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Tests of Normality

Kelompok Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

P1 .214 7 .200* .948 7 .715

P2 .368 7 .005 .717 7 .006

TNF alfa
P3 .317 7 .033 .827 7 .075

P4 .281 7 .101 .893 7 .292

P1 .214 7 .200* .866 7 .172
P2 .338 7 .015 .802 7 .043
IL 10
P3 .247 7 .200* .925 7 .512
P4 .279 7 .107 .883 7 .241
P1 .215 7 .200* .870 7 .185
P2 .246 7 .200* .926 7 .519
IL beta
P3 .257 7 .178 .873 7 .198
P4 .192 7 .200* .926 7 .516
P1 .170 7 .200* .981 7 .966

P2 .166 7 .200* .929 7 .541

Rasio IL beta/IL 10
P3 .308 7 .043 .769 7 .020

P4 .233 7 .200* .925 7 .507

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
IL beta

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 60.743 3 20.248 2.481 .085

Within Groups 195.858 24 8.161
Total 256.601 27

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: IL beta

(I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok Mean Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Difference (I-J) Lower Bound Upper Bound

P2 .40429 1.52697 1.000 -3.9859 4.7945

P1 P3 -3.08571 1.52697 .328 -7.4759 1.3045

P4 .46714 1.52697 1.000 -3.9230 4.8573

P1 -.40429 1.52697 1.000 -4.7945 3.9859
P2 P3 -3.49000 1.52697 .188 -7.8802 .9002
P4 .06286 1.52697 1.000 -4.3273 4.4530
P1 3.08571 1.52697 .328 -1.3045 7.4759
P3 P2 3.49000 1.52697 .188 -.9002 7.8802
P4 3.55286 1.52697 .172 -.8373 7.9430
P1 -.46714 1.52697 1.000 -4.8573 3.9230

P4 P2 -.06286 1.52697 1.000 -4.4530 4.3273

P3 -3.55286 1.52697 .172 -7.9430 .8373


Kelompok N Mean Rank

P1 7 15.07

P2 7 16.86

TNF alfa P3 7 10.36

P4 7 15.71

Total 28
P1 7 13.00
P2 7 16.14
IL 10 P3 7 11.00
P4 7 17.86
Total 28
P1 7 13.57

P2 7 11.86

Rasio IL beta/IL 10 P3 7 21.86

P4 7 10.71

Total 28

Test Statisticsa,b

TNF alfa IL 10 Rasio IL beta/IL


Chi-Square 2.554 2.947 7.894

df 3 3 3
Asymp. Sig. .466 .400 .048

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Kelompok


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

P1 7 7.86 55.00

Rasio IL beta/IL 10 P2 7 7.14 50.00

Total 14

Test Statisticsa
Rasio IL beta/IL

Mann-Whitney U 22.000
Wilcoxon W 50.000
Z -.319
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .749
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .805b

a. Grouping Variable: Kelompok

b. Not corrected for ties.


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

P1 7 5.29 37.00

Rasio IL beta/IL 10 P3 7 9.71 68.00

Total 14

Test Statisticsa

Rasio IL beta/IL

Mann-Whitney U 9.000
Wilcoxon W 37.000
Z -1.981
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .048
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .053b

a. Grouping Variable: Kelompok

b. Not corrected for ties.


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

P1 7 8.43 59.00

Rasio IL beta/IL 10 P4 7 6.57 46.00

Total 14
Test Statisticsa

Rasio IL beta/IL

Mann-Whitney U 18.000
Wilcoxon W 46.000
Z -.831
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .406
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .456b

a. Grouping Variable: Kelompok

b. Not corrected for ties.


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

P2 7 5.29 37.00

Rasio IL beta/IL 10 P3 7 9.71 68.00

Total 14

Test Statisticsa

Rasio IL beta/IL

Mann-Whitney U 9.000
Wilcoxon W 37.000
Z -1.981
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .048
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .053b

a. Grouping Variable: Kelompok

b. Not corrected for ties.


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

P2 7 7.43 52.00

Rasio IL beta/IL 10 P4 7 7.57 53.00

Total 14

Test Statisticsa
Rasio IL beta/IL

Mann-Whitney U 24.000
Wilcoxon W 52.000
Z -.064
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .949
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] 1.000b

a. Grouping Variable: Kelompok

b. Not corrected for ties.


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

P3 7 10.43 73.00

Rasio IL beta/IL 10 P4 7 4.57 32.00

Total 14

Test Statisticsa

Rasio IL beta/IL

Mann-Whitney U 4.000
Wilcoxon W 32.000
Z -2.619
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .009
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .007b

a. Grouping Variable: Kelompok

b. Not corrected for ties.

Kelompok N Mean Rank

P1 7 15.07

P2 7 16.86

TNF alfa P3 7 10.36

P4 7 15.71

Total 28
P1 7 13.00
P2 7 16.14
IL 10 P3 7 11.00
P4 7 17.86
Total 28
P1 7 13.57

P2 7 11.86

Rasio IL beta/IL 10 P3 7 21.86

P4 7 10.71

Total 28

Test Statisticsa,b

TNF alfa IL 10 Rasio IL beta/IL


Chi-Square 2.554 2.947 7.894

df 3 3 3
Asymp. Sig. .466 .400 .048

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Kelompok

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