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The War

between Worlds

Book 1:
The Legion and the monsters

Written by: Raphaelle Alabanzas


Chapter 1 --- The Banishing of the Legion

Chapter 2 --- Monsters United

Chapter 3 --- Ambush on Mallow Creek

Chapter 4 --- The Survival of Jason

Chapter 5 --- Start of the war

Chapter 6 --- War Wages!

Chapter 7 --- The End?

Banishment of the Legion

Long ago, in the city of Pekiula there lived a group of warriors whose
skills and weapons surpass those than any around the world.
But during the invasion of Lexynn, the queen of darkness, the Legion
disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving the city of Pekiula
under the harmful and perilous leadership of Lexynn.
In the city of Wellington, there lived a boy whose name is Louis; he is
16 years old, tall, and with green eyes. During class something
crashed in the yard of the school, no one dared to enter even police
and soldiers, so they decided to quarantine the place in case of
radiation. Louis went around the school and asked about the crashed
object in the yard, but he did not find any answers concerning about
his question.
Louis asked his best friend Jason, about the object in the yard,
“I don’t even know what that is” Jason answered the question
“But concerning about the object, I have theories”
Jason added. Because Jason was one of the smartest among the
class, Louis had to listen to him,

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