley, (1998) cognitive learning results from inferences expectation and

making connections instead of acquiring habits, furthermore International Journal of Academic

Research in Business and Social Sciences November 2012, Vol. 2, No. 11 ISSN: 2222-6990 184 learners acquires plans, strategies and their prior knowledge is also
Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 20

important. Hartly, (1998) identified some principles of learning associated with cognitive

psychology like instruction should be well organized and clearly structured, perceptual features

of the task and prior knowledge is important, difference between individuals and cognitive

feedback about success or failure of task. Ormord (1999) found cognitivism is about to study of

how learning occurs from a change in mental state cognitive psychologist contend that learning

cannot be described in terms of a change in behaviour learning occurs whether or not there is

an observable change in the learner like behaviourists, congnitivists also believe in reinforcing

they (cognitivists) reinforce the learner through a process of retrieving existing knowledge, and

presentation of new information, through out learning process the instruction is initiated

through a kind of mental stimulation , not behaviour modification. Gagne, Briggs and Wagger,

(1992) found a number of some educational implications produced by cognitive theory like

cognitive process influences learning, as children grow they become capable of increasingly

more sophisticated thought, people organize the things they learn new information is most

easily acquired when people can associated it with things they have already learned and people

can control their own learning.


Job Rotation and Job Performance of Selected Personnel
in the Administrative Unit of the MIAA 21–_LITERATURE_REVIEW.pdf


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